Feature: UserAction executor and UserConfirmation modal
Given I am on "data-action/jsactions2.php"
When I press button "Callback"
Then Toast display should contain text "callback execute using country"
When I press button "Argument"
Then Modal is open with text "Age" in selector "label"
When I fill Modal field "age" with "22"
Then I press Modal button "Argument"
Then Toast display should contain text "22 is old enough to visit"
When I press button "User Confirmation"
When I press Modal button "Ok"
Then Toast display should contain text "Confirm country"
When I press button "Multi Step"
Then Modal is open with text "Age" in selector "label"
When I fill Modal field "age" with "22"
Then I press Modal button "Next"
Then I press Modal button "Next"
Then Modal is open with text "Gender = m / Age = 22"
Then I press Modal button "Multi Step"
Then Toast display should contain text "Thank you Mr. at age 22"
Scenario: testing VpExecutor
Given I am on "data-action/jsactions-vp.php"
When I press button "Argument"
Then I should see "Age"
When I fill in "age" with "22"
Then I press button "Argument"
Scenario: testing return
Then I should see "Assign Model action to button event"
Scenario: testing multi in virtual page
When I press button "Multi Step"
Then I should see "Age"
When I fill in "age" with "22"
Then I press button "Next"
Then I press button "Next"
Then I should see "Gender = m / Age = 22"
Then I press button "Multi Step"
Scenario: testing return
Then I should see "Assign Model action to button event"
Scenario: testing PanelExecutor
Given I am on "data-action/jsactions-panel.php"
When I press button "Argument"
Then Panel is open with text "Age" in selector "label"
When I fill Panel field "age" with "22"
Then I press Panel button "Argument"
Then Toast display should contain text "22 is old enough to visit"
Scenario: testing multi in panel
When I press button "Multi Step"
Then Panel is open with text "Age" in selector "label"
When I fill Panel field "age" with "22"
Then I press Panel button "Next"
Then I press Panel button "Next"
Then Panel is open with text "Gender = m / Age = 22"
Then I press Panel button "Multi Step"
Then Toast display should contain text "Thank you Mr. at age 22"
Scenario: testing JsCallbackExecutor with form input argument
Given I am on "data-action/jsactions.php"
When I fill field using "//input[../div[text()='Greet']]" with "Laura"
When I press button "Greet"
Then Toast display should contain text "Hello Laura"
Scenario: testing JsCallbackExecutor in grid menu
Given I am on "data-action/jsactionsgrid.php"
When I click using selector "//tr[td[text()='Argentina']]//div.ui.dropdown[div[text()='Actions...']]"
Then No toast should be displayed
When I click using selector "//tr[td[text()='Argentina']]//div.ui.dropdown[div[text()='Actions...']]//div.menu/div[text()='Callback']"
Then Toast display should contain text "Success: callback execute using country Argentina"