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Test Coverage
FROM localstack/java-maven-node-python

MAINTAINER Waldemar Hummer (
LABEL authors="Waldemar Hummer (, Gianluca Bortoli ("

# add files required to run "make install"
ADD Makefile requirements.txt ./
RUN mkdir -p localstack/utils/kinesis/ && touch localstack/ localstack/utils/ localstack/utils/kinesis/
ADD localstack/ localstack/ localstack/
ADD localstack/utils/ localstack/utils/ localstack/utils/
ADD localstack/utils/kinesis/ localstack/utils/kinesis/
ADD localstack/ext/ localstack/ext/

# install dependencies
RUN make install

# add files required to run "make init"
ADD localstack/package.json localstack/package.json
ADD localstack/services/ localstack/services/ localstack/services/

# initialize installation (downloads remaining dependencies)
RUN make init

# add rest of the code
ADD localstack/ localstack/
ADD bin/localstack bin/localstack

# fix some permissions and create local user
RUN mkdir -p /.npm && \
    mkdir -p localstack/infra/elasticsearch/data && \
    chmod 777 . && \
    chmod 755 /root && \
    chmod -R 777 /.npm && \
    chmod -R 777 localstack/infra/elasticsearch/config && \
    chmod -R 777 localstack/infra/elasticsearch/data && \
    chmod -R 777 localstack/infra/elasticsearch/logs && \
    chmod -R 777 /tmp/localstack && \
    adduser -D localstack

# expose default environment (required for aws-cli to work)
    AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 \
    MAVEN_CONFIG=/opt/code/localstack \

# run tests (to verify the build before pushing the image)
ADD tests/ tests/
RUN make test

# expose service & web dashboard ports
EXPOSE 4567-4582 8080

# install supervisor daemon & copy config file
ADD supervisord.conf /etc/supervisord.conf

# define command at startup
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]