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Test Coverage
IMAGE_NAME ?= atlassianlabs/localstack
IMAGE_NAME_BASE ?= localstack/java-maven-node-python
IMAGE_TAG ?= $(shell cat | grep version= | sed "s/.*version=['\"]\(.*\)['\"].*/\1/")
VENV_DIR ?= .venv
VENV_RUN = . $(VENV_DIR)/bin/activate
AWS_STS_TMPFILE = $(TMPDIR)aws-java-sdk-sts.jar
LOCALSTACK_JAR_PATH = localstack/infra/localstack-utils.jar
PIP_CMD ?= pip

usage:             ## Show this help
    @fgrep -h "##" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | fgrep -v fgrep | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | sed -e 's/##//'

install:           ## Install npm/pip dependencies, compile code
    make setup-venv && \
        make install-libs && \
        make compile

setup-venv:        # Setup virtualenv
    (test `which virtualenv` || $(PIP_CMD) install --user virtualenv) && \
        (test -e $(VENV_DIR) || virtualenv $(VENV_OPTS) $(VENV_DIR)) && \
        ($(VENV_RUN) && $(PIP_CMD) install --upgrade pip) && \
        (test ! -e requirements.txt || ($(VENV_RUN); $(PIP_CMD) install six==1.10.0 ; $(PIP_CMD) install -r requirements.txt))

install-libs:      ## Install npm/pip dependencies
    (test -e localstack/infra/amazon-kinesis-client/aws-java-sdk-sts.jar || \
            { (test -e $(AWS_STS_TMPFILE) || curl -o $(AWS_STS_TMPFILE) $(AWS_STS_URL)); \
                mkdir -p localstack/infra/amazon-kinesis-client; \
                cp $(AWS_STS_TMPFILE) localstack/infra/amazon-kinesis-client/aws-java-sdk-sts.jar; }) && \

install-web:       ## Install npm dependencies for dashboard Web UI
    (cd localstack/dashboard/web && (test ! -e package.json || npm install --silent > /dev/null))

compile:           ## Compile Java code (KCL library utils, Java Lambda executor)
    echo "Compiling"
    javac -cp $(shell $(VENV_RUN); python -c 'from localstack.utils.kinesis import kclipy_helper; print(kclipy_helper.get_kcl_classpath())') localstack/utils/kinesis/java/com/atlassian/*.java
    (test ! -e localstack/ext/java || (cd localstack/ext/java && mvn -q -DskipTests package))

publish:           ## Publish the library to the central PyPi repository
    # build and upload archive
    ($(VENV_RUN) && ./ sdist upload)

coveralls:         ## Publish coveralls metrics
    ($(VENV_RUN); coveralls)

init:              ## Initialize the infrastructure, make sure all libs are downloaded
    $(VENV_RUN); PYTHONPATH=. exec localstack/services/ run

infra:             ## Manually start the local infrastructure for testing
    ($(VENV_RUN); bin/localstack start)

docker-build:      ## Build Docker image
    docker build -t $(IMAGE_NAME) .
    docker tag $(IMAGE_NAME) $(IMAGE_NAME):$(IMAGE_TAG)

    docker build -t $(IMAGE_NAME_BASE) -f bin/Dockerfile.base .
    which docker-squash || $(PIP_CMD) install docker-squash
    docker-squash -t $(IMAGE_NAME_BASE):$(IMAGE_TAG) $(IMAGE_NAME_BASE):$(IMAGE_TAG)
    docker tag $(IMAGE_NAME_BASE):$(IMAGE_TAG) $(IMAGE_NAME_BASE):latest

docker-push:       ## Push Docker image to registry
    docker push $(IMAGE_NAME):$(IMAGE_TAG)

docker-push-master:## Push Docker image to registry IF we are currently on the master branch
    (CURRENT_BRANCH=`(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | grep '^master$$' || ((git branch -a | grep 'HEAD detached at') && git branch -a)) | grep '^[* ]*master$$' | sed 's/[* ]//g' || true`; \
        test "$$CURRENT_BRANCH" != 'master' && echo "Not on master branch.") || \
    ((test "$$DOCKER_USERNAME" = '' || test "$$DOCKER_PASSWORD" = '' ) && echo "Skipping docker push as no credentials are provided.") || \
    (REMOTE_ORIGIN="`git remote -v | grep '/localstack' | grep origin | grep push | awk '{print $$2}'`"; \
        test "$$REMOTE_ORIGIN" != '' && echo "This is a fork and not the main repo.") || \
        (which $(PIP_CMD) || (wget && python; \
        which docker-squash || $(PIP_CMD) install docker-squash; \
        docker info | grep Username || docker login -u $$DOCKER_USERNAME -p $$DOCKER_PASSWORD; \
        BASE_IMAGE_ID=`docker history -q $(IMAGE_NAME):$(IMAGE_TAG) | tail -n 1`; \
        docker-squash -t $(IMAGE_NAME):$(IMAGE_TAG) -f $$BASE_IMAGE_ID $(IMAGE_NAME):$(IMAGE_TAG) && \
            docker tag $(IMAGE_NAME):$(IMAGE_TAG) $(IMAGE_NAME):latest; \
        docker push $(IMAGE_NAME):$(IMAGE_TAG) && docker push $(IMAGE_NAME):latest)

docker-run:        ## Run Docker image locally
    ($(VENV_RUN); bin/localstack start --docker)

web:               ## Start web application (dashboard)
    ($(VENV_RUN); bin/localstack web --port=8080)

test:              ## Run automated tests
    make lint && \
        ($(VENV_RUN); DEBUG=$(DEBUG) PYTHONPATH=`pwd` nosetests --with-coverage --logging-level=WARNING --nocapture --no-skip --exe --cover-erase --cover-tests --cover-inclusive --cover-package=localstack --with-xunit --exclude='$(VENV_DIR).*' .)

test-docker:       ## Run automated tests in Docker
    ENTRYPOINT="--entrypoint= -v `pwd`/localstack/utils:/opt/code/localstack/localstack/utils -v `pwd`/localstack/services:/opt/code/localstack/localstack/services -v `pwd`/tests:/opt/code/localstack/tests" CMD="make test" make docker-run

reinstall-p2:      ## Re-initialize the virtualenv with Python 2.x
    rm -rf $(VENV_DIR)
    PIP_CMD=pip2 VENV_OPTS="-p `which python2`" make install

reinstall-p3:      ## Re-initialize the virtualenv with Python 3.x
    rm -rf $(VENV_DIR)
    PIP_CMD=pip3 VENV_OPTS="-p `which python3`" make install

lint:              ## Run code linter to check code style
    ($(VENV_RUN); pep8 --max-line-length=120 --ignore=E128 --exclude=node_modules,$(VENV_DIR),dist .)

clean:             ## Clean up (npm dependencies, downloaded infrastructure code, compiled Java classes)
    rm -rf localstack/dashboard/web/node_modules/
    rm -rf localstack/infra/amazon-kinesis-client
    rm -rf localstack/infra/elasticsearch
    rm -rf localstack/infra/dynamodb
    rm -rf localstack/node_modules/
    rm -rf $(VENV_DIR)
    rm -f localstack/utils/kinesis/java/com/atlassian/*.class
    rm -f $(AWS_STS_TMPFILE)
    rm -f $(TMPDIR)

.PHONY: usage compile clean install web install-web infra test install-libs