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#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function
from amazon_kclpy import kcl
from glob import glob
from localstack.utils.common import save_file, run
import os
import argparse
import sys
import samples
import traceback
from six import iteritems

def get_dir_of_file(f):
    return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(f))

def get_kcl_dir():
    return get_dir_of_file(kcl.__file__)

def get_kcl_jar_path():
    jars = ':'.join(glob(os.path.join(get_kcl_dir(), 'jars', '*jar')))
    return jars

def get_kcl_classpath(properties=None, paths=[]):
    Generates a classpath that includes the location of the kcl jars, the
    properties file and the optional paths.

    :type properties: str
    :param properties: Path to properties file.

    :type paths: list
    :param paths: List of strings. The paths that will be prepended to the classpath.

    :rtype: str
    :return: A java class path that will allow your properties to be
             found and the MultiLangDaemon and its deps and
        any custom paths you provided.
    # First make all the user provided paths absolute
    paths = [os.path.abspath(p) for p in paths]
    # We add our paths after the user provided paths because this permits users to
    # potentially inject stuff before our paths (otherwise our stuff would always
    # take precedence).
    if properties:
        # Add the dir that the props file is in
        dir_of_file = get_dir_of_file(properties)
    # add path of custom java code
    dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    paths.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dir_name, 'java')))
    paths.insert(0, os.path.realpath(os.path.join(dir_name, '..', '..',
            'infra', 'amazon-kinesis-client', 'aws-java-sdk-sts.jar')))
    return ":".join([p for p in paths if p != ''])

def get_kcl_app_command(java, multi_lang_daemon_class, properties, paths=[]):
    Generates a command to run the MultiLangDaemon.

    :type java: str
    :param java: Path to java

    :type multi_lang_daemon_class: str
    :param multi_lang_daemon_class: Name of multi language daemon class, e.g.

    :type properties: str
    :param properties: Optional properties file to be included in the classpath.

    :type paths: list
    :param paths: List of strings. Additional paths to prepend to the classpath.

    :rtype: str
    :return: A command that will run the MultiLangDaemon with your
             properties and custom paths and java.
    return "{java} -cp {cp} {daemon} {props}".format(
        cp=get_kcl_classpath(properties, paths),
        # Just need the basename becasue the path is added to the classpath

def create_config_file(config_file, executableName, streamName, applicationName, credentialsProvider=None, **kwargs):
    if not credentialsProvider:
        credentialsProvider = 'DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain'
    content = """
        executableName = %s
        streamName = %s
        applicationName = %s
        AWSCredentialsProvider = %s
        processingLanguage = python/2.7
        regionName = us-east-1
    """ % (executableName, streamName, applicationName, credentialsProvider)
    # optional properties
    for key, value in iteritems(kwargs):
        content += """
            %s = %s""" % (key, value)
    content = content.replace('    ', '')
    save_file(config_file, content)