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A collection of handy plugins for AMD loaders.

## Overview
These plugins are things we've found useful in our development of large-scale web applications with complex dependencies and configuration.
When we converted our codebase to AMD as a module management method, we realized the plugin capability opened a number of
doors for application configuration, with the added bonus of built-in cache management by the loader.

## ioc.js
The IOC plugin allows for Spring-like injection of dependencies. The basic idea is that you define each of your JavaScript
modules as constructors (like classes), and then use Inversion-of-Control to get instances of them passed to other modules
that need them. The plugin supports a simple reference mechanism to reference other beans in bean's configuration parameters.

## jsonschema.js
The jsonschema plugin reads JSON Schema files ( and recursively resolves
any $ref properties to load an entire schema file including external schemas. It returns a live JavaScript object that can be used
by JSON Schema libraries such as validators or the other JSON Schema processors we've published (,,

### jsonschema TODO
The plugin only does simple processing of the $ref values, and does not yet attempt to do full resolution of identifiers such
as self reference (#). However, a formatter function can be supplied that manipulates the schema name, so advanced processing
or transformation can be done if required.

## properties.js
The properties plugin loads Java-style name=value pair properties files and turns them in the JSON.


## windower.js
This is a plugin to provide helpful utilities for cross-window work. It includes safe (origin restricted) postMessage
capability, as well as a shared data store that sits in the topmost window but is accessible to all children (also via postMessage).

Functions exposed are:
- send (message): sends a JSON message to all windows managed by the topmost.
- listen (callback): registers a callback for messages coming from any window managed by topmost.
- unlisten(): unhooks callback for messages.
- set (key, data): sets a data payload in the store, using a key
- get (key, callback): requests a data payload from the store, using a key. Data is handed to callback when ready..

Need to move the require.js file into a lib directory so it is more clear that it is an external dependency.

## Compatibility
ECMA5 compatibility is assumed - if you need to use in a legacy browser, consider a shim.

## Development

Builds are done with grunt.

1. Install node.js if you don't have it
1. Install grunt-cli if you don't have it `npm install -g grunt-cli`
1. Install deps `npm install`
1. Run linter/tests `npm test`

## License
This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license (