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Simple sample page to demonstrate the use of SMD services with circuits.
It uses an SMD for a service that loads a simple json file, and a model schema describing the return value.
It creates a service via the service factory using the above SMD and allows it to be called displaying
the returned value.
It is intended to be loaded directly from the file system in this directory.
Most of the code is setting up AMD (which becomes negligible in larger projects).
<!DOCTYPE html>
    Include only an amd loader.
    <script src="./require.js"></script>
        // Configure AMD to find things.
        var path = location.pathname.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, '');
            baseUrl: "./",
            paths: {
                circuits: "../main", // schematic-js code
                schema: "schema", // the example schema
                example: "."
        // Use AMD to define and load the resources we depend on.
        ], function (
        ) {
            // Create a service factory.
            var sfact = new ServiceFactory({
                    // "resolver" is used by the factory to find schemas based on names.
                    // resolve schema by mapping it to the dependency where it was already loaded.
                    resolver: function (name) {
                        if (name === "schema/ExampleService") {
                            return ExampleService;
                        } else if (name === "schema/ExampleModel") {
                            return ExampleModel;
                msg = document.getElementsByName("ReturnedValue")[0],
                btn = document.getElementsByName("CallService")[0],

            // Get a service based on the SMD.
                service = sfact.getServiceByName("schema/ExampleService");

            // Call service and handle returned data.
            btn.onclick = function (evt) {
                // Below is the normal way to call a service (with a success function), but
                // because this page is run from the file system and the "service" is actually
                // a call through the "file:///" protocol, status codes are handled differently.
                // so....
                //service.getModel({file: "ExampleModelJson"}, {
                //    success: function (data, params) {
                //        msg.value = JSON.stringify(data);
                //    }
                // });

                // ... you need to call it like this, passing a handler plugin that
                // responds to any response code.
                service.getModel({file: "ExampleModelJson"}, [
                        new HandlerPlugin({
                            fn: function (data, params) {
                                msg.value = JSON.stringify(data);


    <button name="CallService">Call Service</button>
    <textarea name="ReturnedValue"></textarea>