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Test Coverage
"use strict";
 * @class circuits/DataProvider
 * Interface defining basic CRUD methods for a data provider.
 * Intended to be used by stores, etc. so we can inject specific
 * providers such as Ajax, Cache, and so on.
 * Each DataProvider method should return a Request instance that encapsulates the data call.
], function (
) {
    var module = declare("DataProvider", null, {

         * Synchronous connectivity test.
         * @return boolean - whether the connection was successful.
        test: function (url) {
            throw new Error("Must implement DataProvider.test()");

         * Create an object. Implementation is expected to understand the passed args object
         * and store the data item as appropriate for its implementation (e.g., POST).
        create: function (params) {
            throw new Error("Must implement DataProvider.create()");

         * Get an object. Implementation is expected to understand the passed args object
         * and retrieve a data item as appropriate for its implementation (e.g., GET).
        read: function (params) {
            throw new Error("Must implement");

         * Update an object. Implementation is expected to understand the passed args object
         * and update the data item as appropriate for its implementation (e.g., PUT).
        update: function (params) {
            throw new Error("Must implement DataProvider.update()");

         * Delete an object. Implementation is expected to understand the passed args object
         * and remove the item as appropriate for its implementation (e.g., DELETE).
         * Shortened the name to prevent having to quote "delete" when accessing.
        del: function (params) {
            throw new Error("Must implement DataProvider.del()");

         * Transport support check.
         * @param {string} transport The transport to check
         * @return {boolean} If the transport is supported
        supportsTransport: function (transport) {},

         * Map of protocol methods to data provider methods.
        httpMethodMap: {
            'GET': {method: 'read', hasPayload: false},
            'POST': {method: 'create', hasPayload: true},
            'PUT': {method: 'update', hasPayload: true},
            'DELETE': {method: 'del', hasPayload: false},
            'JSONP': {method: 'read', hasPayload: false}

    return module;