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Test Coverage
 * Copyright 2013 Amadeus s.a.s.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

var _ = require("lodash");

var merge = require("./merge");

 * This module allows to build page elements from a JSON description.
 * Possible elements are
 * - script
 * - link
 * - html

 * Create a script tag from the description
 * {
 *     type : "text/javascript", //default
 *     src : "",
 *     any-other-attribute : "",
 *     content : "" // what's inside the tag
 * }
 * The optional scope is used passed to the template engine to generate the content and the attribute values
exports.script = function (description, scope, attributesGenerator) {
    return tag("script", {
        type: "text/javascript"
    }, description, scope, attributesGenerator);

 * Create a link tag from the description
 * {
 *     rel : "stylesheet", //default
 *     src : "",
 *     any-other-attribute : "",
 *     content : "" // what's inside the tag
 * }
 * The optional scope is used passed to the template engine to generate the content and the attribute values
 */ = function (description, scope, attributesGenerator) {
    return tag("link", {
        rel: "stylesheet"
    }, description, scope, attributesGenerator);

 * Generate some generic HTML using lodash template.
 * scope is the data passed to the template method
exports.html = function (content, scope) {
    return _.template(content)(scope);

 * Generate a complete page starting from a given template.
 * The template should have placeholders for
 * <%= head %> elements to be added to the head sections
 * <%= body %> elements to be added to the body sections
 * content can be
 * 1. a string, in this case it'll be added to the body
 * 2. an object with head and body that in turn could be
 * - a. a string added to the respective section
 * - b. an array of strings and tag elements where tagName specifies the name
 * - c. a single tag element
 * For example
 * 1. content : "<h1>In the body</h1>"
 * 2. content : {
 *     head : "<meta name='description' content='attester'>",
 *     body : [
 *         "<b>a string</b>",
 *         {
 *             tagName : "script",
 *             src : "/lib.js"
 *         },
 *         "another string using templates <%= %>"
 *     ]
 * }
 * 2.c. content : {
 *     head : {
 *         tagName : "link",
 *         href : "/style.css"
 *     }
 * }
 * Any string is considered as a template receiving as data the object 'scope'
 * It is also possible to add attribute generator for dynamic tags.
 * {
 *     href: function (tag, generatedURL) {
 *         return "/my_prefix" + generatedURL;
 *     },
 *     anotherAttribute: function (tag, computedValue) {}
 * }
 * The listener is called for any tag that has an 'href' attribute.
 */ = function (template, content, scope, attributesGenerator) {
    var data = {
        head: "",
        body: ""

    var description = normalizePage(content);
    description = flattenHead(description);

    ["head", "body"].forEach(function (section) {
        var sectionContent = description[section];

        sectionContent.forEach(function (element) {
            if (_.isString(element)) {
                data[section] += _.template(element)(scope);
            } else if (element.tagName) {
                var tagName = element.tagName;

                data[section] += exports[tagName] ? exports[tagName](element, scope, attributesGenerator) : tag(tagName, null, element, scope, attributesGenerator);

    return _.template(template)(data);

 * Merge together any number of page descriptions.
 * It doesn't generate the page
exports.merge = function ( /* ...descriptions */ ) {
    var base = {
        "head-start": [],
        "head": [],
        "head-end": [],
        body: []

    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {
        var page = normalizePage(arguments[i]);
        merge(base, page);

    return base;

 * Given any acceptable page description, generate an object with head and body as arrays.
 * Normalized pages can be merged easily

function normalizePage(content) {
    var data = {
        "head-start": [],
        "head": [],
        "head-end": [],
        body: []

    if (typeof content === "string") {
    } else {
        ["head-start", "head", "head-end", "body"].forEach(function (section) {
            var sectionContent = content[section];
            if (!sectionContent) {

            if (!_.isArray(sectionContent)) {
            } else {
                data[section] = sectionContent;

    return data;

 * Merges `head-start`, `head`, and `head-end` subnodes of the input object into a one `head` subnode and removes the
 * other two subnodes.
 * @param {Object} obj Object to be manipulated
 * @return {Object} the input param object with its `head` node flattened

function flattenHead(obj) {
    var newHead = [];

    _arrayCopy(newHead, obj["head-start"]);
    _arrayCopy(newHead, obj["head"]);
    _arrayCopy(newHead, obj["head-end"]);

    delete obj["head-start"];
    delete obj["head-end"];
    obj.head = newHead;

    return obj;

 * Push all elements from one array to another, in-place.
 * @param {Array} dest
 * @param {Array} src

function _arrayCopy(dest, src) {
    if (Array.isArray(src)) {
        src.forEach(function (item) {

function tag(name, defaults, description, scope, attributesGenerator) {
    var config = defaults || {};
    var data = scope || {};
    merge(config, description);

    // opening tag
    var markup = "<" + name;
    var all = [];
    for (var attribute in config) {
        if (attribute !== "content" && attribute !== "tagName") {
            var value = _.template(config[attribute])(data).replace(/"/g, "&#34;");
            if (attributesGenerator && attributesGenerator[attribute]) {
                value = attributesGenerator[attribute](config, value);
            all.push(attribute + '="' + value + '"');
    if (all.length > 0) {
        markup += " " + all.join(" ");
    markup += ">";

    // content
    if (config.content) {
        markup += _.template(config.content)(data);

    // closing tag
    markup += "</" + name + ">";

    return markup;