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<b>Finding solutions to the <a href="../">8 Queens</a> puzzle</b>

There are <b>4,426,165,368</b> possible arrangements of eight queens on an 8x8 chess board.
<br />
There are <b><a href="../92/">92</a></b> solutions, but only <b>12</b> fundamental solutions when taking account of
board rotations and reflections.

<br /><hr /><br />

<li><a href="#1">Method 1 - Brute force with starting constraints</a>
<li><a href="#2">Method 2 - Bitwise math, 12 fundamentals + rotation/reflection</a>
<li><a href="#3">Method 3 - Hard code!</a>

<br /><hr /><br />

<a name="1"></a>
<br /> <b>Method 1</b>: Be lazy and use brute force.
<br /> Constrain the starting board positions to only those with 1 queen per each row and column.
<br /> Slow but workable for 8x8 boards.

$s = array();
$n = 3;
print '<hr /> Method 1 Test run: '.$n.' runs, each run testing up to 1000 permutations.';
$start = startTimer();
for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) {
    $solution = solve8queens();
    if ($solution) {
        $s[] = $solution;
$end = end_timer();
$s = array_unique($s);
print '<br /> Time: ' . $end . ' seconds';
print '<br /> Results: ' . sizeof($s) . ' unique solutions found. (Click to view on chess board)<br /><pre>';
print '<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:10px;height:70px;overflow:auto;">';
foreach ($s as $sol) {
    print '<a target="_sol" href="../?b='.urlencode($sol).'">'.$sol.'</a><br />';
print '</div>';
print '</pre><br /><hr />Method 1: PHP Code:<br />';
print '<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:10px;height:300px;overflow:auto;">';
print '</div>';

print '<a name="2"></a>';
print '<br /><br />
<br /> <b>Method 2</b>: Find all solutions, using bitwise math for board checks,
<br /> first finds the 12 fundamental solutions, then the <a href="../92/">92</a> based on rotations/reflections.
<hr /> Method 2 Test run: ';
$start = startTimer();
$s = solve8queens2();
$end = end_timer();
print '<br /> Time: '.$end.' seconds';
$sols = array();
foreach ($s as $sol) {
    $b = renderBoard($sol, 8);
    $sols[] = '<a target="_sol" href="../?b='.urlencode($b).'">'.$b.'</a>';
print '<br /> Results: '.sizeof($sols).' unique solutions found. (Click to view on chess board)<br /><pre>';
print '<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:10px;height:200px;overflow:auto;">';
foreach ($sols as $b) {
    print $b.'<br />';
print '</div>';
print '</pre><br /><hr />Method 2: PHP Code:<br />';
print '<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:10px;height:300px;overflow:auto;">';
print '</div>';

print '<a name="3"></a>
<br /> <b>Method 3</b>: Hard code!
<br /> Why waste time computing all solutions on every page load?  Just do it once.
<br /> Use any method to solve all <a href="../92/">92</a> solutions,
<br /> then hardcode the results into your <a href="../">program</a> to use as needed!
<br /> Absolutely the fastest method ;)';
print '<br /><hr />Method 3: PHP Code:<br />';
print '<div style="border:1px solid black;padding:10px;height:300px;overflow:auto;">';
print '</div>';
print '</td></tr></table>';

function startTimer()
    global $stime;
    $stime = microtime(true);

function end_timer()
    global $stime;
    $end = microtime(true);
    $diff = round($end - $stime, 18);
    return round($diff, 5);