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# Attogram Framework

[//]: # ( Attogram Framework - (markdown) - v0.1.19 )

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The [Attogram Framework](
provides developers a PHP skeleton starter site with a content module system,
file-based URL routing, IP-protected backend, Markdown parser, jQuery and Bootstrap.

[Core modules](
available to add a [SQLite database](
with web admin, [user system](, and more.

After that, Attogram tries to stay out of your way while you do your thing!

## More Info

* Attogram Framework @ GitHub: <>
* Attogram Framework @ Packagist: <>
* Attogram Framework @ Travis CI: <>
* Attogram Framework vendor package @ GitHub:
  [(download ZIP)](

## Requirements

* PHP 5.3.3 or higher, or PHP7
* PHP installed with SQLite PDO driver
* Apache 2.2.16 or higher, with setting: AllowOveride all

## Setup: Install

* Get Attogram:

  * use Composer:
    `composer create-project attogram/attogram-framework your-install-directory`
  * or manually install:

    * Download latest code from GitHub:
    * If composer is not available, also download the vendor distribution from
      and move the `./vendor/` directory to the top level of your install directory.

* Setup your web server to use the `./public/` directory as the web site root.
* edit `./public/.htaccess`, set **FallbackResource**, **ErrorDocument 403**
  and **ErrorDocument 404** to the full web path to the index.php file in
  the install directory.
* (optional) copy `./public/config.sample.php` to `./public/config.php` and
  edit to change default settings .

## Setup: Admin

* admin pages are IP protected
* change the allowed admin IPs by setting `$config['admins']` in
* default admin IPs is localhost in ip4 and ip6: `array( '', '::1' )`
* admin page requests from non-admin IPs will result in a
  404 Page Not Found error

## Attogram now has modules!  Updated docs coming soon


## Setup: Database

* Install the Attogram Database Module
* Make sure the database file `./db/global` is writeable by the web server
* Tables are lazily created when needed.
* To create all tables at once, goto the
  [**db-tables admin page**](../db-tables/) and click **Create Attogram Tables**
* phpLiteAdmin is available for database administration, goto the
  [**db-admin admin page**](../db-admin/), default password is **attogram**

## Setup: Users

* load the homepage, goto admin action [**users**](../users/),
  click **Create New User**
* enter username, password, etc. and click **Insert**
* load the homepage, click [**login**](../login), login as the new user

## Attogram Modules

* Easily create modules to extend Attogram!
* Each module lives in its own subdirectory within the Attogram
  `./modules/` directory.

### Module Structure

* Modules may have the following subdirectories:

  * `actions/` - The Public Actions (.php or .md markdown files)  If present,
    the `home` action is used as the home page.
  * `admin_actions/` - The backend admin-only Actions
    (.php or .md markdown files)
  * `configs/`- Configurations via
    `namespace Attogram; global $config; $config['configname'] = ...`,
    loaded at startup (.php files only)
  * `includes/` - Included files, loaded at startup (.php files only)
  * `tables/` - Database table definitions. Tables are created lazily as needed
    (.sql files only)
  * `templates/` - Templates, to override default Attogram templates
    (.php files only)
  * `public/` - Files for public consumption. Served via requests to the
    `web/` virtual web directory

* Modules are loaded in _directory list order_.

  * Actions and files _cascade_: a duplicate action name or file will overwrite
    any previous modules action or file of the same name.

### Core Modules

* Attogram Module Manager - <>
* Attogram Database - <>
* Attogram User - <>
* Attogram Info - <>
* Attogram Contact Form - <>

## Create a page

* create a new **PHP** or **Markdown** file in the `./actions/` directory,
  add anything you want!
* The filename is used as the page URL.
  ./actions/**example**.php =**example**/

## PHP pages

* PHP filenames must end in `.php`
* The Attogram object is available via the `$this` variable
* Helpful functions:

  * $this->pageHeader($title)
  * $this->pageFooter()
  * $this->log->debug(), ->error(), etc.
  * $this->getSiteUrl()
  * $this->error404($error_message)
  * $this->isAdmin()
  * $this->isLoggedIn()

* Depth settings in `./public/config.php`

  * `$config['depth']['insert-action-name-here']`

* End Slash settings in `./public/config.php`

  * `$config['noEndSlash'][] = 'insert-action-name-here'`

## Markdown pages

* Markdown filenames must end in `.md`
* The first line of the Markdown file is used as the page title

## Remove a page

* delete the pages corresponding file from the `./actions/` directory

## Admin pages

* create/delete the same as normal pages, but in the `./admin_actions/` directory

## Database tables

* To add a table, add a file into `./tables/` directory
* The filename must be the name of the table
* File content is the sql `CREATE TABLE ...` statement
* tables are automatically created upon first use

## Web discovery

* If [`./robots.txt`](../robots.txt) does not exist,
  Attogram dynamically serves it, with a link to the Sitemap
* If [`./sitemap.xml`](../sitemap.xml) does not exist,
  Attogram dynamically serves it, with a listing of all public pages

## Admin URL overrides

* admins may use URL/[`?noadmin`](?noadmin) on any page to turn off admin access
* admins may use URL/[`?debug`](?debug) on any page to turn on debugging