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# Description

This is a Ruby wrapper for the unofficial Xbox API located at


`gem install xbox-api`

# Usage

## Ruby Gem

One must first create a client that is able to interface with the Xbox API.  
The client takes one argument; your xbox API token.

require "xbox-api"
client ="7ae98726beb982d987e7987ab1239a87")
#=> <XboxApi::Client:0x007fcc9215c8e8>


Using that client, one can then return a Gamer object

logan = client.gamer("oh hai loganz")

The XboxApi::Gamer instance responds to methods that correspond to API endpoints


The client also respond to `#calls_remaining`

#=> {:limit=>"120", :remaining=>"112", :resets_in=>"452"}

You can fetch Xbox game details using either a games title id or game id in hex format


If one already has a gamer's XUID, the API lookup normally required to fetch an XUID during initialization may be skipped by passing in a client instance and the gamer's XUID as the third argument.

client =[:XBOX_TOKEN])
logan ="oh hai loganz", client, "189823798746")

## Commad Line

The `xbl` binary may be invoked from the command line.

`xbl -s theschoolmaster` or `xbl --status theschoolmaster` may be used to retreive the status of a given player

If you have not yet supplied your API token from, you will be prompted when trying to use `xbl`

Additionally, you may clear and set you token with `xbl token`

# clear your token
xbl token --clear

# set or view your token
xbl token

# The API

### Currently Supported Endpoints

| Method Name | Endpoint |  Short Description |
|---       |---   |---                 |
| profile         | /v2/{xuid}/profile         | This is the Profile for a specified XUID|
| gamercard       | /v2/{xuid}/gamercard       | This is the Gamercard information for a specified XUID|
| presence        | /v2/{xuid}/presence        | This is the current presence information for a specified XUID|
| activity        | /v2/{xuid}/activity        | This is the current activity information for a specified XUID|
| recent_activity | /v2/{xuid}/activity/recent | This is the recent activity information for a specified XUID|
| friends         | /v2/{xuid}/friends         | This is the friends information for a specified XUID|
| followers       | /v2/{xuid}/followers       | This is the followers information for a specified XUID|
| xbox360games    | /v2/{xuid}/xbox360games    | This is the Xbox 360 Games List for a specified XUID|
| xboxonegames    | /v2/{xuid}/xboxonegames    | This is the Xbox One Games List for a specified XUID|
| game_clips      | /v2/{xuid}/game-clips      | This is the current collection of clips for a specified XUID|
| game-details-hex| /v2/game-details-hex/{id}  | This is the Xbox Game Information (using the game id in hex format)|