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Test Coverage
      api_key_required: |-
        The SoftLayer API key is required. Please specify it
        using the SL_API_KEY environment variable or in the provider
        section of the Vagrantfile:

        config.vm.provider :softlayer do |sl|
          sl.api_key = "my_API_key"
      domain_required: |-
        The domain of the SoftLayer instance is required.
        Please specify it in the provider section of the Vagrantfile:

        config.vm.provider :softlayer do |sl|
          sl.domain = ""
      hostname_required: |-
        The hostname of the SoftLayer instance is required.
        Please specify it either with `config.vm.hostname` or
        in the provider section of the Vagrantfile:

        config.vm.hostname = "vagrant"

        config.vm.provider :softlayer do |sl|
          sl.hostname = "vagrant"
      img_guid_capacity_mutually_exclusive: |-
        The disk capacity can only be specified when using an operating
        system reference code and not when using a specific compute or
        flex image guid. Please use one of the following options in the
        provider section:

        config.vm.provider :softlayer do |sl|
          sl.image_guid = "AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE"

        config.vm.provider :softlayer do |sl|
          sl.operating_system = "UBUNTU_LATEST"

          # Disk number 1 is reserved for SWAP space, see SoftLayer API
          # CLI tool command 'sl cci create-options' for more info.
          sl.disk_capacity = { 0 => 25, 2 => 100, 3 => 2000 }
      img_guid_os_code_mutually_exclusive: |-
        The image guid for a compute or flex image and the operating
        system reference code cannot be used at the same time.
        Please use only one of the following options in the provider

        config.vm.provider :softlayer do |sl|
          sl.image_guid = "AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE"

        config.vm.provider :softlayer do |sl|
          sl.operating_system = "UBUNTU_LATEST"
      lb_duplicate: |-
        A load balancer service group has been specified multiple
        times. Only one directive for any { :vip, :port } combination
        is allowed.
      lb_port_vip_required: |-
        For joining a load balancer, you need to specify at least
        virtual IP address, virtual server port and destination
        port in the provider section of the Vagrantfile:

        config.vm.provider :softlayer do |sl|
          sl.join_load_balancer :port => 443, :vip => "" do |service|
            service.destination_port = 443
      ssh_key_required: |-
        At least an SSH key for the instance is required.
        Please specify it, either using name or id, in the
        provider section of the Vagrantfile:

        config.vm.provider :softlayer do |sl|
          sl.ssh_key = 1
      username_required: |-
        The SoftLayer username is required. Please specify it
        using the SL_USERNAME environment variable or in the provider
        section of the Vagrantfile:

        config.vm.provider :softlayer do |sl|
          sl.username = "my_username"
      api_error: |-
        Vagrant returned an exception while calling the SoftLayer API.

        Exception class: %{class}
        Exception message: %{message}
      certificate_error: |-
        The secure connection to the SoftLayer API has failed. This is
        generally caused by the OpenSSL configuration associated with
        the Ruby install being unaware of the system specific CA certs.

        Please ensure that the SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable is set
        with a path to a certificate authority.

        Linux example:

        export SSL_CERT_FILE=/opt/vagrant/embedded/cacert.pem

        Mac OS X example:

        export SSL_CERT_FILE=/Applications/Vagrant/embedded/cacert.pem

        Windows example:

        set SSL_CERT_FILE=C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\cacert.pem
      dns_record_not_found: |-
        The DNS record you're trying to delete has not been found.
      dns_zone_not_found: |-
        The DNS zone you're trying to manage (%{zone}) has not been
        found in the zone list.
      load_balancer_not_found: |-
        The load balancer you're trying to join has not been found.

        Please check the configuration parameter for virtual IP address.
      provision_timeout_error: |-
        Timed out while waiting for the instance to be available. This
        means that Vagrant was unable to communicate with the instance
        within the configured time period.

        Please check the instance status using another SoftLayer
        client tool (e.g. `sl` command line utility). If the box appears
        to be properly up, you may want to increase the provision timeout:

        config.vm.provider :softlayer do |sl|
          sl.provision_timeout = 99999 # in seconds
      rebuild_timeout_error: |-
        Timed out while waiting for the instance to be available. This
        means that Vagrant was unable to communicate with the instance
        within the configured time period.

        Please check the instance status using another SoftLayer
        client tool (e.g. `sl` command line utility). If the box appears
        to be properly up, you may want to increase the rebuild timeout:

        config.vm.provider :softlayer do |sl|
          sl.rebuild_timeout = 99999 # in seconds
      ssh_key_not_found: |-
        The SSH key you're trying to set (%{key}) does not exists in the
        SoftLayer account's keychain.
      vlan_id_not_found: |-
        The vlan id for the %{vlan_space} vlan name or qualified name
        provided (%{vlan_name}) could not be found.

        Please check the configuration parameter for vlan name against
        acceptable values shown using the vagrant-softlayer-vlans tool.
      short_not_created: |-
        not created
      long_not_created: |-
        The SoftLayer instance is not created. Run `vagrant up` to create it.
      short_halted: |-
      long_halted: |-
        The SoftLayer instance is stopped. Run `vagrant up` to start it.
      short_paused: |-
      long_paused: |-
        The SoftLayer instance is paused. To resume it, you can run
        `vagrant resume`.
      short_running: |-
      long_running: |-
        The SoftLayer instance is running. To stop this machine, you can run
        `vagrant halt`. To destroy the machine, you can run `vagrant destroy`.
      short_unknown: |-
      long_unknown: |-
        The SoftLayer instance is in an unknown state. You need to check it
        out using SoftLayer administrative interface.
      rsync_folder: |-
        Rsyncing folder: %{hostpath} => %{guestpath}
      rsync_not_found: |-
        Warning! Folder sync disabled because the rsync binary is missing in the %{side}.
        Make sure rsync is installed and the binary can be found in the PATH.
      already_running: |-
        The SoftLayer instance is already running.
      already_stopped: |-
        The SoftLayer instance is already stopped.
      creating: |-
        Creating a new SoftLayer instance...
      creating_dns_record: |-
        Creating DNS record for the instance...
      deleting_dns_record: |-
        Deleting DNS record for the instance...
      destroying: |-
        Destroying the SoftLayer instance...
      joining_load_balancers: |-
        Joining load balancer(s)...
      load_balancer_cleanup: |-
        Running cleanup tasks for load balancers...
      not_destroying: |-
        The SoftLayer instance will not be destroyed, since the confirmation
        was declined.
      not_created: |-
        The SoftLayer instance does not exists.
      not_paused: |-
        The SoftLayer instance cannot be resumed, since it is not suspended.
      not_rebuilding: |-
        The SoftLayer instance will not be rebuilded, since the confirmation
        was declined.
      not_running: |-
        The SoftLayer instance is not running. Please run `vagrant up` first.
      provisioned: |-
        SoftLayer instance successfully provisioned!
      rebuilding: |-
        Rebuilding the SoftLayer instance...
      rebuild_confirmation: |-
        Are you sure you want to rebuild the current VM? [y/N]
      rebuilt: |-
        SoftLayer instance successfully rebuilt!
      resuming: |-
        Resuming the SoftLayer instance...
      starting: |-
        Starting the SoftLayer instance...
      stopping: |-
        Stopping the SoftLayer instance gracefully...
      stopping_force: |-
        Stopping the SoftLayer instance forcibly...
      suspending: |-
        Suspending the SoftLayer instance...
      wait_for_provision: |-
        Waiting for instance provisioning. This may take a few minutes...
      wait_for_rebuild: |-
        Waiting for instance rebuilding. This may take a few minutes...