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Test Coverage
import { Constructable, DI, noop, Registration } from '@aurelia/kernel';
import { Aurelia, bindable, customElement, CustomElement, IPlatform, coercer, customAttribute, CustomAttribute, StandardConfiguration } from '@aurelia/runtime-html';
import { assert, PLATFORMRegistration, TestContext } from '@aurelia/testing';
import { createSpecFunction, TestExecutionContext, TestFunction } from '../util.js';

describe('3-runtime-html/bindable-coercer.spec.ts', function () {
  interface TestSetupContext<TApp> {
    template: string;
    registrations: any[];
    app: Constructable<TApp>;
    enableCoercion: boolean;
    coerceNullish: boolean;
  const $it = createSpecFunction(testRepeatForCustomElement);
  async function testRepeatForCustomElement<TApp extends object>(
    this: Mocha.Context,
    testFunction: TestFunction<TestExecutionContext<TApp>>,
      registrations = [],
      enableCoercion = true,
      coerceNullish = false,
    }: Partial<TestSetupContext<TApp>>
  ) {
    const ctx = TestContext.create();
    const host = ctx.doc.createElement('div');

    const container = ctx['_container'] = DI.createContainer();
        .customize((opt) => {
          opt.coercingOptions.enableCoercion = enableCoercion;
          opt.coercingOptions.coerceNullish = coerceNullish;
      Registration.instance(TestContext, ctx),

    if (container.has(IPlatform, true) === false) {

    const au = new Aurelia(container);
    await au
        component: CustomElement.define({ name: 'app', template }, app ?? class { })
    const component = au.root.controller.viewModel as any;

    await testFunction({ app: component, container, ctx, host, platform: container.get(IPlatform) });

    await au.stop();

    assert.strictEqual(host.textContent, '', `host.textContent`);


  function getTypeSpecification(type: unknown) {
    return type === undefined ? 'implicit type from TS metadata' : 'explicit type';
  for (const type of [undefined, Number]) {
      @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
      class MyEl {
        @bindable({ type }) public num: number;

      class App {
        public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
        public prop: any;

      $it(`number - numeric string literal - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, 42);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num="42"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`number - numeric string literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, 42);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="'42'"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`number - numeric literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, 42);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="42"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`number - non-numeric string literal - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(Number.isNaN(, true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num="forty-two"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`number - non-numeric string literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(Number.isNaN(, true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="'forty-two'"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`number - boolean true - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, 1);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="true"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`number - boolean false - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, 0);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="false"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`number - undefined - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, undefined);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="undefined"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`number - null - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, null);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="null"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`number - object - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(Number.isNaN(, true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="{}"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`number - bound property - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        const app =;
        const myEl = app.myEl;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, undefined);

        app.prop = null;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, null);

        app.prop = '0';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, 0);

        app.prop = '42';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, 42);

        app.prop = 0;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, 0);

        app.prop = 84;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, 84);

        app.prop = true;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, 1);

        app.prop = 'true';
        assert.strictEqual(Number.isNaN(myEl.num), true);

        app.prop = {};
        assert.strictEqual(Number.isNaN(myEl.num), true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
      class MyEl {
        @bindable({ nullable: false, type }) public num: number;
      class App {
        public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
        public prop: any;
      $it(`not-nullable number - bound property - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        const app =;
        const myEl = app.myEl;
        assert.strictEqual(Number.isNaN(myEl.num), true);

        app.prop = null;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, 0);

        app.prop = '42';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, 42);

        app.prop = 0;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, 0);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

  for (const type of [undefined, String]) {
      @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
      class MyEl {
        @bindable({ type }) public str: string;
      class App {
        public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
        public prop: any;

      $it(`string - string literal - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, '42');
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" str="42"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - string literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, '42');
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" str.bind="'42'"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - numeric literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, '42');
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" str.bind="42"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - boolean true - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, 'true');
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" str.bind="true"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - boolean false - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, 'false');
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" str.bind="false"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - undefined - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, undefined);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" str.bind="undefined"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - null - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, null);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" str.bind="null"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - object - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, '[object Object]');
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" str.bind="{}"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - bound property - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        const app =;
        const myEl = app.myEl;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, undefined);

        app.prop = null;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, null);

        app.prop = '0';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, '0');

        app.prop = '42';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, '42');

        app.prop = 0;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, '0');

        app.prop = 42;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, '42');

        app.prop = true;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, 'true');

        app.prop = false;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, 'false');

        app.prop = {};
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, '[object Object]');
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" str.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
      class MyEl {
        @bindable({ nullable: false, type }) public str: string;
      class App {
        public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
        public prop: any;
      $it(`not-nullable string - bound property - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        const app =;
        const myEl = app.myEl;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, 'undefined');

        app.prop = null;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, 'null');

        app.prop = '42';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, '42');

        app.prop = 0;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.str, '0');
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" str.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

  for (const type of [undefined, Boolean]) {
      @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
      class MyEl {
        @bindable({ type }) public bool: boolean;
      class App {
        public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
        public prop: any;

      $it(`string - boolean true string literal - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool="true"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - boolean false string literal - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool="false"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - boolean true string literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool.bind="true"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - boolean false string literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, false);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool.bind="false"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - number 1 literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool.bind="1"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string -number 0 literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, false);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool.bind="0"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - numeric string literal - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool="42"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - string literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool.bind="'42'"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - numeric literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool.bind="42"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - undefined - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, undefined);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool.bind="undefined"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - null - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, null);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool.bind="null"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - object - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool.bind="{}"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`string - bound property - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        const app =;
        const myEl = app.myEl;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, undefined);

        app.prop = null;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, null);

        app.prop = '0';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, true);

        app.prop = '1';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, true);

        app.prop = '42';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, true);

        app.prop = 0;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, false);

        app.prop = 1;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, true);

        app.prop = 42;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, true);

        app.prop = true;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, true);

        app.prop = false;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, false);

        app.prop = 'true';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, true);

        app.prop = 'false';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, true);

        app.prop = {};
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, true);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
      class MyEl {
        @bindable({ nullable: false, type }) public bool: boolean;
      class App {
        public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
        public prop: any;
      $it(`not-nullable boolean - bound property - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        const app =;
        const myEl = app.myEl;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, false);

        app.prop = null;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, false);

        app.prop = '42';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, true);

        app.prop = 0;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.bool, false);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" bool.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

  for (const type of [undefined, BigInt]) {
      @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
      class MyEl {
        @bindable({ type }) public num: bigint;

      class App {
        public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
        public prop: any;

      $it(`bigint - numeric string literal - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, BigInt(42));
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num="42"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`bigint - numeric string literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, BigInt(42));
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="'42'"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`bigint - numeric literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, BigInt(42));
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="42"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`bigint - boolean true - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, BigInt(1));
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="true"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`bigint - boolean false - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, BigInt(0));
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="false"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`bigint - undefined - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, undefined);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="undefined"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`bigint - null - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        assert.strictEqual(, null);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="null"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      $it(`bigint - bound property - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        const app =;
        const myEl = app.myEl;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, undefined);

        app.prop = null;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, null);

        app.prop = '0';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, BigInt(0));

        app.prop = '42';
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, BigInt(42));

        app.prop = 0;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, BigInt(0));

        app.prop = 84;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, BigInt(84));

        app.prop = true;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, BigInt(1));

        assert.throws(() => {
          app.prop = 'true';
        assert.throws(() => {
          app.prop = {};
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
      class MyEl {
        @bindable({ nullable: false, type }) public num: bigint;
      class App {
        public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
        public prop: any = 42;
      $it(`not-nullable number - bound property - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        const app =;
        const myEl = app.myEl;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, BigInt(42));

        assert.throws(() => {
          app.prop = null;

        assert.throws(() => {
          app.prop = undefined;

        app.prop = 0;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.num, BigInt(0));
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" num.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

  class Person {
    public static coerced: number = 0;
    public constructor(
      public name: string,
      public age: number,
    ) { }
  function createPerson(this: typeof Person, value: unknown): Person {
    if (value instanceof this) return value;
    if (typeof value === 'string') {
      try {
        const json = JSON.parse(value) as Person;
        return new this(, json.age);
      } catch {
        return new this(value, null!);
    if (typeof value === 'number') {
      return new this(null!, value);
    if (typeof value === 'object' && value != null) {
      return new this((value as any).name, (value as any).age);
    return new this(null!, null!);
  /* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */
    class Person1 extends Person {
      public static coerce = createPerson.bind(Person1);
    for (const type of [undefined, Person1]) {
      @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
      class MyEl {
        @bindable({ type }) public person: Person1;

        class App {
          public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
          public prop: any;

        $it(`class with static coercer - string literal - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person1('john', null!));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person="john"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with static coercer - numeric literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person1(null!, 42));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="42"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with static coercer - json string - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person1('john', 42));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person='{\"name\":\"john\",\"age\":42}'></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with static coercer - object literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person1('john', 42));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="{name:'john',age:42}"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with static coercer - boolean true - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person1(null!, null!));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="true"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with static coercer - boolean false - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person1(null!, null!));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="false"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with static coercer - undefined - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, undefined);
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="undefined"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with static coercer - null - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, null);
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="null"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with static coercer - object - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person1(void 0, void 0));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="{}"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with static coercer - bound property - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          const app =;
          const myEl = app.myEl;
          assert.strictEqual(myEl.person, undefined);

          app.prop = null;
          assert.strictEqual(myEl.person, null);

          app.prop = 'john';
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person1('john', null!));

          app.prop = JSON.stringify(new Person1('john', 42));
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person1('john', 42));

          app.prop = 42;
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person1(null!, 42));

          app.prop = { name: 'john', age: 42 };
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person1('john', 42));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
        class MyEl {
          @bindable({ nullable: false, type }) public person: Person1;
        class App {
          public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
          public prop: any;
        $it(`not-nullable - class with static coercer - bound property - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          const app =;
          const myEl = app.myEl;
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person1(null!, null!));

          app.prop = null;
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person1(null!, null!));

          app.prop = { name: 'john', age: 42 };
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person1('john', 42));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });
    beforeEach(function () { Person2.coerced = 0; });
    class Person2 extends Person {
      public static createPerson(value: unknown) { return createPerson.bind(Person2)(value) as Person2; }
    for (const type of [undefined, Person2]) {
      @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
      class MyEl {
        @bindable({ type }) public person: Person2;

        class App {
          public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
          public prop: any;

        $it(`class with coercer decorator - string literal - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person2('john', null!));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person="john"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with coercer decorator - numeric literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person2(null!, 42));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="42"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with coercer decorator - json string - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person2('john', 42));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person='{\"name\":\"john\",\"age\":42}'></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with coercer decorator - object literal bind - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person2('john', 42));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="{name:'john',age:42}"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with coercer decorator - boolean true - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person2(null!, null!));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="true"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with coercer decorator - boolean false - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person2(null!, null!));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="false"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with coercer decorator - undefined - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, undefined);
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="undefined"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with coercer decorator - null - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, null);
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="null"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with coercer decorator - object - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          assert.deepStrictEqual(, new Person2(void 0, void 0));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="{}"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        $it(`class with coercer decorator - bound property - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          const app =;
          const myEl = app.myEl;
          assert.strictEqual(myEl.person, undefined);

          app.prop = null;
          assert.strictEqual(myEl.person, null);

          app.prop = 'john';
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person2('john', null!));

          app.prop = JSON.stringify(new Person2('john', 42));
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person2('john', 42));

          app.prop = 42;
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person2(null!, 42));

          app.prop = { name: 'john', age: 42 };
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person2('john', 42));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

        @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
        class MyEl {
          @bindable({ nullable: false, type }) public person: Person2;
        class App {
          public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
          public prop: any;
        $it(`not-nullable - class with coercer decorator - bound property - ${getTypeSpecification(type)}`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
          const app =;
          const myEl = app.myEl;
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person2(null!, null!));

          app.prop = null;
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person2(null!, null!));

          app.prop = { name: 'john', age: 42 };
          assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person2('john', 42));
        }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
      class MyEl {
        @bindable public person: Person2;
      class App {
        public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
        public prop: any = { name: 'john', age: 42 };
      $it(`change propagation - class`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        const app =;
        const myEl = app.myEl;
        assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person2('john', 42), 'error1');
        assert.strictEqual(Person2.coerced, 1, 'error2');

        app.prop.age = 84;
        assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person2('john', 42), 'error3');
        assert.strictEqual(Person2.coerced, 1, 'error4');

        const person = app.prop = new Person2('john', 84);
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.person, person, 'error5');
        assert.strictEqual(Person2.coerced, 1, 'error6');

        person.age = 42;
        assert.strictEqual(myEl.person.age, 42, 'error7');
        assert.strictEqual(Person2.coerced, 1, 'error8');
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.bind="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });

      @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
      class MyEl {
        @bindable public person: Person2;
      class App {
        public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
        public prop: any = { name: 'john', age: 42 };
      $it(`change propagation - class - two-way`, async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
        const app =;
        const myEl = app.myEl;
        assert.deepStrictEqual(myEl.person, new Person2('john', 42), 'error1');
        assert.strictEqual(Person2.coerced, 1, 'error2');
        assert.notInstanceOf(app.prop, Person2);

        const person = myEl.person = new Person2('foo', 42);
        assert.strictEqual(app.prop, person);
      }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" person.two-way="prop"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });
  /* eslint-enable no-useless-escape */

    @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
    class MyEl {
      @bindable public prop: string | number;
    class App {
      public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
    $it('auto-coercing does not work for type union', async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
      assert.strictEqual(, true);
    }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" prop.bind="true"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });
    @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
    class MyEl {
      @bindable({ type: Number }) public prop: string | number;
    class App {
      public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
    $it('auto-coercing can be coerced with explicit type for type union', async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
      assert.strictEqual(, 1);
    }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" prop.bind="true"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });
    @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
    class MyEl {
      @bindable({ type: Object }) public prop: number;
    class App {
      public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
    $it('auto-coercing can be disabled with explicit Object type', async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
      assert.strictEqual(, true);
    }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" prop.bind="true"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });
    @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
    class MyEl {
      @bindable({ set: noop }) public prop: number;
    class App {
      public readonly myEl!: MyEl;
    $it('auto-coercing can be disabled with explicit noop set interceptor function', async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
      assert.strictEqual(, true);
    }, { app: App, template: `<my-el component.ref="myEl" prop.bind="true"></my-el>`, registrations: [MyEl] });


    @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
    class MyEl {
      @bindable({ type: Number }) public prop: number;
    class App {
      public readonly myEl!: MyEl;

    $it('auto-coercion can be disabled globally', async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
      assert.strictEqual(, true);
    }, { app: App, template: '<my-el component.ref="myEl" prop.bind="true"></my-el>', registrations: [MyEl], enableCoercion: false });


    @customElement({ name: 'my-el', template: 'irrelevant' })
    class MyEl {
      @bindable({ type: Number }) public prop: number;
    class App {
      public readonly myEl!: MyEl;

    $it('auto-coercion of null-like values can be enforced globally', async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
      assert.strictEqual(, 0);
    }, { app: App, template: '<my-el component.ref="myEl" prop.bind="null"></my-el>', registrations: [MyEl], coerceNullish: true });

    @customAttribute({ name: 'my-attr' })
    class MyAttr {
      @bindable public value: number;
    class App { }

    $it('auto-coercion works for custom element', async function (ctx: TestExecutionContext<App>) {
      const myAttr = CustomAttribute.for('div'), 'my-attr').viewModel as MyAttr;
      assert.strictEqual(myAttr.value, 42);
    }, { app: App, template: `<div my-attr="42"></div>`, registrations: [MyAttr] });