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1 wk
Test Coverage
import { Aurelia, customElement, ICustomElementViewModel, ICustomElementController } from '@aurelia/runtime-html';
import { assert, TestContext } from '@aurelia/testing';

function createFixture() {
  const ctx = TestContext.create();
  const au = new Aurelia(ctx.container);
  const host = ctx.createElement('div');
  const p = ctx.platform;
  return { au, host, p };

describe('3-runtime-html/show.integration.spec.ts', function () {
  describe('show/hide alias works properly', function () {
    it('show + hide', async function () {
      const { au, host, p } = createFixture();

      @customElement({ name: 'app', template: '<div show.bind="show"></div><div hide.bind="hide"></div>' })
      class App implements ICustomElementViewModel {
        public $controller!: ICustomElementController<this>;

        public show: boolean = true;
        public appliedShow: boolean = true;
        public hide: boolean = false;
        public appliedHide: boolean = false;
        public showDiv!: HTMLDivElement;
        public hideDiv!: HTMLDivElement;

        public created() {
          this.showDiv = this.$controller.nodes.firstChild as HTMLDivElement;
          this.hideDiv = this.$controller.nodes.lastChild as HTMLDivElement;

        public assert(label: string) {
          if (this.appliedShow) {
            assert.strictEqual('display'), '', `display should be '' at ${label} (show is ${}, appliedShow is ${this.appliedShow})`);
            assert.strictEqual('display'), '', `priority should be '' at ${label} (show is ${}, appliedShow is ${this.appliedShow})`);
          } else {
            assert.strictEqual('display'), 'none', `display should be 'none' at ${label} (show is ${}, appliedShow is ${this.appliedShow})`);
            assert.strictEqual('display'), 'important', `priority should be 'important' at ${label} (show is ${}, appliedShow is ${this.appliedShow})`);

          if (this.appliedHide) {
            assert.strictEqual('display'), 'none', `display should be 'none' at ${label} (hide is ${this.hide}, appliedHide is ${this.appliedHide})`);
            assert.strictEqual('display'), 'important', `priority should be 'important' at ${label} (hide is ${this.hide}, appliedHide is ${this.appliedHide})`);
          } else {
            assert.strictEqual('display'), '', `display should be '' at ${label} (hide is ${this.hide}, appliedHide is ${this.appliedHide})`);
            assert.strictEqual('display'), '', `priority should be '' at ${label} (hide is ${this.hide}, appliedHide is ${this.appliedHide})`);

      const component = new App();{ host, component });

      await au.start(); = false;
      component.hide = true;
      component.assert(`started after mutating`);

      component.appliedShow = false;
      component.appliedHide = true;
      component.assert(`started after flushing dom writes`);

      await au.stop();

    it('hide + show', async function () {
      const { au, host, p } = createFixture();

      @customElement({ name: 'app', template: '<div hide.bind="hide"></div><div show.bind="show"></div>' })
      class App implements ICustomElementViewModel {
        public $controller!: ICustomElementController<this>;

        public show: boolean = true;
        public appliedShow: boolean = true;
        public hide: boolean = false;
        public appliedHide: boolean = false;
        public showDiv!: HTMLDivElement;
        public hideDiv!: HTMLDivElement;

        public created() {
          this.hideDiv = this.$controller.nodes.firstChild as HTMLDivElement;
          this.showDiv = this.$controller.nodes.lastChild as HTMLDivElement;

        public assert(label: string) {
          if (this.appliedShow) {
            assert.strictEqual('display'), '', `display should be '' at ${label} (show is ${}, appliedShow is ${this.appliedShow})`);
            assert.strictEqual('display'), '', `priority should be '' at ${label} (show is ${}, appliedShow is ${this.appliedShow})`);
          } else {
            assert.strictEqual('display'), 'none', `display should be 'none' at ${label} (show is ${}, appliedShow is ${this.appliedShow})`);
            assert.strictEqual('display'), 'important', `priority should be 'important' at ${label} (show is ${}, appliedShow is ${this.appliedShow})`);

          if (this.appliedHide) {
            assert.strictEqual('display'), 'none', `display should be 'none' at ${label} (hide is ${this.hide}, appliedHide is ${this.appliedHide})`);
            assert.strictEqual('display'), 'important', `priority should be 'important' at ${label} (hide is ${this.hide}, appliedHide is ${this.appliedHide})`);
          } else {
            assert.strictEqual('display'), '', `display should be '' at ${label} (hide is ${this.hide}, appliedHide is ${this.appliedHide})`);
            assert.strictEqual('display'), '', `priority should be '' at ${label} (hide is ${this.hide}, appliedHide is ${this.appliedHide})`);

      const component = new App();{ host, component });

      await au.start(); = false;
      component.hide = true;
      component.assert(`started after mutating`);

      component.appliedShow = false;
      component.appliedHide = true;
      component.assert(`started after flushing dom writes`);

      await au.stop();

  for (const style of [
      tag: 'style="display:block"',
      display: 'block',
      tag: '',
      display: '',
  ]) {
    // Invert value during 'attaching' hook
    for (const attaching of [true ,false]) {
      // Invert value during 'attached' hook
      for (const attached of [true ,false]) {
        // Invert value during 'detaching' hook
        for (const detaching of [true ,false]) {
          // Invert value during 'unbinding' hook
          for (const unbinding of [true, false]) {
            describe('show', function () {
              // Initial value
              for (const show of [true ,false]) {
                it(`display:'${style.display}',show:${show},attaching:${attaching},attached:${attached},detaching:${detaching},unbinding:${unbinding}`, async function () {
                  const { au, host, p } = createFixture();

                  let run = 1;

                  @customElement({ name: 'app', template: `<div ${style.tag} show.bind="show"></div>` })
                  class App implements ICustomElementViewModel {
                    public $controller!: ICustomElementController<this>;

                    public show: boolean = show;
                    public appliedShow: boolean = true;
                    public div!: HTMLDivElement;

                    public created() {
                      this.div = this.$controller.nodes.firstChild as HTMLDivElement;

                    // No need to invert during 'binding' or 'bound' because child controller activation happens after 'attaching',
                    // so these would never affect the test outcomes.
                    public binding() {
                      this.assert(`binding (run ${run})`);

                    public bound() {
                      this.assert(`bound (run ${run})`);

                    public attaching() {
                      this.assert(`attaching initial (run ${run})`);

                      if (attaching) {
               = !;
                        this.assert(`attaching after mutating (run ${run})`);

                    public attached() {
                      this.appliedShow =;
                      this.assert(`attached initial (run ${run})`);

                      if (attached) {
               = !;
                        this.assert(`attached after mutating (run ${run})`);

                      this.appliedShow =;
                      this.assert(`attached after flushing dom writes (run ${run})`);

                    public detaching() {
                      this.assert(`detaching initial (run ${run})`);

                      if (detaching) {
               = !;
                        this.assert(`detaching after mutating (run ${run})`);

                    public unbinding() {
                      this.assert(`unbinding initial (run ${run})`);

                      if (unbinding) {
               = !;
                        this.assert(`unbinding after mutating (run ${run})`);

                    public assert(label: string) {
                      if (this.appliedShow) {
                        assert.strictEqual('display'), style.display, `display should be '' at ${label} (show is ${}, appliedShow is ${this.appliedShow})`);
                        assert.strictEqual('display'), '', `priority should be '' at ${label} (show is ${}, appliedShow is ${this.appliedShow})`);
                      } else {
                        assert.strictEqual('display'), 'none', `display should be 'none' at ${label} (show is ${}, appliedShow is ${this.appliedShow})`);
                        assert.strictEqual('display'), 'important', `priority should be 'important' at ${label} (show is ${}, appliedShow is ${this.appliedShow})`);

                  const component = new App();
        { host, component });

                  await au.start();

         = !;
                  component.assert(`started after mutating (run ${run})`);

                  component.appliedShow =;
                  component.assert(`started after flushing dom writes (run ${run})`);

                  await au.stop();


                  await au.start();

         = !;
                  component.assert(`started after mutating (run ${run})`);

                  component.appliedShow =;
                  component.assert(`started after flushing dom writes (run ${run})`);

                  await au.stop();

            describe('hide', function () {
              for (const hide of [true ,false]) {
                it(`display:'${style.display}',hide:${hide},attaching:${attaching},attached:${attached},detaching:${detaching},unbinding:${unbinding}`, async function () {
                  const { au, host, p } = createFixture();

                  let run = 1;

                  @customElement({ name: 'app', template: `<div ${style.tag} hide.bind="hide"></div>` })
                  class App implements ICustomElementViewModel {
                    public $controller!: ICustomElementController<this>;

                    public hide: boolean = hide;
                    public appliedHide: boolean = false;
                    public div!: HTMLDivElement;

                    public created() {
                      this.div = this.$controller.nodes.firstChild as HTMLDivElement;

                    // No need to invert during 'binding' or 'bound' because child controller activation happens after 'attaching',
                    // so these would never affect the test outcomes.
                    public binding() {
                      this.assert(`binding (run ${run})`);

                    public bound() {
                      this.assert(`bound (run ${run})`);

                    public attaching() {
                      this.assert(`attaching initial (run ${run})`);

                      if (attaching) {
                        this.hide = !this.hide;
                        this.assert(`attaching after mutating (run ${run})`);

                    public attached() {
                      this.appliedHide = this.hide;
                      this.assert(`attached initial (run ${run})`);

                      if (attached) {
                        this.hide = !this.hide;
                        this.assert(`attached after mutating (run ${run})`);

                      this.appliedHide = this.hide;
                      this.assert(`attached after flushing dom writes (run ${run})`);

                    public detaching() {
                      this.assert(`detaching initial (run ${run})`);

                      if (detaching) {
                        this.hide = !this.hide;
                        this.assert(`detaching after mutating (run ${run})`);

                    public unbinding() {
                      this.assert(`unbinding initial (run ${run})`);

                      if (unbinding) {
                        this.hide = !this.hide;
                        this.assert(`unbinding after mutating (run ${run})`);

                    public assert(label: string) {
                      if (this.appliedHide) {
                        assert.strictEqual('display'), 'none', `display should be 'none' at ${label} (hide is ${this.hide}, appliedHide is ${this.appliedHide})`);
                        assert.strictEqual('display'), 'important', `priority should be 'important' at ${label} (hide is ${this.hide}, appliedHide is ${this.appliedHide})`);
                      } else {
                        assert.strictEqual('display'), style.display, `display should be '' at ${label} (hide is ${this.hide}, appliedHide is ${this.appliedHide})`);
                        assert.strictEqual('display'), '', `priority should be '' at ${label} (hide is ${this.hide}, appliedHide is ${this.appliedHide})`);

                  const component = new App();
        { host, component });

                  await au.start();

                  component.hide = !component.hide;
                  component.assert(`started after mutating (run ${run})`);

                  component.appliedHide = component.hide;
                  component.assert(`started after flushing dom writes (run ${run})`);

                  await au.stop();


                  await au.start();

                  component.hide = !component.hide;
                  component.assert(`started after mutating (run ${run})`);

                  component.appliedHide = component.hide;
                  component.assert(`started after flushing dom writes (run ${run})`);

                  await au.stop();

  // it.only('test', async function () {
  //   const ctx = TestContext.create();
  //   const { container } = ctx;

  //   const child = container.createChild();

  // });