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Test Coverage
import {
} from '@aurelia/runtime-html';
import { assert, createSpy, CSS_PROPERTIES, globalAttributeNames, TestContext } from '@aurelia/testing';
import { isFirefox } from '../util.js';

function createSvgUseElement(ctx: TestContext, name: string, value: string) {
  return ctx.createElementFromMarkup(`<svg>
    <g id="shape1">
      <rect x="50" y="50" width="50" height="50" />
    <g id="shape2">
      <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" />
  <use xlink:${name}="${value}" x="50" y="50" foo:bar="baz" />

function createFixture() {
  const ctx = TestContext.create();
  const { container, observerLocator } = ctx;

  return { ctx, container, observerLocator };

describe('3-runtime-html/target-observers.spec.ts', function () {

  describe('[UNIT] AttributeNSAccessor', function () {
    let sut: AttributeNSAccessor;
    let el: HTMLElement;

    const tests = [
      { name: 'href', value: '#shape1' },
      { name: 'href', value: '#shape2' },
      { name: 'title', value: 'shape1' },
      { name: 'title', value: 'shape2' },
      { name: 'show', value: 'true' },
      { name: 'show', value: 'false' }

    describe('getValue()', function () {
      for (const { name, value } of tests) {
        it(`returns ${value} for xlink:${name}`, function () {
          const { ctx } = createFixture();
          el = createSvgUseElement(ctx, name, value) as HTMLElement;
          sut = new AttributeNSAccessor('');

          assert.strictEqual(sut.getValue(el, name), value, `actual`);

    for (const { name, value } of tests) {
      it(`setValue() xlink:${name}`, function () {
        const ctx = TestContext.create();
        const ns = '';
        el = createSvgUseElement(ctx, name, value) as HTMLElement;
        sut = new AttributeNSAccessor(ns);

        sut.setValue('foo', el, name);

        assert.strictEqual(el.getAttributeNS(ns, name), 'foo', `el.getAttributeNS(xlink, ${name})`);

  describe('DataAttributeAccessor', function () {
    let sut: DataAttributeAccessor;
    let el: HTMLElement;

    const valueArr = [undefined, null, '', 'foo'];
    describe('getValue()', function () {
      for (const name of globalAttributeNames) {
        for (const value of valueArr.filter(v => v != null)) {
          it(`returns "${value}" for attribute "${name}"`, function () {
            const ctx = TestContext.create();
            el = ctx.createElementFromMarkup(`<div ${name}="${value}"></div>`);
            sut = new DataAttributeAccessor();

            const actual = sut.getValue(el, name);
            assert.strictEqual(actual, value, `actual`);

    for (const name of globalAttributeNames) {
      for (const value of valueArr) {
        it(`calls setValue() attribute "${name}" to "${value}"`, function () {
          const ctx = TestContext.create();
          el = ctx.createElementFromMarkup(`<div></div>`);
          const expected = value != null ? `<div ${name}="${value}"></div>` : '<div></div>';
          sut = new DataAttributeAccessor();

          sut.setValue(value, el, name);

          assert.strictEqual(el.outerHTML, expected, `el.outerHTML`);

  interface IStyleSpec {
    title: string;
    staticStyle: string;
    input: unknown;
    expected: string;

  describe('StyleAccessor', function () {
    const propNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(CSS_PROPERTIES);

    let sut: StyleAttributeAccessor;
    let el: HTMLElement;

    // TODO: this is just quick-n-dirty; remove redundant tests and add missing tests
    for (const propName of propNames) {
      const values = CSS_PROPERTIES[propName]['values'];
      const value = values[0];
      const rule = `${propName}:${value}`;
      it(`setValue - style="${rule}" flags.none`, function () {
        const ctx = TestContext.create();
        el = ctx.createElementFromMarkup('<div></div>');
        sut = new StyleAttributeAccessor(el);
        const setPropertySpy = createSpy(sut, 'setProperty', true);


            [propName, value],

    for (const propName of propNames) {
      const values = CSS_PROPERTIES[propName]['values'];
      const value = values[0];
      const rule = `${propName}:${value}`;
      it(`setValue - style="${rule}" flags.none`, function () {
        const ctx = TestContext.create();
        el = ctx.createElementFromMarkup('<div></div>');
        sut = new StyleAttributeAccessor(el);
        const setPropertySpy = createSpy(sut, 'setProperty', true);

            [propName, value],

    const specs: Partial<IStyleSpec>[] = [
        title: 'getValue - style="display: block;"',
        staticStyle: 'display:block',
        input: '',
        expected: 'display: block;'
        title: `style binding array string/object returns correct with static style`,
        staticStyle: `display: block;`,
        input: ['background-color:red', { borderColor: 'black' }],
        expected: 'display: block; background-color: red; border-color: black;',
        title: `style binding array string/object with custom property correct with static style`,
        staticStyle: `display: block;`,
        input: ['background-color:red', { '--border-color': 'black' }],
        expected: 'display: block; background-color: red; --border-color:black;',
        title: `style binding array string/object (kebab) returns correct with static style`,
        staticStyle: `display: block;`,
        input: ['background-color:red', { 'border-color': 'black' }],
        expected: 'display: block; background-color: red; border-color: black;',
        title: `style binding array string/object (kebab) returns correct with no static style`,
        input: ['background-color:red', { 'border-color': 'black' }],
        expected: 'background-color: red; border-color: black;',
        title: `style binding array string/object with custom property correct with no static style`,
        input: ['background-color:red', { '--border-color': 'black' }],
        expected: 'background-color: red; --border-color:black;',
        title: `style binding array string/object returns correct without static style`,
        input: ['background-color:red', { borderColor: 'black' }],
        expected: 'background-color: red; border-color: black;',
        title: `style binding array string/string returns correct with static style`,
        input: ['background-color:red', 'height:32px'],
        staticStyle: `display: block;`,
        expected: 'display: block; background-color: red; height: 32px;',
        title: `style binding array string/string with custom property name returns correct with static style`,
        input: ['background-color:red', '--superHeight:32px'],
        staticStyle: `display: block;`,
        expected: 'display: block; background-color: red; --superHeight:32px;',
        title: `style binding array string/string returns correct with no static style`,
        input: ['background-color:red', 'height:32px'],
        expected: 'background-color: red; height: 32px;',
        title: `style binding array string/string with custom property name returns correct with no static style`,
        input: ['background-color:red', '--superHeight:32px'],
        expected: 'background-color: red; --superHeight:32px;',
        title: `style string returns correct with static style`,
        input: 'background-color:red;height:32px;',
        staticStyle: `display: block;`,
        expected: 'display: block; background-color: red; height: 32px;',
        title: `style string returns correct with no static style`,
        input: 'background-color:red;height:32px;',
        expected: 'background-color: red; height: 32px;',
        title: `style object (non kebab) returns correct with static style`,
        input: { backgroundColor: 'red', height: '32px' },
        staticStyle: `display: block;`,
        expected: 'display: block; background-color: red; height: 32px;',
          ? []
          // TODO: figure out why these fail in firefox and fix them?
          : [
              title: `style string returns correct with static style with base64 encoded url`,
              input: 'height:32px;background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,255,255,1) 40%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 70%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 95%), url() 110px -60px no-repeat;',
              staticStyle: `display: block;`,
              expected: 'display: block; height: 32px; background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(255, 255, 255) 40%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 70%, rgb(255, 255, 255) 95%), url("") 110px -60px no-repeat;',
              title: `style object (non kebab) with base64 url returns correct with static style`,
              input: { background: 'linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,255,255,1) 40%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 70%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 95%), url() 110px -60px no-repeat', height: '32px' },
              staticStyle: `display: block;`,
              expected: 'display: block; background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(255, 255, 255) 40%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 70%, rgb(255, 255, 255) 95%), url("") 110px -60px no-repeat; height: 32px;',
              title: `style object (non kebab) with base64 url returns correct without static style`,
              input: { background: 'linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,255,255,1) 40%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 70%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 95%), url() 110px -60px no-repeat', height: '32px' },
              expected: 'background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(255, 255, 255) 40%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 70%, rgb(255, 255, 255) 95%), url("") 110px -60px no-repeat; height: 32px;',
              title: `style object (kebab) with base64 url string returns correct with static style`,
              input: { background: 'linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,255,255,1) 40%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 70%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 95%), url() 110px -60px no-repeat', height: '32px' },
              staticStyle: `display: block;`,
              expected: 'display: block; background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(255, 255, 255) 40%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 70%, rgb(255, 255, 255) 95%), url("") 110px -60px no-repeat; height: 32px;',
        title: `style object (kebab) returns correct with static style`,
        input: { 'background-color': 'red', 'height': '32px' },
        staticStyle: `display: block;`,
        expected: 'display: block; background-color: red; height: 32px;',
        title: `style object (kebab) returns correct without static style`,
        input: { 'background-color': 'red', 'height': '32px' },
        expected: 'background-color: red; height: 32px;',
        title: `style object (non-kebab) string/object returns correct with static style`,
        input: { backgroundColor: 'red', test: { height: '32px' } },
        staticStyle: `display: block;`,
        expected: 'display: block; background-color: red; height: 32px;',
        title: `style object (non-kebab) string/object returns correct with no static style`,
        input: { backgroundColor: 'red', test: { height: '32px' } },
        expected: 'background-color: red; height: 32px;',
        title: `style object (kebab) string/object returns correct with static style`,
        input: { 'background-color': 'red', 'test': { height: '32px' } },
        staticStyle: `display: block;`,
        expected: 'display: block; background-color: red; height: 32px;',
        title: `style object (kebab) string/object returns correct with no static style`,
        input: { 'background-color': 'red', 'test': { height: '32px' } },
        expected: 'background-color: red; height: 32px;',
        title: `style object (kebab) string/object (kebab) returns correct with static style`,
        input: { 'background-color': 'red', 'test': { 'border-color': 'black' } },
        staticStyle: `display: block;`,
        expected: 'display: block; background-color: red; border-color: black;',
        title: `style object (kebab) string/object (kebab) returns correct no with static style`,
        input: { 'background-color': 'red', 'test': { 'border-color': 'black' } },
        expected: 'background-color: red; border-color: black;',
        title: `style binding array string/array (kebab) returns correct with static style`,
        input: ['background-color:red', ['height:32px', { 'border-color': 'black' }]],
        staticStyle: `display: block;`,
        expected: 'display: block; background-color: red; height: 32px; border-color: black;',
        title: `style binding array string/array (kebab) returns correct with no static style`,
        input: ['background-color:red', ['height:32px', { 'border-color': 'black' }]],
        expected: 'background-color: red; height: 32px; border-color: black;',

    for (const { title, staticStyle, input, expected } of specs) {
      // skip url checks since node incorrectly fails as background url images are not supported
      if (title.includes('url') && typeof process !== 'undefined') { continue; }
      it(title, function () {
        const ctx = TestContext.create();
        const el = ctx.createElementFromMarkup(`<div style="${staticStyle}"></div>`);
        const sut = new StyleAttributeAccessor(el);

        const actual = sut.getValue();
        // normalize by removing the space after colon since it differs faily randomly from env
        // but has no impact on whether a test should or should not pass
        assert.strictEqual(actual.replace(/:\s/g, ':'), expected.replace(/:\s/g, ':'));

  describe('ClassAccessor', function () {
    const assertClassChanges = (initialClassList: string, classList: string, secondClassList: string | object, secondUpdatedClassList: string) => {
      const initialClasses = initialClassList.split(' ').filter(x => x);

      for (const cls of initialClasses) {
        if (!classList.includes(cls)) {
          assert.includes(secondUpdatedClassList, cls, `secondUpdatedClassList includes class from initialClassList "${initialClassList}" (except classes from classList "${classList}")`);

      if (typeof secondClassList === 'string') {
        for (const cls of secondClassList.split(' ').filter(x => x)) {
          assert.includes(secondUpdatedClassList, cls, `secondUpdatedClassList includes class from secondClassList "${secondClassList}"`);

      if (secondClassList instanceof Array) {
        for (const cls of secondClassList) {
          assertClassChanges(initialClassList, classList, cls, secondUpdatedClassList);

      if (secondClassList instanceof Object) {
        for (const cls in secondClassList) {
          if (!!secondClassList[cls]) {
            assert.includes(secondUpdatedClassList, cls, `secondUpdatedClassList includes class from secondClassList "${JSON.stringify(secondClassList)}"`);
          if (!initialClasses.includes(cls)) {
            assert.notIncludes(secondUpdatedClassList, cls, `secondUpdatedClassList ${JSON.stringify(secondUpdatedClassList)} does not exclude class ${cls} from initial class prop but does if not secondClassList "${JSON.stringify(secondClassList)}"`);

    const markupArr = [
      '<div class=""></div>',
      '<div class="foo"></div>',
      '<div class="foo bar baz"></div>',
      '<div class="foo bar baz qux"></div>'
    const classListArr = ['', 'foo', 'foo bar   ', '    bar baz', 'qux', 'bar qux', 'qux quux'];
    const secondClassListArr = ['', 'fooo  ', { fooo: true }, { fooo: 'true' }, { fooo: true, baaar: false },
      { fooo: 'true', baaar: 'false' }, { foo: true, bar: false, fooo: true }, { foo: false, bar: false },
      { 'fooo baaar': true, 'baar': true, 'fono': false },
      ['fooo', ['bar', { baz: true }], 'bazz'],
      ['fooo', { baar: true }, 'bazz'], []]; // empty array test
    for (const markup of markupArr) {
      for (const classList of classListArr) {

        function createFixture() {
          const ctx = TestContext.create();
          const el = ctx.createElementFromMarkup(markup);
          const initialClassList = el.classList.toString();
          const { platform } = ctx;
          const sut = new ClassAttributeAccessor(el);

          function tearDown() {

          return { sut, el, initialClassList, tearDown };

        it(`setValue("${classList}") updates ${markup} flags.none`, function () {
          const {
          } = createFixture();


          const updatedClassList = el.classList.toString();
          for (const cls of initialClassList.split(' ').filter(x => x)) {
            assert.includes(updatedClassList, cls, `updatedClassList includes class from initialClassList "${initialClassList}"`);
          for (const cls of classList.split(' ').filter(x => x)) {
            assert.includes(updatedClassList, cls, `updatedClassList includes class from classList "${classList}"`);


        for (const secondClassList of secondClassListArr) {
          it(`setValue("${secondClassList}") updates already-updated ${markup} flags.none`, function () {
            const {
            } = createFixture();


            const updatedClassList = el.classList.toString();
            assertClassChanges(initialClassList, classList, secondClassList, updatedClassList);