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Test Coverage
import { Aurelia, CustomElement, customElement, ICustomElementController } from '@aurelia/runtime-html';
import { IRouteConfig, IRouter, IRouteViewModel, route, Route, RouteConfig, RouteNode, RouterConfiguration } from '@aurelia/router-lite';
import { assert, TestContext } from '@aurelia/testing';

import { IHookInvocationAggregator, IHIAConfig, HookName } from './_shared/hook-invocation-tracker.js';
import { HookSpecs, TestRouteViewModelBase } from './_shared/view-models.js';
import { hookSpecsMap, verifyInvocationsEqual } from './_shared/hook-spec.js';
import { createFixture, IActivityTracker } from './_shared/create-fixture.js';
import { LogLevel, resolve } from '@aurelia/kernel';
import { TestRouterConfiguration } from './_shared/configuration.js';

function vp(count: number): string {
  if (count === 1) {
    return `<au-viewport></au-viewport>`;
  let template = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
    template = `${template}<au-viewport name="$${i}"></au-viewport>`;
  return template;

function getDefaultHIAConfig(): IHIAConfig {
  return {
    resolveTimeoutMs: 100,
    resolveLabels: [],
export function* prepend(
  prefix: string,
  component: string,
  ...calls: (HookName | '')[]
): Generator<string, void> {
  for (const call of calls) {
    if (call === '') {
      yield '';
    } else {
      yield `${prefix}.${component}.${call}`;

export function* interleave(
  ...generators: Generator<string, void>[]
): Generator<string, void> {
  while (generators.length > 0) {
    for (let i = 0, ii = generators.length; i < ii; ++i) {
      const gen = generators[i];
      const next =;
      if (next.done) {
        generators.splice(i, 1);
      } else {
        const value = next.value as string;
        if (value) {
          yield value;

export interface IComponentSpec {
  kind: 'all-sync' | 'all-async';
  hookSpecs: HookSpecs;

export abstract class SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {
  public readonly $controller!: ICustomElementController;

  public readonly tracker: IActivityTracker = resolve(IActivityTracker);

  public attached(): void {

  public setNonActive(): void {

describe('router-lite/config-tests.spec.ts', function () {
  describe('monomorphic timings', function () {
    const componentSpecs: IComponentSpec[] = [
        kind: 'all-sync',
        hookSpecs: HookSpecs.create({
          binding: hookSpecsMap.binding.sync,
          bound: hookSpecsMap.bound.sync,
          attaching: hookSpecsMap.attaching.sync,
          attached: hookSpecsMap.attached.sync,

          detaching: hookSpecsMap.detaching.sync,
          unbinding: hookSpecsMap.unbinding.sync,

          canLoad: hookSpecsMap.canLoad.sync,
          loading: hookSpecsMap.loading.sync,
          canUnload: hookSpecsMap.canUnload.sync,
          unloading: hookSpecsMap.unloading.sync,
        kind: 'all-async',
        hookSpecs: getAllAsyncSpecs(1),

    for (const componentSpec of componentSpecs) {
      const { kind, hookSpecs } = componentSpec;

      @customElement({ name: 'a01', template: null })
      class A01 extends TestRouteViewModelBase {
        public constructor() { super(resolve(IHookInvocationAggregator), hookSpecs); }
      @customElement({ name: 'a02', template: null })
      class A02 extends TestRouteViewModelBase {
        public constructor() { super(resolve(IHookInvocationAggregator), hookSpecs); }
      @customElement({ name: 'a03', template: null })
      class A03 extends TestRouteViewModelBase {
        public constructor() { super(resolve(IHookInvocationAggregator), hookSpecs); }
      @customElement({ name: 'a04', template: null })
      class A04 extends TestRouteViewModelBase {
        public constructor() { super(resolve(IHookInvocationAggregator), hookSpecs); }

      const A0 = [A01, A02, A03, A04];

      @customElement({ name: 'root1', template: vp(1) })
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
      class Root1 extends TestRouteViewModelBase {
        public constructor() { super(resolve(IHookInvocationAggregator), hookSpecs); }
      @customElement({ name: 'a11', template: vp(1) })
      class A11 extends TestRouteViewModelBase {
        public constructor() { super(resolve(IHookInvocationAggregator), hookSpecs); }
      @customElement({ name: 'a12', template: vp(1) })
      class A12 extends TestRouteViewModelBase {
        public constructor() { super(resolve(IHookInvocationAggregator), hookSpecs); }
      @customElement({ name: 'a13', template: vp(1) })
      class A13 extends TestRouteViewModelBase {
        public constructor() { super(resolve(IHookInvocationAggregator), hookSpecs); }
      @customElement({ name: 'a14', template: vp(1) })
      class A14 extends TestRouteViewModelBase {
        public constructor() { super(resolve(IHookInvocationAggregator), hookSpecs); }

      const A1 = [A11, A12, A13, A14];

      @customElement({ name: 'root2', template: vp(2) })
      class Root2 extends TestRouteViewModelBase {
        public constructor() { super(resolve(IHookInvocationAggregator), hookSpecs); }
      @customElement({ name: 'a21', template: vp(2) })
      class A21 extends TestRouteViewModelBase {
        public constructor() { super(resolve(IHookInvocationAggregator), hookSpecs); }
      @customElement({ name: 'a22', template: vp(2) })
      class A22 extends TestRouteViewModelBase {
        public constructor() { super(resolve(IHookInvocationAggregator), hookSpecs); }

      const A2 = [A21, A22];

      const A = [...A0, ...A1, ...A2];

      describe(`componentSpec.kind:'${kind}'`, function () {
        describe('single', function () {
          interface ISpec {
            t1: [string, string];
            t2: [string, string];
            t3: [string, string];
            t4: [string, string];
            configure(): void;

          function runTest(spec: ISpec) {
            const { t1: [t1, t1c], t2: [t2, t2c], t3: [t3, t3c], t4: [t4, t4c] } = spec;
            it(`'${t1}' -> '${t2}' -> '${t3}' -> '${t4}'`, async function () {
              const { router, hia, tearDown } = await createFixture(Root2, A, getDefaultHIAConfig);

              const phase1 = `('' -> '${t1}')#1`;
              const phase2 = `('${t1}' -> '${t2}')#2`;
              const phase3 = `('${t2}' -> '${t3}')#3`;
              const phase4 = `('${t3}' -> '${t4}')#4`;

              await router.load(t1);

              await router.load(t2);

              await router.load(t3);

              await router.load(t4);

              await tearDown();

              const expected = [...(function* () {
                yield `start.root2.binding`;
                yield `start.root2.bound`;
                yield `start.root2.attaching`;
                yield `start.root2.attached`;

                yield* prepend(phase1, t1c, 'canLoad', 'loading', 'binding', 'bound', 'attaching', 'attached');

                for (const [phase, { $t1c, $t2c }] of [
                  [phase2, { $t1c: t1c, $t2c: t2c }],
                  [phase3, { $t1c: t2c, $t2c: t3c }],
                  [phase4, { $t1c: t3c, $t2c: t4c }],
                ] as const) {
                  yield `${phase}.${$t1c}.canUnload`;
                  yield `${phase}.${$t2c}.canLoad`;
                  yield `${phase}.${$t1c}.unloading`;
                  yield `${phase}.${$t2c}.loading`;

                  yield* prepend(phase, $t1c, 'detaching', 'unbinding', 'dispose');
                  yield* prepend(phase, $t2c, 'binding', 'bound', 'attaching', 'attached');

                yield `stop.${t4c}.detaching`;
                yield `stop.root2.detaching`;
                yield `stop.${t4c}.unbinding`;
                yield `stop.root2.unbinding`;
                yield `stop.root2.dispose`;
                yield `stop.${t4c}.dispose`;
              verifyInvocationsEqual(hia.notifyHistory, expected);


          const specs: ISpec[] = [
              t1: ['1', 'a01'],
              t2: ['2', 'a02'],
              t3: ['1', 'a01'],
              t4: ['2', 'a02'],
              configure() {
                    routes: [
                        path: '1',
                        component: A01,
                        path: '2',
                        component: A02,

          for (const spec of specs) {

  for (const inDependencies of [true, false]) {
    describe(`inDependencies: ${inDependencies}`, function () {
      it(`can load a configured child route with direct path and explicit component`, async function () {
        @customElement({ name: 'a01', template: null })
        class A01 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

        @route({ routes: [{ path: 'a', component: A01 }] })
        @customElement({ name: 'root', template: vp(1), dependencies: inDependencies ? [A01] : [] })
        class Root extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

        const { router, activityTracker } = await createFixture(Root, [], getDefaultHIAConfig);

        await router.load('a');

        verifyInvocationsEqual(activityTracker.activeVMs, ['root', 'a01']);

      it(`can load a configured child route with indirect path and explicit component`, async function () {
        @route({ path: 'a' })
        @customElement({ name: 'a01', template: null })
        class A01 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

        @route({ routes: [A01] })
        @customElement({ name: 'root', template: vp(1), dependencies: inDependencies ? [A01] : [] })
        class Root extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

        const { router, activityTracker } = await createFixture(Root, [], getDefaultHIAConfig);

        await router.load('a');

        verifyInvocationsEqual(activityTracker.activeVMs, ['root', 'a01']);

  it(`can load a configured child route by name`, async function () {
    @customElement({ name: 'a01', template: null })
    class A01 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    @route({ routes: [A01] })
    @customElement({ name: 'root', template: vp(1) })
    class Root extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    const { router, activityTracker } = await createFixture(Root, [], getDefaultHIAConfig);

    await router.load('a01');

    verifyInvocationsEqual(activityTracker.activeVMs, ['root', 'a01']);

  it(`works with single multi segment static path`, async function () {
    @customElement({ name: 'a01', template: null })
    class A01 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    @route({ routes: [{ path: 'a/x', component: A01 }] })
    @customElement({ name: 'root', template: vp(1) })
    class Root extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    const { router, activityTracker } = await createFixture(Root, [], getDefaultHIAConfig, () => ({}));

    await router.load('a/x');

    verifyInvocationsEqual(activityTracker.activeVMs, ['root', 'a01']);

  it(`works with single multi segment dynamic path`, async function () {
    @customElement({ name: 'a01', template: null })
    class A01 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    @route({ routes: [{ path: 'a/:x', component: A01 }] })
    @customElement({ name: 'root', template: vp(1) })
    class Root extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    const { router, activityTracker } = await createFixture(Root, [], getDefaultHIAConfig, () => ({}));

    await router.load('a/1');

    verifyInvocationsEqual(activityTracker.activeVMs, ['root', 'a01']);

  it(`works with single multi segment static path with single child`, async function () {
    @customElement({ name: 'b01', template: null })
    class B01 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    @route({ routes: [{ path: 'b', component: B01 }] })
    @customElement({ name: 'a11', template: vp(1) })
    class A11 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    @route({ routes: [{ path: 'a/x', component: A11 }] })
    @customElement({ name: 'root', template: vp(1) })
    class Root extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    const { router, activityTracker } = await createFixture(Root, [], getDefaultHIAConfig, () => ({}));

    await router.load('a/x/b');

    verifyInvocationsEqual(activityTracker.activeVMs, ['root', 'a11', 'b01']);

  it(`works with single multi segment static path with single multi segment static child`, async function () {
    @customElement({ name: 'b01', template: null })
    class B01 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    @route({ routes: [{ path: 'b/x', component: B01 }] })
    @customElement({ name: 'a11', template: vp(1) })
    class A11 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    @route({ routes: [{ path: 'a/x', component: A11 }] })
    @customElement({ name: 'root', template: vp(1) })
    class Root extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    const { router, activityTracker } = await createFixture(Root, [], getDefaultHIAConfig, () => ({}));

    await router.load('a/x/b/x');

    verifyInvocationsEqual(activityTracker.activeVMs, ['root', 'a11', 'b01']);

  it(`works with single static path with single multi segment static child`, async function () {
    @customElement({ name: 'b01', template: null })
    class B01 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    @route({ routes: [{ path: 'b/x', component: B01 }] })
    @customElement({ name: 'a11', template: vp(1) })
    class A11 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    @route({ routes: [{ path: 'a', component: A11 }] })
    @customElement({ name: 'root', template: vp(1) })
    class Root extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    const { router, activityTracker } = await createFixture(Root, [], getDefaultHIAConfig, () => ({}));

    await router.load('a/b/x');

    verifyInvocationsEqual(activityTracker.activeVMs, ['root', 'a11', 'b01']);

  it(`works with single empty static path redirect`, async function () {
    @customElement({ name: 'a01', template: null })
    class A01 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    @route({ routes: [{ path: '', redirectTo: 'a' }, { path: 'a', component: A01 }] })
    @customElement({ name: 'root', template: vp(1) })
    class Root extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    const { router, activityTracker } = await createFixture(Root, [], getDefaultHIAConfig, () => ({}));

    await router.load('');

    verifyInvocationsEqual(activityTracker.activeVMs, ['root', 'a01']);

  it(`works with single static path redirect`, async function () {
    @customElement({ name: 'a01', template: null })
    class A01 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    @route({ routes: [{ path: 'x', redirectTo: 'a' }, { path: 'a', component: A01 }] })
    @customElement({ name: 'root', template: vp(1) })
    class Root extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

    const { router, activityTracker } = await createFixture(Root, [], getDefaultHIAConfig, () => ({}));

    await router.load('x');

    verifyInvocationsEqual(activityTracker.activeVMs, ['root', 'a01']);

  describe(`throw error when`, function () {
    it(`load a configured child route with indirect path by name`, async function () {
      @route({ path: 'a' })
      @customElement({ name: 'a01', template: null })
      class A01 extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

      @route({ routes: [A01] })
      @customElement({ name: 'root', template: vp(1) })
      class Root extends SimpleActivityTrackingVMBase {}

      const { router } = await createFixture(Root, [], getDefaultHIAConfig);

      let e: Error | null = null;
      try {
        await router.load('a01');
      } catch (err) {
        e = err;

      assert.notStrictEqual(e, null);
      assert.match(e.message, /AUR3401/);

  it('routes can be configured using the getRouteConfig hook', async function () {

    @customElement({name: 'ce-c1', template: 'c1'})
    class C1 { }
    @customElement({name: 'ce-c2', template: 'c2'})
    class C2 { }
    @customElement({ name: 'ce-p', template: 'p <au-viewport></au-viewport>' })
    class P implements IRouteViewModel {
      public getRouteConfigCalled: number = 0;

      public async getRouteConfig(parentDefinition: RouteConfig | null, routeNode: RouteNode | null): Promise<IRouteConfig> {
        assert.notEqual(parentDefinition, null, 'P parentDefinition');
        assert.notEqual(routeNode, null, 'P routeNode');
        assert.strictEqual(this.getRouteConfigCalled, 0);
        await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 10));
        return {
            { path:'c1', component: C1 },
            { path:'c2', component: C2 },

    @customElement({ name: 'ro-ot', template: 'root <au-viewport></au-viewport>' })
    class Root implements IRouteViewModel {
      public getRouteConfigCalled: number = 0;

      public getRouteConfig(parentDefinition: RouteConfig | null, routeNode: RouteNode | null): IRouteConfig {
        assert.strictEqual(parentDefinition, null, 'root parentDefinition');
        assert.strictEqual(routeNode, null, 'root routeNode');
        assert.strictEqual(this.getRouteConfigCalled, 0);
        return {
            { path:'p', component: P }
    const ctx = TestContext.create();
    const { container } = ctx;


    const au = new Aurelia(container);
    const host = ctx.createElement('div');

    await{ component: Root, host }).start();

    const router = container.get(IRouter);

    await router.load('p/c1');
    assert.html.textContent(host, 'root p c1');

    await router.load('p/c2');
    assert.html.textContent(host, 'root p c2');

    assert.strictEqual((au.root.controller.viewModel as Root).getRouteConfigCalled, 1);
    assert.strictEqual(CustomElement.for<P>(host.querySelector('ce-p')).viewModel.getRouteConfigCalled, 1);

    await au.stop(true);

function getAllAsyncSpecs(count: number): HookSpecs {
  return HookSpecs.create({
    binding: hookSpecsMap.binding.async(count),
    bound: hookSpecsMap.bound.async(count),
    attaching: hookSpecsMap.attaching.async(count),
    attached: hookSpecsMap.attached.async(count),

    detaching: hookSpecsMap.detaching.async(count),
    unbinding: hookSpecsMap.unbinding.async(count),

    canLoad: hookSpecsMap.canLoad.async(count),
    loading: hookSpecsMap.loading.async(count),
    canUnload: hookSpecsMap.canUnload.async(count),
    unloading: hookSpecsMap.unloading.async(count),