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import { ErrorNames, createMappedError } from './errors';
import { Constructable, Overwrite } from './interfaces';
import { createLookup, isPromise, objectAssign } from './utilities';

 * Efficiently determine whether the provided property key is numeric
 * (and thus could be an array indexer) or not.
 * Always returns true for values of type `'number'`.
 * Otherwise, only returns true for strings that consist only of positive integers.
 * Results are cached.
export const isArrayIndex = (() => {
  const isNumericLookup: Record<string, boolean> = {};
  let result: boolean | undefined = false;
  let length = 0;
  let ch = 0;
  let i = 0;
  return (value: unknown): value is number | string => {
    switch (typeof value) {
      case 'number':
        return value >= 0 && (value | 0) === value;
      case 'string':
        result = isNumericLookup[value];
        if (result !== void 0) {
          return result;
        length = value.length;
        if (length === 0) {
          return isNumericLookup[value] = false;
        ch = 0;
        i = 0;
        for (; i < length; ++i) {
          ch = value.charCodeAt(i);
          if (i === 0 && ch === 0x30 && length > 1 /* must not start with 0 */ || ch < 0x30 /* 0 */ || ch > 0x39/* 9 */) {
            return isNumericLookup[value] = false;
        return isNumericLookup[value] = true;
        return false;

 * Base implementation of camel and kebab cases
const baseCase = /*@__PURE__*/(function () {
  const enum CharKind {
    none  = 0,
    digit = 1,
    upper = 2,
    lower = 3,

  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
  const isDigit = objectAssign(createLookup(), {
    '0': true,
    '1': true,
    '2': true,
    '3': true,
    '4': true,
    '5': true,
    '6': true,
    '7': true,
    '8': true,
    '9': true,
  } as Record<string, true | undefined>);

  const charToKind = (char: string): CharKind => {
    if (char === '') {
      // We get this if we do charAt() with an index out of range
      return CharKind.none;

    if (char !== char.toUpperCase()) {
      return CharKind.lower;

    if (char !== char.toLowerCase()) {
      return CharKind.upper;

    if (isDigit[char] === true) {
      return CharKind.digit;

    return CharKind.none;

  return (input: string, cb: (char: string, sep: boolean) => string): string => {
    const len = input.length;
    if (len === 0) {
      return input;

    let sep = false;
    let output = '';

    let prevKind: CharKind;

    let curChar = '';
    let curKind = CharKind.none;

    let nextChar = input.charAt(0);
    let nextKind = charToKind(nextChar);

    let i = 0;
    for (; i < len; ++i) {
      prevKind = curKind;

      curChar = nextChar;
      curKind = nextKind;

      nextChar = input.charAt(i + 1);
      nextKind = charToKind(nextChar);

      if (curKind === CharKind.none) {
        if (output.length > 0) {
          // Only set sep to true if it's not at the beginning of output.
          sep = true;
      } else {
        if (!sep && output.length > 0 && curKind === CharKind.upper) {
          // Separate UAFoo into UA Foo.
          // Separate uaFOO into ua FOO.
          sep = prevKind === CharKind.lower || nextKind === CharKind.lower;

        output += cb(curChar, sep);
        sep = false;

    return output;

 * Efficiently convert a string to camelCase.
 * Non-alphanumeric characters are treated as separators.
 * Primarily used by Aurelia to convert DOM attribute names to ViewModel property names.
 * Results are cached.
export const camelCase = /*@__PURE__*/(function () {
  const cache = createLookup<string | undefined>();

  const callback = (char: string, sep: boolean): string => {
    return sep ? char.toUpperCase() : char.toLowerCase();

  return (input: string): string => {
    let output = cache[input];
    if (output === void 0) {
      output = cache[input] = baseCase(input, callback);

    return output;

 * Efficiently convert a string to PascalCase.
 * Non-alphanumeric characters are treated as separators.
 * Primarily used by Aurelia to convert element names to class names for synthetic types.
 * Results are cached.
export const pascalCase = /*@__PURE__*/(function () {
  const cache = createLookup<string | undefined>();

  return (input: string): string => {
    let output = cache[input];
    if (output === void 0) {
      output = camelCase(input);
      if (output.length > 0) {
        output = output[0].toUpperCase() + output.slice(1);
      cache[input] = output;

    return output;

 * Efficiently convert a string to kebab-case.
 * Non-alphanumeric characters are treated as separators.
 * Primarily used by Aurelia to convert ViewModel property names to DOM attribute names.
 * Results are cached.
export const kebabCase = /*@__PURE__*/(function () {
  const cache = createLookup<string | undefined>();

  const callback = (char: string, sep: boolean): string => {
    return sep ? `-${char.toLowerCase()}` : char.toLowerCase();

  return (input: string): string => {
    let output = cache[input];
    if (output === void 0) {
      output = cache[input] = baseCase(input, callback);

    return output;

 * Efficiently (up to 10x faster than `Array.from`) convert an `ArrayLike` to a real array.
 * Primarily used by Aurelia to convert DOM node lists to arrays.
export const toArray = <T = unknown>(input: ArrayLike<T>): T[] => {
  // benchmark:
  const length = input.length;
  const arr = Array(length) as T[];
  let i = 0;
  for (; i < length; ++i) {
    arr[i] = input[i];
  return arr;

 * Decorator. Bind the method to the class instance.
export const bound = <
  TThis extends object,
  TArgs extends unknown[],
  originalMethod: (this: TThis, ...args: TArgs) => TReturn,
  context: ClassMethodDecoratorContext<TThis, (this: TThis, ...args: TArgs) => TReturn>,
): void => {
  const methodName = as string;
  context.addInitializer(function (this: TThis) {
    Reflect.defineProperty(this, methodName, {
      value: originalMethod.bind(this),
      writable: true,
      configurable: true,
      enumerable: false,

export const mergeArrays = <T>(...arrays: (readonly T[] | undefined)[]): T[] => {
  const result: T[] = [];
  let k = 0;
  const arraysLen = arrays.length;
  let arrayLen = 0;
  let array: readonly T[] | undefined;
  let i = 0;
  for (; i < arraysLen; ++i) {
    array = arrays[i];
    if (array !== void 0) {
      arrayLen = array.length;
      let j = 0;
      for (; j < arrayLen; ++j) {
        result[k++] = array[j];
  return result;

export const firstDefined = <T>(...values: readonly (T | undefined)[]): T => {
  const len = values.length;
  let value: T | undefined;
  let i = 0;
  for (; len > i; ++i) {
    value = values[i];
    if (value !== void 0) {
      return value;
  throw createMappedError(ErrorNames.first_defined_no_value);

 * Get the prototypes of a class hierarchy. Es6 classes have their parent class as prototype
 * so this will return a list of constructors
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * class A {}
 * class B extends A {}
 * assert.deepStrictEqual(getPrototypeChain(A), [A])
 * assert.deepStrictEqual(getPrototypeChain(B), [B, A])
 * ```
export const getPrototypeChain = /*@__PURE__*/(function () {
  const functionPrototype = Function.prototype;
  const getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;

  const cache = new WeakMap<Constructable, [Constructable, ...Constructable[]]>();
  let proto = functionPrototype as Constructable;
  let i = 0;
  let chain: [Constructable, ...Constructable[]] | undefined = void 0;

  return function <T extends Constructable> (Type: T): readonly [T, ...Constructable[]] {
    chain = cache.get(Type);
    if (chain === void 0) {
      cache.set(Type, chain = [proto = Type]);
      i = 0;
      while ((proto = getPrototypeOf(proto)) !== functionPrototype) {
        chain[++i] = proto;
    return chain as [T, ...Constructable[]];

export function toLookup<
  T1 extends {},
  obj1: T1,
): T1;
export function toLookup<
  T1 extends {},
  T2 extends {},
  obj1: T1,
  obj2: T2,
): Overwrite<T1, T2>;
export function toLookup<
  T1 extends {},
  T2 extends {},
  T3 extends {},
  obj1: T1,
  obj2: T2,
  obj3: T3,
): Overwrite<T1, Overwrite<T1, T2>>;
export function toLookup<
  T1 extends {},
  T2 extends {},
  T3 extends {},
  T4 extends {},
  obj1: T1,
  obj2: T2,
  obj3: T3,
  obj4: T4,
): Readonly<T1 & T2 & T3 & T4>;
export function toLookup<
  T1 extends {},
  T2 extends {},
  T3 extends {},
  T4 extends {},
  T5 extends {},
  obj1: T1,
  obj2: T2,
  obj3: T3,
  obj4: T4,
  obj5: T5,
): Readonly<T1 & T2 & T3 & T4 & T5>;
/** @internal */
export function toLookup(...objs: {}[]): Readonly<{}> {
  return objectAssign(createLookup(), ...objs);

 * Determine whether the value is a native function.
 * @param fn - The function to check.
 * @returns `true` is the function is a native function, otherwise `false`
export const isNativeFunction = /*@__PURE__*/(() => {
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
  const lookup: WeakMap<Function, boolean> = new WeakMap();
  let isNative = false as boolean | undefined;
  let sourceText = '';
  let i = 0;

  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
  return (fn: Function) => {
    isNative = lookup.get(fn);
    if (isNative == null) {
      i = (sourceText = fn.toString()).length;
      isNative = i > 28 && sourceText.indexOf('[native code] }') === i - 15;
      lookup.set(fn, isNative);
    return isNative;

type UnwrapPromise<T> = T extends Promise<infer R> ? R : T;
type MaybePromise<T> = T extends Promise<infer R> ? (T | R) : (T | Promise<T>);

 * Normalize a potential promise via a callback, to ensure things stay synchronous when they can.
 * If the value is a promise, it is `then`ed before the callback is invoked. Otherwise the callback is invoked synchronously.
export const onResolve = <TValue, TRet>(
  maybePromise: TValue,
  resolveCallback: (value: UnwrapPromise<TValue>) => TRet,
): MaybePromise<TRet> => {
  if (maybePromise instanceof Promise) {
    return maybePromise.then(resolveCallback) as MaybePromise<TRet>;
  return resolveCallback(maybePromise as UnwrapPromise<TValue>) as MaybePromise<TRet>;

 * Normalize an array of potential promises, to ensure things stay synchronous when they can.
 * If exactly one value is a promise, then that promise is returned.
 * If more than one value is a promise, a new `Promise.all` is returned.
 * If none of the values is a promise, nothing is returned, to indicate that things can stay synchronous.
export const onResolveAll = (...maybePromises: unknown[]): void | Promise<void> => {
  let maybePromise: unknown = void 0;
  let firstPromise: unknown = void 0;
  let promises: unknown[] | undefined = void 0;
  let i = 0;
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  let ii = maybePromises.length;
  for (; i < ii; ++i) {
    maybePromise = maybePromises[i];
    if (isPromise(maybePromise = maybePromises[i])) {
      if (firstPromise === void 0) {
        firstPromise = maybePromise;
      } else if (promises === void 0) {
        promises = [firstPromise, maybePromise];
      } else {

  if (promises === void 0) {
    return firstPromise as void | Promise<void>;
  return Promise.all(promises) as unknown as Promise<void>;