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import { createInterface, IContainer, IRegistry } from './di';
import { instanceRegistration, singletonRegistration } from './di.registration';
import { bound, toLookup } from './functions';
import { Class, Constructable } from './interfaces';
import { IPlatform } from './platform';
import { getAnnotationKeyFor } from './resource';
import { createLookup, defineMetadata, getMetadata, isFunction, objectFreeze } from './utilities';
import { resolve } from './di.container';
import { all, optional } from './di.resolvers';

/** @internal */ export const trace = 0;
/** @internal */ export const debug = 1;
/** @internal */ export const info = 2;
/** @internal */ export const warn = 3;
/** @internal */ export const error = 4;
/** @internal */ export const fatal = 5;
/** @internal */ export const none = 6;

export const LogLevel = objectFreeze({
   * The most detailed information about internal app state.
   * Disabled by default and should never be enabled in a production environment.
   * Information that is useful for debugging during development and has no long-term value.
   * Information about the general flow of the application that has long-term value.
   * Unexpected circumstances that require attention but do not otherwise cause the current flow of execution to stop.
   * Unexpected circumstances that cause the flow of execution in the current activity to stop but do not cause an app-wide failure.
   * Unexpected circumstances that cause an app-wide failure or otherwise require immediate attention.
   * No messages should be written.
} as const);
export type LogLevel = typeof LogLevel[keyof typeof LogLevel];

 * Flags to enable/disable color usage in the logging output.
 * - `no-colors`: Do not use ASCII color codes in logging output.
 * - `colors`: Use ASCII color codes in logging output. By default, timestamps and the TRC and DBG prefix are colored grey. INF white, WRN yellow, and ERR and FTL red.
export type ColorOptions = 'no-colors' | 'colors';

 * The global logger configuration.
 * Properties on this object can be changed during runtime and will affect logging of all components that are housed under the same root DI container as the logger.
export interface ILogConfig {
   * The global color options.
  colorOptions: ColorOptions;
   * The global log level. Only log calls with the same level or higher are emitted.
  level: LogLevel;

interface ILoggingConfigurationOptions extends ILogConfig {
  $console: IConsoleLike;
  sinks: (Class<ISink> | IRegistry)[];

 * Component that creates log event objects based on raw inputs sent to `ILogger`.
 * To customize what data is sent to the sinks, replace the implementation for this interface with your own.
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * export class MyLogEventFactory {
 *   public createLogEvent(logger: ILogger, logLevel: LogLevel, message: string, optionalParams: unknown[]): ILogEvent {
 *     return {
 *       logLevel,
 *       optionalParams,
 *       toString() {
 *         return `[${logger.scope.join('.')}] ${message} ${optionalParams.join(', ')}`;
 *       }
 *     };
 *   }
 * }
 * container.register(Registration.singleton(ILogEventFactory, MyLogEventFactory));
 * ```
export interface ILogEventFactory {
   * Create a log event object based on the input parameters sent to `ILogger`.
   * @param logger - The `ILogger` that received the message.
   * @param logLevel - The `LogLevel` associated with the `ILogger` method that the message was passed into. E.g. `logger.debug` will result in `LogLevel.debug`
   * @param message - The message (first parameter) that was passed into the logger. If a function was passed into the logger, this will be the return value of that function.
   * @param optionalParams - Additional optional parameters there were passed into the logger, if any.
   * @returns An `ILogEvent` object that, by default, only has a `.toString()` method.
   * This is called by the default console sink to get the message to emit to the console.
   * It could be any object of any shape, as long as the registered sinks understand that shape.
  createLogEvent(logger: ILogger, logLevel: LogLevel, message: string | Error, optionalParams: unknown[]): ILogEvent;

 * A logging sink that emits `ILogEvent` objects to any kind of output. This can be the console, a database, a web api, a file, etc.
 * Multiple sinks can be registered, and all events will be emitted to all of them.
 * @example
 * // A buffered file sink that writes once per second:
 * ```ts
 * export class BufferedFileSink {
 *   private readonly buffer: ILogEvent[] = [];
 *   constructor() {
 *     setInterval(() => {
 *       const events = this.buffer.splice(0);
 *       if (events.length > 0) {
 *         fs.appendFileSync('my-log.txt', => e.toString()).join('\n'));
 *       }
 *     }, 1000);
 *   }
 *   public emit(event: ILogEvent): void {
 *     this.buffer.push(event);
 *   }
 * }
 * container.register(Registration.singleton(ISink, BufferedFileSink));
 * ```
export interface ISink {
   * Handle the provided `ILogEvent` to the output interface wrapped by this sink.
   * @param event - The event object to emit. Built-in sinks will call `.toString()` on the event object but custom sinks can do anything they like with the event.
  handleEvent(event: ILogEvent): void;

 * The main interface to the logging API.
 * Inject this as a dependency in your components to add centralized, configurable logging capabilities to your application.
export interface ILogger extends DefaultLogger {}

export const ILogConfig = /*@__PURE__*/createInterface<ILogConfig>('ILogConfig', x => x.instance(new LogConfig('no-colors', warn)));
export const ISink = /*@__PURE__*/createInterface<ISink>('ISink');
export const ILogEventFactory = /*@__PURE__*/createInterface<ILogEventFactory>('ILogEventFactory', x => x.singleton(DefaultLogEventFactory));
export const ILogger = /*@__PURE__*/createInterface<ILogger>('ILogger', x => x.singleton(DefaultLogger));
export const ILogScopes = /*@__PURE__*/createInterface<string[]>('ILogScope');

interface SinkDefinition {
  handles: Exclude<LogLevel, typeof none>[];

export const LoggerSink = /*@__PURE__*/objectFreeze({
  key: getAnnotationKeyFor('logger-sink-handles'),
  define<TSink extends Constructable<ISink>>(target: TSink, definition: SinkDefinition) {
    defineMetadata(definition.handles, target, this.key);
  getHandles<TSink extends ISink>(target: TSink): Exclude<LogLevel, typeof none>[] | undefined {
    return getMetadata(this.key, target.constructor);

export const sink = (definition: SinkDefinition) => {
  return <TSink extends Constructable<ISink>>(_target: TSink, context: ClassDecoratorContext<TSink>): void =>
    context.addInitializer(function (this) {
      LoggerSink.define(this, definition);

export interface IConsoleLike {
  debug(message: string, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
  info(message: string, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
  warn(message: string, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
  error(message: string, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;

export const format = toLookup({
  red<T extends string>(str: T): T {
    return `\u001b[31m${str}\u001b[39m` as T;
  green<T extends string>(str: T): T {
    return `\u001b[32m${str}\u001b[39m` as T;
  yellow<T extends string>(str: T): T {
    return `\u001b[33m${str}\u001b[39m` as T;
  blue<T extends string>(str: T): T {
    return `\u001b[34m${str}\u001b[39m` as T;
  magenta<T extends string>(str: T): T {
    return `\u001b[35m${str}\u001b[39m` as T;
  cyan<T extends string>(str: T): T {
    return `\u001b[36m${str}\u001b[39m` as T;
  white<T extends string>(str: T): T {
    return `\u001b[37m${str}\u001b[39m` as T;
  grey<T extends string>(str: T): T {
    return `\u001b[90m${str}\u001b[39m` as T;
} as const);

export interface ILogEvent {
  readonly severity: LogLevel;
  readonly message: string | Error;
  readonly optionalParams?: readonly unknown[];
  readonly scope: readonly string[];
  readonly colorOptions: ColorOptions;
  readonly timestamp: number;
  toString(): string;
  getFormattedLogInfo(forConsole?: boolean): [string, ...unknown[]];

export class LogConfig implements ILogConfig {
  public constructor(
    public readonly colorOptions: ColorOptions,
    public readonly level: LogLevel,
  ) {}

const getLogLevelString = (function () {
  const logLevelString = {
    'no-colors': toLookup({
      TRC: 'TRC',
      DBG: 'DBG',
      INF: 'INF',
      WRN: 'WRN',
      ERR: 'ERR',
      FTL: 'FTL',
      QQQ: '???',
    } as const),
    'colors': toLookup({
      TRC: format.grey('TRC'),
      DBG: format.grey('DBG'),
      INF: format.white('INF'),
      WRN: format.yellow('WRN'),
      QQQ: format.grey('???'),
    } as const),
  } as const;

  return (level: LogLevel, colorOptions: ColorOptions): string => {
    if (level <= trace) {
      return logLevelString[colorOptions].TRC;
    if (level <= debug) {
      return logLevelString[colorOptions].DBG;
    if (level <= info) {
      return logLevelString[colorOptions].INF;
    if (level <= warn) {
      return logLevelString[colorOptions].WRN;
    if (level <= error) {
      return logLevelString[colorOptions].ERR;
    if (level <= fatal) {
      return logLevelString[colorOptions].FTL;
    return logLevelString[colorOptions].QQQ;

const getScopeString = (scope: readonly string[], colorOptions: ColorOptions): string => {
  if (colorOptions === 'no-colors') {
    return scope.join('.');

const getIsoString = (timestamp: number, colorOptions: ColorOptions): string => {
  if (colorOptions === 'no-colors') {
    return new Date(timestamp).toISOString();
  return format.grey(new Date(timestamp).toISOString());

export class DefaultLogEvent implements ILogEvent {
  public constructor(
    public readonly severity: LogLevel,
    public readonly message: string | Error,
    public readonly optionalParams: unknown[],
    public readonly scope: readonly string[],
    public readonly colorOptions: ColorOptions,
    public readonly timestamp: number,
  ) {}

  public toString(): string {
    const { severity, message, scope, colorOptions, timestamp } = this;

    if (scope.length === 0) {
      return `${getIsoString(timestamp, colorOptions)} [${getLogLevelString(severity, colorOptions)}] ${message}`;
    return `${getIsoString(timestamp, colorOptions)} [${getLogLevelString(severity, colorOptions)} ${getScopeString(scope, colorOptions)}] ${message}`;

  public getFormattedLogInfo(forConsole: boolean = false): [string, ...unknown[]] {
    const { severity, message: messageOrError, scope, colorOptions, timestamp, optionalParams } = this;
    let error: Error|null = null;
    let message: string = '';
    if (forConsole && messageOrError instanceof Error) {
      error = messageOrError;
    } else {
      message = messageOrError as string;

    const scopeInfo = scope.length === 0 ? '' : ` ${getScopeString(scope, colorOptions)}`;
    let msg = `${getIsoString(timestamp, colorOptions)} [${getLogLevelString(severity, colorOptions)}${scopeInfo}] ${message}`;

    if (optionalParams === void 0 || optionalParams.length === 0) {
      return error === null ? [msg] : [msg, error];
    let offset = 0;
    while (msg.includes('%s')) {
      msg = msg.replace('%s', String(optionalParams[offset++]));
    return error !== null ? [msg, error, ...optionalParams.slice(offset)] : [msg, ...optionalParams.slice(offset)];

export class DefaultLogEventFactory implements ILogEventFactory {
  public readonly config = resolve(ILogConfig);

  public createLogEvent(logger: ILogger, level: LogLevel, message: string | Error, optionalParams: unknown[]): ILogEvent {
    return new DefaultLogEvent(level, message, optionalParams, logger.scope, this.config.colorOptions,;

export class ConsoleSink implements ISink {
  public static register(container: IContainer) {
    singletonRegistration(ISink, ConsoleSink).register(container);

  public readonly handleEvent: (event: ILogEvent) => void;

  public constructor(
    p = resolve(IPlatform),
  ) {
    const $console = p.console as {
      debug(...args: unknown[]): void;
      info(...args: unknown[]): void;
      warn(...args: unknown[]): void;
      error(...args: unknown[]): void;
    this.handleEvent = function emit(event: ILogEvent): void {
      const _info = event.getFormattedLogInfo(true);
      switch (event.severity) {
        case trace:
        case debug:
          return $console.debug(..._info);
        case info:
          return $;
        case warn:
          return $console.warn(..._info);
        case error:
        case fatal:
          return $console.error(..._info);

export class DefaultLogger {
   * The root `ILogger` instance. On the root logger itself, this property circularly references the root. It is never null.
   * When using `.scopeTo`, a new `ILogger` is created. That new logger will have the `root` property set to the global (non-scoped) logger.
  public readonly root: ILogger;

  public readonly config: ILogConfig;

  public readonly sinks: readonly ISink[];
   * The parent `ILogger` instance. On the root logger itself, this property circularly references the root. It is never null.
   * When using `.scopeTo`, a new `ILogger` is created. That new logger will have the `parent` property set to the logger that it was created from.
  private readonly parent: ILogger;
  /** @internal */
  private readonly _traceSinks: ISink[];
  /** @internal */
  private readonly _debugSinks: ISink[];
  /** @internal */
  private readonly _infoSinks: ISink[];
  /** @internal */
  private readonly _warnSinks: ISink[];
  /** @internal */
  private readonly _errorSinks: ISink[];
  /** @internal */
  private readonly _fatalSinks: ISink[];

  /** @internal */
  private readonly _scopedLoggers = createLookup<ILogger | undefined>();

  /** @internal */
  private readonly _factory: ILogEventFactory;

  /* eslint-disable default-param-last */
  public constructor(
     * The global logger configuration.
    config = resolve(ILogConfig),
    factory = resolve(ILogEventFactory),
    sinks = resolve(all(ISink)),
     * The scopes that this logger was created for, if any.
    public readonly scope: string[] = resolve(optional(ILogScopes)) ?? [],
    parent: DefaultLogger | null = null,
  ) {
  /* eslint-enable default-param-last */
    let traceSinks: ISink[];
    let debugSinks: ISink[];
    let infoSinks: ISink[];
    let warnSinks: ISink[];
    let errorSinks: ISink[];
    let fatalSinks: ISink[];
    this.config = config;
    this._factory = factory;
    this.sinks = sinks;
    if (parent === null) {
      this.root = this;
      this.parent = this;

      traceSinks = this._traceSinks = [];
      debugSinks = this._debugSinks = [];
      infoSinks = this._infoSinks = [];
      warnSinks = this._warnSinks = [];
      errorSinks = this._errorSinks = [];
      fatalSinks = this._fatalSinks = [];
      for (const $sink of sinks) {
        const handles = LoggerSink.getHandles($sink);
        if (handles?.includes(trace) ?? true) {
        if (handles?.includes(debug) ?? true) {
        if (handles?.includes(info) ?? true) {
        if (handles?.includes(warn) ?? true) {
        if (handles?.includes(error) ?? true) {
        if (handles?.includes(fatal) ?? true) {
    } else {
      this.root = parent.root;
      this.parent = parent;

      traceSinks = this._traceSinks = parent._traceSinks;
      debugSinks = this._debugSinks = parent._debugSinks;
      infoSinks = this._infoSinks = parent._infoSinks;
      warnSinks = this._warnSinks = parent._warnSinks;
      errorSinks = this._errorSinks = parent._errorSinks;
      fatalSinks = this._fatalSinks = parent._fatalSinks;

   * Write to TRC output, if the configured `LogLevel` is set to `trace`.
   * Intended for the most detailed information about internal app state.
   * @param getMessage - A function to build the message to pass to the `ILogEventFactory`.
   * Only called if the configured `LogLevel` dictates that these messages be emitted.
   * Use this when creating the log message is potentially expensive and should only be done if the log is actually emitted.
   * @param optionalParams - Any additional, optional params that should be passed to the `ILogEventFactory`
  public trace(getMessage: () => unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
   * Write to TRC output, if the configured `LogLevel` is set to `trace`.
   * Intended for the most detailed information about internal app state.
   * @param message - The message to pass to the `ILogEventFactory`.
   * @param optionalParams - Any additional, optional params that should be passed to the `ILogEventFactory`
  public trace(message: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
  public trace(messageOrGetMessage: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void {
    if (this.config.level <= trace) {
      this._emit(this._traceSinks, trace, messageOrGetMessage, optionalParams);

   * Write to DBG output, if the configured `LogLevel` is set to `debug` or lower.
   * Intended for information that is useful for debugging during development and has no long-term value.
   * @param getMessage - A function to build the message to pass to the `ILogEventFactory`.
   * Only called if the configured `LogLevel` dictates that these messages be emitted.
   * Use this when creating the log message is potentially expensive and should only be done if the log is actually emitted.
   * @param optionalParams - Any additional, optional params that should be passed to the `ILogEventFactory`
  public debug(getMessage: () => unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
   * Write to DBG output, if the configured `LogLevel` is set to `debug` or lower.
   * Intended for information that is useful for debugging during development and has no long-term value.
   * @param message - The message to pass to the `ILogEventFactory`.
   * @param optionalParams - Any additional, optional params that should be passed to the `ILogEventFactory`
  public debug(message: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
  public debug(messageOrGetMessage: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void {
    if (this.config.level <= debug) {
      this._emit(this._debugSinks, debug, messageOrGetMessage, optionalParams);

   * Write to trace UBF, if the configured `LogLevel` is set to `info` or lower.
   * Intended for information about the general flow of the application that has long-term value.
   * @param getMessage - A function to build the message to pass to the `ILogEventFactory`.
   * Only called if the configured `LogLevel` dictates that these messages be emitted.
   * Use this when creating the log message is potentially expensive and should only be done if the log is actually emitted.
   * @param optionalParams - Any additional, optional params that should be passed to the `ILogEventFactory`
  public info(getMessage: () => unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
   * Write to trace UBF, if the configured `LogLevel` is set to `info` or lower.
   * Intended for information about the general flow of the application that has long-term value.
   * @param message - The message to pass to the `ILogEventFactory`.
   * @param optionalParams - Any additional, optional params that should be passed to the `ILogEventFactory`
  public info(message: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
  public info(messageOrGetMessage: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void {
    if (this.config.level <= info) {
      this._emit(this._infoSinks, info, messageOrGetMessage, optionalParams);

   * Write to WRN output, if the configured `LogLevel` is set to `warn` or lower.
   * Intended for unexpected circumstances that require attention but do not otherwise cause the current flow of execution to stop.
   * @param getMessage - A function to build the message to pass to the `ILogEventFactory`.
   * Only called if the configured `LogLevel` dictates that these messages be emitted.
   * Use this when creating the log message is potentially expensive and should only be done if the log is actually emitted.
   * @param optionalParams - Any additional, optional params that should be passed to the `ILogEventFactory`
  public warn(getMessage: () => unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
   * Write to WRN output, if the configured `LogLevel` is set to `warn` or lower.
   * Intended for unexpected circumstances that require attention but do not otherwise cause the current flow of execution to stop.
   * @param message - The message to pass to the `ILogEventFactory`.
   * @param optionalParams - Any additional, optional params that should be passed to the `ILogEventFactory`
  public warn(message: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
  public warn(messageOrGetMessage: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void {
    if (this.config.level <= warn) {
      this._emit(this._warnSinks, warn, messageOrGetMessage, optionalParams);

   * Write to ERR output, if the configured `LogLevel` is set to `error` or lower.
   * Intended for unexpected circumstances that cause the flow of execution in the current activity to stop but do not cause an app-wide failure.
   * @param getMessage - A function to build the message to pass to the `ILogEventFactory`.
   * Only called if the configured `LogLevel` dictates that these messages be emitted.
   * Use this when creating the log message is potentially expensive and should only be done if the log is actually emitted.
   * @param optionalParams - Any additional, optional params that should be passed to the `ILogEventFactory`
  public error(getMessage: () => unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
   * Write to ERR output, if the configured `LogLevel` is set to `error` or lower.
   * Intended for unexpected circumstances that cause the flow of execution in the current activity to stop but do not cause an app-wide failure.
   * @param message - The message to pass to the `ILogEventFactory`.
   * @param optionalParams - Any additional, optional params that should be passed to the `ILogEventFactory`
  public error(message: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
  public error(messageOrGetMessage: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void {
    if (this.config.level <= error) {
      this._emit(this._errorSinks, error, messageOrGetMessage, optionalParams);

   * Write to FTL output, if the configured `LogLevel` is set to `fatal` or lower.
   * Intended for unexpected circumstances that cause an app-wide failure or otherwise require immediate attention.
   * @param getMessage - A function to build the message to pass to the `ILogEventFactory`.
   * Only called if the configured `LogLevel` dictates that these messages be emitted.
   * Use this when creating the log message is potentially expensive and should only be done if the log is actually emitted.
   * @param optionalParams - Any additional, optional params that should be passed to the `ILogEventFactory`
  public fatal(getMessage: () => unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
   * Write to FTL output, if the configured `LogLevel` is set to `fatal` or lower.
   * Intended for unexpected circumstances that cause an app-wide failure or otherwise require immediate attention.
   * @param message - The message to pass to the `ILogEventFactory`.
   * @param optionalParams - Any additional, optional params that should be passed to the `ILogEventFactory`
  public fatal(message: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void;
  public fatal(messageOrGetMessage: unknown, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void {
    if (this.config.level <= fatal) {
      this._emit(this._fatalSinks, fatal, messageOrGetMessage, optionalParams);

   * Create a new logger with an additional permanent prefix added to the logging outputs.
   * When chained, multiple scopes are separated by a dot.
   * This is preliminary API and subject to change before alpha release.
   * @example
   * ```ts
   * export class MyComponent {
   *   constructor(@ILogger private logger: ILogger) {
   *     this.logger.debug('before scoping');
   *     // console output: '[DBG] before scoping'
   *     this.logger = logger.scopeTo('MyComponent');
   *     this.logger.debug('after scoping');
   *     // console output: '[DBG MyComponent] after scoping'
   *   }
   *   public doStuff(): void {
   *     const logger = this.logger.scopeTo('doStuff()');
   *     logger.debug('doing stuff');
   *     // console output: '[DBG MyComponent.doStuff()] doing stuff'
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
  public scopeTo(name: string): ILogger {
    const scopedLoggers = this._scopedLoggers;
    let scopedLogger = scopedLoggers[name];
    if (scopedLogger === void 0) {
      scopedLogger = scopedLoggers[name] = new DefaultLogger(this.config, this._factory, null!, this.scope.concat(name), this);
    return scopedLogger;

  /** @internal */
  private _emit(sinks: ISink[], level: LogLevel, msgOrGetMsg: unknown, optionalParams: unknown[]): void {
    const message = (isFunction(msgOrGetMsg) ? msgOrGetMsg() : msgOrGetMsg) as string;
    const event = this._factory.createLogEvent(this, level, message, optionalParams);
    for (let i = 0, ii = sinks.length; i < ii; ++i) {

 * A basic `ILogger` configuration that configures a single `console` sink based on provided options.
 * NOTE: You *must* register the return value of `.create` with the container / au instance, not this `LoggerConfiguration` object itself.
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * container.register(LoggerConfiguration.create());
 * container.register(LoggerConfiguration.create({sinks: [ConsoleSink]}))
 * container.register(LoggerConfiguration.create({sinks: [ConsoleSink], level: LogLevel.debug}))
 * ```
export const LoggerConfiguration = /*@__PURE__*/ toLookup({
   * @param $console - The `console` object to use. Can be the native `window.console` / `global.console`, but can also be a wrapper or mock that implements the same interface.
   * @param level - The global `LogLevel` to configure. Defaults to `warn` or higher.
   * @param colorOptions - Whether to use colors or not. Defaults to `noColors`. Colors are especially nice in nodejs environments but don't necessarily work (well) in all environments, such as browsers.
      level = warn,
      colorOptions = 'no-colors',
      sinks = [],
    }: Partial<ILoggingConfigurationOptions> = {}
  ): IRegistry {
    return toLookup({
      register(container: IContainer): IContainer {
          instanceRegistration(ILogConfig, new LogConfig(colorOptions, level)),
        for (const $sink of sinks) {
          if (isFunction($sink)) {
            container.register(singletonRegistration(ISink, $sink));
          } else {
        return container;