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import { InstructionParser } from './instruction-parser';
import { InstructionParameters, Parameters } from './instruction-parameters';
import { InstructionComponent } from './instruction-component';
import { ComponentAppellation, ComponentParameters, LoadInstruction } from '../interfaces';
import { RoutingScope } from '../routing-scope';
import { ViewportScope } from '../endpoints/viewport-scope';
import { FoundRoute } from '../found-route';
import { Endpoint, EndpointType } from '../endpoints/endpoint';
import { Viewport } from '../endpoints/viewport';
import { CustomElement } from '@aurelia/runtime-html';
import { IRouter, IRouterConfiguration, Navigation, Route } from '../index';
import { EndpointHandle, InstructionEndpoint } from './instruction-endpoint';
import { Separators } from '../router-options';
import { IContainer } from '@aurelia/kernel';

 * The routing instructions are the core of the router's navigations. All
 * navigation instructions to the router are translated to a set of
 * routing instructions. The routing instructions are resolved "non-early"
 * to support dynamic, local resolutions.
 * Routing instructions are used to represent the full navigation state
 * and is serialized when storing and restoring the navigation state. (But
 * not full component state with component instance state. ViewportContent
 * is used for that.)
export class RoutingInstruction {
   * The component part of the routing instruction.
  public component: InstructionComponent;

   * The endpoint part of the routing instruction.
  public endpoint: InstructionEndpoint;

   * The parameters part of the routing instruction.
  public parameters: InstructionParameters;

   * Whether the routing instruction owns its scope.
  public ownsScope: boolean = true;

   * The routing instructions in the next scope ("children").
  public nextScopeInstructions: RoutingInstruction[] | null = null;

   * The scope the the routing instruction belongs to.
  public scope: RoutingScope | null = null;

   * The scope modifier of the routing instruction.
  public scopeModifier: string = '';

   * Whether the routing instruction can be resolved within the scope without having
   * endpoint specified. Used when creating string instructions/links/url.
  public needsEndpointDescribed: boolean = false;

   * The configured route, if any, that the routing instruction is part of.
  public route: FoundRoute | string | null = null;

   * The instruction is the start/first instruction of a configured route.
  public routeStart: boolean = false;

   * Whether the routing instruction is the result of a (viewport) default (meaning it
   * has lower priority when processing instructions).
  public default: boolean = false;

   * Whether the routing instruction is the top instruction in its routing instruction
   * hierarchy. Used when syncing swap of all (top) instructions.
  public topInstruction: boolean = false;

   * The string, if any, that was used to parse the instruction. Includes anything
   * in the string after the actual part for the instruction itself.
  public unparsed: string | null = null;

   * Whether the routing instruction has been cancelled (aborted) for some reason
  public cancelled: boolean = false;

  public constructor(
    component?: ComponentAppellation | Promise<ComponentAppellation>,
    endpoint?: EndpointHandle,
    parameters?: ComponentParameters,
  ) {
    this.component = InstructionComponent.create(component);
    this.endpoint = InstructionEndpoint.create(endpoint);
    this.parameters = InstructionParameters.create(parameters);

   * Create a new routing instruction.
   * @param component - The component (appelation) part of the instruction. Can be a promise
   * @param endpoint - The endpoint (handle) part of the instruction
   * @param parameters - The parameters part of the instruction
   * @param ownScope - Whether the routing instruction owns its scope
   * @param nextScopeInstructions - The routing instructions in the next scope ("children")
  public static create(component?: ComponentAppellation | Promise<ComponentAppellation>, endpoint?: EndpointHandle, parameters?: ComponentParameters, ownsScope: boolean = true, nextScopeInstructions: RoutingInstruction[] | null = null): RoutingInstruction | Promise<RoutingInstruction> {
    const instruction: RoutingInstruction = new RoutingInstruction(component, endpoint, parameters);
    instruction.ownsScope = ownsScope;
    instruction.nextScopeInstructions = nextScopeInstructions;

    return instruction;

   * Create a clear endpoint routing instruction.
   * @param endpoint - The endpoint to create the clear instruction for
  public static createClear(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter, endpoint: EndpointType | Endpoint): RoutingInstruction {
    return RoutingInstruction.create(RoutingInstruction.clear(context), endpoint) as RoutingInstruction;

   * Get routing instructions based on load instructions.
   * @param context - The context (used for syntax) within to parse the instructions
   * @param loadInstructions - The load instructions to get the routing
   * instructions from.
  public static from(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter | IContainer, loadInstructions: LoadInstruction | LoadInstruction[]): RoutingInstruction[] {
    if (!Array.isArray(loadInstructions)) {
      loadInstructions = [loadInstructions];
    const instructions: RoutingInstruction[] = [];
    for (const instruction of loadInstructions as LoadInstruction[]) {
      if (typeof instruction === 'string') {
        instructions.push(...RoutingInstruction.parse(context, instruction));
      } else if (instruction instanceof RoutingInstruction) {
      } else if (instruction instanceof Promise) {
        instructions.push(RoutingInstruction.create(instruction) as RoutingInstruction);
      } else if (InstructionComponent.isAppelation(instruction)) {
        instructions.push(RoutingInstruction.create(instruction) as RoutingInstruction);
      } else if (InstructionComponent.isDefinition(instruction)) {
        instructions.push(RoutingInstruction.create(instruction.Type) as RoutingInstruction);
      } else if ('component' in instruction || 'id' in instruction) {
        const viewportComponent = instruction;
        const newInstruction = RoutingInstruction.create(viewportComponent.component, viewportComponent.viewport, viewportComponent.parameters) as RoutingInstruction;
        newInstruction.route = ?? null;
        if (viewportComponent.children !== void 0 && viewportComponent.children !== null) {
          newInstruction.nextScopeInstructions = RoutingInstruction.from(context, viewportComponent.children);
      } else if (typeof instruction === 'object' && instruction !== null) {
        const type = CustomElement.define(instruction);
        instructions.push(RoutingInstruction.create(type) as RoutingInstruction);
      } else {
        instructions.push(RoutingInstruction.create(instruction as ComponentAppellation) as RoutingInstruction);
    return instructions;

   * The routing instruction component that represents "clear".
  public static clear(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter): string {
    return Separators.for(context).clear;

   * The routing instruction component that represents "add".
  public static add(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter): string {
    return Separators.for(context).add;

   * Parse an instruction string into a list of routing instructions.
   * @param context - The context (used for syntax) within to parse the instructions
   * @param instructions - The instruction string to parse
  public static parse(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter | IContainer, instructions: string): RoutingInstruction[] {
    const seps = Separators.for(context);
    let scopeModifier = '';
    // Scope modifier is a start with .. or / and any combination thereof
    const match = /^[./]+/.exec(instructions);
    // If it starts with a scope modifier...
    if (Array.isArray(match) && match.length > 0) {
      // and...
      scopeModifier = match[0];
      // ...extract it.
      instructions = instructions.slice(scopeModifier.length);
    // Parse the instructions...
    const parsedInstructions: RoutingInstruction[] = InstructionParser.parse(seps, instructions, true, true).instructions;
    for (const instruction of parsedInstructions) {
      // ...and set the scope modifier on each of them.
      instruction.scopeModifier = scopeModifier;
    return parsedInstructions;

   * Stringify a list of routing instructions, recursively down next scope/child instructions.
   * @param context - The context (used for syntax) within to stringify the instructions
   * @param instructions - The instructions to stringify
   * @param excludeEndpoint - Whether to exclude endpoint names in the string
   * @param endpointContext - Whether to include endpoint context in the string
  public static stringify(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter | IContainer, instructions: RoutingInstruction[] | string, excludeEndpoint: boolean = false, endpointContext: boolean = false): string {
    return typeof (instructions) === 'string'
      ? instructions
      : instructions
        .map(instruction => instruction.stringify(context, excludeEndpoint, endpointContext))
        .filter(instruction => instruction.length > 0)

   * Resolve a list of routing instructions, returning a promise that should be awaited if needed.
   * @param instructions - The instructions to resolve
  public static resolve(instructions: RoutingInstruction[]): void | Promise<void | ComponentAppellation[]> {
    const resolvePromises = instructions
      .filter(instr => instr.isUnresolved)
      .map(instr => instr.resolve())
      .filter(result => result instanceof Promise);
    if (resolvePromises.length > 0) {
      return Promise.all(resolvePromises) as Promise<void | ComponentAppellation[]>;

   * Whether the instructions, on any level, contains siblings
   * @param instructions - The instructions to check
  public static containsSiblings(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter, instructions: RoutingInstruction[] | null): boolean {
    if (instructions === null) {
      return false;
    if (instructions
      .filter(instruction => !instruction.isClear(context) && !instruction.isClearAll(context))
      .length > 1) {
      return true;
    return instructions.some(instruction => RoutingInstruction.containsSiblings(context, instruction.nextScopeInstructions));

   * Get all routing instructions, recursively down next scope/child instructions, as
   * a "flat" list.
   * @param instructions - The instructions to flatten
  public static flat(instructions: RoutingInstruction[]): RoutingInstruction[] {
    const flat: RoutingInstruction[] = [];
    for (const instruction of instructions) {
      if (instruction.hasNextScopeInstructions) {
    return flat;

   * Clone a list of routing instructions.
   * @param instructions - The instructions to clone
   * @param keepInstances - Whether actual instances should be transfered
   * @param scopeModifier - Whether the scope modifier should be transfered
  public static clone(instructions: RoutingInstruction[], keepInstances: boolean = false, scopeModifier: boolean = false): RoutingInstruction[] {
    return => instruction.clone(keepInstances, scopeModifier));

   * Whether a list of routing instructions contains another list of routing
   * instructions. If deep, all next scope instructions needs to be contained
   * in containing next scope instructions as well.
   * @param context - The context (used for parameter syntax) to compare within
   * @param instructionsToSearch - Instructions that should contain (superset)
   * @param instructionsToFind - Instructions that should be contained (subset)
   * @param deep - Whether next scope instructions also need to be contained (recursively)
  public static contains(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter | IContainer, instructionsToSearch: RoutingInstruction[], instructionsToFind: RoutingInstruction[], deep: boolean): boolean {
    // All instructions to find need to exist in instructions to search
    return instructionsToFind.every(find => find.isIn(context, instructionsToSearch, deep));

   * The endpoint of the routing instruction if it's a viewport OR if
   * it can't be decided (no instance, just a name).
  public get viewport(): InstructionEndpoint | null {
    return this.endpoint.instance instanceof Viewport ||
      this.endpoint.endpointType === null
      ? this.endpoint
      : null;

   * The endpoint of the routing instruction if it's a viewport scope OR if
   * it can't be decided (no instance, just a name).
  public get viewportScope(): InstructionEndpoint | null {
    return this.endpoint.instance instanceof ViewportScope ||
      this.endpoint.endpointType === null
      ? this.endpoint
      : null;

   * The previous instruction for the specific endpoint. This can only evaluate
   * to a value when the instruction has an assigned endpoint. This is a
   * convenience property in the API.
  public get previous(): RoutingInstruction | null | undefined {
    return this.endpoint.instance?.getContent()?.instruction;

   * Whether the routing instruction is an "add" instruction.
  public isAdd(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter): boolean {
    return === Separators.for(context).add;
   * Whether the routing instruction is a "clear" instruction.
  public isClear(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter): boolean {
    return === Separators.for(context).clear;
   * Whether the routing instruction is an "add all" instruction.
  public isAddAll(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter): boolean {
    return this.isAdd(context) && (( ?? 0) === 0);
   * Whether the routing instruction is an "clear all" instruction.
  public isClearAll(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter): boolean {
    return this.isClear(context) && (( ?? 0) === 0);

   * Whether the routing instruction has next scope/"children" instructions.
  public get hasNextScopeInstructions(): boolean {
    return (this.nextScopeInstructions?.length ?? 0) > 0;

   * Whether the routing instruction is unresolved.
  public get isUnresolved(): boolean {
    return this.component.isFunction() || this.component.isPromise();

   * Resolve the routing instruction.
  public resolve(): void | Promise<ComponentAppellation> {
    return this.component.resolve(this);

   * Get the instruction parameters with type specification applied.
  public typeParameters(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter | IContainer): Parameters {
    return this.parameters.toSpecifiedParameters(context, this.component.type?.parameters ?? []);

   * Compare the routing instruction's route with the route of another routing
   * instruction.
   * @param other - The routing instruction to compare to
  public sameRoute(other: RoutingInstruction): boolean {
    const thisRoute = this.route?.match;
    const otherRoute = other.route?.match;
    if (thisRoute == null || otherRoute == null) {
      return false;
    if (typeof thisRoute === 'string' || typeof otherRoute === 'string') {
      return thisRoute === otherRoute;

    return (thisRoute as Route).id === (otherRoute as Route).id;

   * Compare the routing instruction's component with the component of another routing
   * instruction. Compares on name unless `compareType` is `true`.
   * @param context - The context (used for parameter syntax) to compare within
   * @param other - The routing instruction to compare to
   * @param compareParameters - Whether parameters should also be compared
   * @param compareType - Whether comparision should be made on type only (and not name)
  public sameComponent(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter | IContainer, other: RoutingInstruction, compareParameters: boolean = false, compareType: boolean = false): boolean {
    if (compareParameters && !this.sameParameters(context, other, compareType)) {
      return false;
    return this.component.same(other.component, compareType);

   * Compare the routing instruction's endpoint with the endpoint of another routing
   * instruction. Compares on endpoint instance if possible, otherwise name.
   * @param other - The routing instruction to compare to
   * @param compareScope - Whether comparision should be made on scope as well (and not
   * only instance/name)
  public sameEndpoint(other: RoutingInstruction, compareScope: boolean): boolean {
    return this.endpoint.same(other.endpoint, compareScope);

   * Compare the routing instruction's parameters with the parameters of another routing
   * instruction. Compares on actual values.
   * @param other - The routing instruction to compare to
   * @param compareType - Whether comparision should be made on type as well
  public sameParameters(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter | IContainer, other: RoutingInstruction, compareType: boolean = false): boolean {
    // TODO: Somewhere we need to check for format such as spaces etc
    if (!this.component.same(other.component, compareType)) {
      return false;
    return this.parameters.same(context, other.parameters, this.component.type);

   * Stringify the routing instruction, recursively down next scope/child instructions.
   * @param context - The context (used for syntax) within to stringify the instructions
   * @param excludeEndpoint - Whether to exclude endpoint names in the string
   * @param endpointContext - Whether to include endpoint context in the string
   * @param shallow - Whether to stringify next scope instructions
  public stringify(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter | IContainer, excludeEndpoint: boolean = false, endpointContext: boolean = false, shallow = false): string {
    const seps = Separators.for(context);
    let excludeCurrentEndpoint = excludeEndpoint;
    let excludeCurrentComponent = false;

    // If viewport context is specified...
    if (endpointContext) {
      const viewport = this.viewport?.instance as Viewport ?? null;
      // ('s still skipped if no link option is set on viewport)
      if (viewport?.options.noLink ?? false) {
        return '';
      // ...viewport can still be excluded if it's not necessary...
      if (!this.needsEndpointDescribed &&
        (!(viewport?.options.forceDescription ?? false) // ...and not forced...
          || (this.viewportScope?.instance != null)) // ...or it has a viewport scope
      ) {
        excludeCurrentEndpoint = true;
      // ...or if it's the fallback component...
      if (viewport?.options.fallback === {
        excludeCurrentComponent = true;
      // ...or the default component /* without next scope instructions/children */.
      if (viewport?.options.default === /* && !this.hasNextScopeInstructions */) {
        excludeCurrentComponent = true;

    const nextInstructions: RoutingInstruction[] | null = this.nextScopeInstructions;
    // Start with the scope modifier (if any)
    let stringified: string = this.scopeModifier;

    // It's a configured route that's already added as part of a configuration, so skip to next scope!
    if (this.route instanceof FoundRoute && !this.routeStart) {
      return !shallow && Array.isArray(nextInstructions)
        ? RoutingInstruction.stringify(context, nextInstructions, excludeEndpoint, endpointContext)
        : '';
    const path = this.stringifyShallow(context, excludeCurrentEndpoint, excludeCurrentComponent);
    stringified += path.endsWith(seps.scope) ? path.slice(0, -seps.scope.length) : path;

    // If any next scope/child instructions...
    if (!shallow && Array.isArray(nextInstructions) && nextInstructions.length > 0) {
      // ...get them as string...
      const nextStringified = RoutingInstruction.stringify(context, nextInstructions, excludeEndpoint, endpointContext);
      if (nextStringified.length > 0) {
        // ...and add with scope separator and...
        stringified += seps.scope;
        // ...check if scope grouping separators are needed:
        stringified += nextInstructions.length === 1 // TODO: This should really also check that the instructions have value
          // only one child, add as-is
          ? nextStringified
          // more than one child, add within scope (between () )
          : `${seps.groupStart}${nextStringified}${seps.groupEnd}`;
    return stringified;

   * Clone the routing instruction.
   * @param keepInstances - Whether actual instances should be transfered
   * @param scopeModifier - Whether the scope modifier should be transfered
   * @param shallow - Whether it should be a shallow clone only
  public clone(keepInstances: boolean = false, scopeModifier: boolean = false, shallow: boolean = false): RoutingInstruction {
    // Create a clone without instances...
    const clone = RoutingInstruction.create(
      this.component.func ?? this.component.promise ?? this.component.type ??!,!,
      this.parameters.typedParameters ?? void 0,
    ) as RoutingInstruction;
    // ...and then set them if they should be transfered.
    if (keepInstances) {
      clone.component.set(this.component.instance ?? this.component.type ??!);
      clone.endpoint.set(this.endpoint.instance ??!);
    // And transfer the component name afterwards to make sure aliases are kept =;

    clone.needsEndpointDescribed = this.needsEndpointDescribed;
    clone.route = this.route;
    clone.routeStart = this.routeStart;
    clone.default = this.default;

    // Only transfer scope modifier if specified
    if (scopeModifier) {
      clone.scopeModifier = this.scopeModifier;
    clone.scope = keepInstances ? this.scope : null;
    // Clone all next scope/child instructions
    if (this.hasNextScopeInstructions && !shallow) {
      clone.nextScopeInstructions = RoutingInstruction.clone(this.nextScopeInstructions!, keepInstances, scopeModifier);
    return clone;

   * Whether the routing instruction is in a list of routing instructions. If
   * deep, all next scope instructions needs to be contained in containing
   * next scope instructions as well.
   * @param context - The context (used for parameter syntax) to compare within
   * @param searchIn - Instructions that should contain (superset)
   * @param deep - Whether next scope instructions also need to be contained (recursively)
  public isIn(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter | IContainer, searchIn: RoutingInstruction[], deep: boolean): boolean {
    // Get all instructions with matching component.
    const matching = searchIn.filter(instruction => {
      // Match either routes...
      if (this.route != null || instruction.route != null) {
        if (!instruction.sameRoute(this)) {
          return false;
      } else {
        // ... or components
        if (!instruction.sameComponent(context, this)) {
          return false;
      // Use own type if we have it, the other's type if not
      const instructionType = instruction.component.type ?? this.component.type;
      const thisType = this.component.type ?? instruction.component.type;
      const instructionParameters = instruction.parameters.toSpecifiedParameters(context, instructionType?.parameters);
      const thisParameters = this.parameters.toSpecifiedParameters(context, thisType?.parameters);

      if (!InstructionParameters.contains(instructionParameters, thisParameters)) {
        return false;
      return (this.endpoint.none || instruction.sameEndpoint(this, false));
    // If no one matches, it's a failure.
    if (matching.length === 0) {
      return false;

    // If no deep match or no next scope instructions...
    if (!deep || !this.hasNextScopeInstructions) {
      //'s a successful match.
      return true;

    // Match the next scope instructions to the next scope instructions of each
    // of the matching instructions and if at least one match (recursively)...
    if (matching.some(matched => RoutingInstruction.contains(
      matched.nextScopeInstructions ?? [],
    ) {
      //'s a success...
      return true;
    // ...otherwise it's a failure to match.
    return false;

   * Get the title for the routing instruction.
   * @param navigation - The navigation that requests the content change
  public getTitle(navigation: Navigation): string {
    // If it's a configured route...
    if (this.route instanceof FoundRoute) {
      // ...get the configured route title.
      const routeTitle = this.route.match?.title;
      // If there's a configured title, use it. Otherwise fallback to
      // titles based on endpoint's component.
      if (routeTitle != null) {
        // Only add the title (once) if it's the first instruction
        if (this.routeStart) {
          // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
          return typeof routeTitle === 'string' ? routeTitle : routeTitle(this, navigation);
        } else {
          return '';
    return this.endpoint.instance!.getTitle(navigation);

  public toJSON(): unknown {
    return {
      component: ?? undefined,
      viewport: ?? undefined,
      parameters: this.parameters.parametersRecord ?? undefined,
      children: this.hasNextScopeInstructions
        ? this.nextScopeInstructions
        : undefined,
   * Stringify the routing instruction shallowly, NOT recursively down next scope/child instructions.
   * @param context - The context (used for syntax) within to stringify the instructions
   * @param excludeEndpoint - Whether to exclude endpoint names in the string
   * @param excludeComponent - Whether to exclude component names in the string
  private stringifyShallow(context: IRouterConfiguration | IRouter | IContainer, excludeEndpoint: boolean = false, excludeComponent: boolean = false): string {
    if (this.route != null) {
      const path = this.route instanceof FoundRoute ? this.route.matching : this.route;
      return path
        .map(part => part.startsWith(':')
          ? this.parameters.get(context, part.slice(1))
          : part)

    const seps = Separators.for(context);
    // Start with component (unless excluded)
    let instructionString = !excludeComponent ? ?? '' : '';

    // Get parameters specification (names, sort order) from component type
    // TODO(alpha): Use Metadata!
    const specification = this.component.type ? this.component.type.parameters : null;
    // Get parameters according to specification
    const parameters = InstructionParameters.stringify(context, this.parameters.toSortedParameters(context, specification));
    if (parameters.length > 0) {
      // Add to component or use standalone
      instructionString += !excludeComponent
        ? `${seps.parameters}${parameters}${seps.parametersEnd}`
        : parameters;
    // Add endpoint name (unless excluded)
    if ( != null && !excludeEndpoint) {
      instructionString += `${seps.viewport}${}`;
    // And add no (owned) scope indicator
    if (!this.ownsScope) {
      instructionString += seps.noScope;
    return instructionString || '';