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import { Class, Constructable } from '@aurelia/kernel';
import { rtDefineHiddenProp, rtSafeString } from './utilities';
import { nowrapClassKey, nowrapPropKey } from './proxy-observation';

export function nowrap(): (target: unknown, context: ClassDecoratorContext | ClassFieldDecoratorContext) => void;
 * A decorator to signal proxy observation shouldn't make an effort to wrap an object
// for
//    @nowrap
//    class {}
export function nowrap(target: Constructable, context: ClassDecoratorContext): void;
// for
//    class {
//      @nowrap prop
//    }
export function nowrap(target: undefined, context: ClassFieldDecoratorContext): void;
 * A decorator to signal proxy observation shouldn't make an effort to wrap an object
export function nowrap<
  TThis extends object
  target?: Class<TThis> | undefined,
  context?: ClassDecoratorContext<Class<TThis>> | ClassFieldDecoratorContext<TThis>
): void
  | ((target: unknown, context: ClassDecoratorContext | ClassFieldDecoratorContext) => void) {
  return arguments.length === 0 ? decorator : decorator(target!, context!);

  function decorator(
    target: unknown,
    context: ClassDecoratorContext<Class<TThis>> | ClassFieldDecoratorContext<TThis>
  ): void {
    switch (context.kind) {
      case 'class':
        rtDefineHiddenProp(target as Class<TThis>, nowrapClassKey, true);
      case 'field':
        context.addInitializer(function (this: object) {
          const target = this.constructor;
          const property = `${nowrapPropKey}_${rtSafeString(}__`;
          if (property in target) return;
          rtDefineHiddenProp(target, property, true);

/* eslint-disable */
// this is a test and will be automatically removed by dead code elimination
function testNowrap() {
  class MyModel {}

  class MyModel2 {}

  class MyModel3 {
    @nowrap public prop = 1;
    @nowrap() public prop1 = 1;
/* eslint-enable */