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import { Constructable, IContainer, IPlatform, Key } from '@aurelia/kernel';
import { createInterface } from './utilities';
import { AttrSyntax } from './attribute-pattern';
import { IInstruction } from './instructions';

export interface IElementComponentDefinition<TBindables extends string = string> {
  name: string;
  type: 'custom-element';
  template?: string | Node | null;
  dependencies?: readonly Key[];
  instructions?: readonly IInstruction[][];
  surrogates?: readonly IInstruction[];
  needsCompile?: boolean;
  containerless?: boolean;
   * Indicates whether there's a <slot> element in the template of this element
  hasSlots?: boolean;
  shadowOptions?: { mode: 'open' | 'closed' } | null;
  capture?: boolean | ((attrName: string) => boolean);
  enhance?: boolean;
  processContent?: ProcessContentHook | null;
  bindables?: (TBindables | IComponentBindablePropDefinition)[] | Record<TBindables, Omit<IComponentBindablePropDefinition, 'name'> | true>;
  Type?: Constructable;

export type ProcessContentHook = (this: Constructable | undefined, node: HTMLElement, platform: IDomPlatform, data: Record<PropertyKey, unknown>) => boolean | void;

export type StringBindingMode =
  | 'default'
  | 'oneTime'
  | 'toView'
  | 'fromView'
  | 'twoWay';

export interface IAttributeComponentDefinition<TBindables extends string = string> {
  name: string;
  type: 'custom-attribute';
  noMultiBindings?: boolean;
  isTemplateController?: boolean;
  aliases?: readonly string[];
  defaultBindingMode?: StringBindingMode | number;
  bindables?: (TBindables | IComponentBindablePropDefinition)[] | Record<TBindables, Omit<IComponentBindablePropDefinition, 'name'> | true>;

export interface IComponentBindablePropDefinition {
  name: string;
  attribute?: string;
  primary?: boolean;
  mode?: StringBindingMode | number;
  set?: (v: any) => any;

export type ICompiledElementComponentDefinition = IElementComponentDefinition & {
  instructions: IInstruction[][];
  surrogates: IInstruction[][];
  template: HTMLElement | null;

 * An interface describing the template compiler used by Aurelia applicaitons
export const ITemplateCompiler = /*@__PURE__*/createInterface<ITemplateCompiler>('ITemplateCompiler');
export interface ITemplateCompiler {
   * Indicates whether this compiler should compile template in debug mode
   * For the default compiler, this means all expressions are kept as is on the template
  debug: boolean;
   * Experimental API, for optimization.
   * `true` to create CustomElement/CustomAttribute instructions
   * with resolved resources constructor during compilation, instead of name
  resolveResources: boolean;

    partialDefinition: IElementComponentDefinition,
    context: IContainer,
  ): ICompiledElementComponentDefinition;

   * Compile a list of captured attributes as if they are declared in a template
   * @param requestor - the context definition where the attributes is compiled
   * @param attrSyntaxes - the attributes captured
   * @param container - the container containing information for the compilation
   * @param host - the host element where the attributes are spreaded on
  compileSpread<T extends IElementComponentDefinition>(
    requestor: T,
    attrSyntaxes: AttrSyntax[],
    container: IContainer,
    target: Element,
     * An associated custom element definition for the target host element
     * Sometimes spread compilation may occur without the container having all necessary information
     * about the targeted element that is receiving the spread
     * Caller of this method may want to provide this information dynamically instead
    targetDef?: T,
  ): IInstruction[];

export interface IDomPlatform extends IPlatform {
  document: Document;