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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
import { Class, DI } from '@aurelia/kernel';
import { type IsBindingBehavior, IExpressionParser } from '@aurelia/expression-parser';
import { Deserializer } from './ast-serialization';
import { IValidationRules } from './rule-provider';
import { IValidationMessageProvider } from './rules';

export type IValidateable<T = any> = (Class<T> | object) & { [key in PropertyKey]: any };
export type ValidationRuleExecutionPredicate<TObject extends IValidateable = IValidateable> = (object?: TObject) => boolean;

export interface IValidationRule<TValue = any, TObject extends IValidateable = IValidateable> {
  tag?: string;
  messageKey: string;
  canExecute(object?: IValidateable): boolean;

   * Core rule execution.
   * @param value - value to validate
   * @param object - target object
   * @returns {(boolean | Promise<boolean>)} - `true | Promise<true>` if the validation is successful, else `false | Promise<false>`.
  execute(value: TValue, object?: TObject): boolean | Promise<boolean>;
  accept(visitor: IValidationVisitor): any;

export interface IRequiredRule extends IValidationRule { }
export interface IRegexRule extends IValidationRule<string> {
  readonly pattern: RegExp;
export interface ILengthRule extends IValidationRule<string> {
  readonly length: number;
  readonly isMax: boolean;
export interface ISizeRule extends IValidationRule<unknown[]> {
  readonly count: number;
  readonly isMax: boolean;
export interface IRangeRule extends IValidationRule<number> {
  readonly min: number;
  readonly max: number;
  readonly isInclusive: boolean;
export interface IEqualsRule extends IValidationRule {
  readonly expectedValue: unknown;

export type ValidationDisplayNameAccessor = () => string;
 * Describes a property to be validated.
export interface IRuleProperty {
   * parsed property expression.
  expression?: IsBindingBehavior;
   * name of the property; absent for a object validation.
  name: string | number | undefined;
   * display name of the property to be used in validation error messages.
  displayName: string | ValidationDisplayNameAccessor | undefined;
  accept(visitor: IValidationVisitor): any;

 * Describes a collection of rules, defined on a property.
export interface IPropertyRule {
  property: IRuleProperty;
  $rules: IValidationRule[][];
  accept(visitor: IValidationVisitor): any;

export interface IValidationVisitor {
  visitRequiredRule(rule: IRequiredRule): string;
  visitRegexRule(rule: IRegexRule): string;
  visitLengthRule(rule: ILengthRule): string;
  visitSizeRule(rule: ISizeRule): string;
  visitRangeRule(rule: IRangeRule): string;
  visitEqualsRule(rule: IEqualsRule): string;
  visitRuleProperty(property: IRuleProperty): string;
  visitPropertyRule(propertyRule: IPropertyRule): string;

export const IValidationExpressionHydrator = /*@__PURE__*/DI.createInterface<IValidationExpressionHydrator>('IValidationExpressionHydrator');
export interface IValidationExpressionHydrator {
  readonly astDeserializer: Deserializer;
  readonly parser: IExpressionParser;
  readonly messageProvider: IValidationMessageProvider;
  hydrate(raw: any, validationRules: IValidationRules): any;
  hydrateRuleset(ruleset: any, validationRules: IValidationRules): IPropertyRule[];