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4 hrs
Test Coverage
import assert from 'assert';

import jz from '../../../api/compare/jz.js';
import _copy from '../../array/_copy.js';
import _zeros from '../../array/_zeros.js';
import _cmp_n from '../../compare/_cmp_n.js';
import _imul_limb from '../mul/_imul_limb.js';

import _div_limb_with_prefix from './_div_limb_with_prefix.js';
import _idivmod_dc_21 from './_idivmod_dc_21.js';
import _mod_limb from './_mod_limb.js';

 * Input
 * -----
 *  - No leading zeros
 *  - |A| = |C|
 *  - C must be zero-initialized.
 * References
 * ----------
 *   -
 * @param {Number} X The radix.
 * @param {Array} a Dividend / Remainder.
 * @param {Number} ai
 * @param {Number} aj
 * @param {Array} b Divisor.
 * @param {Number} bi
 * @param {Number} bj
 * @param {Array} c Quotient.
 * @param {Number} ci
 * @param {Number} cj
export default function _idivmod_dc(X, a, ai, aj, b, bi, bj, c, ci, cj) {
    assert(X >= 2);
    assert(ai >= 0 && aj <= a.length);
    assert(bi >= 0 && bj <= b.length);
    assert(ci >= 0 && cj <= c.length);
    assert(aj - ai <= 0 || a[ai] !== 0);
    assert(bj - bi >= 1);
    assert(b[bi] !== 0);
    assert(cj - ci === aj - ai);

    assert(jz(c, ci, cj));

    // [BZ98] Fast Recursive Division

    const r = aj - ai;
    const s = bj - bi;

    // NB: this is the only case where c needs to be zero-initialized.
    if (r < s || (r === s && _cmp_n(a, ai, aj, b, bi) < 0)) return;

    // Shift to get n = 2^k for some k
    let _n = 1;

    while (_n < s) _n <<= 1;

    const n = _n;

    const shift = n - s;

    const x = b[bi];
    const _X = X / 2;
    const _normalize = x < _X;
    const z = Math.ceil(_X / x);

    const w = r + shift + (_normalize || a[ai] >= _X);
    const t = Math.ceil(w / n);
    const _ai = 0;
    const _aj = t * n; // + 1 if
    const _a = _zeros(_aj); // Potential normalization overflow
    const _ak = _aj - shift - r; // Or if A potentially bigger than B
    _copy(a, ai, aj, _a, _ak);

    const _bi = 0;
    const _bj = n;
    const _b = _zeros(n);
    _copy(b, bi, bj, _b, 0);

    if (_normalize) {
        _imul_limb(X, z, _a, _ai, _aj);
        _imul_limb(X, z, _b, _bi, _bj);

    const _cj = _aj;
    const _c = _zeros(_cj);

    for (let i = 0; i < _aj - n; i += n) {
        _idivmod_dc_21(X, _a, i, i + (n << 1), _b, _bi, _bj, _c, i, i + (n << 1));

    if (_normalize) {
        const p = _mod_limb(X, z, _a, _ai, _ak);
        _div_limb_with_prefix(X, p, z, _a, _ak, _aj - shift, a, ai);
    } else {
        _copy(_a, _ak, _aj - shift, a, ai);

    // C is completely overwritten here
    _copy(_c, _cj - r, _cj, c, ci);