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2 hrs
Test Coverage
import assert from 'assert';

 * @param {Number} br the base to convert to
 * @param {Number} z if ar is the base to convert to then log(ar) = z log(br)
 * @param {Array} a the origin array
 * @param {Number} ai start offset in the origin array
 * @param {Number} aj end offset in the origin array
 * @param {Array} b the destination array
 * @param {Number} bi start offset in the destination array
 * @param {Number} bj end offset in the destination array

export default function _convert_to_smaller_fast(br, z, a, ai, aj, b, bi, bj) {
    assert(br >= 2);
    assert(ai >= 0 && aj <= a.length);
    assert(bi >= 0 && bj <= b.length);
    assert(aj - ai >= 0);
    assert(bj - bi >= 0);

    let q;
    let i;
    let t;

    const m = bj - bi;
    const n = aj - ai;

    // Number of parts of first
    // destination block if incomplete
    const r = m % z;

    // Number of complete blocks in destination
    q = (m / z) | 0;

    // Total number of blocks in destination
    // (complete ones + first if incomplete)
    const w = q + !!r;

    if (n >= w) {
        // If source contains more than what
        // destination can handle set the effective
        // read start in source and set i to the correct
        // offset according to the size
        // (in destination blocks) of the
        // first source block if incomplete
        ai = aj - w;
        i = (z - r) % z;
    } else {
        // If destination can contain more than
        // what is available in source then
        // compute the effective write start
        // in destination and set i to 0 because
        // all blocks will be complete
        bi = bj - n * z;
        i = 0;

    for (; ai < aj && bi < bj; ++ai) {
        q = a[ai];
        t = bi + z - 1 - i;
        bi += z - i;
        for (; i < z; ++i) {
            b[t] = q % br; // Unpack source blocks
            q = (q / br) | 0; // Using modulo + quotient

        i = 0;