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import assert from 'assert';

import {blossomEdges} from './blossomEdges.js';
import {blossomLeaves} from './blossomLeaves.js';
import {checkDelta2} from './checkDelta2.js';
import {checkDelta3} from './checkDelta3.js';
import {endpoints} from './endpoints.js';
import {min} from './min.js';
import {neighbours} from './neighbours.js';
import {rotate} from './rotate.js';
import {statistics} from './statistics.js';
import {verifyOptimum} from './verifyOptimum.js';

// Adapted from
// All credit for the implementation goes to Joris van Rantwijk [].

// ** Original introduction below **

// Weighted maximum matching in general graphs.

// The algorithm is taken from "Efficient Algorithms for Finding Maximum
// Matching in Graphs" by Zvi Galil, ACM Computing Surveys, 1986.
// It is based on the "blossom" method for finding augmenting paths and
// the "primal-dual" method for finding a matching of maximum weight, both
// due to Jack Edmonds.
// Some ideas came from "Implementation of algorithms for maximum matching
// on non-bipartite graphs" by H.J. Gabow, Standford Ph.D. thesis, 1973.

// A C program for maximum weight matching by Ed Rothberg was used extensively
// to validate this new code.

export function blossom(CHECK_OPTIMUM, CHECK_DELTA) {
    // Check delta2/delta3 computation after every substage;
    // only works on integer weights, slows down the algorithm to O(n^4).
    if (CHECK_DELTA === undefined) CHECK_DELTA = false;

    // Check optimality of solution before returning; only works on integer weights.
    if (CHECK_OPTIMUM === undefined) CHECK_OPTIMUM = true;

     * Compute a maximum-weighted matching in the general undirected
     * weighted graph given by "edges". If "maxCardinality" is true,
     * only maximum-cardinality matchings are considered as solutions.
     * Edges is a sequence of tuples (i, j, wt) describing an undirected
     * edge between vertex i and vertex j with weight wt.  There is at most
     * one edge between any two vertices; no vertex has an edge to itthis.
     * Vertices are identified by consecutive, non-negative integers.
     * Return a list "mate", such that mate[i] === j if vertex i is
     * matched to vertex j, and mate[i] === -1 if vertex i is not matched.
     * This function takes time O(n^3)
     * @param {Array} edges
     * @param {Boolean} maxCardinality
     * @return {Array}

    const maxWeightMatching = (edges, maxCardinality = false) => {
        // Vertices are numbered 0 .. (nvertex-1).
        // Non-trivial blossoms are numbered nvertex .. (2*nvertex-1)
        // Edges are numbered 0 .. (nedge-1).
        // Edge endpoints are numbered 0 .. (2*nedge-1), such that endpoints
        // (2*k) and (2*k+1) both belong to edge k.
        // Many terms used in the comments (sub-blossom, T-vertex) come from
        // the paper by Galil; read the paper before reading this code.

        // Deal swiftly with empty graphs.
        if (edges.length === 0) return [];

        // Count vertices + find the maximum edge weight.
        const [nvertex, nedge, maxweight] = statistics(edges);

        // If p is an edge endpoint,
        // endpoint[p] is the vertex to which endpoint p is attached.
        // Not modified by the algorithm.
        const endpoint = endpoints(nedge, edges);

        // If v is a vertex,
        // neighbend[v] is the list of remote endpoints of the edges attached to v.
        // Not modified by the algorithm.
        const neighbend = neighbours(nvertex, nedge, edges);

        // If v is a vertex,
        // mate[v] is the remote endpoint of its matched edge, or -1 if it is single
        // (i.e. endpoint[mate[v]] is v's partner vertex).
        // Initially all vertices are single; updated during augmentation.
        const mate = new Array(nvertex).fill(-1);

        // If b is a top-level blossom,
        // label[b] is 0 if b is unlabeled (free);
        //             1 if b is an S-vertex/blossom;
        //             2 if b is a T-vertex/blossom.
        // The label of a vertex is found by looking at the label of its
        // top-level containing blossom.
        // If v is a vertex inside a T-blossom,
        // label[v] is 2 iff v is reachable from an S-vertex outside the blossom.
        // Labels are assigned during a stage and reset after each augmentation.
        const label = new Array(2 * nvertex).fill(0);

        // If b is a labeled top-level blossom,
        // labelend[b] is the remote endpoint of the edge through which b obtained
        // its label, or -1 if b's base vertex is single.
        // If v is a vertex inside a T-blossom and label[v] === 2,
        // labelend[v] is the remote endpoint of the edge through which v is
        // reachable from outside the blossom.
        const labelend = new Array(2 * nvertex).fill(-1);

        // If v is a vertex,
        // inblossom[v] is the top-level blossom to which v belongs.
        // If v is a top-level vertex, v is itthis a blossom (a trivial blossom)
        // and inblossom[v] === v.
        // Initially all vertices are top-level trivial blossoms.
        const inblossom = new Array(nvertex);
        for (let i = 0; i < nvertex; ++i) inblossom[i] = i;

        // If b is a sub-blossom,
        // blossomparent[b] is its immediate parent (sub-)blossom.
        // If b is a top-level blossom, blossomparent[b] is -1.
        const blossomparent = new Array(2 * nvertex).fill(-1);

        // If b is a non-trivial (sub-)blossom,
        // blossomchilds[b] is an ordered list of its sub-blossoms, starting with
        // the base and going round the blossom.
        const blossomchilds = new Array(2 * nvertex).fill(null);

        // If b is a (sub-)blossom,
        // blossombase[b] is its base VERTEX (i.e. recursive sub-blossom).
        const blossombase = new Array(2 * nvertex);
        for (let i = 0; i < nvertex; ++i) blossombase[i] = i;
        blossombase.fill(-1, nvertex, 2 * nvertex);

        // If b is a non-trivial (sub-)blossom,
        // blossomendps[b] is a list of endpoints on its connecting edges,
        // such that blossomendps[b][i] is the local endpoint of blossomchilds[b][i]
        // on the edge that connects it to blossomchilds[b][wrap(i+1)].
        const blossomendps = new Array(2 * nvertex).fill(null);

        // If v is a free vertex (or an unreached vertex inside a T-blossom),
        // bestedge[v] is the edge to an S-vertex with least slack,
        // or -1 if there is no such edge.
        // If b is a (possibly trivial) top-level S-blossom,
        // bestedge[b] is the least-slack edge to a different S-blossom,
        // or -1 if there is no such edge.
        // This is used for efficient computation of delta2 and delta3.
        const bestedge = new Array(2 * nvertex).fill(-1);

        // If b is a non-trivial top-level S-blossom,
        // blossombestedges[b] is a list of least-slack edges to neighbouring
        // S-blossoms, or null if no such list has been computed yet.
        // This is used for efficient computation of delta3.
        const blossombestedges = new Array(2 * nvertex).fill(null);

        // List of currently unused blossom numbers.
        const unusedblossoms = new Array(nvertex);
        for (let i = 0; i < nvertex; ++i) unusedblossoms[i] = nvertex + i;

        // If v is a vertex,
        // dualvar[v] = 2 * u(v) where u(v) is the v's variable in the dual
        // optimization problem (multiplication by two ensures integer values
        // throughout the algorithm if all edge weights are integers).
        // If b is a non-trivial blossom,
        // dualvar[b] = z(b) where z(b) is b's variable in the dual optimization
        // problem.
        const dualvar = new Array(2 * nvertex);
        dualvar.fill(maxweight, 0, nvertex);
        dualvar.fill(0, nvertex, 2 * nvertex);

        // If allowedge[k] is true, edge k has zero slack in the optimization
        // problem; if allowedge[k] is false, the edge's slack may or may not
        // be zero.
        const allowedge = new Array(nedge).fill(false);

        // Queue of newly discovered S-vertices.
        let queue = [];

        // Return 2 * slack of edge k (does not work inside blossoms).
        const slack = (k) => {
            const [i, j, wt] = edges[k];
            return dualvar[i] + dualvar[j] - 2 * wt;

        // Assign label t to the top-level blossom containing vertex w
        // and record the fact that w was reached through the edge with
        // remote endpoint p.
        const assignLabel = (w, t, p) => {
            console.debug('DEBUG: assignLabel(' + w + ',' + t + ',' + p + ')');
            const b = inblossom[w];
            assert(label[w] === 0 && label[b] === 0);
            assert(t === 1 || t === 2);
            label[w] = t;
            label[b] = t;
            labelend[w] = p;
            labelend[b] = p;
            bestedge[w] = -1;
            bestedge[b] = -1;
            if (t === 1) {
                // B became an S-vertex/blossom; add it(s vertices) to the queue.
                for (const v of blossomLeaves(nvertex, blossomchilds, b)) {

                console.debug('DEBUG: PUSH ' + queue);
            } else {
                // B became a T-vertex/blossom; assign label S to its mate.
                // (If b is a non-trivial blossom, its base is the only vertex
                // with an external mate.)
                const base = blossombase[b];
                assert(mate[base] >= 0);
                assignLabel(endpoint[mate[base]], 1, mate[base] ^ 1);

        // Trace back from vertices v and w to discover either a new blossom
        // or an augmenting path. Return the base vertex of the new blossom or -1.
        const scanBlossom = (v, w) => {
            console.debug('DEBUG: scanBlossom(' + v + ',' + w + ')');
            // Trace back from v and w, placing breadcrumbs as we go.
            const path = [];
            let base = -1;
            while (v !== -1 || w !== -1) {
                // Look for a breadcrumb in v's blossom or put a new breadcrumb.
                let b = inblossom[v];
                if (label[b] & 4) {
                    base = blossombase[b];

                assert(label[b] === 1);
                label[b] = 5;
                // Trace one step back.
                assert(labelend[b] === mate[blossombase[b]]);
                if (labelend[b] === -1) {
                    // The base of blossom b is single; stop tracing this path.
                    v = -1;
                } else {
                    v = endpoint[labelend[b]];
                    b = inblossom[v];
                    assert(label[b] === 2);
                    // B is a T-blossom; trace one more step back.
                    assert(labelend[b] >= 0);
                    v = endpoint[labelend[b]];

                // Swap v and w so that we alternate between both paths.
                if (w !== -1) {
                    const temporary_ = v;
                    v = w;
                    w = temporary_;

            // Remove breadcrumbs.
            for (const b of path) label[b] = 1;

            // Return base vertex, if we found one.
            return base;

        // Construct a new blossom with given base, containing edge k which
        // connects a pair of S vertices. Label the new blossom as S; set its dual
        // variable to zero; relabel its T-vertices to S and add them to the queue.
        const addBlossom = (base, k) => {
            let v = edges[k][0];
            let w = edges[k][1];
            const bb = inblossom[base];
            let bv = inblossom[v];
            let bw = inblossom[w];
            // Create blossom.
            const b = unusedblossoms.pop();
                'DEBUG: addBlossom(' +
                    base +
                    ',' +
                    k +
                    ') (v=' +
                    v +
                    ' w=' +
                    w +
                    ') -> ' +
            blossombase[b] = base;
            blossomparent[b] = -1;
            blossomparent[bb] = b;
            // Make list of sub-blossoms and their interconnecting edge endpoints.
            const path = [];
            blossomchilds[b] = path;
            const endps = [];
            blossomendps[b] = endps;
            // Trace back from v to base.
            while (bv !== bb) {
                // Add bv to the new blossom.
                blossomparent[bv] = b;
                    label[bv] === 2 ||
                        (label[bv] === 1 && labelend[bv] === mate[blossombase[bv]]),
                // Trace one step back.
                assert(labelend[bv] >= 0);
                v = endpoint[labelend[bv]];
                bv = inblossom[v];

            // Reverse lists, add endpoint that connects the pair of S vertices.
            endps.push(2 * k);
            // Trace back from w to base.
            while (bw !== bb) {
                // Add bw to the new blossom.
                blossomparent[bw] = b;
                endps.push(labelend[bw] ^ 1);
                    label[bw] === 2 ||
                        (label[bw] === 1 && labelend[bw] === mate[blossombase[bw]]),
                // Trace one step back.
                assert(labelend[bw] >= 0);
                w = endpoint[labelend[bw]];
                bw = inblossom[w];

            // Set label to S.
            assert(label[bb] === 1);
            label[b] = 1;
            labelend[b] = labelend[bb];
            // Set dual variable to zero.
            dualvar[b] = 0;
            // Relabel vertices.
            for (const v of blossomLeaves(nvertex, blossomchilds, b)) {
                if (label[inblossom[v]] === 2) {
                    // This T-vertex now turns into an S-vertex because it becomes
                    // part of an S-blossom; add it to the queue.

                inblossom[v] = b;

            // Compute blossombestedges[b].

            const bestedgeto = new Array(2 * nvertex).fill(-1);

            const length_ = path.length;
            for (let z = 0; z < length_; ++z) {
                const bv = path[z];
                // Walk this subblossom's least-slack edges.
                let nblist = blossombestedges[bv];
                if (nblist === null) {
                    // This subblossom does not have a list of least-slack edges;
                    // get the information from the vertices.
                    nblist = blossomEdges(nvertex, blossomchilds, neighbend, bv);

                for (const k of nblist) {
                    const [i, j] = edges[k];
                    const bj = inblossom[j] === b ? inblossom[i] : inblossom[j];

                    if (
                        bj !== b &&
                        label[bj] === 1 &&
                        (bestedgeto[bj] === -1 || slack(k) < slack(bestedgeto[bj]))
                    ) {
                        bestedgeto[bj] = k;

                // Forget about least-slack edges of the subblossom.
                blossombestedges[bv] = null;
                bestedge[bv] = -1;

            blossombestedges[b] = [];
            const length_2 = bestedgeto.length;
            for (let i = 0; i < length_2; ++i) {
                k = bestedgeto[i];
                if (k !== -1) blossombestedges[b].push(k);

            // Select bestedge[b].

            const length_3 = blossombestedges[b].length;
            if (length_3 > 0) {
                bestedge[b] = blossombestedges[b][0];
                for (let i = 1; i < length_3; ++i) {
                    k = blossombestedges[b][i];
                    if (slack(k) < slack(bestedge[b])) {
                        bestedge[b] = k;
            } else bestedge[b] = -1;

            console.debug('DEBUG: blossomchilds[' + b + ']=' + blossomchilds[b]);

        // Expand the given top-level blossom.
        const expandBlossom = (b, endstage) => {
                'DEBUG: expandBlossom(' + b + ',' + endstage + ') ' + blossomchilds[b],
            // Convert sub-blossoms into top-level blossoms.
            for (let i = 0; i < blossomchilds[b].length; ++i) {
                const s = blossomchilds[b][i];

                blossomparent[s] = -1;
                if (s < nvertex) inblossom[s] = s;
                else if (endstage && dualvar[s] === 0) {
                    // Recursively expand this sub-blossom.
                    expandBlossom(s, endstage);
                } else {
                    for (const v of blossomLeaves(nvertex, blossomchilds, s)) {
                        inblossom[v] = s;

            // If we expand a T-blossom during a stage, its sub-blossoms must be
            // relabeled.
            if (!endstage && label[b] === 2) {
                // Start at the sub-blossom through which the expanding
                // blossom obtained its label, and relabel sub-blossoms untili
                // we reach the base.
                // Figure out through which sub-blossom the expanding blossom
                // obtained its label initially.
                assert(labelend[b] >= 0);
                const entrychild = inblossom[endpoint[labelend[b] ^ 1]];
                // Decide in which direction we will go round the blossom.
                let j = blossomchilds[b].indexOf(entrychild);
                let jstep;
                let endptrick;
                let stop;
                let base;
                if (j & 1) {
                    // Start index is odd; go forward.
                    jstep = 1;
                    endptrick = 0;
                    stop = blossomchilds[b].length;
                    base = 0;
                } else {
                    // Start index is even; go backward.
                    jstep = -1;
                    endptrick = 1;
                    stop = 0;
                    base = blossomchilds[b].length;

                // Move along the blossom until we get to the base.
                let p = labelend[b];
                while (j !== stop) {
                    // Relabel the T-sub-blossom.
                    label[endpoint[p ^ 1]] = 0;
                    label[endpoint[blossomendps[b][j - endptrick] ^ endptrick ^ 1]] = 0;
                    assignLabel(endpoint[p ^ 1], 2, p);
                    // Step to the next S-sub-blossom and note its forward endpoint.
                    allowedge[Math.floor(blossomendps[b][j - endptrick] / 2)] = true;
                    j += jstep;
                    p = blossomendps[b][j - endptrick] ^ endptrick;
                    // Step to the next T-sub-blossom.
                    allowedge[Math.floor(p / 2)] = true;
                    j += jstep;

                // Relabel the base T-sub-blossom WITHOUT stepping through to
                // its mate (so don't call assignLabel).
                let bv = blossomchilds[b][0];
                label[endpoint[p ^ 1]] = 2;
                label[bv] = 2;
                labelend[endpoint[p ^ 1]] = p;
                labelend[bv] = p;
                bestedge[bv] = -1;
                // Continue along the blossom until we get back to entrychild.
                j = base + jstep;
                while (blossomchilds[b][j] !== entrychild) {
                    // Examine the vertices of the sub-blossom to see whether
                    // it is reachable from a neighbouring S-vertex outside the
                    // expanding blossom.
                    bv = blossomchilds[b][j];
                    if (label[bv] === 1) {
                        // This sub-blossom just got label S through one of its
                        // neighbours; leave it.
                        j += jstep;

                    for (const v of blossomLeaves(nvertex, blossomchilds, bv)) {
                        if (label[v] === 0) continue;
                        // If the sub-blossom contains a reachable vertex, assign
                        // label T to the sub-blossom.
                        assert(label[v] === 2);
                        assert(inblossom[v] === bv);
                        label[v] = 0;
                        label[endpoint[mate[blossombase[bv]]]] = 0;
                        assignLabel(v, 2, labelend[v]);

                    j += jstep;

            // Recycle the blossom number.
            label[b] = -1;
            labelend[b] = -1;
            blossomchilds[b] = null;
            blossomendps[b] = null;
            blossombase[b] = -1;
            blossombestedges[b] = null;
            bestedge[b] = -1;

        // Swap matched/unmatched edges over an alternating path through blossom b
        // between vertex v and the base vertex. Keep blossom bookkeeping consistent.
        const augmentBlossom = (b, v) => {
            console.debug('DEBUG: augmentBlossom(' + b + ',' + v + ')');
            // Bubble up through the blossom tree from vertex v to an immediate
            // sub-blossom of b.
            let j;
            let jstep;
            let endptrick;
            let stop;
            let p;
            let t = v;
            while (blossomparent[t] !== b) t = blossomparent[t];
            // Recursively deal with the first sub-blossom.
            if (t >= nvertex) augmentBlossom(t, v);
            // Decide in which direction we will go round the blossom.
            j = blossomchilds[b].indexOf(t);
            const i = j;
            const length_ = blossomchilds[b].length;
            if (i & 1) {
                // Start index is odd; go forward.
                jstep = 1;
                endptrick = 0;
                stop = length_;
            } else {
                // Start index is even; go backward.
                jstep = -1;
                endptrick = 1;
                stop = 0;

            // Move along the blossom until we get to the base.
            while (j !== stop) {
                // Step to the next sub-blossom and augment it recursively.
                j += jstep;
                t = blossomchilds[b][j];
                p = blossomendps[b][j - endptrick] ^ endptrick;
                if (t >= nvertex) augmentBlossom(t, endpoint[p]);
                // Step to the next sub-blossom and augment it recursively.
                j += jstep;
                t = blossomchilds[b][Math.abs(j % length_)];
                if (t >= nvertex) augmentBlossom(t, endpoint[p ^ 1]);
                // Match the edge connecting those sub-blossoms.
                mate[endpoint[p]] = p ^ 1;
                mate[endpoint[p ^ 1]] = p;
                    'DEBUG: PAIR ' +
                        endpoint[p] +
                        ' ' +
                        endpoint[p ^ 1] +
                        ' (k=' +
                        Math.floor(p / 2) +

            // Rotate the list of sub-blossoms to put the new base at the front.
            rotate(blossomchilds[b], i);
            rotate(blossomendps[b], i);
            blossombase[b] = blossombase[blossomchilds[b][0]];
            assert(blossombase[b] === v);

        // Swap matched/unmatched edges over an alternating path between two
        // single vertices. The augmenting path runs through edge k, which
        // connects a pair of S vertices.
        const augmentMatching = (k) => {
            const v = edges[k][0];
            const w = edges[k][1];

                'DEBUG: augmentMatching(' + k + ') (v=' + v + ' w=' + w + ')',
            console.debug('DEBUG: PAIR ' + v + ' ' + w + ' (k=' + k + ')');

            matchVerticesAndFix(v, 2 * k + 1);
            matchVerticesAndFix(w, 2 * k);

        const matchVerticesAndFix = (s, p) => {
            // Match vertex s to remote endpoint p. Then trace back from s
            // until we find a single vertex, swapping matched and unmatched
            // edges as we go.
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
            while (true) {
                const bs = inblossom[s];
                assert(label[bs] === 1);
                assert(labelend[bs] === mate[blossombase[bs]]);
                // Augment through the S-blossom from s to base.
                if (bs >= nvertex) augmentBlossom(bs, s);
                // Update mate[s]
                mate[s] = p;
                // Trace one step back.
                if (labelend[bs] === -1) {
                    // Reached single vertex; stop.

                const t = endpoint[labelend[bs]];
                const bt = inblossom[t];
                assert(label[bt] === 2);
                // Trace one step back.
                assert(labelend[bt] >= 0);
                s = endpoint[labelend[bt]];
                const j = endpoint[labelend[bt] ^ 1];
                // Augment through the T-blossom from j to base.
                assert(blossombase[bt] === t);
                if (bt >= nvertex) augmentBlossom(bt, j);
                // Update mate[j]
                mate[j] = labelend[bt];
                // Keep the opposite endpoint;
                // it will be assigned to mate[s] in the next step.
                p = labelend[bt] ^ 1;
                    'DEBUG: PAIR ' + s + ' ' + t + ' (k=' + Math.floor(p / 2) + ')',

        let d;
        let kslack;
        let base;
        let deltatype;
        let delta;
        let deltaedge;
        let deltablossom;

        // Main loop: continue until no further improvement is possible.
        for (let t = 0; t < nvertex; ++t) {
            // Each iteration of this loop is a "stage".
            // A stage finds an augmenting path and uses that to improve
            // the matching.
            console.debug('DEBUG: STAGE ' + t);

            // Remove labels from top-level blossoms/vertices.

            // Forget all about least-slack edges.
            blossombestedges.fill(null, nvertex, 2 * nvertex);

            // Loss of labeling means that we can not be sure that currently
            // allowable edges remain allowable througout this stage.

            // Make queue empty.
            queue = [];

            // Label single blossoms/vertices with S and put them in the queue.
            for (let v = 0; v < nvertex; ++v) {
                if (mate[v] === -1 && label[inblossom[v]] === 0) assignLabel(v, 1, -1);

            // Loop until we succeed in augmenting the matching.
            let augmented = false;
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
            while (true) {
                // Each iteration of this loop is a "substage".
                // A substage tries to find an augmenting path;
                // if found, the path is used to improve the matching and
                // the stage ends. If there is no augmenting path, the
                // primal-dual method is used to pump some slack out of
                // the dual variables.
                console.debug('DEBUG: SUBSTAGE');

                // Continue labeling until all vertices which are reachable
                // through an alternating path have got a label.
                while (queue.length > 0 && !augmented) {
                    // Take an S vertex from the queue.
                    const v = queue.pop();
                    console.debug('DEBUG: POP v=' + v);
                    assert(label[inblossom[v]] === 1);

                    // Scan its neighbours:
                    const length = neighbend[v].length;
                    for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                        const p = neighbend[v][i];
                        const k = Math.floor(p / 2);
                        const w = endpoint[p];
                        // W is a neighbour to v
                        if (inblossom[v] === inblossom[w]) {
                            // This edge is internal to a blossom; ignore it

                        if (!allowedge[k]) {
                            kslack = slack(k);
                            if (kslack <= 0) {
                                // Edge k has zero slack => it is allowable
                                allowedge[k] = true;

                        if (allowedge[k]) {
                            if (label[inblossom[w]] === 0) {
                                // (C1) w is a free vertex;
                                // label w with T and label its mate with S (R12).
                                assignLabel(w, 2, p ^ 1);
                            } else if (label[inblossom[w]] === 1) {
                                // (C2) w is an S-vertex (not in the same blossom);
                                // follow back-links to discover either an
                                // augmenting path or a new blossom.
                                base = scanBlossom(v, w);
                                if (base >= 0) {
                                    // Found a new blossom; add it to the blossom
                                    // bookkeeping and turn it into an S-blossom.
                                    addBlossom(base, k);
                                } else {
                                    // Found an augmenting path; augment the
                                    // matching and end this stage.
                                    augmented = true;
                            } else if (label[w] === 0) {
                                // W is inside a T-blossom, but w itthis has not
                                // yet been reached from outside the blossom;
                                // mark it as reached (we need this to relabel
                                // during T-blossom expansion).
                                assert(label[inblossom[w]] === 2);
                                label[w] = 2;
                                labelend[w] = p ^ 1;
                        } else if (label[inblossom[w]] === 1) {
                            // Keep track of the least-slack non-allowable edge to
                            // a different S-blossom.
                            const b = inblossom[v];
                            if (bestedge[b] === -1 || kslack < slack(bestedge[b]))
                                bestedge[b] = k;
                        } else if (
                            label[w] === 0 && // W is a free vertex (or an unreached vertex inside
                            // a T-blossom) but we can not reach it yet;
                            // keep track of the least-slack edge that reaches w.
                            (bestedge[w] === -1 || kslack < slack(bestedge[w]))
                            bestedge[w] = k;

                if (augmented) break;

                // There is no augmenting path under these constraints;
                // compute delta and reduce slack in the optimization problem.
                // (Note that our vertex dual variables, edge slacks and delta's
                // are pre-multiplied by two.)
                deltatype = -1;
                delta = null;
                deltaedge = null;
                deltablossom = null;

                // Verify data structures for delta2/delta3 computation.
                if (CHECK_DELTA) {

                // Compute delta1: the minumum value of any vertex dual.
                if (!maxCardinality) {
                    deltatype = 1;
                    delta = min(dualvar, 0, nvertex);

                // Compute delta2: the minimum slack on any edge between
                // an S-vertex and a free vertex.
                for (let v = 0; v < nvertex; ++v) {
                    if (label[inblossom[v]] === 0 && bestedge[v] !== -1) {
                        d = slack(bestedge[v]);
                        if (deltatype === -1 || d < delta) {
                            delta = d;
                            deltatype = 2;
                            deltaedge = bestedge[v];

                // Compute delta3: half the minimum slack on any edge between
                // a pair of S-blossoms.
                for (let b = 0; b < 2 * nvertex; ++b) {
                    if (blossomparent[b] === -1 && label[b] === 1 && bestedge[b] !== -1) {
                        kslack = slack(bestedge[b]);
                        d = kslack / 2;
                        if (deltatype === -1 || d < delta) {
                            delta = d;
                            deltatype = 3;
                            deltaedge = bestedge[b];

                // Compute delta4: minimum z variable of any T-blossom.
                for (let b = nvertex; b < 2 * nvertex; ++b) {
                    if (
                        blossombase[b] >= 0 &&
                        blossomparent[b] === -1 &&
                        label[b] === 2 &&
                        (deltatype === -1 || dualvar[b] < delta)
                    ) {
                        delta = dualvar[b];
                        deltatype = 4;
                        deltablossom = b;

                if (deltatype === -1) {
                    // No further improvement possible; max-cardinality optimum
                    // reached. Do a final delta update to make the optimum
                    // verifyable.
                    deltatype = 1;
                    delta = Math.max(0, min(dualvar, 0, nvertex));

                // Update dual variables according to delta.
                for (let v = 0; v < nvertex; ++v) {
                    if (label[inblossom[v]] === 1) {
                        // S-vertex: 2*u = 2*u - 2*delta
                        dualvar[v] -= delta;
                    } else if (label[inblossom[v]] === 2) {
                        // T-vertex: 2*u = 2*u + 2*delta
                        dualvar[v] += delta;

                for (let b = nvertex; b < 2 * nvertex; ++b) {
                    if (blossombase[b] >= 0 && blossomparent[b] === -1) {
                        if (label[b] === 1) {
                            // Top-level S-blossom: z = z + 2*delta
                            dualvar[b] += delta;
                        } else if (label[b] === 2) {
                            // Top-level T-blossom: z = z - 2*delta
                            dualvar[b] -= delta;

                // Take action at the point where minimum delta occurred.
                console.debug('DEBUG: delta' + deltatype + '=' + delta);
                    deltatype === 1 ||
                        deltatype === 2 ||
                        deltatype === 3 ||
                        deltatype === 4,
                // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-switch
                if (deltatype === 1) {
                    // No further improvement possible; optimum reached.
                } else if (deltatype === 2) {
                    // Use the least-slack edge to continue the search.
                    allowedge[deltaedge] = true;
                    let i = edges[deltaedge][0];
                    if (label[inblossom[i]] === 0) i = edges[deltaedge][1];
                    assert(label[inblossom[i]] === 1);
                } else if (deltatype === 3) {
                    // Use the least-slack edge to continue the search.
                    allowedge[deltaedge] = true;
                    const i = edges[deltaedge][0];
                    assert(label[inblossom[i]] === 1);
                } else {
                    // Expand the least-z blossom.
                    expandBlossom(deltablossom, false);

            // End of a this substage.

            // Stop when no more augmenting path can be found.
            if (!augmented) break;

            // End of a stage; expand all S-blossoms which have dualvar = 0.
            for (let b = nvertex; b < 2 * nvertex; ++b) {
                if (
                    blossomparent[b] === -1 &&
                    blossombase[b] >= 0 &&
                    label[b] === 1 &&
                    dualvar[b] === 0
                ) {
                    expandBlossom(b, true);

        // Verify that we reached the optimum solution.
        if (CHECK_OPTIMUM)

        // Transform mate[] such that mate[v] is the vertex to which v is paired.
        for (let v = 0; v < nvertex; ++v) {
            if (mate[v] >= 0) {
                mate[v] = endpoint[mate[v]];

        for (let v = 0; v < nvertex; ++v) {
            assert(mate[v] === -1 || mate[mate[v]] === v);

        return mate;

    return maxWeightMatching;