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2 days
Test Coverage
import lib.json
import itertools
import lib.error
import inspect

ARGS = "args"
KWARGS = "kwargs"
NO = "no"

def splitparts(string, argv, i=0, j=None, eos=None, buf="", escapefirst=False):
            Splits a command line argument string into tokens. Tokens are separated
            by whitespace. Whitespace can be included inside tokens by wrapping tokens with
            single or double quotes. Whitespace can also be included by escaping them
            without the need for quote wrapping. When inside a string standard escape
            sequence are allowed : line-feed and tabulations for example. This method will
            return a tuple that can be used to continue the analysis of a string that was
            incomplete the first time the method was run.

    if j == None:
        j = len(string)

    if escapefirst and i < j:
        buf += string[i]
        i += 1

    while i < j:

        c = string[i]

        if c == '\\':
            # escaped character
            i += 1

            if i == j:
                return eos, buf, True

            buf += string[i]

        elif eos is None and c == ' ':
            if buf:
                buf = ""

        elif c == '\'' or c == '"':
            if eos is None:
                # beginning of a new string
                eos = c
            elif c == eos:
                # this is the end of the current string
                eos = None
                # this is simply an quote character
                buf += c

            buf += c

        i += 1

    return eos, buf, False

def split(string):

    argv = []

    eos, buf, escaped = splitparts(string, argv)

    if eos is not None:
        raise Exception("could not split arguments : incomplete string")

    elif escaped:
        raise Exception("could not split arguments : trailing escape char")

    if buf:

    return argv

def parse(argv, args, kwargs):

            >>> from lib.args import *

            >>> parse( ["a", "b", "c", "--flag"], [], {} )
            (['a', 'b', 'c'], {'flag': True})


    key = ""
    isflag = False
    isvalue = False
    islist = False
    isarg = False

    for p in argv:

        if isarg:

        elif p == DIRECTIVE_ARG:
            isarg = True

        elif len(p) > 1 and p[0] == '-' and not p[1].isdigit():
            isvalue = False
            isflag = False
            islist = False
            if p[1] == '-':
                p = p[2:]

                if len(p) == 0:

                v = True
                if len(p) > 1 and p[:2] == NO:
                    v = False
                    p = p[2:]

                kwargs[p] = v
                key = p
                isflag = True

            elif len(p) == 2:

                p = p[1]

                kwargs[p] = True
                key = p
                isflag = True

                for c in p[1:]:
                    kwargs[c] = True

            if isflag:
                isflag = False
                isvalue = True
                kwargs[key] = p
            elif isvalue:
                isvalue = False
                islist = True
                kwargs[key] = [kwargs[key], p]
            elif islist:

    return args, kwargs

def read(string, args, kwargs):

    argv = split(string)

    return parse(argv, args, kwargs)

def format(key, val):

            >>> from lib.args import *

            >>> format( 'filter', 'false' )

            >>> format( 'i', 'input.json' )


    fmt = "-%s=%s"

    if len(key) > 1:
        fmt = "-" + fmt

    return fmt % (key, val)

def escape(val, quotes="\""):

            >>> from lib.args import *

            >>> escape( 'abcd' )

            >>> escape( 'abcd"' )

            >>> escape( 'abcd\'' , quotes = "'" )

            >>> escape( 'ab\\cd\'' , quotes = "'" )


    out = ""

    for c in val:

        if c == "\\" or c == quotes:
            out += "\\"

        out += c

    return quotes + out + quotes

def listify(arg):

            >>> from lib.args import *

            >>> listify( None )

            >>> listify( 'value' )

            >>> listify( ['value1', 'value2'] )
            ['value1', 'value2']


    if arg is None:
        return []
    elif isinstance(arg, str):
        return [arg]
        return arg

def kwargslist(spec):

    out = []

    if spec.args is not None and spec.defaults is not None:

    if spec.kwonlyargs:

    if spec.varargs is not None:

    if spec.varkw is not None:

    return out

def inflate(args, kwargs):
            Loads more arguments if JSON ARGS or KWARGS source have been specified.
            Since JSON KWARGS could contain more ARGS or KWARGS directives
            the inflate operations loops until no JSON source is specified anymore.
            The last JSON source that is read will always serve as a
            base and thus JSON files referencing other JSON files are inheriting the
            properties of those other JSON files. Similarly, JSON ARGS will be prepended to the
            existing argument list.

            /!\ Currently only support one kwargs json file argument

    jsonargssources = []

    while True:

        if ARGS in kwargs:
            if not isinstance(kwargs[ARGS], list):
                kwargs[ARGS] = [kwargs[ARGS]]
            jsonargssources[:0] = kwargs[ARGS]
            del kwargs[ARGS]

        if not KWARGS in kwargs:

        source = kwargs[KWARGS]
        del kwargs[KWARGS]

        kwargscopy = dict(kwargs)

        with lib.json.proxy(source, throws=True) as data:


    argscopy = list(args)
    del args[:]

    for source in jsonargssources:
        with lib.json.proxy(source, throws=True) as data:


def pairs(fn, args, kwargs):

    argkeys = fn.__code__.co_varnames

    argpairs = ((argkeys[i], v) for i, v in enumerate(args))
    kwargpairs = kwargs.items()

    return itertools.chain(argpairs, kwargpairs)

def names(fn, args, kwargs):

    return set([name for name, _ in lib.args.pairs(fn, args, kwargs)])

def mandatory(handle=lib.error.throws(Exception), **names):

            >>> from lib.args import *

            >>> @mandatory( print, c = True, b = False )
            ... def test ( a = 12, b = None, c = None ) :
            ...     print( 'ok' )

            >>> test ( 13, c = 'abdf', b = [1] )

            >>> test ( 13.2, b = [1,2] )
            missing mandatory argument 'c'

            >>> test ( 13, c = 'df' )

            >>> test ( b = 2 , c = 'df' )


    def wrap(fn):

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

            fmt = "missing mandatory argument '%s'"

            keys = lib.args.names(fn, args, kwargs)

            for k, v in names.items():

                if v and not k in keys:

                    handle(fmt % k)

            return fn(*args, **kwargs)

        wrapper.__name__ = fn.__name__
        return wrapper

    return wrap

def validate(handle=lib.error.throws(Exception), **predicates):

            >>> from lib.args import *

            >>> @validate( print, a = lambda v : v <= 13 , b = lambda v : len(v) > 0, c = lambda v : v[:2] == "ab" )
            ... def test ( a, b = None, c = None ) :
            ...     print( 'ok' )

            >>> test ( 13, c = 'abdf', b = [1] )

            >>> test ( 13.2, c = 'abdf', b = [1,2] )
            cannot validate arg 'a' = 13.2

            >>> test ( 13, c = 'df' )
            cannot validate arg 'c' = 'df'


    def wrap(fn):

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

            fmt = "cannot validate arg '%s' = %r"

            for k, v in lib.args.pairs(fn, args, kwargs):

                if k in predicates and not predicates[k](v):
                    handle(fmt % (k, v))

            return fn(*args, **kwargs)

        wrapper.__name__ = fn.__name__
        return wrapper

    return wrap

def accepts(handle=lib.error.throws(Exception), **types):

            >>> from lib.args import *

            >>> @accepts( print, a = int, b = list, c = str )
            ... def test ( a, b = None, c = None ) :
            ...     print( 'ok' )

            >>> test ( 13, c = 'df', b = [] )

            >>> test ( 13.2, c = 'df', b = [] )
            arg 'a' = 13.2 does not match <class 'int'>

            >>> test ( 13, c = 'df' )


    def wrap(fn):

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

            fmt = "arg '%s' = %r does not match %s"

            for k, v in lib.args.pairs(fn, args, kwargs):

                if k in types and not isinstance(v, types[k]):
                    handle(fmt % (k, v, types[k]))

            return fn(*args, **kwargs)

        wrapper.__name__ = fn.__name__
        return wrapper

    return wrap

def convert(handle=lib.error.throws(Exception), **convertors):

            >>> from lib.args import *

            >>> @convert( print, a = int, b = list, c = str )
            ... def test ( a, b = list("abc"), c = "2" ) :
            ...     print( [a , b , c] )

            >>> test ( "13", c = 5, b = "123" )
            [13, ['1', '2', '3'], '5']

            >>> test ( 13.2, c = 'df', b = (1,) )
            [13, [1], 'df']

            >>> test ( 13, c = 'df' )
            [13, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'df']

            >>> test ( 13, 1, c = 'df' )
            error in the conversion of arg 'b' = 1 using <class 'list'>, the error is 'int' object is not iterable
            [13, 1, 'df']


    def wrap(fn):

        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

            argkeys = fn.__code__.co_varnames

            argpairs = ((i, argkeys[i], v) for i, v in enumerate(args))
            kwargpairs = ((k, k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items())
            m = len(args)
            n = len(kwargs)

            fmt = "error in the conversion of arg '%s' = %r using %s, the error is %s"

            args = list(args)
            kwargs = dict(kwargs)

            for a, ikv in zip(itertools.chain(itertools.repeat(args, m), itertools.repeat(kwargs, n)),  itertools.chain(argpairs, kwargpairs)):

                i, k, v = ikv

                if k in convertors:
                        a[i] = convertors[k](v)
                    except Exception as e:
                        handle(fmt % (k, v, convertors[k], e))

            return fn(*args, **kwargs)

        wrapper.__name__ = fn.__name__
        return wrapper

    return wrap

def forward(callable, locals):

    argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(callable)

    if argspec.args is None:
        args = []
        args = [locals[key] for key in argspec.args]

    if argspec.varargs:

    if argspec.varkw is None:
        kwargs = {}
        kwargs = {key: item for key,
                  item in locals.items() if key in argspec.varkw}

    return callable(*args, **kwargs)