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:leaves: texshake

> Shake your LaTeX syntax tree!

<p align="center">
<a href="">
<img src="" width="600">
© <a href="">The Scribbles Institute</a>

$ echo '\\newif\\ifah\\ahtrue\\ifah Shake it! :) \\else Do not shake it... :( \\fi' | texshake
 Shake it! :)

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## Install it

$ npm i -g texshake

## Shake away

$ texshake < 'my-awesome-latex-file-before.tex' > 'my-awesome-latex-file-after.tex'

##  Shake what?

### `\if...` `\else` `\fi` conditionals

Prunes dead branches for `\iftrue`'s, `\iffalse`'s, and user-defined `\if...` variables.

> `\abctrue\ifabc ah\else oh\fi` ~ ` ah`

### `%` comments

Only keeps the first `%` character of each comment.

> `hello, world % Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet` ~ `hello, world %`

### `\def` and `\newcommand` user-defined macros

Expands each user-defined macro and removes their definition.

> `\newcommand\swap[2]{#2#1}\swap{a}{b}` ~ `ba`

### `\newenvironment` user-defined environments

> `\newenvironment{items}{\begin{itemize}}{\end{itemize}}\begin{items}\end{items}` ~ `\begin{itemize}\end{itemize}`

### Altogether now!

> `\myfalse\ifmy\def\xyz{A cat.}\else\def\xyz{A dog.}\fi\xyz% $#@!` ~ `A dog.%`

## What for?

I use it for scientific publications. I often need different versions of
the same paper for different occasions: conference proceedings, journal
version, arXiv preprint. I just write the content once, with the right
conditionals, macro definitions and `\input` calls. I flatten everything using
shake the document with `texshake`, and finally get rid of all extraneous
blanks with

## How does it work?

It uses
under the hood.

The tokens are produced according to
[this file](
the shaking logic lies in
[this file](

## Related

  - [alvinwan/TexSoup](
  - [michael-brade/LaTeX.js](
  - [WikiToLearn/texla](
  - [Parsing TeX is Turing-complete](