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import ValidationError from '../../ValidationError';

import log from '../../logger';
import {
  stripFields, dumpJSON, calcChanges, duplicateItems
} from '../../utils';

export function order(value) {
  return function decorator(t, n, descriptor) {
    descriptor.value.order = value; // eslint-disable-line
    return descriptor;

export default class DefaultHandler {
  constructor(options) {
    this.config = options.config;
    this.type = options.type; = || 'id';
    this.client = options.client;
    this.existing = null;
    this.identifiers = options.identifiers || [ 'id', 'name' ];
    this.stripUpdateFields = [
      ...options.stripUpdateFields || [],
    this.functions = {
      getAll: 'getAll',
      create: 'create',
      update: 'update',
      delete: 'delete',
      ...options.functions || {}

    this.updated = 0;
    this.created = 0;
    this.deleted = 0;

  getClientFN(fn) {
    const client = Reflect.get(this.client, this.type);
    return Reflect.get(client, fn).bind(client);

  didDelete(item) {`Deleted [${this.type}]: ${this.objString(item)}`);

  didCreate(item) {`Created [${this.type}]: ${this.objString(item)}`);

  didUpdate(item) {`Updated [${this.type}]: ${this.objString(item)}`);

  objString(item) {
    return dumpJSON(item);

  async getType() {
    // Each type to impl how to get the existing as its not consistent across the mgnt api.
    throw new Error(`Must implement getType for type ${this.type}`);

  async load() {
    // Load Asset from Tenant`Retrieving ${this.type} data from Auth0`);
    this.existing = await this.getType();
    return { [this.type]: this.existing };

  async calcChanges(assets) {
    const typeAssets = assets[this.type];

    // Do nothing if not set
    if (!typeAssets) return {};

    const existing = await this.getType();

    // Figure out what needs to be updated vs created
    return calcChanges(typeAssets, existing, this.identifiers);

  async validate(assets) {
    // Ensure no duplication in id and name
    const typeAssets = assets[this.type];

    // Do nothing if not set
    if (!Array.isArray(typeAssets)) return;

    // Do not allow items with same name
    const duplicateNames = duplicateItems(typeAssets, 'name');
    if (duplicateNames.length > 0) {
      const formatted = => => `${}`));
      throw new ValidationError(`There are multiple ${this.type} with the same name combinations
       Names must be unique.`);

    // Do not allow items with same id
    const duplicateIDs = duplicateItems(typeAssets,;
    if (duplicateIDs.length > 0) {
      const formatted = => => `${d[]}`));
      throw new ValidationError(`There are multiple ${this.type} for the following stage-order combinations
       Only one rule must be defined for the same order number in a stage.`);

  async processChanges(assets, changes) {
    if (!changes) {
      changes = await this.calcChanges(assets);

    const del = changes.del || [];
    const update = changes.update || [];
    const create = changes.create || [];
    const conflicts = changes.conflicts || [];

    log.debug(`Start processChanges for ${this.type} [delete:${del.length}] [update:${update.length}], [create:${create.length}], [conflicts:${conflicts.length}]`);

    // Process Deleted
    if (del.length > 0) {
      const allowDelete = this.config('AUTH0_ALLOW_DELETE') === 'true' || this.config('AUTH0_ALLOW_DELETE') === true;
      const byExtension = this.config('EXTENSION_SECRET') && (this.type === 'rules' || this.type === 'resourceServers');
      const shouldDelete = allowDelete || byExtension;
      if (!shouldDelete) {
        log.warn(`Detected the following ${this.type} should be deleted. Doing so may be destructive.\nYou can enable deletes by setting 'AUTH0_ALLOW_DELETE' to true in the config
        \n${ => this.objString(i)).join('\n')}
      } else {
        await this.client.pool.addEachTask({
          data: del || [],
          generator: (delItem) => {
            const delFunction = this.getClientFN(this.functions.delete);
            return delFunction({ []: delItem[] })
              .then(() => {
                this.deleted += 1;
              .catch((err) => {
                throw new Error(`Problem deleting ${this.type} ${this.objString(delItem)}\n${err}`);

    // Process Renaming Entries Temp due to conflicts in names
    await this.client.pool.addEachTask({
      data: conflicts || [],
      generator: (updateItem) => {
        const updateFN = this.getClientFN(this.functions.update);
        const params = { []: updateItem[] };
        const payload = stripFields({ ...updateItem }, this.stripUpdateFields);
        return updateFN(params, payload)
          .then((data) => this.didUpdate(data))
          .catch((err) => {
            throw new Error(`Problem updating ${this.type} ${this.objString(updateItem)}\n${err}`);

    // Process Creations
    await this.client.pool.addEachTask({
      data: create || [],
      generator: (createItem) => {
        const createFunction = this.getClientFN(this.functions.create);
        return createFunction(createItem)
          .then((data) => {
            this.created += 1;
          .catch((err) => {
            throw new Error(`Problem creating ${this.type} ${this.objString(createItem)}\n${err}`);

    // Process Updates and strip fields not allowed in updates
    await this.client.pool.addEachTask({
      data: update || [],
      generator: (updateItem) => {
        const updateFN = this.getClientFN(this.functions.update);
        const params = { []: updateItem[] };
        const payload = stripFields({ ...updateItem }, this.stripUpdateFields);
        return updateFN(params, payload)
          .then((data) => {
            this.updated += 1;
          .catch((err) => {
            throw new Error(`Problem updating ${this.type} ${this.objString(updateItem)}\n${err}`);