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Test Coverage
# [1.2.0]( (2019-04-01)

### Features

* loading aws credentials from the environment ([f6ce0dd](

# [1.1.0]( (2019-02-18)

### Features

* added support for webhookSecretToken tower config variable ([b681baf](

## [1.0.1]( (2019-01-09)

### Bug Fixes

* replaced exit 1 with log.Fatal() to solve missing error logging ([fcea664](

## [1.0.1]( (2019-01-09)

### Bug Fixes

* replaced exit 1 with log.Fatal() to solve missing error logging ([fcea664](

# 1.0.0 (2019-01-09)

### Bug Fixes

* fixed args check (requires 2 args) ([6e5bd8f](
* fixed wrong function names ([849d342](
* fixed wrong naming for add repository ([5580abd](
* stop after an error getting the environment ([0194c7f](

### Features

* added add subcommand to create new repository based on definition json ([49aa175](
* added flag to only get single repository ([0195507](
* added function to ask user for environment update input ([1f59268](
* added get environments for repo command ([8256820](
* added get repositories command ([59cf325](
* added get subcommand to get current tower config ([809dd6b](
* added output flag and flags to filter by environment for status ([c754081](
* added remove subcommand to delete environment ([e2d28ce](
* added remove subcommand to delete repository ([659f8e5](
* added start environment and stop environment commands ([30d7c5b](
* added status command ([fd287d7](
* added subcommand to add environment for repository ([40e6a1f](
* added subcommand to get gerneral config ([afd6ed9](
* added subcommand to update general configuration ([abd749b](
* added subcommand to update tower configuration ([160c274](
* added update subcommand for environments ([3492446](
* added update subcommand for repository ([2c4f0ec](
* added version flag ([d353f81](
* cobra init ([8da01c5](
* improved help output with command examples ([6e09686](
* improved output for api error message ([1f140bf](