<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Autowp\ExternalLoginService; use Interop\Container\Exception\ContainerException;use Laminas\ServiceManager\AbstractPluginManager;use Laminas\ServiceManager\Exception\InvalidServiceException; use function get_class;use function gettype;use function is_object;use function sprintf; class PluginManager extends AbstractPluginManager{Possibly zero references to protected property `\Autowp\ExternalLoginService\PluginManager->aliases` protected $aliases = [ 'facebook' => Facebook::class, 'github' => Github::class, 'google-plus' => GooglePlus::class, 'googleplus' => GooglePlus::class, 'google' => Google::class, 'linkedin' => Linkedin::class, 'linked-in' => Linkedin::class, 'twitter' => Twitter::class, 'vk' => Vk::class, ]; Possibly zero references to protected property `\Autowp\ExternalLoginService\PluginManager->factories` protected $factories = [ Facebook::class => LoginServiceFactory::class, Github::class => LoginServiceFactory::class, GooglePlus::class => LoginServiceFactory::class, Google::class => LoginServiceFactory::class, Linkedin::class => LoginServiceFactory::class, Twitter::class => LoginServiceFactory::class, Vk::class => LoginServiceFactory::class, ]; /** * Default instance type * * @var string */Possibly zero write references to protected property `\Autowp\ExternalLoginService\PluginManager->instanceOf` protected $instanceOf = AbstractService::class; /** * Validate an instance * * @param object $plugin * @throws InvalidServiceException If created instance does not respect the. * constraint on type imposed by the plugin manager. * @throws ContainerException If any other error occurs. */Possibly zero references to public method `\Autowp\ExternalLoginService\PluginManager::validate()` public function validate($plugin) { if (! $plugin instanceof $this->instanceOf) { throw new InvalidServiceException(sprintf( '%s expects only to create instances of %s; %s is invalid', static::class, $this->instanceOf, is_object($plugin) ? get_class($plugin) : gettype($plugin) )); } }}