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namespace Autowp\ExternalLoginService;

use Exception;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException;
use Laminas\Session\Container;
use League\OAuth1\Client;
use League\OAuth1\Client\Credentials\TokenCredentials;

use function count;
use function http_build_query;
use function json_decode;
use function str_replace;


class Twitter extends AbstractService
    private Client\Server\Twitter $server;

    /** @var Container */
    private Container $session;

    /** @var Client\Credentials\TokenCredentials */
    private Client\Credentials\TokenCredentials $accessToken;

    /** @var string */
    private string $state;

    public function getSession(): Container
        return $this->session ?? $this->session = new Container('Twitter');

    public function getServer(): Client\Server\Twitter
        if (! $this->server) {
            $serverOptions = [
                'identifier' => $this->options['consumerKey'],
                'secret'     => $this->options['consumerSecret'],
            if (isset($this->options['redirectUri'])) {
                $serverOptions['callback_uri'] = $this->options['redirectUri'];

            $this->server = new Client\Server\Twitter($serverOptions);

        return $this->server;

    public function setServer(Client\Server\Twitter $server): void
        $this->server = $server;

    public function getState(): string
        return $this->state;

    public function getLoginUrl(): string
        $temporaryCredentials = $this->getServer()->getTemporaryCredentials();

        // Store credentials in the session, we'll need them later
        $this->getSession()->temporaryCredentials = $temporaryCredentials;

        $this->state = $temporaryCredentials->getIdentifier();

        // Second part of OAuth 1.0 authentication is to redirect the
        // resource owner to the login screen on the server.
        return $this->getServer()->getAuthorizationUrl($temporaryCredentials);

    public function getFriendsUrl(): string
        $temporaryCredentials = $this->getServer()->getTemporaryCredentials();

        // Store credentials in the session, we'll need them later
        $this->getSession()->temporaryCredentials = $temporaryCredentials;

        $this->state = $temporaryCredentials->getIdentifier();

        // Second part of OAuth 1.0 authentication is to redirect the
        // resource owner to the login screen on the server.
        return $this->getServer()->getAuthorizationUrl($temporaryCredentials);

     * @throws ExternalLoginServiceException
    public function callback(array $params): ?TokenCredentials
        if (isset($params['denied']) && $params['denied']) {
            return null;

        if (! isset($params['oauth_token'], $params['oauth_verifier'])) {
            throw new ExternalLoginServiceException('oauth_token or oauth_verifier not provided');

        // Retrieve the temporary credentials we saved before
        $session = $this->getSession();
        if (! isset($session->temporaryCredentials)) {
            throw new ExternalLoginServiceException('Request token not set');

        $temporaryCredentials = $session->temporaryCredentials;

        // We will now retrieve token credentials from the server
        $tokenCredentials = $this->getServer()->getTokenCredentials(

        $this->accessToken = $tokenCredentials;

        return $tokenCredentials;

     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
    public function getData(array $options): Result
        $user = $this->getServer()->getUserDetails($this->accessToken);

        $imageUrl = null;
        if ($user->imageUrl) {
            $imageUrl = str_replace('_normal', '', $user->imageUrl);

        $data = [
            'externalId' => $user->uid,
            'name'       => $user->name,
            'profileUrl' => '' . $user->nickname,
            'photoUrl'   => $imageUrl,
            'location'   => $user->location,
            'language'   => $user->lang,
            'email'      => $user->email ?? null,

        return new Result($data);

     * @throws Exception
    private function friendsIds(int $cursor, int $count): array
        $url = '';

        $url .= '?' . http_build_query([
            'cursor' => $cursor,
            'count'  => $count,

        $client = $this->getServer()->createHttpClient();

        $headers = $this->getServer()->getHeaders($this->accessToken, 'GET', $url);

        try {
            $response = $client->get($url, [
                'headers' => $headers,
        } catch (BadResponseException $e) {
            $response   = $e->getResponse();
            $body       = $response->getBody();
            $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();

            throw new Exception(
                "Received error [$body] with status code [$statusCode] when retrieving token credentials."
        return json_decode((string) $response->getBody(), true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);

     * @throws Exception
    public function getFriends(): array
        $cursor    = - 1;
        $friendsId = [];
        $count     = 1000;
        while (true) {
            $response = $this->friendsIds($cursor, $count);
            if (! $response) {

            $value = null;
            foreach ($response['ids'] as &$value) {
                $friendsId[] = (string) $value;
            if (count($response['ids']) !== $count) {

        return $friendsId;

    public function setAccessToken(Client\Credentials\TokenCredentials $accessToken)
        $this->accessToken = $accessToken;