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This is a simple function for computing a probability map of all peak files of one parameter that
exceed a particular threshold


import numpy as np
import logging
import pathlib
from scipy.stats import qmc

import avaframe.out3Plot.plotUtils as pU
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgHandling
from avaframe.in3Utils import fileHandlerUtils as fU
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
import avaframe.in1Data.computeFromDistribution as cP
import avaframe.com1DFA.deriveParameterSet as dP
from avaframe.in3Utils import geoTrans as gT
from avaframe.out3Plot import statsPlots as sP
from avaframe.in1Data import getInput as gI

# create local logger
# change log level in calling module to DEBUG to see log messages
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def createComModConfig(cfgProb, avaDir, modName):
    """ create configuration file for performing sims with modName com module

        cfgProb: configParser object
            configuration settings
        avaDir: pathlib path
            path to avalanche directory
        modName: module
            computational module

        cfgFiles: list
            list of paths to newly generated configuration files for com module inlcuding
            parameter variations

    # setup where configuration file is saved
    modNameString = str(pathlib.Path(modName.__file__).stem)
    outDir = avaDir / 'Work' / ('%sConfigFiles' % modNameString)

    # check variation settings
    variationsDict = makeDictFromVars(cfgProb['PROBRUN'])

    if cfgProb['PROBRUN'].getint('samplingStrategy') == 2:
        log.info('Probability run performed by varying one parameter at a time - local approach.')
        cfgFiles = cfgFilesLocalApproach(variationsDict, cfgProb, modName, outDir)
        log.info('Probability run perfromed drawing parameter set from full sample.')
        cfgFiles = cfgFilesGlobalApproach(avaDir, cfgProb, modName, outDir)

    return cfgFiles, outDir

def cfgFilesGlobalApproach(avaDir, cfgProb, modName, outDir):
    """ create configuration files with all parameter variations - drawn from full sample
        for performing sims with modName comModule

        cfgProb: configParser object
            configuration settings
        avaDir: pathlib path
            path to avalanche directory
        modName: module
            computational module

        cfgFiles: list
            list of paths to newly generated configuration files for com module inlcuding parameter

    # create sample of all parameter variations
    paramValuesDList = createSampleFromConfig(avaDir, cfgProb, modName)

    # create plot of parameter sample if variation of two parameters
    for paramValuesD in paramValuesDList:
        if 'releaseScenario' in paramValuesD.keys():
            releaseScenario = paramValuesD['releaseScenario']
            releaseScenario = ''
        plotDir = avaDir / 'Outputs' / 'ana4Stats' / 'plots'
        if len(paramValuesD['names']) == 2:
            sP.plotSample(paramValuesD, plotDir, releaseScenario=releaseScenario)
        elif len(paramValuesD['varParNamesInitial']) == 2:
            sP.plotThSampleFromVals(paramValuesD, plotDir)
            log.debug('More or less than two parameters have been varied - no plot of sample available')

    # write cfg files one for each parameter set drawn from full sample
    cfgFiles = createCfgFiles(paramValuesDList, modName, cfgProb, cfgPath=outDir)

    return cfgFiles

def cfgFilesLocalApproach(variationsDict, cfgProb, modName, outDir):
    """ create configuration file for performing sims with modName com module

        variationsDict: dict
            dictionary with for each varName, varVariation, varSteps, and type of variation
        cfgProb: configParser object
            configuration settings
        avaDir: pathlib path
            path to avalanche directory
        modName: module
            computational module

        cfgFiles: dict
            dictionary of paths to newly generated configuration files for com module for all parameters


    cfgFiles = []
    for varName in variationsDict:
        # define configuration files
        # get filename of module
        modNameString = str(pathlib.Path(modName.__file__).stem)
        cfgFile = outDir / ('probRun%sCfg%s.ini' % (modNameString, varName))

        # use cfgFile, local com module settings or default settings if local not available
        modCfg = fetchStartCfg(modName, cfgProb)
        modCfg = updateCfgRange(modCfg, cfgProb, varName, variationsDict[varName])

        with open(cfgFile, 'w') as configfile:
        # append cfgFiles to list

    return cfgFiles

def updateCfgRange(cfg, cfgProb, varName, varDict):
    """ update cfg with a range for parameters in cfgProb

        cfg: configparser object
            configuration object to update
        cfgProb: configParser object
            configparser object with info on update
        varName: str
            name of parameter used for variation
        varDict: dict
            dictionary with variationValue and numberOfSteps for varName

        cfg: configParser
            updated configuration object


    # set reference values of parameters - override values in com module configurations
    varParList = cfgProb['PROBRUN']['varParList'].split('|')
    # also for the other parameters that are varied subsequently
    # first check if no parameter variation in provided for these parameters in the com module ini
    # if so - error
    _, _ = checkParameterSettings(cfg, varParList)

    # this is now done for parameter VARNAME from inputs
    # get range, steps and reference value of parameter to perform variations
    valVariation = varDict['variationValue']
    valSteps = varDict['numberOfSteps']
    valVal = cfg['GENERAL'][varName]
    variationType = varDict['variationType']

    if variationType.lower() == 'normaldistribution':
        # get computeFromDistribution configuration and apply override
        cfgDist = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(cP, fileOverride='', modInfo=False, toPrint=False,
        cfgDist, cfgProb = cfgHandling.applyCfgOverride(cfgDist, cfgProb, cP, addModValues=False)

    # set variation in configuration
    if varName in ['relTh', 'entTh', 'secondaryRelTh']:
        # if variation using normal distribution
        if variationType.lower() == 'normaldistribution':
            parName = varName + 'DistVariation'
            if valVariation == '':
                valVariation = '-'
            parValue = (variationType + '$'
                + valSteps + '$' + valVariation + '$'
                + cfgDist['GENERAL']['minMaxInterval'] + '$'
                + cfgDist['GENERAL']['buildType'] + '$'
                + cfgDist['GENERAL']['support'])
        # if variation using percent
        elif variationType.lower() == 'percent':
            parName = varName + 'PercentVariation'
            parValue = valVariation + '$' + valSteps
        # if variation using absolute range
        elif variationType.lower() == 'range':
            parName = varName + 'RangeVariation'
            parValue = valVariation + '$' + valSteps
            if 'ci' in valVariation:
                message = ('Variation Type: range - variationValue is %s not a valid option - only \
                 scalar value allowed or consider variationType rangefromci' %
                raise AssertionError(message)
        elif variationType.lower() == 'rangefromci':
            parName = varName + 'RangeFromCiVariation'
            parValue = valVariation + '$' + valSteps
            message = ('Variation Type: %s - not a valid option, options are: percent, range, \
                normaldistribution, rangefromci' % variationType)
            raise AssertionError(message)
        # write parameter variation for varName in config file
        cfg['GENERAL'][parName] = parValue
        # set variation
        if variationType.lower() == 'normaldistribution':
            cfgDist = {'sampleSize': valSteps, 'mean': valVal,
                'buildType': cfgProb['in1Data_computeFromDistribution_override']['buildType'],
                'buildValue': valVariation,
                'minMaxInterval': cfgDist['GENERAL']['minMaxInterval'],
                'support': cfgDist['GENERAL']['support']}
            _, valValues, _, _ = cP.extractNormalDist(cfgDist)
            cfg['GENERAL'][varName] = dP.writeToCfgLine(valValues)
        elif variationType.lower() == 'percent':
            cfg['GENERAL'][varName] = '%s$%s$%s' % (valVal, valVariation, valSteps)
            valValues = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(cfg['GENERAL'][varName])

        elif variationType.lower() == 'range':
            if '-' in valVariation or '+' in valVariation:
                valStart = str(float(valVal) + float(valVariation))
                valStop = float(valVal)
                valStart = str(float(valVal) - float(valVariation))
                valStop = str(float(valVal) + float(valVariation))
            cfg['GENERAL'][varName] = '%s:%s:%s' % (valStart, valStop, valSteps)
            valValues = np.linspace(float(valStart), float(valStop), int(valSteps))
            message = ('Variation Type: %s - not a valid option, options are: percent, range, \
                normaldistribution, rangefromci' % variationType)
            raise AssertionError(message)

    # add a scenario Name to VISUALISATION
    cfg['VISUALISATION']['scenario'] = varName

    return cfg

def checkParameterSettings(cfg, varParList):
    """ check if parameter settings in comMod configuration do not inlcude variation for parameters to be varied

        cfg: configparser object
            configuration settings
        varParList: list
            list of parameters (names) that shall be varied


    # set a list of all thickness parameters that are set to be read from shp file
    thReadFromShp = []

    # loop over all parameters and check if no variation is set and if read from shp
    for varPar in varParList:
        if any(chars in cfg['GENERAL'][varPar] for chars in ['|', '$', ':']):
            message = ('Only one reference value is allowed for %s: but %s is given' %
                (varPar, cfg['GENERAL'][varPar]))
            raise AssertionError(message)
        elif varPar in ['entTh', 'relTh', 'secondaryRelTh']:
            thFromShp = varPar + 'FromShp'
            # check if reference settings have already variation of varPar
            _ = checkForNumberOfReferenceValues(cfg['GENERAL'], varPar)
            # check if th read from shp file
            if cfg['GENERAL'].getboolean(thFromShp):

    return True, thReadFromShp

def checkForNumberOfReferenceValues(cfgGen, varPar):
    """ check if in reference configuration no variation option of varPar is set
        if set - throw error

        cfgGen: configparser object
            reference configuration settings
        varPar: str
            name of parameter to be checked


    thPV = varPar + 'PercentVariation'
    thRV = varPar + 'RangeVariation'
    thDV = varPar + 'DistVariation'
    thRCiV = varPar + 'RangeFromCiVariation'

    # check if variation is set
    if cfgGen[thPV] != '' or cfgGen[thRV] != '' or cfgGen[thDV] != '' or cfgGen[thRCiV] != '':
        message = ('Only one reference value is allowed for %s: but %s %s, %s %s, %s %s, %s %s is given' %
                   (varPar, thPV, cfgGen[thPV], thRV, cfgGen[thRV], thDV, cfgGen[thDV], thRCiV, cfgGen[thRCiV]))
        raise AssertionError(message)

    return True

def probAnalysis(avaDir, cfg, module, parametersDict='', inputDir='', probConf='', simDFActual=''):
    """ Compute probability map of a given set of simulation result exceeding a particular threshold and save to outDir

        avaDir: str
            path to avalanche directory
        cfg : dict
            configuration read from ini file of probAna function
            computational module that was used to run the simulations
        parametersDict: dict
            dictionary with simulation parameters to filter simulations
        inputDir : str
            optional - path to directory where data that should be analysed can be found in
            a subfolder called peakFiles and configurationFiles, required if not in module results
        probConf : str
            name of probability configuration
        simDFActual: pandas dataFrame
            dataframe of simulation configurations that shall be used for prob analysis


    # get filename of module
    modName = pathlib.Path(module.__file__).stem
    avaDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir)

    # set output directory
    outDir = avaDir / 'Outputs' / 'ana4Stats'

    # fetch all result files and filter simulations according to parametersDict
    simNameList = cfgHandling.filterSims(avaDir, parametersDict, specDir=inputDir, simDF=simDFActual)

    # initialize flag if analysis has been performed or e.g. no matching files found
    analysisPerformed = False
    if simNameList == []:
        # no matching sims found for filtering criteria
        log.warning('No matching simulations found for filtering criteria')
        return analysisPerformed

    # if matching sims found - perform analysis
    if inputDir == '':
        inputDir = avaDir / 'Outputs' / modName / 'peakFiles'
        peakFilesDF = fU.makeSimDF(inputDir, avaDir=avaDir)
        inputDirPF = inputDir / 'peakFiles'
        peakFilesDF = fU.makeSimDF(inputDirPF, avaDir=avaDir)

    # get header info from peak files - this should be the same for all peakFiles
    header = IOf.readASCheader(peakFilesDF['files'][0])
    refData = IOf.readRaster(peakFilesDF['files'][0])
    nRows = header['nrows']
    nCols = header['ncols']

    # Initialise array for computations
    probSum = np.zeros((nRows, nCols))
    count = 0
    contourDict = {}

    # Loop through peakFiles and compute probability
    for m in range(len(peakFilesDF['names'])):

        # only take simulations that match filter criteria from parametersDict
        if peakFilesDF['simName'][m] in simNameList:
            # Load peak field for desired peak field parameter
            if peakFilesDF['resType'][m] == cfg['GENERAL']['peakVar']:

                # Load data
                fileName = peakFilesDF['files'][m]
                dataLim = np.zeros((nRows, nCols))
                fileData = IOf.readRaster(fileName)

                # check if extent is the same as first loaded dataset
                # if not - remesh and print warning
                if fileData['header']['nrows'] != nRows or fileData['header']['ncols'] != nCols:
                    log.warning('datasets used to create probMap do not match in extent - remeshing: %s to cellSize %s' %
                        (fileName, header['cellsize']))
                    data, _ = gT.resizeData(fileData, refData)
                data = np.flipud(fileData['rasterData'])

                # fetch contourline info
                xGrid, yGrid, _, _ = gT.makeCoordGridFromHeader(refData['header'])
                contourDictXY = pU.fetchContourCoords(xGrid, yGrid, data, float(cfg['GENERAL']['peakLim']))
                contourDict[fileName.stem] = contourDictXY

                log.info('File Name: %s , simulation parameter %s ' % (fileName, cfg['GENERAL']['peakVar']))

                # Check if peak values exceed desired threshold
                dataLim[data > float(cfg['GENERAL']['peakLim'])] = 1.0
                probSum = probSum + dataLim
                count = count + 1

    # Create probability map ranging from 0-1
    probMap = probSum / count
    unit = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % cfg['GENERAL']['peakVar']]
    log.info('probability analysis performed for peak parameter: %s and a peak value '
             'threshold of: %s %s' % (cfg['GENERAL']['peakVar'], cfg['GENERAL']['peakLim'], unit))
    log.info('%s peak fields added to analysis' % count)

    # # Save to .asc file
    avaName = avaDir.name
    outFileName = '%s_prob_%s_%s_lim%s.asc' % (avaName,
    outFile = outDir / outFileName
    IOf.writeResultToAsc(header, probMap, outFile)
    log.info('Prob result written to %s' % outFile)
    analysisPerformed = True

    return analysisPerformed, contourDict

def makeDictFromVars(cfg):
    """ create a dictionary with info on parameter variation for all parameter in

        cfg: configparser object
            configuration settings, here varParList, variationValue, numberOfSteps

        variationsDict: dict
            dictionary with for each varName, varVariation, varSteps, and type of variation


    varParList = cfg['varParList'].split('|')
    varParTypes = cfg['varParType'].split('|')
    varValues = cfg['variationValue'].split('|')
    varSteps = cfg['numberOfSteps'].split('|')
    varTypes = cfg['variationType'].split('|')

    # check if value is provided for each parameter
    if cfg.getint('samplingStrategy') == 1:
        lengthsPar = 'varParType'
    elif cfg.getint('samplingStrategy') == 2:
        lengthsPar = 'numberOfSteps'
        message = 'Chosen sampling strategy not valid: options are 1 or 2'
        raise AssertionError(message)

    if (len(varParList) == len(varValues) == len(cfg[lengthsPar].split('|')) == len(varTypes)) is False:
        message = ('For every parameter in varParList a variationValue, %s and variationType needs to be provided' % lengthsPar)
        raise AssertionError(message)

    # check if correct values provided for rangefromci
    rangeFromCi = [idx for idx, v in enumerate(varTypes) if v.lower() == 'rangefromci']
    varValuesRCi = np.asarray(varValues)[rangeFromCi]
    ciCheck = [False for ci in varValuesRCi if ci != 'ci95']

    if len(ciCheck) > 0:
        message = 'If rangefromci is chosen as variation type, ci95 is required as variationValue'
        raise AssertionError(message)

    variationsDict = {}
    if cfg.getint('samplingStrategy') == 2:
        for idx, val in enumerate(varParList):
            variationsDict[val] = {'variationValue': varValues[idx], 'numberOfSteps': varSteps[idx],
                                   'variationType': varTypes[idx]}

    return variationsDict

def fetchThicknessInfo(avaDir):
    """ Fetch input data for avaDir and thickness info

        cfg: configparser object
            configuration settings
        avaDir: pathlib path or str
            path to avalanche directory

        inputSimFilesAll: dict
            dictionary with info on available input data (release areas, entrainment, and thickness info)

    # fetch input data - dem, release-, entrainment- and resistance areas (and secondary release areas)
    inputSimFilesAll = gI.getInputDataCom1DFA(avaDir)

    # get thickness of release and entrainment areas (and secondary release areas) -if thFromShp = True
    inputSimFilesAll = gI.getThicknessInputSimFiles(inputSimFilesAll)

    return inputSimFilesAll

def createSampleFromConfig(avaDir, cfgProb, comMod):
    """ Create a sample of parameters for a desired parameter variation,
        and draw nSample sets of parameter values
        if thickness values read from shp for comMod, convert sample values for these

        avaDir: pathlib path
            path to avalanche directory
        cfgProb: configparser object
            configuration settings for parameter variation
        comMod: computational module
            module to perform then sims for parameter variation

        paramValuesDList: list
            list of paramValuesD (multiple if multiple release area scenarios)

            - names: list, list of parameter names (that are varied)
            - values: numpy nd array, as many rows as sets of parameter values and as many rows as parameters
            - typeList: list, list of types of parameters (float, ...)
            - thFromIni: str, str of parameter names where the base value is read from shape


    # read initial configuration
    cfgStart = fetchStartCfg(comMod, cfgProb)

    # fetch parameter names for parameter variation and variation value and variation type
    varParList = cfgProb['PROBRUN']['varParList'].split('|')
    valVariationValue = cfgProb['PROBRUN']['variationValue'].split('|')
    varType = cfgProb['PROBRUN']['variationType'].split('|')
    # check if thickness parameters are actually read from shp file
    _, thReadFromShp = checkParameterSettings(cfgStart, varParList)

    modNameString = str(pathlib.Path(comMod.__file__).stem)
    if modNameString.lower() == "com1dfa":
        # check if thickness parameters are actually read from shp file
        _, thReadFromShp = checkParameterSettings(cfgStart, varParList)
        thReadFromShp = []

    # create sets of parameters values for parameter variation
    if len(thReadFromShp) > 0:
        paramValuesDList = createSampleWithVariationForThParameters(avaDir, cfgProb, cfgStart, varParList,
                                                                    valVariationValue, varType, thReadFromShp)
        paramValuesD = createSampleWithVariationStandardParameters(cfgProb, cfgStart, varParList, valVariationValue,
        paramValuesDList = [paramValuesD]

    return paramValuesDList

def createSampleWithVariationStandardParameters(cfgProb, cfgStart, varParList, valVariationValue, varType):
    """ create a sample for a parameter variation using latin hypercube sampling

    cfgProb: configparser object
        configuration settings for parameter variation
    cfgStart: configparser object
        configuration settings for comMod without variation values
    varParList: list
        list of parameters that shall be varied
    valVariationValue: list
        list if value used for variation
    varType: list
        list of type of variation for each parameter (percent, range, rangefromci)

    paramValuesD: dict
        dictionary used to pass parameter variation values

        - names: list, list of parameter names (that are varied)
        - values: numpy nd array, as many rows as sets of parameter values and as many rows as parameters
        - typeList: list, list of types of parameters (float, ...)
        - thFromIni: str, str of parameter names where the base value is read from shape


    # initialze lower and upper bounds required to get a sample for the parameter values
    lowerBounds = []
    upperBounds = []
    for idx, varPar in enumerate(varParList):
        # if parameter value directly set in configuration modify the value directly
        varVal = cfgStart['GENERAL'].getfloat(varPar)
        if varType[idx].lower() == 'percent':
            lB = varVal - varVal * (float(valVariationValue[idx]) / 100.)
            uB = varVal + varVal * (float(valVariationValue[idx]) / 100.)
        elif varType[idx].lower() == 'range':
            lB = varVal - float(valVariationValue[idx])
            uB = varVal + float(valVariationValue[idx])
            message = ('Variation method: %s not a valid option' % varType[idx])
            raise AssertionError(message)
        # update bounds

    # create a sample of parameter values using scipy latin hypercube sampling
    sample = createSample(cfgProb, varParList)
    sampleWBounds = qmc.scale(sample, lowerBounds, upperBounds)

    # create dictionary with all the info
    paramValuesD = {'names': varParList,
                    'values': sampleWBounds,
                    'typeList': cfgProb['PROBRUN']['varParType'].split('|'),
                    'thFromIni': ''}

    return paramValuesD

def createSampleWithVariationForThParameters(avaDir, cfgProb, cfgStart, varParList, valVariationValue, varType, thReadFromShp):
    """ Create a sample of parameters for a desired parameter variation,
        and fetch thickness values from shp file and perform variation for each feature within
        shapefile but treating the features of one shapefile as not-independent

        paramsValuesD dict in output list contains

        cfgProb: configparser object
            configuration settings for parameter variation
        cfgStart: configparser object
            configuration settings for comMod without variation values
        varParList: list
            list of parameters that shall be varied
        valVariationValue: list
            list if value used for variation
        varType: list
            list of type of variation for each parameter (percent, range, rangefromci)

        paramValuesDList: list
            list of paramValuesD (multiple if multiple release area scenarios)

            - names: list, list of parameter names (that are varied)
            - values: numpy nd array, as many rows as sets of parameter values and as many rows as parameters
            - typeList: list, list of types of parameters (float, ...)
            - thFromIni: str, str of parameter names where the base value is read from shape


    # fetch input files and corresponding thickness info
    inputSimFiles = fetchThicknessInfo(avaDir)

    paramValuesDList = []
    for iRel, relF in enumerate(inputSimFiles['relFiles']):
        paramValuesD = {}
        # create lower and upper bounds for all thickness parameters - taking into account all features
        fullListOfParameters = []
        parentParameterId = []
        staParameter = []
        thValues = np.asarray([])
        ciValues = np.asarray([])
        for idx1, varPar in enumerate(varParList):
            if varPar in thReadFromShp:
                ciRequired = varType[idx1].lower() == 'rangefromci'
                thV, ciV, thFeatureNames = fetchThThicknessLists(varPar, inputSimFiles, relF, ciRequired=ciRequired)
                # add to list all the parameter names
                fullListOfParameters = fullListOfParameters + thFeatureNames
                parentParameterId = parentParameterId + [varParList.index(varPar)]*len(thFeatureNames)
                thValues = np.append(thValues, thV)
                ciValues = np.append(ciValues, ciV)
                thValues = np.append(thValues, np.asarray([None]))
                ciValues = np.append(ciValues, np.asarray([None]))

        # initialize lower and upper bounds required to get a sample for the parameter values
        # numpy arrays required to do masking as lists don't work for a list indices
        varValList = np.asarray([cfgStart['GENERAL'].getfloat(varPar) if varPar in staParameter else thValues[idx] for idx, varPar in enumerate(fullListOfParameters)])
        fullValVar = np.asarray([float(valVariationValue[i]) if valVariationValue[i] != 'ci95' else np.nan for i in parentParameterId])
        fullVarType = np.asarray([varType[i].lower() for i in parentParameterId])
        lowerBounds = np.asarray([None]*len(fullListOfParameters))
        upperBounds = np.asarray([None]*len(fullListOfParameters))

        # set lower and upper bounds depending on varType (percent, range, rangefromci)
        lowerBounds[fullVarType == 'percent'] = (varValList[fullVarType == 'percent'] -
            varValList[fullVarType == 'percent'] * (fullValVar[fullVarType == 'percent'] / 100.))
        upperBounds[fullVarType == 'percent'] = (varValList[fullVarType == 'percent'] +
            varValList[fullVarType == 'percent'] * (fullValVar[fullVarType == 'percent'] / 100.))

        lowerBounds[fullVarType == 'range'] = (varValList[fullVarType == 'range'] -
                fullValVar[fullVarType == 'range'])
        upperBounds[fullVarType == 'range'] = (varValList[fullVarType == 'range'] +
                fullValVar[fullVarType == 'range'])

        lowerBounds[fullVarType == 'rangefromci'] = (varValList[fullVarType == 'rangefromci'] -
                ciValues[fullVarType == 'rangefromci'])
        upperBounds[fullVarType == 'rangefromci'] = (varValList[fullVarType == 'rangefromci'] +
                ciValues[fullVarType == 'rangefromci'])

        # create a sample of parameter values using scipy latin hypercube sampling
        sample = createSample(cfgProb, varParList)

        # create a full sample including those thickness values for the potentially multiple features
        # however, the thickness values for one parameter (relTh or entTh or secondaryRelTh) should not
        # be independent for the different features within one parameter
        fullSample = np.zeros((int(cfgProb['PROBRUN']['nSample']), len(fullListOfParameters)))
        for idx, varPar in enumerate(fullListOfParameters):
            lB = [0]*len(varParList)
            uB = [1]*len(varParList)
            lB[parentParameterId[idx]] = lowerBounds[idx]
            uB[parentParameterId[idx]] = upperBounds[idx]
            parSample = qmc.scale(sample, lB, uB)
            fullSample[:, idx] = parSample[:, parentParameterId[idx]]

        # create dictionary with all the info
        thFromIni = cfgUtils.convertToCfgList(list(set(varParList).symmetric_difference(set(staParameter))))
        paramValuesD = {'names': fullListOfParameters,
                        'values': fullSample,
                        'typeList': cfgProb['PROBRUN']['varParType'].split('|'),
                        'thFromIni': thFromIni,
                        'thVariationBasedOnFromShp': thReadFromShp,
                        'varParNamesInitial': varParList,
                        'releaseScenario': relF.stem}


    return paramValuesDList

def createSample(cfgProb, varParList):
    """ create a sample of parameters

        cfgProb: configparser object
            configuration settings
        varParList: list
            list of parameters used for creating a sample

        sample: scipy object
            sample object of given dimension that can be adjusted to desired bounds

    # random generator initialized with seed
    randomGen = np.random.default_rng(cfgProb['PROBRUN'].getint('sampleSeed'))

    # create a sample of parameter values using scipy latin hypercube sampling
    if cfgProb['PROBRUN']['sampleMethod'].lower() == 'latin':
        sampler = qmc.LatinHypercube(d=len(varParList), seed=randomGen)
        sample = sampler.random(n=int(cfgProb['PROBRUN']['nSample']))
        log.info('Parameter sample created using latin hypercube sampling')
        message = ('Sampling method: %s not a valid option' % cfgProb['PROBRUN']['sampleMethod'])
        raise AssertionError(message)

    return sample

def fetchThThicknessLists(varPar, inputSimFiles, releaseFile, ciRequired=False):
    """ fetch the desired thickness shp file info on thickness, id and ci values
        of all available features in shp file

        varPar: str
            name of thickness parameter
        inputSimFiles: dict
            dictionary with info in input data
        ciRequired: bool
            if True throw error if ci Values not provided

        thicknessFeatureNames: list
            list of names of thickness features
        thValues: list
            list of thickness values for all features
        ciValues: list
            list of ci values for all feature

    if varPar == 'relTh':
        thFile = [inputSimFiles['relFiles'][idx] for idx, relF in enumerate(inputSimFiles['relFiles']) if relF == releaseFile][0]
    elif varPar == 'entTh':
        thFile = inputSimFiles['entFile']
    elif varPar == 'secondaryRelTh':
        thFile = inputSimFiles['secondaryReleaseFile']

    infoDict = inputSimFiles[thFile.stem]
    thicknessFeatureNames = [varPar+str(id) for id in infoDict['id']]
    thValues = [float(th) for th in infoDict['thickness']]
    ciValues = [float(ci) if ci != 'None' else np.nan for ci in infoDict['ci95']]

    if np.nan in ciValues and ciRequired:
        msg = ('ci95 values required in shape file but not provided for %s' % varPar)
        raise AssertionError(msg)

    return thValues, ciValues, thicknessFeatureNames

def createCfgFiles(paramValuesDList, comMod, cfg, cfgPath=''):
    """ create all config files required to run com Module from parameter variations using paramValues

        paramValuesDList: list
            list of dictionaries with parameter names and values (array of all sets of parameter values,
             one row per value set)
            multiple dictionaries if multiple release area scenarios and thFromShp
        comMod: com module
            computational module
        cfg: configparser object
            configuration settings
        cfgPath: str
            path where cfg files should be saved to

        cfgFiles: list
            list of cfg file paths for comMod including the updated values of the parameters to vary


    # get filename of module
    modName = str(pathlib.Path(comMod.__file__).stem)

    # create one cfgFile with one line of the parameter values from the full parameter variation
    cfgFiles = []
    countS = 0
    for paramValuesD in paramValuesDList:
        # read initial configuration
        cfgStart = fetchStartCfg(comMod, cfg)
        for count1, pVal in enumerate(paramValuesD['values']):
            for index, par in enumerate(paramValuesD['names']):
                cfgStart['GENERAL'][par] = str(pVal[index])
            if modName.lower() == 'com1dfa':
                cfgStart['VISUALISATION']['scenario'] = str(count1)
                cfgStart['INPUT']['thFromIni'] = paramValuesD['thFromIni']
                if 'releaseScenario' in paramValuesD.keys():
                    cfgStart['INPUT']['releaseScenario'] = paramValuesD['releaseScenario']
            cfgF = pathlib.Path(cfgPath, ('%d_%sCfg.ini' % (countS, modName)))
            with open(cfgF, 'w') as configfile:
            # append file path to list of cfg files
            countS = countS + 1

    return cfgFiles

def fetchStartCfg(comMod, cfgProb):
    """ fetch start configuration of comMod
        if onlyDefault use default comModCfg.ini and if false check if there is a local_comModCfg.ini

        comMod: computational module
            module where configuration is read from
        cfgProb: configparser object
            configuration settings of probAna with collection_comMod_override section

        cfgStart: configparser object
            configuration object of comMod
    # get filename of module
    modName = str(pathlib.Path(comMod.__file__).stem)
    modP = (pathlib.Path(comMod.__file__).resolve().parent).stem

    # fetch comMod config
    cfgStart = cfgUtils.getModuleConfig(comMod, fileOverride='', toPrint=False,
        onlyDefault=cfgProb['%s_%s_override' % (modP, modName)].getboolean('defaultConfig'))

    # override with parameters set in in the cfgProb comMod_override section
    cfgStart, cfgProb = cfgHandling.applyCfgOverride(cfgStart, cfgProb, comMod, addModValues=False)

    return cfgStart

def fetchProbConfigs(cfg):
    """ fetch configurations of prob run in order to filter simulations
        e.g. to create probability maps for different scenarios

        cfg: configparser object
            configuration setting, here used: samplingStrategy, varParList

        probConfigs: dict
            dictionary with one key per config and a dict per key with parameter and value

    probConfigs = {'includeAll': {}}

    if cfg.getint('samplingStrategy') == 2:
        for par in cfg['varParList'].split('|'):
            probConfigs['include' + par] = {'scenario': par}
        log.info('Probability maps are created for full parameter variation and for %s separately' %
        log.info('Probability map is created for full parameter variation')

    return probConfigs