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Test Coverage
    Tools for generating an avalanche path from a DFA simulation

# Load modules
import math
import numpy as np
import logging
import pathlib
import shutil

# Local imports
import avaframe.in2Trans.shpConversion as shpConv
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
import avaframe.in3Utils.geoTrans as gT
import avaframe.com1DFA.particleTools as particleTools
import avaframe.com1DFA.DFAtools as DFAtls
from avaframe.com1DFA import com1DFA
import avaframe.out3Plot.outDebugPlots as debPlot
# create local logger
# change log level in calling module to DEBUG to see log messages
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cfgAVA = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
debugPlot = cfgAVA['FLAGS'].getboolean('debugPlot')

def generateAveragePath(avalancheDir, pathFromPart, simName, dem, addVelocityInfo=False, flagAvaDir=True,
    """ extract path from fileds or particles

    avalancheDir: pathlib
        avalanche directory pathlib path
    pathFromPart: boolean
        compute path from particles if True, from fields (FT, FM, FV) if False
    simName: str
        simulation name
    dem: dict
        com1DFA simulation dictionary
    addVelocityInfo: boolean
        True to add (u2, ekin, totEKin) to result
        Will only work if the particles (ux, uy, uz) exist or if 'FV' exists
    flagAvaDir: bool
        if True avalancheDir corresponds to an avalanche directory and data is
        read from avaDir/Outputs/comModule/particles or avaDir/Outputs/comModule/peakFiles
        depending on if pathFromPart is True or False
    comModule: str
        module that computed the particles or fields

    avaProfileMass: dict
        mass averaged profile (x, y, z, 's')
        if addVelocityInfo is True, kinetic energy and velocity information are added to
        the avaProfileMass dict (u2, ekin, totEKin)
    particlesIni: dict
        x, y coord of the initial particles or flow thickness field
    if pathFromPart:
        particlesList, timeStepInfo = particleTools.readPartFromPickle(avalancheDir, simName=simName, flagAvaDir=True,
        particlesIni = particlesList[0]
        log.info('Using particles to generate avalanche path profile')
        # postprocess to extract path and energy line
        avaProfileMass = getDFAPathFromPart(particlesList, addVelocityInfo=addVelocityInfo)
        particlesList = ''
        # read field
        fieldName = ['FT', 'FM']
        if addVelocityInfo:
        fieldsList, fieldHeader, timeList = com1DFA.readFields(avalancheDir, fieldName, simName=simName,
                                                               flagAvaDir=True, comModule='com1DFA')
        # get fields header
        ncols = fieldHeader['ncols']
        nrows = fieldHeader['nrows']
        csz = fieldHeader['cellsize']
        # we want the origin to be in (0, 0) as it is in the avaProfile that comes in
        X, Y = gT.makeCoordinateGrid(0, 0, csz, ncols, nrows)
        indNonZero = np.where(fieldsList[0]['FD'] > 0)
        # convert this data in a particles style (dict with x, y, z info)
        particlesIni = {'x': X[indNonZero], 'y': Y[indNonZero]}
        particlesIni, _ = gT.projectOnRaster(dem, particlesIni)
        log.info('Using fields to generate avalanche path profile')
        # postprocess to extract path and energy line
        avaProfileMass = getDFAPathFromField(fieldsList, fieldHeader, dem)

    return avaProfileMass, particlesIni

def getDFAPathFromPart(particlesList, addVelocityInfo=False):
    """ compute mass averaged path from particles

    Also returns the averaged velocity and kinetic energy associated
    If addVelocityInfo is True, information about velocity and kinetic energy is computed

    particlesList: list
        list of particles dict
    addVelocityInfo: boolean
        True to add (u2, ekin, totEKin) to result

    avaProfileMass: dict
        mass averaged profile (x, y, z, 's', 'sCor')
        if addVelocityInfo is True, kinetic energy and velocity information are added to
        the avaProfileMass dict (u2, ekin, totEKin)

    propList = ['x', 'y', 'z', 's', 'sCor']
    propListPart = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'trajectoryLengthXY', 'trajectoryLengthXYCor']
    avaProfileMass = {}
    # do we have velocity info?
    if addVelocityInfo:
        avaProfileMass['totEKin'] = np.empty((0, 1))
    # initialize other properties
    for prop in propList:
        avaProfileMass[prop] = np.empty((0, 1))
        avaProfileMass[prop + 'std'] = np.empty((0, 1))

    # loop on each particle dictionary (ie each time step saved)
    for particles in particlesList:
        if particles['nPart'] > 0:
            m = particles['m']
            if addVelocityInfo:
                ux = particles['ux']
                uy = particles['uy']
                uz = particles['uz']
                u = DFAtls.norm(ux, uy, uz)
                u2Array = u*u
                kineticEneArray = 0.5*m*u2Array
                particles['u2'] = u2Array
                particles['ekin'] = kineticEneArray

            # mass-averaged path
            avaProfileMass = appendAverageStd(propList, avaProfileMass, particles, m, naming=propListPart)

            if addVelocityInfo:
                avaProfileMass['totEKin'] = np.append(avaProfileMass['totEKin'], np.nansum(kineticEneArray))

    return avaProfileMass

def getDFAPathFromField(fieldsList, fieldHeader, dem):
    """ compute mass averaged path from fields

    Also returns the averaged velocity and kinetic energy associated
    The dem and fieldsList (FT, FV and FM) need to have identical dimentions and cell size.
    If FV is not provided, information about velocity and kinetic energy is not computed

    fieldsList: list
        time sorted list of fields dict
    fieldHeader: dict
        field header dict
    dem: dict
        dem dict

    avaProfileMass: dict
        mass averaged profile (x, y, z, 's')
        if 'FV' in fieldsList, kinetic energy and velocity information are added to
        the avaProfileMass dict (u2, ekin, totEKin)
    # get DEM
    demRaster = dem['rasterData']
    # get fields header
    ncols = fieldHeader['ncols']
    nrows = fieldHeader['nrows']
    xllc = fieldHeader['xllcenter']
    yllc = fieldHeader['yllcenter']
    csz = fieldHeader['cellsize']
    X, Y = gT.makeCoordinateGrid(xllc, yllc, csz, ncols, nrows)

    propList = ['x', 'y', 'z']
    avaProfileMass = {}
    # do we have velocity info?
    addVelocityInfo = False
    if 'FV' in fieldsList[0]:
        avaProfileMass['totEKin'] = np.empty((0, 1))
        addVelocityInfo = True
    # initialize other properties
    for prop in propList:
        avaProfileMass[prop] = np.empty((0, 1))
        avaProfileMass[prop + 'std'] = np.empty((0, 1))
    # loop on each field dictionary (ie each time step saved)
    for field in fieldsList:
        # find cells with snow
        nonZeroIndex = np.where(field['FT'] > 0)
        xArray = X[nonZeroIndex]
        yArray = Y[nonZeroIndex]
        zArray, _ = gT.projectOnGrid(xArray, yArray, demRaster, csz=csz, xllc=xllc, yllc=yllc)
        mArray = field['FM'][nonZeroIndex]
        particles = {'x': xArray, 'y': yArray, 'z': zArray}
        if addVelocityInfo:
            uArray = field['FV'][nonZeroIndex]
            u2Array = uArray*uArray
            kineticEneArray = 0.5*mArray*u2Array
            particles['u2'] = u2Array
            particles['ekin'] = kineticEneArray

        # mass-averaged path
        avaProfileMass = appendAverageStd(propList, avaProfileMass, particles, mArray)

        if addVelocityInfo:
            avaProfileMass['totEKin'] = np.append(avaProfileMass['totEKin'], np.nansum(kineticEneArray))

    avaProfileMass['x'] = avaProfileMass['x'] - xllc
    avaProfileMass['y'] = avaProfileMass['y'] - yllc

    # compute s
    avaProfileMass = gT.computeS(avaProfileMass)
    return avaProfileMass

def extendDFAPath(cfg, avaProfile, dem, particlesIni):
    """ extend the DFA path at the top and bottom
    avaProfile with x, y, z, s information

    cfg: configParser
        configuration object with:

        - extTopOption: int, how to extend towards the top? 0 for heighst point method, a for largest runout method
        - nCellsResample: int, resampling length is given by nCellsResample*demCellSize
        - nCellsMinExtend: int, when extending towards the bottom, take points at more
        than nCellsMinExtend*demCellSize from last point to get the direction
        - nCellsMaxExtend: int, when extending towards the bottom, take points
        at less than nCellsMaxExtend*demCellSize from last point to get the direction
        - factBottomExt: float, extend the profile from factBottomExt*sMax

    avaProfile: dict
        profile to be extended
    dem: dict
        dem dict
    particlesIni: dict
        initial particles dict

    avaProfile: dict
        extended profile at top and bottom (x, y, z).
    # resample the profile
    resampleDistance = cfg.getfloat('nCellsResample') * dem['header']['cellsize']
    avaProfile, _ = gT.prepareLine(dem, avaProfile, distance=resampleDistance, Point=None)
    avaProfile = extendProfileTop(cfg.getint('extTopOption'), particlesIni, avaProfile)
    avaProfile = extendProfileBottom(cfg, dem, avaProfile)
    return avaProfile

def extendProfileTop(extTopOption, particlesIni, profile):
    """ extend the DFA path at the top (release)

    Either towards the highest point in particlesIni (extTopOption = 0)
    or the point leading to the longest runout (extTopOption = 1)

    extTopOption: int
        decide how to extend towards the top
        if 0, extrapolate towards the highest point in the release
        if 1, extrapolate towards the point leading to the lonest runout
    particlesIni: dict
        initial particles dict
    profile: dict
        profile to extend

    profile: dict
        extended profile
    if extTopOption == 0:
        # get highest particle
        indTop = np.argmax(particlesIni['z'])
        xExtTop = particlesIni['x'][indTop]
        yExtTop = particlesIni['y'][indTop]
        zExtTop = particlesIni['z'][indTop]
        dx = xExtTop - profile['x'][0]
        dy = yExtTop - profile['y'][0]
        ds = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
    elif extTopOption == 1:
        # get point with the most important runout gain
        # get first particle of the path
        xFirst = profile['x'][0]
        yFirst = profile['y'][0]
        zFirst = profile['z'][0]
        # get last particle of the path
        sLast = profile['s'][-1]
        zLast = profile['z'][-1]
        # compute runout angle for averaged path
        tanAngle = (zFirst-zLast)/sLast
        # compute ds
        dx = particlesIni['x'] - xFirst
        dy = particlesIni['y'] - yFirst
        ds = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
        # compute dz
        dz = particlesIni['z'] - zFirst
        # remove the elevation needed to match the runout angle
        dz1 = dz - tanAngle * ds
        # get the particle with the highest potential
        indTop = np.argmax(dz1)
        xExtTop = particlesIni['x'][indTop]
        yExtTop = particlesIni['y'][indTop]
        zExtTop = particlesIni['z'][indTop]
        ds = ds[indTop]

    # extend profile
    profile['x'] = np.append(xExtTop, profile['x'])
    profile['y'] = np.append(yExtTop, profile['y'])
    profile['z'] = np.append(zExtTop, profile['z'])
    profile['s'] = np.append(0, profile['s'] + ds)
    if debugPlot:
        debPlot.plotPathExtTop(profile, particlesIni, xFirst, yFirst, zFirst, dz1)
    return profile

def extendProfileBottom(cfg, dem, profile):
    """ extend the DFA path at the bottom (runout area)

    Find the direction in which to extend considering the last point of the profile
    and a few previous ones but discarding the ones that are too close
    (nCellsMinExtend* csz < distFromLast <= nCellsMaxExtend * csz).
    Extend in this diretion for a distance factBottomExt * length of the path.

    cfg: configParser
        nCellsMinExtend: int, when extending towards the bottom, take points
        at more than nCellsMinExtend*demCellSize from last point to get the direction

        nCellsMaxExtend: int, when extending towards the bottom, take points at
        less than nCellsMaxExtend*demCellSize from last point to get the direction
        factBottomExt: float, extend the profile from factBottomExt*sMax
    dem: dict
        dem dict
    profile: dict
        profile to extend

    profile: dict
        extended profile
    header = dem['header']
    csz = header['cellsize']
    zRaster = dem['rasterData']
    # get last point
    xLast = profile['x'][-1]
    yLast = profile['y'][-1]
    sLast = profile['s'][-1]
    # compute distance from last point:
    r = DFAtls.norm(profile['x']-xLast, profile['y']-yLast, 0)
    # find the previous points
    extendMinDistance = cfg.getfloat('nCellsMinExtend') * csz
    extendMaxDistance = cfg.getfloat('nCellsMaxExtend') * csz
    pointsOfInterestLast = np.where((r < extendMaxDistance) & (r > extendMinDistance))[0]
    xInterest = profile['x'][pointsOfInterestLast]
    yInterest = profile['y'][pointsOfInterestLast]

    # check if points are found to compute direction of extension
    if len(xInterest) > 0:
        # find the direction in which we need to extend the path
        vDirX = xLast - xInterest
        vDirY = yLast - yInterest
        vDirX, vDirY, vDirZ = DFAtls.normalize(np.array([vDirX]), np.array([vDirY]), 0*np.array([vDirY]))
        vDirX = np.sum(vDirX)
        vDirY = np.sum(vDirY)
        vDirZ = np.sum(vDirZ)
        vDirX, vDirY, vDirZ = DFAtls.normalize(np.array([vDirX]), np.array([vDirY]), np.array([vDirZ]))
        # extend in this direction
        factExt = cfg.getfloat('factBottomExt')
        gamma = factExt * sLast / np.sqrt(vDirX**2 + vDirY**2)
        xExtBottom = np.array([xLast + gamma * vDirX])
        yExtBottom = np.array([yLast + gamma * vDirY])
        # project on DEM
        zExtBottom, _ = gT.projectOnGrid(xExtBottom, yExtBottom, zRaster, csz=csz)
        # Dicothomie method to find the last point on the extention and on the dem
        if np.isnan(zExtBottom):
            factExt = factExt/2
            stepSize = factExt
            isOut = True
            isOut = False
            stepSize = 0
        count = 0
        # remember last point found inside
        factLast = 0
        while count < cfg.getint('maxIterationExtBot') and stepSize * sLast > cfg.getint('nBottomExtPrecision')*csz:
            count = count + 1
            gamma = factExt * sLast / np.sqrt(vDirX**2 + vDirY**2)
            xExtBottom = np.array([xLast + gamma * vDirX])
            yExtBottom = np.array([yLast + gamma * vDirY])
            # project on DEM
            zExtBottom, _ = gT.projectOnGrid(xExtBottom, yExtBottom, zRaster, csz=csz)
            stepSize = stepSize/2
            if np.isnan(zExtBottom):
                factExt = factExt - stepSize
                isOut = True
                # remember last point found inside
                factLast = factExt
                factExt = factExt + stepSize
                isOut = False

        if isOut:
            # the last iteration is not in the domain, fall back to last point in domain
            factExt = factLast
            gamma = factExt * sLast / np.sqrt(vDirX**2 + vDirY**2)
            xExtBottom = np.array([xLast + gamma * vDirX])
            yExtBottom = np.array([yLast + gamma * vDirY])
            # project on DEM
            zExtBottom, _ = gT.projectOnGrid(xExtBottom, yExtBottom, zRaster, csz=csz)
        log.info('found extention after %d iterations, precision is %.2f m' % (count, stepSize * sLast))

        # extend profile
        profile['x'] = np.append(profile['x'], xExtBottom)
        profile['y'] = np.append(profile['y'], yExtBottom)
        profile['z'] = np.append(profile['z'], zExtBottom)
        profile['s'] = np.append(profile['s'], sLast + np.sqrt((xLast-xExtBottom)**2 + (yLast-yExtBottom)**2))

        log.warning('Path not extended at bottom as no point of interest for computing direction \
            of where to extend path is found')

    if debugPlot:
        debPlot.plotPathExtBot(profile, xInterest, yInterest, 0*yInterest, xLast, yLast)
    return profile

def getParabolicFit(cfg, avaProfile, dem):
    """fit a parabola on a set of (s, z) points

    first and last point match. Last constraint is given by fitOption (see below)

    cfg: configParser
        configuration object with:
        fitOption: int
        how to optimize the fit
        0 minimize distance between points
        1 match the end slope
    avaProfile: dict
        profile to be extended
    dem: dict
        dem dict

    parabolicFit: dict
        a, b, c coefficients of the parabolic fit (y = a*a*x + b*x + c)
    s = avaProfile['s']
    sE = s[-1]
    z = avaProfile['z']
    z0 = z[0]
    zE = z[-1]
    # same start and end point, minimize distance between curves
    if cfg.getfloat('fitOption') == 0:
        SumNom = np.sum(s*(s-sE)*((zE-z0)/sE*s+z0-z))
        SumDenom = s*(s-sE)
        SumDenom = np.dot(SumDenom, SumDenom)
        a = - SumNom/SumDenom
        b = (zE-z0)/sE - a*sE
    elif cfg.getfloat('fitOption') == 1:
        angleProf, tmpProf, dsProf = gT.prepareAngleProfile(10, avaProfile, raiseWarning=False)
        r = avaProfile['s'] - avaProfile['s'][-1]
        resampleDistance = cfg.getfloat('nCellsSlope') * dem['header']['cellsize']
        pointsOfInterestLast = np.where(np.abs(r) < resampleDistance)
        slope = np.nansum(angleProf[pointsOfInterestLast])/np.size(pointsOfInterestLast)
        slope = -np.tan(np.radians(slope))
        a = (slope*sE + (z0 - zE))/(sE*sE)
        b = -slope - 2*(z0 - zE)/sE
    c = z0
    parabolicFit = {'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c}
    return parabolicFit

def getSplitPoint(cfg, avaProfile, parabolicFit):
    """ find the split point corresponding to an avalanche profile, with parabolic fit and the slopeSplitPoint

    cfg: configParser
        configuration object with

        - slopeSplitPoint: float, desired slope at split point (in degrees)
        - dsMin: float, threshold distance [m] for looking for the
        - split point (at least dsMin meters below split point angle)

    avaProfile: dict
        profile to be extended
    parabolicFit: dict
        a, b, c coeficients of the parabolic fit (y = a*a*x + b*x + c)

    splitPoint: dict
        (x, y, z, zPra, s) at split point location.
    indFirst = avaProfile['indStartMassAverage']
    indEnd = avaProfile['indEndMassAverage']
    s0 = avaProfile['s'][indFirst]
    sEnd = avaProfile['s'][indEnd]
    s = avaProfile['s']
    z = avaProfile['z']
    sNew = s - s0
    zPara = parabolicFit['a']*sNew*sNew+parabolicFit['b']*sNew+parabolicFit['c']
    parabolicProfile = {'s': sNew, 'z': zPara}

    anglePara, tmpPara, dsPara = gT.prepareAngleProfile(cfg.getfloat('slopeSplitPoint'), parabolicProfile,
        indSplitPoint = gT.findAngleProfile(tmpPara, dsPara, cfg.getfloat('dsMin'))
        splitPoint = {'x': avaProfile['x'][indSplitPoint], 'y': avaProfile['y'][indSplitPoint],
                      'z': z[indSplitPoint], 'zPara': zPara[indSplitPoint], 's': sNew[indSplitPoint]}
    except IndexError:
        noSplitPointFoundMessage = ('Automated split point generation failed as no point where slope is less than %s°'
                                    'was found, provide the split point manually.' % cfg.getfloat('slopeSplitPoint'))
        splitPoint = ''
    if debugPlot:
        angleProf, tmpProf, dsProf = gT.prepareAngleProfile(cfg.getfloat('slopeSplitPoint'), avaProfile)
        debPlot.plotFindAngle(avaProfile, angleProf, parabolicProfile, anglePara, s0, sEnd, splitPoint, indSplitPoint)
    return splitPoint

def resamplePath(cfg, dem, avaProfile):
    resample the path profile and keep track of indStartMassAverage and indEndMassAverage

    cfg: configParser
        configuration object with

        - nCellsResample: int, resampling length is given by nCellsResample*demCellSize

    dem: dict
        dem dict
    avaProfile: dict
        profile to be resampled

    avaProfile: dict
        resampled path profile
    resampleDistance = cfg.getfloat('nCellsResample') * dem['header']['cellsize']
    indFirst = avaProfile['indStartMassAverage']
    indEnd = avaProfile['indEndMassAverage']
    s0 = avaProfile['s'][indFirst]
    sEnd = avaProfile['s'][indEnd]
    avaProfile, _ = gT.prepareLine(dem, avaProfile, distance=resampleDistance, Point=None)
    # make sure we get the good start and end point... prepareLine might make a small error on the s coord
    indFirst = np.argwhere(avaProfile['s'] >= s0 - resampleDistance/3)[0][0]
    # look for the first point in the extension and take the one before
    indEnd = np.argwhere(avaProfile['s'] >= sEnd + resampleDistance/3)[0][0]-1
    avaProfile['indStartMassAverage'] = indFirst
    avaProfile['indEndMassAverage'] = indEnd
    return avaProfile

def saveSplitAndPath(avalancheDir, simDFrow, splitPoint, avaProfileMass, dem):
    Save avaPath and split point to directory

    avalancheDir: pathlib
        avalanche directory pathlib path
    simDFrow: pandas series
        row of the siulation dataframe coresponding to the current simulation analyzed
    splitPoint: dict
        point dictionary
    avaProfileMass: dict
        line dictionary
    dem: dict
        com1DFA simulation dictionary
    avaProfile: dict
        resampled path profile
    # put path back in original location
    if splitPoint != '':
        splitPoint['x'] = splitPoint['x'] + dem['originalHeader']['xllcenter']
        splitPoint['y'] = splitPoint['y'] + dem['originalHeader']['yllcenter']
    avaProfileMass['x'] = avaProfileMass['x'] + dem['originalHeader']['xllcenter']
    avaProfileMass['y'] = avaProfileMass['y'] + dem['originalHeader']['yllcenter']
    # get projection from release shp layer
    simName = simDFrow['simName']
    relName = simName.split('_')[0]
    inProjection = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Inputs', 'REL', relName + '.prj')
    # save profile in Inputs
    pathAB = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', 'DFAPath', 'massAvgPath_%s_AB_aimec' % simName)
    name = 'massAvaPath'
    shpConv.writeLine2SHPfile(avaProfileMass, name, pathAB)
    if inProjection.is_file():
        shutil.copy(inProjection, pathAB.with_suffix('.prj'))
        message = ('No projection layer for shp file %s' % inProjection)
    log.info('Saved path to: %s', pathAB)
    if splitPoint != '':
        splitAB = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', 'DFAPath', 'splitPointParabolicFit_%s_AB_aimec' % simName)
        name = 'parabolaSplitPoint'
        shpConv.writePoint2SHPfile(splitPoint, name, splitAB)
        if inProjection.is_file():
            shutil.copy(inProjection, splitAB.with_suffix('.prj'))
        log.info('Saved split point to: %s', splitAB)

def weightedAvgAndStd(values, weights):
    Return the weighted average and standard deviation.

    values, weights -- Numpy ndarrays with the same shape.
    average = np.average(values, weights=weights)
    # Fast and numerically precise:
    variance = np.average((values-average)**2, weights=weights)
    return (average, math.sqrt(variance))

def appendAverageStd(propList, avaProfile, particles, weights, naming=''):
    """ append averaged to path

    propList: list
        list of properties to average and append
    avaProfile: dict
    particles: dict
        particles dict
    weights: numpy array
        array of weights (same size as particles)
    naming: list
        optional - list of properties at source (if different than final naming in avaProfile)

    avaProfile: dict
        averaged profile
    propListNames = naming if naming != '' else propList
    for prop, propName in zip(propList, propListNames):
        avg, std = weightedAvgAndStd(particles[propName], weights)
        avaProfile[prop] = np.append(avaProfile[prop], avg)
        avaProfile[prop + 'std'] = np.append(avaProfile[prop + 'std'], std)
    return avaProfile