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4 days
Test Coverage
    Conversion functions to read/ write Shape files

import pathlib
import shapefile
import copy
import numpy as np
import logging

# create local logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def SHP2Array(infile, defname=None):
    """ Read shapefile and convert it to a python dictionary

    The dictionary contains the name of the paths in the shape file, the np array with
    the coordinates of the feature points (all stacked in the same array)
    and information about the starting index and length of each feature

    infile: str
        path to shape file
    defname: str
        name to give to the feature in the shape file

    SHPdata : dict
        sks :
            projection information
        Name : str
            list of feature names
        x : 1D numpy array
            np array of the x coord of the points in the features
        y : 1D numpy array
            np array of the y coord of the points in the features
        z : 1D numpy array
            np array of zeros and same size as the x an y coordinates array
        Start : 1D numpy array
            np array with the starting index of each feature in the coordinates
            arrays (as many indexes as features)
        Length : 1D numpy array
            np array with the length of each feature in the coordinates
            arrays (as many indexes as features)
        thickness (optional) : 1D numpy array
            np array with the (release or entrainment) thickness of each feature (as many values as features)
        id : list
            list of oid as string for each feature
        ci95: list
            list of 95% confidence interval of thickness value
        nParts: list
            list of parts of polygon (added the total number of points as list item, so if multiple parts len>2)
        nFeatures: int
            number of features per line (parts)

    #  Input shapefile
    sf = shapefile.Reader(str(infile))
    infile = pathlib.Path(infile)
    # set defaults for variables
    layername = None
    thickness = None
    slope = None
    rho = None
    sks = None
    iso = None
    id = None
    ci95 = None
    layerN = None

    # get coordinate system
    sks = getSHPProjection(infile)

    # Start reading the shapefile
    records = sf.shapeRecords()
    shps = sf.shapes()

    SHPdata = {}
    SHPdata['sks'] = sks
    Name = []
    thicknessList = []
    idList = []
    ci95List = []
    layerNameList = []
    Length = np.empty((0))
    Start = np.empty((0))
    Coordx = np.empty((0))
    Coordy = np.empty((0))
    Coordz = np.empty((0))
    start = 0
    nParts = []

    for n, item in enumerate(shps):
        pts = item.points
        # is there a z coordinate?
            # for dams
            zs = item.z
        except AttributeError:
            zs = [0.0] * len(pts)
        # add info on number of parts
        nParts.append(list(item.parts) + [len(item.points)])

        # check if records are available and extract
        if records:
            # loop through fields
            for (name, typ, size, deci), value in zip(sf.fields[1:], records[n].record):
                # get entity name
                name = name.lower()
                if (name == 'name'):
                    layername = str(value)
                if (name == 'thickness') or (name == 'd0'):
                    thickness = value
                if (name == 'ci95'):
                    ci95 = value
                if (name == 'slope'):
                    # for dams
                    slope = value
                if (name == 'rho'):
                    rho = value
                if (name == 'sks'):
                    sks = value
                if (name == 'iso'):
                    iso = value
                if (name == 'layer'):
                    layerN = value
            # if name is still empty go through file again and take Layer instead
            if ((type(layername) is bytes) or (layername is None)):
                for (name, typ, size, deci), value in zip(sf.fields[1:], records[n].record):
                    if (name == 'Layer'):
                        layername = value

        # if layer still not defined, use generic
        if layername is None:
            layername = defname

        log.debug('SHPConv: Found layer %s', layername)

        Start = np.append(Start, start)
        length = len(pts)
        Length = np.append(Length, length)
        start += length

        for (pt, z) in zip(pts, zs):
            Coordx = np.append(Coordx, pt[0])
            Coordy = np.append(Coordy, pt[1])
            Coordz = np.append(Coordz, z)

    # get unique ID of features in shapefile
    for rec in sf.records():
        id = rec.oid

    SHPdata['Name'] = Name
    SHPdata['thickness'] = thicknessList
    SHPdata['slope'] = slope
    SHPdata['Start'] = Start
    SHPdata['Length'] = Length
    SHPdata['x'] = Coordx
    SHPdata['y'] = Coordy
    SHPdata['z'] = Coordz
    SHPdata['id'] = idList
    SHPdata['ci95'] = ci95List
    SHPdata['layerName'] = layerNameList
    SHPdata['nParts'] = nParts
    SHPdata['nFeatures'] = len(Start)


    return SHPdata

def getSHPProjection(infile):
    """ Fetch projection from shp file

    infile: str
        path to shape file

    sks: str
        projection string (if available, None if not)
    # get coordinate system
    prjfile = infile.with_suffix('.prj')
    if prjfile.is_file():
        prjf = open(prjfile, 'r')
        sks = prjf.readline()
        return sks
        message = ('No projection layer for shp file %s' % infile)
        return None

def readThickness(infile, defname=None):
    """ Read shapefile and fetch info on features' ids and thickness values

    infile: str
        path to shape file
    defname: str
        name to give to the feature in the shape file

    thickness: list
        list of strings with the (release or entrainment) thickness of each feature (as many values as features)
    id : list
        list of strings for oid of each feature in shp file
    ci95: list
        list of all ci95 values if provided

    #  Input shapefile
    sf = shapefile.Reader(str(infile))
    infile = pathlib.Path(infile)

    thickness = None
    id = None
    ci95 = None

    # Start reading the shapefile
    records = sf.shapeRecords()
    shps = sf.shapes()

    thicknessList = []
    idList = []
    ci95List = []

    for n, item in enumerate(shps):
        pts = item.points
        zs = [0.0] * len(pts)

        # check if records are available and extract
        if records:
            # loop through fields
            for (name, typ, size, deci), value in zip(sf.fields[1:], records[n].record):
                # get entity name
                name = name.lower()
                if (name == 'thickness') or (name == 'd0'):
                    thickness = value
                if (name == 'ci95'):
                    ci95 = value


    # get unique ID of features in shapefile
    for rec in sf.records():
        id = rec.oid


    return thicknessList, idList, ci95List

def readLine(fname, defname, dem):
    """ Read line from  .shp
    Use SHP2Array to read the shape file.
    Check if the lines are laying inside the dem extend

    fname: str
        path to shape file
    defname: str
        name to give to the line in the shape file
    dem: dict
        dem dictionary

    Line : dict
        Line['Name'] : list of lines names
        Line['Coord'] : np array of the coords of points in lines
        Line['Start'] : list of starting index of each line in Coord
        Line['Length'] : list of length of each line in Coord

    log.debug('Reading avalanche path : %s ', str(fname))
    header = dem['header']
    rasterDEM = dem['rasterData']
    Line = SHP2Array(fname, defname)
    coordx = Line['x']
    coordy = Line['y']
    for i in range(len(coordx)):
        Lx = (coordx[i] - header['xllcenter']) / header['cellsize']
        Ly = (coordy[i] - header['yllcenter']) / header['cellsize']
        if ((Ly < 0) or (Ly > header['nrows']-1) or (Lx < 0) or (Lx > header['ncols']-1)):
            raise ValueError('This shape file exceeds dem extent. This is not allowed')
        elif np.isnan(rasterDEM[int(np.floor(Ly)), int(np.floor(Lx))]):
            raise ValueError('This shape file is at least partially outside of DEM, this is not allowed!')
    return Line

def readPoints(fname, dem):
    """ Read points from  .shp
    Use SHP2Array to read the shape file.
    Check if the points are laying inside the dem extend

    fname: str
        path to shape file
    defname: str
        name to give to the points in the shape file
    dem: dict
        dem dictionary

    Line : dict
        Line['Name'] : list of points names
        Line['Coord'] : np array of the coords of points in points
        Line['Start'] : list of starting index of each point in Coord
        Line['Length'] : list of length of each point in Coord

    log.debug('Reading split point : %s ', str(fname))
    header = dem['header']
    rasterDEM = dem['rasterData']
    defname = 'SHP'
    Points = SHP2Array(fname, defname)
    Pointx = Points['x']
    Pointy = Points['y']
    for i in range(len(Pointx)):
        Lx = (Pointx[i] - header['xllcenter']) / header['cellsize']
        Ly = (Pointy[i] - header['yllcenter']) / header['cellsize']
        if (Ly < 0 or Ly > header['nrows']-1 or Lx < 0 or Lx > header['ncols']-1):
            raise ValueError('The split point is not on the dem. Try with another split point')
        elif np.isnan(rasterDEM[int(np.floor(Ly)), int(np.floor(Lx))]):
            raise ValueError('Nan Value encountered. Try with another split point')
    return Points

def removeFeature(featureIn, nFeature2Remove):
    """ Remove feature number nFeature2Remove from featureIn

    featureIn: dict
        shape file dicionary (structure produced by SHP2Array, readLine or readPoint)
    nFeature2Remove: int
        index of feature to remove from featureIn

    featureOut : dict
        shape file dicionary without feature nFeature2Remove
    StartRel = featureIn['Start']
    LengthRel = featureIn['Length']
    thickness = featureIn['thickness']
    featureOut = copy.deepcopy(featureIn)
    start = StartRel[nFeature2Remove]
    end = start + LengthRel[nFeature2Remove]
    # remove feature
    featureOut['x'] = np.delete(featureIn['x'], np.arange(int(start), int(end)))
    featureOut['y'] = np.delete(featureIn['y'], np.arange(int(start), int(end)))
    if 'z' in featureIn.keys():
        featureOut['z'] = np.delete(featureIn['z'], np.arange(int(start), int(end)))

    del featureOut['Name'][nFeature2Remove]
    StartRel = featureOut['Start']
    StartRel[nFeature2Remove:] = StartRel[nFeature2Remove:] - LengthRel[nFeature2Remove]
    featureOut['Start'] = np.delete(StartRel, nFeature2Remove)
    featureOut['Length'] = np.delete(LengthRel, nFeature2Remove)
    featureOut['thickness'] = np.delete(thickness, nFeature2Remove)

    return featureOut

def extractFeature(featureIn, nFeature2Extract):
    """ Extract feature nFeature2Extract from featureIn

    featureIn: dict
        shape file dicionary (structure produced by SHP2Array, readLine or readPoint)
    nFeature2Extract: int
        index of feature to extract from featureIn

    featureOut : dict
        shape file dicionary with feature nFeature2Extract
    NameRel = featureIn['Name']
    StartRel = featureIn['Start']
    LengthRel = featureIn['Length']
    thickness = featureIn['thickness']
    featureOut = copy.deepcopy(featureIn)
    # extract feature
    featureOut['Name'] = [NameRel[nFeature2Extract]]
    featureOut['Start'] = np.array([0])
    featureOut['Length'] = np.array([LengthRel[nFeature2Extract]])
    featureOut['thickness'] = np.array([thickness[nFeature2Extract]])
    start = StartRel[nFeature2Extract]
    end = start + LengthRel[nFeature2Extract]
    featureOut['x'] = featureIn['x'][int(start):int(end)]
    featureOut['y'] = featureIn['y'][int(start):int(end)]
    if 'z' in featureIn.keys():
        featureOut['z'] = featureIn['z'][int(start):int(end)]

    return featureOut

def writeLine2SHPfile(lineDict, lineName, fileName, header=''):
    """ write a line to shapefile

    lineDict: dict
        line dict
    lineName: str
        line name
    fileName: str or pathlib path
        path where the line will be saved
        line name
    header: dict
        optional argument ('' by default). If provided, header dictionary with 'xllcenter' and 'yllcenter' to add to the
    fileName : str
        path where the line has been saved
    fileName = str(fileName)
    line = np.zeros((np.size(lineDict['x']), 2))
    line[:, 0] = lineDict['x']
    line[:, 1] = lineDict['y']
    if header:
        line[:, 0] = line[:, 0] + header['xllcenter']
        line[:, 1] = line[:, 1] + header['yllcenter']
    w = shapefile.Writer(fileName)
    w.field('name', 'C')
    return fileName

def writePoint2SHPfile(pointDict, pointName, fileName):
    """ write a point to shapefile

    pointDict: dict
        point dict
    pointName: str
        point name
    fileName: str or pathlib path
        path where the point will be saved
    fileName : str
        path where the point has been saved
    fileName = str(fileName)
    w = shapefile.Writer(fileName)
    w.field('name', 'C')
    if len(pointDict['x']) > 1 or len(pointDict['y']) > 1:
        message = 'Length of pointDict is not allowed to exceed one'
        raise ValueError(message)
    w.point(pointDict['x'][0], pointDict['y'][0])
    return fileName