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2 days
Test Coverage
    Utilities for handling configuration files


import configparser
import logging
import pathlib
import hashlib
import json
import pandas as pd
import re
import math
import multiprocessing
from deepmerge import always_merger
from copy import deepcopy
from deepdiff import DeepDiff
from pprint import pformat
import numpy as np

# Local imports
import avaframe as avaf
from avaframe.in3Utils import logUtils
from avaframe.in3Utils import fileHandlerUtils as fU

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def getGeneralConfig(nameFile=''):
    ''' Returns the general configuration for avaframe
    returns a configParser object

    nameFile: pathlib path
        optional full path to file, if empty use avaframeCfg from folder one level up

    # get path of module
    modPath = pathlib.Path(avaf.__file__).resolve().parent

    if isinstance(nameFile, pathlib.Path):
        localFile = nameFile.parents[0] / ('local_' + nameFile.name)
        defaultFile = nameFile
        localFile = modPath / 'local_avaframeCfg.ini'
        defaultFile = modPath / 'avaframeCfg.ini'

    if localFile.is_file():
        iniFile = localFile
        iniFile = [defaultFile, localFile]
        compare = True
    elif defaultFile.is_file():
        iniFile = defaultFile
        compare = False
        raise FileNotFoundError('None of the provided cfg files exist ')

    # Finally read it
    cfg, _ = readCompareConfig(iniFile, 'General', compare)

    return cfg

def getModuleConfig(module, fileOverride='', modInfo=False, toPrint=True, onlyDefault=False):
    ''' Returns the configuration for a given module
    returns a configParser object

    module object: module : the calling function provides the already imported
           module eg.:
           from avaframe.com2AB import com2AB
           leads to getModuleConfig(com2AB)
           from avaframe.com2AB import com2AB as c2
           leads to getModuleConfig(c2)
           OR: pathlib Path to module (python file)

    Str: fileOverride : allows for a completely different file location. However note:
        missing values from the default cfg will always be added!

    modInfo: bool
        true if dictionary with info on differences to standard config
    onlyDefault: bool
        if True, only use the default configuration

    Order is as follows:
    fileOverride -> local_MODULECfg.ini -> MODULECfg.ini


    if isinstance(onlyDefault, bool) == False:
        message = 'OnlyDefault parameter is not a boolean but %s' % type(onlyDefault)
        raise TypeError(message)

    if isinstance(module, pathlib.Path):
        modPath = module.parent
        # get filename of module
        modName = module.stem
        modPath, modName = getModPathName(module)

    localFile = modPath / ('local_'+modName+'Cfg.ini')
    defaultFile = modPath / (modName+'Cfg.ini')

    log.debug('localFile: %s', localFile)
    log.debug('defaultFile: %s', defaultFile)

    # Decide which one to take
    if fileOverride:
        fileOverride = fU.checkPathlib(fileOverride)
        if fileOverride.is_file():
            iniFile = [defaultFile, fileOverride]
            compare = True
            raise FileNotFoundError('Provided fileOverride does not exist: ' +

    elif localFile.is_file() and not onlyDefault:
        iniFile = localFile
        iniFile = [defaultFile, localFile]
        compare = True
    elif defaultFile.is_file():
        iniFile = defaultFile
        compare = False
        raise FileNotFoundError('None of the provided cfg files exist ')

    # Finally read it
    cfg, modDict = readCompareConfig(iniFile, modName, compare, toPrint)

    if modInfo:
        return cfg, modDict

    return cfg

def getDefaultModuleConfig(module, toPrint=True):
    ''' Returns the default configuration for a given module
    returns a configParser object

    module object: module : the calling function provides the already imported
           module eg.:
           from avaframe.com2AB import com2AB
           leads to getModuleConfig(com2AB)
           from avaframe.com2AB import com2AB as c2
           leads to getModuleConfig(c2)


    # get path to the module and its name
    modPath, modName = getModPathName(module)

    defaultFile = modPath / (modName+'Cfg.ini')

    log.info('Getting the default config for %s', modName)
    log.debug('defaultFile: %s', defaultFile)

    # Finally read it
    cfg, _ = readCompareConfig(defaultFile, modName, compare=False, toPrint=toPrint)

    return cfg

def readCompareConfig(iniFile, modName, compare, toPrint=True):
    ''' Read and optionally compare configuration files (if a local and default are both provided)
    and inform user of the eventual differences. Take the default as reference.

    iniFile: path to config file
        Only one path if compare=False
    compare: boolean
        True if two paths are provided and a comparison is needed
    toPrint: boolean
        True (default) to print configuration to terminal. Differences to default
        will ALWAYS be printed

    Output: ConfigParser object
        contains combined config
    modDict: dict
        dictionary containing only differences from default

    if compare:
        log.info('Reading config from: %s and %s' % (iniFile[0], iniFile[1]))
        # initialize configparser object to read
        defCfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
        defCfg.optionxform = str
        locCfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
        locCfg.optionxform = str
        # read default and local parser files

        log.debug('Writing cfg for: %s', modName)
        # compare to default config and get modification dictionary and config
        modDict, modCfg = compareTwoConfigs(defCfg, locCfg, toPrint=toPrint)

        log.info('Reading config from: %s', iniFile)
        # initialize our final configparser object
        modCfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
        modCfg.optionxform = str
        # Finally read it
        modDict = {}
        # Write config to log file
        if toPrint:
            logUtils.writeCfg2Log(modCfg, modName)

    return modCfg, modDict

def _splitDeepDiffValuesChangedItem(inKey, inVal):
    """ splits one item of a deepdiff result into section, key, old value, new value

        inputKey: str
            key of a deepdiff changed_values item
        inputValue: dict
            value of a deepdiff changed_values item

        section: str
            section name of changed item
        key: str
            key name of changed item
        oldVal: str
            old value
        newVal: str
            new value
    splitKey = re.findall(r"\['?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)'?\]", inKey)
    section = splitKey[0]
    key = splitKey[1]

    return section, key, inVal['old_value'], inVal['new_value']

def compareTwoConfigs(defCfg, locCfg, toPrint=False):
    """ compare locCfg to defCfg and return a cfg object and modification dict
        Values are merged from locCfg to defCfg:
        - parameters already in defCfg get the value from locCfg
        - additional values in locCfg get added in the resulting Cfg

        defCfg: configparser object
            default configuration
        locCfg: configuration object
            configuration that is compared to defCfg
        toPrint: bool
            flag if config shall be printed to log

        modInfo: dict
            dictionary containing only differences from default
        cfg: configParser object
            contains combined config


    log.info('Comparing two configs')

    # initialize modInfo and printOutInfo
    modInfo = dict()

    # Switch to dict
    defCfgD = convertConfigParserToDict(defCfg)
    locCfgD = convertConfigParserToDict(locCfg)

    # Get the difference info
    cfgDiff = DeepDiff(defCfgD, locCfgD)

    # Combine them, different keys are just added, for the same keys, the
    # local (right) value is used
    modCfgD = deepcopy(defCfgD)
    always_merger.merge(modCfgD, locCfgD)

    # Convert to ConfigParser
    modCfg = convertDictToConfigParser(modCfgD)
    modCfg.optionxform = str

    # Merge is done, from here on down it is only printout and modInfo creation

    # If toPrint is set, print full configuration:
    if toPrint:
        for line in pformat(modCfgD, sort_dicts=False).split('\n'):

    # Generate modInfo dictionary for output
    if 'values_changed' in cfgDiff:
        for key, value in cfgDiff['values_changed'].items():
            section, itemKey, defValue, locValue = _splitDeepDiffValuesChangedItem(key, value)

            if section not in modInfo:
                modInfo[section] = {}

            modString = [locValue, defValue]
            modInfo[section][itemKey] = modString

    # Log changes
    for line in cfgDiff.pretty().split('\n'):

    return modInfo, modCfg

def writeCfgFile(avaDir, module, cfg, fileName='', filePath=''):
    """ Save configuration used to text file in Outputs/moduleName/configurationFiles/modName.ini
        or optional to filePath and with fileName

        avaDir: str
            path to avalanche directory
        cfg: configparser object
            configuration settings
        fileName: str
            name of saved configuration file - optional
        filePath: str or pathlib path
            path where file should be saved to except file name - optional


    # get filename of module
    name = pathlib.Path(module.__file__).name
    modName = name.split('.')[0]

    # set outputs
    if filePath == '':
        outDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', modName, 'configurationFiles')
        if filePath.is_dir():
            outDir = pathlib.Path(filePath)
            message = '%s is not a valid location for saving cfg file' % str(filePath)
            raise NotADirectoryError(message)

    # set path to file
    if fileName == '':
        fileName = modName
    pathToFile = pathlib.Path(outDir, '%s.ini' % (fileName))

    # write file
    with open(pathToFile, 'w') as conf:

    return pathToFile

def readCfgFile(avaDir, module='', fileName=''):
    """ Read configuration from ini file, if module is provided, module configuration is read from Ouputs,
        if fileName is provided configuration is read from fileName

        avaDir: str
            path to avalanche directory
        fileName: str
            path to file that should be read - optional

        cfg: configParser object
            configuration that is from file


    # define file that should be read
    if fileName != '':
        inFile = fileName
    elif module != '':
        # get module name
        name = pathlib.Path(module.__file__).name
        modName = name.split('.')[0]
        # set input file
        inFile = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', '%s_settings.ini' % (modName))
        log.error('Please provide either a module or a fileName to read configuration from file')
        raise NameError

    # read configParser object from input file, case sensitive
    cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
    cfg.optionxform = str
    cfg.optionxform = str

    return cfg

def cfgHash(cfg, typeDict=False):
    """ UID hash of a config. Given a configParser object cfg,
    or a dictionary - then typeDict=True, returns a uid hash

    cfg: configParser object
    typeDict : dict

    uid: str
       uid hash

    uidHash = hashlib.shake_256()

    if typeDict:
        cfgDict = cfg
        cfgDict = convertConfigParserToDict(cfg)

    jsonDict = json.dumps(cfgDict, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=True)
    encoded = jsonDict.encode()

    uid = uidHash.hexdigest(5)

    return uid

def convertConfigParserToDict(cfg):
    """ create dictionary from configparser object """

    cfgDict = {}
    for section in cfg.sections():
        cfgDict[section] = {}
        for key, val in cfg.items(section):
            cfgDict[section][key] = val

    return cfgDict

def convertDictToConfigParser(cfgDict):
    """ create configParser object from dict """

    cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
    cfg.optionxform = str
    for section in cfgDict:
        cfg[section] = cfgDict[section]

    return cfg

def writeDictToJson(inDict, outFilePath):
    """ write a dictionary to a json file """

    jsonDict = json.dumps(inDict, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=True)
    f = open(outFilePath, "w")

def createConfigurationInfo(avaDir, comModule='com1DFA', standardCfg='', writeCSV=False, specDir=''):
    """ Read configurations from all simulations configuration ini files from directory

        avaDir: str
            path to avalanche directory
        standardCfg: dict
            standard configuration for module - option
        writeCSV: bool
            True if configuration dataFrame shall be written to csv file
        specDir: str
            path to a directory where simulation configuration files can be found - optional

        simDF: pandas DataFrame
            DF with all the simulation configurations

    # collect all configuration files for this module from directory
    if specDir != '':
        inDir = pathlib.Path(specDir, 'configurationFiles')
        inDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', comModule, 'configurationFiles')
    configFiles = inDir.glob('*.ini')

    if not inDir.is_dir():
        message = 'configuration file directory not found: %s' % (inDir)
        raise NotADirectoryError(message)
    elif configFiles == []:
        message = 'No configuration file found in: %s' % (inDir)
        raise FileNotFoundError(message)

    # create confiparser object, convert to json object, write to dataFrame
    # append all dataFrames
    simDF = ''
    for cFile in configFiles:
        if 'sourceConfiguration' not in str(cFile):
            simName = pathlib.Path(cFile).stem
            if '_AF_' in simName:
                nameParts = simName.split('_AF_')
                infoParts = nameParts[1].split('_')

                nameParts = simName.split('_')
                infoParts = nameParts[1:]
            simHash = infoParts[0]
            cfgObject = readCfgFile(avaDir, fileName=cFile)
            simDF = appendCgf2DF(simHash, simName, cfgObject, simDF)

    # convert numeric parameters to numerics
    simDF = convertDF2numerics(simDF)

    # add default configuration
    if standardCfg != '':
        # read default configuration of this module
        simDF = appendCgf2DF('current standard', 'current standard', standardCfg, simDF)

    # if writeCSV, write dataFrame to csv file
    if writeCSV:
        writeAllConfigurationInfo(avaDir, simDF, specDir=specDir)

    return simDF

def appendCgf2DF(simHash, simName, cfgObject, simDF):
    """ append simulation configuration to the simulation dataframe
        only account for sections GENERAL and INPUT

        simHash: str
            hash of the simulation to append
        simName: str
            name of the simulation
        cfgObject: configParser
            configuration coresponding to the simulation
        simDF: pandas dataFrame
            configuration dataframe

        simDF: pandas DataFrame
            DFappended with the new simulation configuration
    indexItem = [simHash]
    cfgDict = convertConfigParserToDict(cfgObject)
    simItemDFGeneral = pd.DataFrame(data=cfgDict['GENERAL'], index=indexItem)
    simItemDFInput = pd.DataFrame(data=cfgDict['INPUT'], index=indexItem)
    if 'VISUALISATION' in cfgDict:
        simItemDFVisualisation = pd.DataFrame(data=cfgDict['VISUALISATION'], index=indexItem)
        simItemDF = pd.concat([simItemDFGeneral, simItemDFInput, simItemDFVisualisation], axis=1)
        simItemDF = pd.concat([simItemDFGeneral, simItemDFInput], axis=1)
    simItemDF = simItemDF.assign(simName=simName)
    if isinstance(simDF, str):
        simDF = simItemDF
        simDF = pd.concat([simDF, simItemDF], axis=0)
    return simDF

def appendTcpu2DF(simHash, tCPU, tCPUDF):
    """ append Tcpu dictionary to the dataframe

        simHash: str
            hash of the simulation corresponding to the tCPU dict to append
        tCPU: dict
            cpu time dict of the simulation
        tCPUDF: pandas dataFrame
            tCPU dataframe

        simDF: pandas DataFrame
            DFappended with the new simulation configuration
    indexItem = [simHash]
    tCPUItemDF = pd.DataFrame(data=tCPU, index=indexItem)
    if isinstance(tCPUDF, str):
        tCPUDF = tCPUItemDF
        tCPUDF = pd.concat([tCPUDF, tCPUItemDF], axis=0)
    return tCPUDF

def convertDF2numerics(simDF):
    """ convert a string DF to a numerical one

        simDF: pandas dataFrame

        simDF: pandas DataFrame

    for name, values in simDF.items():
        simDFTest = simDF[name].str.replace('.', '', regex=False)
        # allow for - sign too
        simDFTest = simDFTest.replace('-', '', regex=False)
        # check for str(np.nan) as these cannot be converted to numerics by pd.to_numeric
        # but as friction model parameters are set to nans this is required here
        if simDFTest.str.match('nan').any():
            simDF = setStrnanToNan(simDF, simDFTest, name)
        # also include columns where nan is in first row - so check for any row
        if simDFTest.str.isdigit().any() and (name != 'tSteps'):
            # problem here is that it finds even if not present in | although not in ini
            simDFTest = simDF[name].str.replace('|', '§', regex=False)
            if simDFTest.str.contains('§').any() == False:
                simDF[name] = pd.to_numeric(simDF[name])
                log.debug('Converted to numeric %s' % name)
            log.debug('Not converted to numeric: %s' % name)

    return simDF

def setStrnanToNan(simDF, simDFTest, name):
    """ set pandas element to np.nan if it is a string nan

        simDF: pandas dataFrame
        simDFTest: pandas series
            series of sim DF column named name
            replaced "." with " "
        name: str
            name of pandas dataframe column

        simDF: pandas dataframe
            updated pandas dataframe with np.nan values where string nan was

    nanIndex = simDFTest.str.match('nan', flags=re.IGNORECASE)
    simIndex = simDF.index.values
    # loop over each row and use simDF.at to avoid copy vs view warning
    for index, nanInd in enumerate(nanIndex):
        if nanInd:
            simDF.at[simIndex[index], name] = np.nan
            log.info('%s for index: %s set to numpy nan' % (name, index))
    return simDF

def readAllConfigurationInfo(avaDir, specDir='', configCsvName='allConfigurations'):
    """ Read allConfigurations.csv file as dataFrame from directory

        avaDir: str
            path to avalanche directory
        specDir: str
            path to a directory where simulation configuration files can be found - optional
        configCsvName: str
            name of configuration csv file

        simDF: pandas DataFrame
            DF with all the simulation configurations
        simDFName: array
            simName column of the dataframe

    # collect all configuration files for this module from directory
    if specDir != '':
        inDir = pathlib.Path(specDir, 'configurationFiles')
        inDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'com1DFA', 'configurationFiles')
    configFiles = inDir / ('%s.csv' % configCsvName)

    if configFiles.is_file():
        with open(configFiles, 'rb') as file:
            simDF = pd.read_csv(file, index_col=0, keep_default_na=False)
        simDFName = simDF['simName'].to_numpy()
        simDF = None
        simDFName = []

    return simDF, simDFName

def writeAllConfigurationInfo(avaDir, simDF, specDir='', csvName='allConfigurations.csv'):
    """ Write cfg configuration to allConfigurations.csv

        avaDir: str
            path to avalanche directory
        simDF: pandas dataFrame
            daaframe of the configuration
        specDir: str
            path to a directory where simulation configuration shal be saved - optional
        csvName: str
            name of csv file in which to save to - optional

        configFiles: pathlib Path
            path where the configuration dataframe was saved

    # collect all configuration files for this module from directory
    if specDir != '':
        inDir = pathlib.Path(specDir, 'configurationFiles')
        inDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'com1DFA', 'configurationFiles')
    configFiles = inDir / csvName


    return configFiles

def convertToCfgList(parameterList):
    """ convert a list into a string where individual list items are separated by |

        parameterList: list
            list of parameter values

        parameterString: str
            str with parameter values separated by |

    if len(parameterList) == 0:
        parameterString = ''
        parameterString = parameterList[0]
        for item in parameterList[1:]:
            parameterString = parameterString + '|' + item

    return parameterString

def getNumberOfProcesses(cfgMain, nSims):
    """ Determine how many CPU cores to take for parallel tasks

        cfgMain: configuration object
            the main avaframe configuration
        nSims: integer
            number of simulations that need to be calculated

        nCPU: int
            number of cores to take

    maxCPU = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    if cfgMain["MAIN"]["nCPU"] == 'auto':
        cpuPerc = float(cfgMain["MAIN"]["CPUPercent"]) / 100.
        nCPU = math.floor(maxCPU * cpuPerc)
        nCPU = cfgMain['MAIN'].getint('nCPU')

    # if number of sims is lower than nCPU
    nCPU = min(nCPU, nSims)

    log.info("Number of simulations to perform: %s " % nSims)
    log.info("Taking %s cpu cores out of maximum of %s cores." % (nCPU, maxCPU))

    return nCPU

def getModPathName(module):
    """ get the path and name of a module from imported module

    module: imported module

    modPath: pathlib path
        path to directory where module is located
    modName: str
        name of module


    # get path of module
    modPath = pathlib.Path(module.__file__).resolve().parent

    # get filename of module
    modName = str(pathlib.Path(module.__file__).stem)

    return modPath, modName