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import numpy as np
import pathlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import logging
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, PillowWriter

# Local imports
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
import avaframe.com1DFA.DFAtools as DFAtls
import avaframe.in3Utils.geoTrans as geoTrans
import avaframe.out3Plot.plotUtils as pU
import avaframe.out3Plot.outQuickPlot as oQ
import avaframe.out3Plot.outAIMEC as oA
import avaframe.in3Utils.fileHandlerUtils as fU

cfgMain = cfgUtils.getGeneralConfig()
cfgFlags = cfgMain['FLAGS']
# create local logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def plotTrackParticle(outDirData, particlesList, trackedPartProp, cfg, dem, cuSimName):
    """ Plot time series of tracked particles

    outDirData: str
        path to output directory
    particlesList: list
        list or particles dictionaries
    trackedPartProp: dict
        dictionary with time series of the wanted properties for tracked
    cfg : dict
        configuration read from ini file
    dem: dict
        dem dictionary with normal information
    cuSimName: str
        name of current simulation

    cfgTrackPart = cfg['TRACKPARTICLES']
    radius = cfgTrackPart.getfloat('radius')
    centerList = cfgTrackPart['centerTrackPartPoint']
    centerList = centerList.split('|')
    center = {'x': np.array([float(centerList[0])]),
              'y': np.array([float(centerList[1])])}
    center, _ = geoTrans.projectOnRaster(dem, center, interp='bilinear')
    time = trackedPartProp['t']

    # do some ploting
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW*3, pU.figH*2))
    fig.suptitle('Tracked particles')
    ax1 = plt.subplot(221)
    ax1 = addDem2Plot(ax1, dem, what='slope')
    circle1 = plt.Circle((center['x'], center['y']), radius, color='r')
    ax1.plot(trackedPartProp['x'], trackedPartProp['y'])
    ax1.set_xlabel('x [m]')
    ax1.set_ylabel('y [m]')

    ax2 = plt.subplot(222)
    ax2.plot(time, trackedPartProp['m'])
    ax2.set_xlabel('t [s]')
    ax2.set_ylabel('m [kg]')

    ax3 = plt.subplot(223)
    velocity = DFAtls.norm(trackedPartProp['ux'], trackedPartProp['uy'],
    ax3.plot(time, velocity)
    ax3.set_xlabel('t [s]')
    ax3.set_ylabel('v [m/s]')

    ax4 = plt.subplot(224)
    ax4.plot(time, trackedPartProp['h'])
    ax4.set_xlabel('t [s]')
    ax4.set_ylabel('h [m]')
    ax4.set_title('Flow thickness')

    pathDict = {}
    pathDict['pathResult'] = outDirData
    outFileName = 'trackedParticles_%s' % cuSimName
    pU.saveAndOrPlot(pathDict, outFileName, fig)

    if cfgFlags.getboolean('showPlot'):
        fig2 = plt.figure()
        ax1 = plt.subplot(111)
        for count in range(len(particlesList)):
            particles = particlesList[count]
            ax1 = updateTrackPart(particles, ax1, dem)
            ax1 = addDem2Plot(ax1, dem, what='slope')

        # ani = FuncAnimation(fig2, update, round(len(Particles)),
        #                     fargs=(Particles, xllc, yllc, ax1, XX, YY, dem))
        # # plt.show()
        # writer = PillowWriter(fps=4)
        # # ani.save("MalSecRel.gif", writer=writer)
        # ani.save("testTrackAlr1.gif", writer=writer)

def plotTrackParticleAcceleration(outDirData, trackedPartProp, cfg, cuSimName):
    """ Plot time series of tracked particles
    outDirData: str
        path to output directory
    trackedPartProp: dict
        dictionary with time series of the wanted properties for tracked
    cfg : dict
        configuration read from ini file
    cuSimName: str
        name of simulation


    # do some ploting
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW, pU.figH))
    fig.suptitle('Tracked particles acceleration')
    ax1 = plt.subplot(111)

    ax1.plot(trackedPartProp['t'], trackedPartProp['uAcc'])
    ax1.set_xlabel('time step [s]')
    ax1.set_ylabel('acceleration [ms-2]')

    pathDict = {}
    pathDict['pathResult'] = outDirData
    outFileName = 'trackedParticles_acceleration_ %s' % cuSimName
    pU.saveAndOrPlot(pathDict, outFileName, fig)

def plotAllPartAcc(outDirData, particlesList, cfg, Tsave, cuSimName):
    """ Plot time series of tracked particles
        outDirData: str
            path to output directory
        particlesList: list
            list with dictionary of all particles time steps
        cfg : dict
            configuration read from ini file
        Tsave: list
            list of saving time step info
        cuSimName: str
            name of current sim

    # initialize fig
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW, pU.figH))
    fig.suptitle('Tracked particles acceleration')
    ax1 = plt.subplot(111)

    uAcc = np.zeros((len(particlesList), particlesList[0]['nPart']))
    timeStep = np.asarray([p['t'] for p in particlesList])
    for idx in particlesList[0]['ID']:
        uAcc[:, idx] = np.asarray([p['uAcc'][idx] for p in particlesList])
        ax1.plot(Tsave, uAcc[:, idx])
    ax1.set_xlabel('time step [s]')
    ax1.set_ylabel('acceleration [ms-2]')

    pathDict = {}
    pathDict['pathResult'] = outDirData
    outFileName = 'allparticles_acceleration_%s' % cuSimName
    pU.saveAndOrPlot(pathDict, outFileName, fig)

def updateTrackPart(particles, ax, dem):
    """Update axes with particles (tracked particles are highlighted in red)

    header = dem['header']
    xllc = header['xllcenter']
    yllc = header['yllcenter']

    X = particles['x'] + xllc
    Y = particles['y'] + yllc

    ax.set_title('t=%.2f s' % particles['t'])
    variable = particles['trackedParticles']
    # set range and steps of colormap
    cc = np.where(variable == 1, True, False)
    ax.scatter(X, Y, c='b', cmap=None, marker='.')
    ax.scatter(X[cc], Y[cc], c='r', cmap=None, marker='.', s=5)
    return ax

def addParticles2Plot(particles, ax, dem, whatS='m', whatC='h', colBarResType=''):
    """Update axes with particles

    particles: dict
        particles dictionary
    ax: matplotlib ax object
    dem: dict
        dem dictionary with normal information
    whatS: str
        which particle property should be used for the markersize
    whatC: str
        which particle property should be used for the marker color


    header = dem['header']
    xllc = header['xllcenter']
    yllc = header['yllcenter']

    X = particles['x'] + xllc
    Y = particles['y'] + yllc
    cmap = pU.cmapT
    if colBarResType != '':
        unit = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % colBarResType]
        unit = ''
    variableC = particles[whatC]
    variableS = particles[whatS]
    minMax = np.nanmax(variableS)-np.nanmin(variableS)
    if minMax > 0:
        variableS = ((variableS-np.nanmin(variableS))/(np.nanmax(variableS)-np.nanmin(variableS)) + 1)*pU.ms
        variableS = pU.ms
    cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap(cmap, np.amin(variableC), np.amax(variableC), continuous=pU.contCmap)
    # set range and steps of colormap
    sc = ax.scatter(X, Y, c=variableC, s=variableS, cmap=cmap, marker='.', zorder=15)
    cb = pU.addColorBar(sc, ax, ticks, unit)
    return ax, cb

def addDem2Plot(ax, dem, what='slope', extent='', origHeader=False):
    """ Add dem to the background of a plot

    ax: matplotlib ax object
    dem: dict
        dem dictionary with normal information
    what: str
        what information about the dem will be plotted?
        slope: use the dem slope (computed from the normals) to color the plot
        z : use the elevation to color the plot
    extent: list
        optional: extent of NonUnifIm plot corresponding coordinates to dem data array at center locations
    origHeader: bool
        if True use originalHeader and not header
    if origHeader:
        header = dem['originalHeader']
        header = dem['header']
    ncols = header['ncols']
    nrows = header['nrows']
    xllc = header['xllcenter']
    yllc = header['yllcenter']
    csz = header['cellsize']
    xArray = np.linspace(xllc, xllc+(ncols-1)*csz, ncols)
    yArray = np.linspace(yllc, yllc+(nrows-1)*csz, nrows)
    cmap = pU.cmapGreys

    if what == 'slope':
        value = dem['Nz'] / DFAtls.norm(dem['Nx'], dem['Ny'], dem['Nz'])
    elif what == 'z':
        value = dem['rasterData']
    elif what == 'hillshade':
        ls = pU.LightSource(azdeg=pU.azimuthDegree, altdeg=pU.elevationDegree)
        value = dem['rasterData']
        value = ls.hillshade(value, vert_exag=pU.vertExag, dx=value.shape[1],
        value = dem['rasterData']
    if extent == '':
        extent = [xArray.min(), xArray.max(), yArray.min(), yArray.max()]

    # here extent is in data coordinates (here cell centers)
    ref0, im = pU.NonUnifIm(ax, xArray, yArray, value, 'x [m]', 'y [m]',
                            # extent=[2400, 2700, YY.min(), YY.max()],
                            cmap=cmap, norm=None, zorder=0)
    CS = ax.contour(xArray, yArray, dem['rasterData'], levels=pU.hillshadeContLevs, colors='k', linewidths=0.5,

    # add labels
    ax.clabel(CS, CS.levels, inline=True, fontsize=8, zorder=3)

    # add info box with indication of label meaning
    pU.putInfoBox(ax, '- elevation [m]', location='upperLeft', color='gray',
                  hAlignment='left', alphaF=1.0)
    return ax

def plotParticles(particlesList, cfg, dem):
    """ Plot particles on dem

    particlesList: list
        list or particles dictionaries
    cfg : dict
        configuration read from ini file
    dem: dict
        dem dictionary with normal information

    if cfgFlags.getboolean('showPlot'):
        for count in range(len(particlesList)):
            fig2 = plt.figure()
            ax1 = plt.subplot(111)
            particles = particlesList[count]
            ax1.set_title('t=%.2f s' % particles['t'])
            ax1 = addParticles2Plot(particles, ax1, dem, whatS='h', whatC='m')
            ax1 = addDem2Plot(ax1, dem, what='slope')

def addResult2Plot(ax, header, rasterData, resType, colorbar=True, contour=False):
    """ Add raster data to a plot

    ax: matplotlib ax object
    header: dict
        raster header dictionary
    rasterData: 2D numpy array
        data to plot
    resType: str
        what kinf of result is it? ppr, pft...
    colorbar: bool
        If true add the colorbar
    xllc = header['xllcenter']
    yllc = header['yllcenter']
    csz = header['cellsize']
    rowsMin, rowsMax, colsMin, colsMax, rasterData = pU.constrainPlotsToData(rasterData, csz, extentOption=False,
    # here it is xStart:xEnd where xEnd is colsMax not colsMax-1 as colsMax should still be included where
    # it would be ncols-1 if ncols is the total number of cols
    xArray = np.linspace(xllc+colsMin*csz, xllc+colsMax*csz, colsMax-colsMin+1)
    yArray = np.linspace(yllc+rowsMin*csz, yllc+rowsMax*csz, rowsMax-rowsMin+1)
    extent = [xArray.min(), xArray.max(), yArray.min(), yArray.max()]
    unit = pU.cfgPlotUtils['unit%s' % resType]
    contourLevels = pU.cfgPlotUtils['contourLevels%s' % resType]
    contourLevels = fU.splitIniValueToArraySteps(contourLevels)
    cmap, _, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap(pU.colorMaps[resType], np.amin(rasterData), np.amax(rasterData),
    rasterData = np.ma.masked_where(rasterData == 0, rasterData)

    ref0, im = pU.NonUnifIm(ax, xArray, yArray, rasterData, 'x [m]', 'y [m]',
                            cmap=cmap, norm=norm, zorder=9)
    if colorbar:
        cb = pU.addColorBar(im, ax, ticks, unit)
        cb = None
    if contour:
        CS = ax.contour(xArray, yArray, rasterData, levels=contourLevels, colors='k')
        ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=8, zorder=10)
        CS = None
    return ax, extent, cb, CS

def createContourPlot(reportDictList, avalancheDir, simDF):
    """ create a contour line plot of all simulations of current run

        reportDictList: list
            list of com1DFA dictionary with info on contour dicts for each sim
        avalancheDir: str or pathlib path
            path to avalanche directory
        simDF: pandas DataFrame
            dataframe with one row per simulation performed and its parameter settings

        reportDictList: list
            updated reportDictList - deleted contours dict

    modName = 'com1DFA'
    contourD = {}

    # fetch coordinates of contour line for each sim in reportDict and create contourD
    for cont in reportDictList:
        contourD[list(cont['contours'].keys())[0]] = cont['contours'][list(cont['contours'].keys())[0]]
        del cont['contours']

    # create contours directory in Ouputs to save plot
    contourPlotDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Outputs', modName, 'contours')

    # create pathDict and fetch simName of first sim found
    pathDict = {'pathResult': contourPlotDir, 'plotScenario': pathlib.Path(avalancheDir).stem,
        'avaDir': avalancheDir}
    simName1 = simDF['simName'].iloc[0]
    # check if consistent settings throughout all sims
    if len(np.unique(simDF['contourResType'])) != 1 or len(np.unique(simDF['thresholdValue'])) != 1:
        log.warning('Contour result type or thresholdValue are not identical for all sims performed - so cannot create contour plot')
        return reportDictList, False

    # generate plot

    log.info('Saved contour plot of %d sims to %s' % (len(simDF), contourPlotDir))
    log.info('Sim names are: %s' % simDF['simName'].to_list())

    return reportDictList, True

def fetchContCoors(demHeader, flowF, cfgVisu, simName):
    """ fetch coordinates of contour line

        demHeader: dict
            dictionary of dem nrows, ncols, cellsize
        flowF: np.ndarray
            field data used to compute contour line
        cfgVisu: configparser object
            configuration settings for visualisation, here used:
            contourResType, thresholdValue
        simName: str

        contDictXY: dict
            dictionary with simName and subDict with x, y coordinates of contour line
            contourResType and thresholdValue
    # create coordinate grid first
    xGrid, yGrid, _, _ = geoTrans.makeCoordGridFromHeader(demHeader)

    # fetch contour line
    contourDictXYLines = pU.fetchContourCoords(xGrid, yGrid, flowF, cfgVisu.getfloat('thresholdValue'))

    # setup dict
    contDictXY = {simName: contourDictXYLines}
    contDictXY[simName]['contourResType'] = cfgVisu['contourResType']
    contDictXY[simName]['thresholdValue'] = cfgVisu.getfloat('thresholdValue')

    return contDictXY

def plotReleaseScenarioView(avaDir, releaseLine, dem, titleFig, cuSimName):
    """ plot release polygon, area with thickness on dem hillshade
        saved to avaDir/Outputs/com1DFA/reports

        avaDir: str
            path to ava directory
        dem: dict
            dict with dem header and data
        releaseLine: dict
            dict with raster of release line and x,y coors
        titleFig: str
            title of figure
        cuSimName: str
            name of simulation


    ny = releaseLine['rasterData'].shape[0]
    nx = releaseLine['rasterData'].shape[1]
    Ly = ny * dem['originalHeader']['cellsize']
    Lx = nx * dem['originalHeader']['cellsize']
    xL = dem['originalHeader']['xllcenter']
    yL = dem['originalHeader']['yllcenter']
    originCells = dem['header']['cellsize'] * 0.5
    rField = np.ma.masked_where(releaseLine['rasterData'] == 0.0, releaseLine['rasterData'])

    # choose colormap
    cmap1, col, ticks, norm = pU.makeColorMap(
        pU.colorMaps['pft'], np.amin(releaseLine['rasterData']), np.amax(releaseLine['rasterData']),
    # extent taking into account the 0.5*cellSize for imshow plot if meters is used
    extentCells = [xL - originCells, xL + Lx - originCells, yL + Ly - originCells, yL - originCells]
    # extent given in cell center coordinates
    extentDem = [xL, xL + Lx, yL + Ly, yL]

    # create figure
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    addDem2Plot(ax, dem, what='hillshade', extent=extentDem, origHeader=True)
    im1 = ax.imshow(rField, extent=extentCells, cmap=cmap1)
    ax.plot(releaseLine['x'], releaseLine['y'], 'b-', label='release polygon')
    cax = ax.inset_axes([1.04, 0.0, 0.05, 1.])
    pU.addColorBar(im1, ax, ticks, 'm', cax=cax)
    pU.putAvaNameOnPlot(ax, avaDir)

    # save and or plot
    plotName = 'releaseScenario_%s' % cuSimName
    outDir = pathlib.Path(avaDir, 'Outputs', 'com1DFA', 'reports')
    pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDir}, plotName, fig)