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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Tools to extract information on the avalanche simulations run in the Output files


# Python imports
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pathlib
import configparser
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
import pandas as pd
import math
import seaborn as sns
import logging
from cmcrameri import cm
import matplotlib.patheffects as pe
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import pickle

# Local imports
import avaframe.out3Plot.plotUtils as pU
import avaframe.in1Data.getInput as gI
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
import avaframe.in3Utils.fileHandlerUtils as fU
from avaframe.in3Utils import cfgUtils
from avaframe.in3Utils import logUtils
import avaframe.ana5Utils.distanceTimeAnalysis as dtAna
import avaframe.in1Data.getInput as gI
import avaframe.in2Trans.ascUtils as IOf
import avaframe.out3Plot.outDistanceTimeAnalysis as dtAnaPlots
from avaframe.com1DFA import com1DFA
import avaframe.in3Utils.geoTrans as gT
import avaframe.out1Peak.outPlotAllPeak as oP
from avaframe.out3Plot import outAIMEC

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def plotParticleThalwegAltitudeVelocity(avalancheDir, simIndex, simDF, rasterTransfo, dictVelAltThalweg, resTypePlots,
                                        modName, demData):
    """ plot peak flow fields and velocity thalweg envelope

        avalancheDir: pathlib path or str
            path to avalanche directory
        simIndex: str
            index of current simulation
        rasterTransfo: dict
            info on domain transformation from xy to sl thalweg
        dictVelAltThalweg: dict
            info on velocity and altitude of particles along thalweg s
        resTypePlots: list
            list of result types that shall be plotted, one plot for each resType
        modName: str
            name of com module used to perform sims
        demData: dict
            dict of dem from sim

    # convert avalancheDir to pathlib path
    avaDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir)
    # fetch name of simulation
    simName = simDF['simName'].loc[simIndex]

    # create a plot for result variables in resTypePlots
    for resType in resTypePlots:

        # initialize figure
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(pU.figW+10, pU.figH+3))

        # ax[0]
        # add peak field and thalweg
        ax[0], rowsMinPlot, colsMinPlot = addPeakFieldConstrained(avaDir, modName, simName, resType, demData, ax[0],
        ax[0].plot(rasterTransfo['avaPath']['x'], rasterTransfo['avaPath']['y'], '-y', zorder=20, linewidth=1.0,
                   path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=2, foreground='k'), pe.Normal()], label='thalweg')
        ax[0].legend(loc='upper right')
        ax[0].set_xlabel("x [m]")
        ax[0].set_ylabel("y [m]")

        # ax[1]
        # plot the thalweg diagram
        # First Y axis
        cmap = cm.vik  # colormap
        ax[1].plot(dictVelAltThalweg['sXYThalweg'], dictVelAltThalweg['maxVelocity'], color=cmap(
            0.01), label='Max and min velocity')  # max
        ax[1].plot(dictVelAltThalweg['sXYThalweg'], dictVelAltThalweg['minVelocity'], color=cmap(0.01))  # min
        ax[1].plot(dictVelAltThalweg['sXYThalweg'], dictVelAltThalweg['meanVelocity'], linestyle='dashed',
                 color=cmap(0.7), markersize=0.5, label='Mean velocity', linewidth=0.5)  # mean
        ax[1].plot(dictVelAltThalweg['sXYThalweg'], dictVelAltThalweg['medianVelocity'], linestyle='dotted',
                 color=cmap(1.0), markersize=0.7, label='Median velocity', linewidth=0.7)  # median
        # filling the space between the max and min
        ax[1].fill_between(dictVelAltThalweg['sXYThalweg'], dictVelAltThalweg['minVelocity'],
                         dictVelAltThalweg['maxVelocity'], color=cmap(0.2), alpha=0.2, zorder=1)

        # y label
        ax[1].set_ylabel("Velocity [m/s]", fontsize=22)
        ax[1].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=15)

        # Second Y axis
        ax2 = ax[1].twinx()
        # Plotting the altitude envelope - dashed lines
        ax2.plot(dictVelAltThalweg['sXYThalweg'],  dictVelAltThalweg['maxZ'], color='red',
                 linestyle='dashed', linewidth=0.4, label='Max and min altitude')
        ax2.plot(dictVelAltThalweg['sXYThalweg'],  dictVelAltThalweg['minZ'], color='red',
                 linestyle='dashed', linewidth=0.4)
        ax2.fill_between(dictVelAltThalweg['sXYThalweg'], dictVelAltThalweg['minZ'], dictVelAltThalweg['maxZ'],
                         hatch='|||||||', facecolor='black')
        # X and Y labels
        ax[1].set_xlabel('$s_{xy}$[m]\n\n', fontsize=22)
        ax2.set_ylabel('Altitude [m]', fontsize=22)
        ax2.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=15)

        # add legend
        fig.legend(loc='lower center', ncol=4, fancybox=True, shadow=True, fontsize=15)

        # save and or plot
        outDir = avaDir / 'Outputs' / 'out3Plot' / 'particleAnalysis'
        name = 'particleThalwegAltitudeVelocity'
        plotName = ('%s_%s_%s' % (name, simName, resType))
        plotPath = pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDir}, plotName, fig)

def plotThalwegTimeAltitudes(avalancheDir, simIndex, simDF, rasterTransfo, pfvCrossMax, modName, demSim, mtiInfo,
                             cfgRangeTime, velocityThreshold, measuredData=''):
    """ Create plot showing the resType peak field with thalweg,
        thalweg vs altitude with max peak field values along thalweg derived from peak fields
        and the tt-diagram

        avalancheDir: str or pathlib path
            path to avalanche directory
        simIndex: str
            index of current sim in simDF
        simDF: dataFrame
            dataframe with one row per simulation, and all model config parameters
        rasterTransfo: dict
            dict with info on transformation from cartesian to thalweg coordinate system
        dictRaster: dict
            dict with info on peak fields
        modName: str
            name of com module used to perform sims
        demSim: dict
            dict with info on dem used for sims
        measuredData: dict
            dict data: with time series of measured data (same format as trackedPartProp)
                 labelName: str name of label for plots
                 t: 1D array of time steps

    # Load all info from the peak files
    avaDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir)
    # fetch name of simulation
    simName = simDF['simName'].loc[simIndex]

    # check if measured data available to be included
    mDataAvailable = False
    if measuredData != '':
        mDataAvailable = True
        nData = measuredData['x'].shape[1]
        cmapData = cm.hawaii
        zMaxM = np.nanmax(measuredData['z'])
        tExt = np.nanmax(measuredData['t'])
        zMaxM = 0.
        tExt = 0.

    # initialize figure
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW+10, pU.figH+3))
    gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 2)
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0])
    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])

    # add thalweg-altitude plot to axes
    ax1 = outAIMEC.addThalwegAltitude(ax1, rasterTransfo, pfvCrossMax, velocityThreshold, zMaxM=zMaxM)
    # optionally add measurements
    if mDataAvailable:
        g = pU.gravityAcc
        measuredData['velAlt'] = measuredData['z'] + (measuredData['velocityMag']**2.) / (2. * g)
        addTrOrMe(ax1, measuredData, 'sAimec', 'velAlt', cmapData, label=False, lineStyle='--')
        addTrOrMe(ax1, measuredData, 'sAimec', 'z', cmapData, label=False)

    # ax2
    # add peak file plot
    ax2, rowsMinPlot, colsMinPlot = addPeakFieldConstrained(avaDir, modName, simName, 'pfv', demSim, ax2, alpha=1.0)
    # add the thalweg
    ax2.plot(rasterTransfo['avaPath']['x'], rasterTransfo['avaPath']['y'], '-y', zorder=20, linewidth=1.0,
             path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=2, foreground='k'), pe.Normal()], label='thalweg')
    # optional add measurements
    if mDataAvailable:
        addTrOrMe(ax2, measuredData, 'xOrig', 'yOrig', cmapData, label=True, zorder=22)

    # # add labels and legend
    ax2.set_xlabel('x [m] \n\n', fontsize=20)
    ax2.set_ylabel('y [m] \n\n', fontsize=20)
    ax2.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=15)
    ax2.legend(loc='lower left')

    # ax3 thalweg time diagram
    ax3, rangeTimeResType = dtAnaPlots.addRangeTimePlotToAxes(mtiInfo, cfgRangeTime, ax3)
    maxY = np.nanmax(mtiInfo['rangeList'])
    if mDataAvailable:
        addTrOrMe(ax3, measuredData, 't', 'sAimec', cmapData, label=True)
        maxY = max(maxY, np.nanmax(measuredData['sAimec']))

    # set limits of axes to data extent
    ax3.set_ylim([maxY*1.1, 0])
    xExt = max(tExt, np.nanmax(mtiInfo["timeList"]))
    ax3.set_xlim([0-2, xExt*1.1])

    # save and or plot
    avaDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir)
    outDir = avaDir / 'Outputs' / 'out3Plot' / 'particleAnalysis'
    plotName = ('thalwegTimeAltitudes_%s' % (simName))
    plotPath = pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDir}, plotName, fig)
    log.info("Plot for %s successfully saved at %s" % (plotName, str(plotPath)))

def plotParticleMotionTracking(avalancheDir, simName, dictVelAltThalweg, trackedPartProp, dictVelEnvelope, demSim,
                               modName, rasterTransfo, measuredData=''):
    """ Create plot showing particle properties over time and along avalanche thalweg
        in light blue envelope for all particles (filled between min and max values)
        in dark blue the values for tracked particles

        panel 1: map view of flow variable peak field
        panel 2: particle trajectoryLengthXYZ vs time
        panel 3: particle velocityMagnitude vs time
        panel 4: particle acceleration vs time
        panel 5: particle trajectoryLengthXYZ vs thalweg Sxy
        panel 6: particle velocity vs thalweg Sxy
        panel 7: particle acceleration vs thalweg Sxy

        avalancheDir: pathlib path or str
            path to avalanche directory
        simName: str
            name of simulation
        dictVelAltThalweg: dict
            dict with velocity and altitude envelope info for all particles
        trackedPartProp: dict
            dict with time series of tracked particle properties
        dictVelEnvelope: dict
            dict with velocity envelope info
        demSim: dict
            dict with sim dem info
        modName: str
            name of computational module that has been used to produce the sims
        measuredData: dict
            dict data: with time series of measured data (same format as trackedPartProp)
                 labelName: str name of label for plots
                 t: 1D array of time steps

    # create pathlib path
    avaDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir)

    # check if measured data available to be included
    mDataAvailable = False
    if measuredData != '':
        mDataAvailable = True
        nData = measuredData['x'].shape[1]
        cmapData = cm.hawaii

    # setup figure with subplots 7 panels
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(pU.figW+15, pU.figH+3))
    gs = fig.add_gridspec(3, 3)
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:3, 0])
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
    ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 1])
    ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2])
    ax6 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 2])
    ax7 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 2])

    # ax1
    # add peak file plot
    ax1, rowsMinPlot, colsMinPlot = addPeakFieldConstrained(avaDir, modName, simName, 'pfv', demSim, ax1,
                                                            alpha=0.2, oneColor=cm.vik)

    # add tracked particles locations over time
    xllcenter = demSim['header']['xllcenter']
    yllcenter = demSim['header']['yllcenter']
    cmap = cm.vik
    ax1.plot(trackedPartProp['x'][:, 0]+xllcenter, trackedPartProp['y'][:, 0]+yllcenter, zorder=1, linewidth=1.0,
             color=cmap(0.25), label='tracked particles')
    ax1.plot(trackedPartProp['x']+xllcenter, trackedPartProp['y']+yllcenter, zorder=2, linewidth=1.0, color=cmap(0.25))
    ax1.plot(rasterTransfo['avaPath']['x'], rasterTransfo['avaPath']['y'], '-y', zorder=20, linewidth=1.0,
             path_effects=[pe.Stroke(linewidth=2, foreground='k'), pe.Normal()], label='thalweg')
    if mDataAvailable:
        addTrOrMe(ax1, measuredData, 'xOrig', 'yOrig', cmapData, label=True, zorder=4)

    # add blue path for legend entry for addPeakFieldConstrained imshow plot
    bluePatch = mpatches.Patch(color=cm.vik(0.25), label='all particles', alpha=0.2)
    # where some data has already been plotted to ax
    handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
    # labels and ticks
    ax1.set_xlabel('x [m] \n\n', fontsize=22)
    ax1.set_ylabel('y [m]', fontsize=22)
    ax1.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=13)
    ax1.legend(handles=handles, loc='upper left')

    # ax2
    # # plot the trajectoryLengthXYZ vs time
    ax2.plot(trackedPartProp['t'], trackedPartProp['trajectoryLengthXYZ'], zorder=2, linewidth=1.0, color=cmap(0.25))
    ax2.plot(trackedPartProp['t'][:], trackedPartProp['trajectoryLengthXYZ'][:, 0], zorder=1, linewidth=1.0,
             color=cmap(0.25), label='tracked particles')
    if mDataAvailable:
        addTrOrMe(ax2, measuredData, 't', 'trajectoryLengthXYZ', cmapData, label=False)
    ax2.fill_between(dictVelEnvelope['Time'], dictVelEnvelope['SxyzMin'],
                    dictVelEnvelope['SxyzMax'], color=cmap(0.2), alpha=0.2, zorder=0)
    # labels and ticks
    ax2.set_xlabel('Time [s] \n\n', fontsize=15)
    ax2.set_ylabel('$trajectory_{XYZ}$ [m]', fontsize=15)
    ax2.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=13)

    # ax3
    # plot velocity Magnitude of particles vs time
    cmap = cm.vik
    ax3.plot(trackedPartProp['t'], trackedPartProp['velocityMag'], zorder=2, linewidth=1.0, color=cmap(0.25), alpha=0.5)
    if mDataAvailable:
        addTrOrMe(ax3, measuredData, 't', 'velocityMag', cmapData, label=False)
    ax3.fill_between(dictVelEnvelope['Time'], dictVelEnvelope['Min'],
                    dictVelEnvelope['Max'], color=cmap(0.2), alpha=0.2, zorder=0)
    # labels and ticks
    ax3.set_xlabel('Time [s] \n\n', fontsize=15)
    ax3.set_ylabel('Velocity [m/s]', fontsize=15)
    ax3.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=13)

    # ax4
    # plot acceleration of particles vs time
    ax4.fill_between(dictVelEnvelope['Time'], np.nanmin(dictVelEnvelope['Acc'], axis=1),
            np.nanmax(dictVelEnvelope['Acc'], axis=1), color=cmap(0.2), alpha=0.2, zorder=0, label='all particles')
    ax4.plot(trackedPartProp['t'][:], trackedPartProp['uAcc'][:, 0], zorder=1, linewidth=1.0, color=cmap(0.25),
             label='tracked particles')
    ax4.plot(trackedPartProp['t'], trackedPartProp['uAcc'], zorder=1, linewidth=1.0, color=cmap(0.25))
    if mDataAvailable:
        addTrOrMe(ax4, measuredData, 't', 'uAcc', cmapData, label=False)
    # labels and ticks
    ax4.set_xlabel('Time [s] \n\n', fontsize=15)
    ax4.set_ylabel('Acceleration [m/s²]', fontsize=15)
    ax4.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=13)

    # ax5
    # plot travel length along thalweg
    ax5.fill_between(dictVelAltThalweg['sXYThalweg'], dictVelAltThalweg['minSxyz'],
                     dictVelAltThalweg['maxSxyz'], color=cmap(0.2), alpha=0.2, zorder=0)
    ax5.plot(trackedPartProp['sAimec'], trackedPartProp['trajectoryLengthXYZ'], color=cmap(0.25), zorder=1)
    if mDataAvailable:
        addTrOrMe(ax5, measuredData, 'sAimec', 'trajectoryLengthXYZ', cmapData, label=False)
    # labels and ticks
    ax5.set_xlabel('$S_{xy}$ (thalweg) [m]', fontsize=15)
    ax5.set_ylabel('$trajectory_{XYZ}$ [m]', fontsize=15)
    ax5.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=13)

    # ax6
    # plot velocity along thalweg
    l2 = ax6.fill_between(dictVelAltThalweg['sXYThalweg'], dictVelAltThalweg['minVelocity'],
                     dictVelAltThalweg['maxVelocity'], color=cmap(0.2), alpha=0.2, zorder=0, label='all particles')
    ax6.plot(trackedPartProp['sAimec'], trackedPartProp['velocityMag'], color=cmap(0.25), zorder=1)
    ax6.plot(trackedPartProp['sAimec'][:, 0], trackedPartProp['velocityMag'][:, 0], color=cmap(0.25), zorder=1,
             label='tracked particles')
    if mDataAvailable:
        addTrOrMe(ax6, measuredData, 'sAimec', 'velocityMag', cmapData, label=True)
    # labels and ticks
    ax6.set_xlabel('$S_{xy}$ [m]', fontsize=15)
    ax6.set_ylabel('Velocity [m/s]', fontsize=15)
    ax6.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=13)

    # ax7
    # plot acceleration along the thalweg
    ax7.fill_between(dictVelAltThalweg['sXYThalweg'], dictVelAltThalweg['maxAcc'],
                     dictVelAltThalweg['minAcc'], color=cmap(0.2), alpha=0.2, zorder=0)
    ax7.plot(trackedPartProp['sAimec'], trackedPartProp['uAcc'], color=cmap(0.25), zorder=1)  # max
    if mDataAvailable:
        addTrOrMe(ax7, measuredData, 'sAimec', 'uAcc', cmapData, label=False)
    # labels and ticks
    ax7.set_xlabel('$S_{xy}$ [m]', fontsize=15)
    ax7.set_ylabel('Acceleration [m/s²]', fontsize=15)
    ax7.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=13)

    # save and or plot
    outDir = avaDir / 'Outputs' / 'out3Plot' / 'particleAnalysis'
    plotName = ('particleMotionTracking_%s' % (simName))
    plotPath = pU.saveAndOrPlot({"pathResult": outDir}, plotName, fig)
    log.info("Plot for %s successfully saved at %s" % (plotName, str(plotPath)))

def addTrOrMe(ax, pDict, prop1, prop2, cmap, label=False, zorder=1, lineStyle='-'):
    """ add a line plot of x: prop1, y: prop2 and label if label=True

        ax: matplotlib axes
            axes where plot should be added to
        prop1: str
            name of property in pDict used for x axis
        prop2: str
            name of property in pDict used for y axis
        cmap: matplotlib colormap
            cmap to be used for multiple particles in pDict
        label: bool
            if True add label to lines for legend
        zorder: int
            order of the plot object on the axes

    # create an index array for colormap to divide into equal intervals according to number of particles to be plotted
    cmapDiv = np.linspace(0, 1, pDict[prop2].shape[1])
    for ind in range(pDict[prop2].shape[1]):
        if label:
            labelStr = pDict['label'][ind]
            labelStr = ''
        # if property is t, only 1D vector, for all others 2d array
        if prop1 == 't':
            ax.plot(pDict[prop1][:], pDict[prop2][:, ind], color=cmap(cmapDiv[ind]), zorder=zorder, linewidth=1.0,
                    label=labelStr, linestyle=lineStyle)
            ax.plot(pDict[prop1][:, ind], pDict[prop2][:, ind], color=cmap(cmapDiv[ind]), zorder=zorder, linewidth=1.0,
                    label=labelStr, linestyle=lineStyle)

def addPeakFieldConstrained(avaDir, modName, simName, resType, demData, ax, alpha, oneColor=''):
    """ use out1Peak functions to add plot of a peak field

        avaDir: pathlib path
            path to avalanche dir
        modName: str
            name of computational module used to produce result peak fields
        simName: str
            name of simulation
        resType: str
            result variable name to look for peak field
        demData: dict
            dict with info on dem used to run sim of peak field data
        ax: matplotlib axes object
            axes where plot shall be added to
        alpha: float
            value for transparency from 0-1
        oneColor: empty str
            optional to add a color for a single color for field

    # prepare dem data
    demField = np.where(demData["rasterData"] == demData["header"]["nodata_value"], np.nan,

    # set input dir
    inputDir = avaDir / 'Outputs' / modName / 'peakFiles'

    # fetch all sims in inputDir with info on result files
    simResDF, resTypeList = fU.makeSimFromResDF(avaDir, modName, inputDir=inputDir)

    # find peakFile for resType
    peakFilePath = simResDF[resType].loc[simResDF['simName'] == simName].values[0]

    # fetch cell size
    cellSize = simResDF['cellSize'].loc[simResDF['simName'] == simName].values[0]

    # add constrained peak result field data plot to axes
    ax = oP.addConstrainedDataField(peakFilePath, resType, demField, ax, cellSize, alpha=alpha,
        setLimits=True, oneColor=oneColor)

    return ax

def velocityEnvelope(particlesTimeArrays):
    """ compute the velocity envelope from particle values

        particlesTimeArrays: dict
            dict with time series for particle properties

        dictVelEnvelope: dict
            max, mean, min values of velocity over all particles for each time step
            velocity, acceleration, min and max of trajectoryLengthXYZ of particles for each time step

    # Preparing time, maximum values, minimum values, mean, median
    Max = np.zeros(len(particlesTimeArrays['t']))
    Min = np.zeros(len(particlesTimeArrays['t']))
    Mean = np.zeros(len(particlesTimeArrays['t']))
    Median = np.zeros(len(particlesTimeArrays['t']))
    SxyzMax = np.zeros(len(particlesTimeArrays['t']))
    SxyzMin = np.zeros(len(particlesTimeArrays['t']))

    # loop over time steps and compute max, min, ...
    for j in range(len(particlesTimeArrays['t'])):
        Max[j] = np.amax(particlesTimeArrays['velocityMag'][j, :])
        Min[j] = np.amin(particlesTimeArrays['velocityMag'][j, :])
        Mean[j] = np.mean(particlesTimeArrays['velocityMag'][j, :])
        Median[j] = np.median(particlesTimeArrays['velocityMag'][j, :])
        SxyzMax[j] = np.nanmax(particlesTimeArrays['trajectoryLengthXYZ'][j, :])
        SxyzMin[j] = np.nanmin(particlesTimeArrays['trajectoryLengthXYZ'][j, :])

    dictVelEnvelope = {}
    dictVelEnvelope['Velocity'] = particlesTimeArrays['velocityMag']
    dictVelEnvelope['Acc'] = particlesTimeArrays['uAcc']
    dictVelEnvelope['Mean'] = Mean
    dictVelEnvelope['Median'] = Median
    dictVelEnvelope['Min'] = Min
    dictVelEnvelope['Max'] = Max
    dictVelEnvelope['Time'] = particlesTimeArrays['t']
    dictVelEnvelope['SxyzMax'] = SxyzMax
    dictVelEnvelope['SxyzMin'] = SxyzMin

    return dictVelEnvelope

def velocityEnvelopeThalweg(particlesTimeArrays):
    """ function to generate the velocity envelope along the thalweg from simulated flows

        particlesTimeArrays: dict
            dict with time series of particle properties

        dictVelAltThalweg: dict
            dict with min, max, mean, ... values of particles elevation, velocity and acceleration
            for each thalweg coordinate


    time = particlesTimeArrays['t']
    sBetaPoint = particlesTimeArrays['sBetaPoint']

    elevation = particlesTimeArrays['z'].flatten()
    sXY = particlesTimeArrays['sAimec'].flatten()

    velocityMag = particlesTimeArrays['velocityMag'].flatten()
    uAcc = particlesTimeArrays['uAcc'].flatten()
    trajectoryLengthXYZ = particlesTimeArrays['trajectoryLengthXYZ'].flatten()

    # sort particle coordinates in thalweg system and only keep unique values
    sXYSorted = np.unique(sXY)

    # get max, min, mean, median values of elevation, velocity mag and trajectorylengthXYZ along thalweg
    maxVelocity = np.zeros(len(sXYSorted))
    minVelocity = np.zeros(len(sXYSorted))
    medianVelocity = np.zeros(len(sXYSorted))
    meanVelocity = np.zeros(len(sXYSorted))
    maxAcc = np.zeros(len(sXYSorted))
    minAcc = np.zeros(len(sXYSorted))
    medianAcc = np.zeros(len(sXYSorted))
    meanAcc = np.zeros(len(sXYSorted))
    maxZ = np.zeros(len(sXYSorted))
    minZ = np.zeros(len(sXYSorted))
    maxSxyz = np.zeros(len(sXYSorted))
    minSxyz = np.zeros(len(sXYSorted))

    # create array of properties along S_xy (thalweg/aimec) coordinate
    for indS, sXYCoor in enumerate(sXYSorted):
        sXYInd = np.where(sXY == sXYCoor)
        V = velocityMag[sXYInd[0]]
        A = uAcc[sXYInd[0]]
        S = trajectoryLengthXYZ[sXYInd[0]]
        maxVelocity[indS] = np.nanmax(velocityMag[sXYInd[0]])
        minVelocity[indS] = np.nanmin(velocityMag[sXYInd[0]])
        meanVelocity[indS] = np.nanmean(velocityMag[sXYInd[0]])
        medianVelocity[indS] = np.nanmedian(velocityMag[sXYInd[0]])
        maxZ[indS] = np.nanmax(elevation[sXYInd[0]])
        minZ[indS] = np.nanmin(elevation[sXYInd[0]])
        maxSxyz[indS] = np.nanmax(trajectoryLengthXYZ[sXYInd[0]])
        minSxyz[indS] = np.nanmin(trajectoryLengthXYZ[sXYInd[0]])
        maxAcc[indS] = np.nanmax(uAcc[sXYInd[0]])
        minAcc[indS] = np.nanmin(uAcc[sXYInd[0]])
        meanAcc[indS] = np.nanmean(uAcc[sXYInd[0]])
        medianAcc[indS] = np.nanmedian(uAcc[sXYInd[0]])

    dictVelAltThalweg = {}
    dictVelAltThalweg['sXYPart'] = particlesTimeArrays['sAimec']
    dictVelAltThalweg['maxSxyz'] = maxSxyz
    dictVelAltThalweg['minSxyz'] = minSxyz
    dictVelAltThalweg['sXYThalweg'] = sXYSorted
    dictVelAltThalweg['sBetaPoint'] = sBetaPoint
    dictVelAltThalweg['meanVelocity'] = meanVelocity
    dictVelAltThalweg['medianVelocity'] = medianVelocity
    dictVelAltThalweg['minVelocity'] = minVelocity
    dictVelAltThalweg['maxVelocity'] = maxVelocity
    dictVelAltThalweg['minZ'] = minZ
    dictVelAltThalweg['maxZ'] = maxZ
    dictVelAltThalweg['meanAcc'] = meanAcc
    dictVelAltThalweg['medianAcc'] = medianAcc
    dictVelAltThalweg['minAcc'] = minAcc
    dictVelAltThalweg['maxAcc'] = maxAcc

    return dictVelAltThalweg

def readMeasuredParticleData(avalancheDir, demHeader, pData=''):
    """ fetch data on measured particles from pickle in Inputs/measuredParticles
        only one pickle file allowed if no pData (name of particle file) is provided

        avalancheDir: pathlib path
            path to avalanche directory
        demHeader: dict
            currently xllcenter, yllcenter required to set x, y coordinates to origin 0,0
        pData: str
            name of mesured particle file

        mParticles: dict
            dict with info on measured particles properties (veloctiyMag, x, y, z, uAcc, t)
            all properties except t are of shape: mxn matrix, where m refers to the time steps and n to the
            individual particles t is a vector of the time step values corresponding to m
            label is a list of names of the labels for the measured particles corresponding to n

    inputDir = pathlib.Path(avalancheDir, 'Inputs', 'measuredParticles')
    if pData != '':
        partFileP = inputDir / pData
        if partFileP.is_file() is False:
            message = 'measured particle file: %s does not exist' % (str(partFileP))
            raise FileNotFoundError(message)
        partFiles = list(inputDir.glob('*.pickle'))
        partFileP = partFiles[0]
    if len(partFiles) > 1:
        message = ('Multiple measured particle files found in %s, first one found selected: %s' %
                   (str(inputDir), partFiles[0].name))

    mParticles = pickle.load(open(partFileP, "rb"))

    # TODO: check if we will keep this or change the particles from com1DFA to have xllcenter, yllcenter as origin too
    mParticles['xOrig'] = mParticles['x']
    mParticles['yOrig'] = mParticles['y']
    mParticles['x'] = mParticles['x'] - demHeader['xllcenter']
    mParticles['y'] = mParticles['y'] - demHeader['yllcenter']

    return mParticles