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 * Translations for the element choice manager class
 * @package TorroForms
 * @since 1.0.0

namespace awsmug\Torro_Forms\Translations;

use Leaves_And_Love\Plugin_Lib\Translations\Translations_Manager;

 * Translations for the element choice manager class.
 * @since 1.0.0
class Translations_Element_Choice_Manager extends Translations_Manager {

     * Initializes the translation strings.
     * @since 1.0.0
    protected function init() {
        $this->translations = array(
            /* --- Element Choice --- */

            'db_insert_error'                     => __( 'Could not insert element choice into the database.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'db_update_error'                     => __( 'Could not update element choice in the database.', 'torro-forms' ),
            /* translators: %s: meta key */
            'meta_delete_error'                   => __( 'Could not delete element choice metadata for key &#8220;%s&#8221;.', 'torro-forms' ),
            /* translators: %s: meta key */
            'meta_update_error'                   => __( 'Could not update element choice metadata for key &#8220;%s&#8221;.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'db_fetch_error_missing_id'           => __( 'Could not fetch element choice from the database because it is missing an ID.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'db_fetch_error'                      => __( 'Could not fetch element choice from the database.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'db_delete_error_missing_id'          => __( 'Could not delete element choice from the database because it is missing an ID.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'db_delete_error'                     => __( 'Could not delete element choice from the database.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'meta_delete_all_error'               => __( 'Could not delete the element choice metadata. The element choice itself was deleted successfully though.', 'torro-forms' ),

            /* --- REST Element Choices controller --- */

            'rest_invalid_id'                     => __( 'Invalid element choice ID.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_item_exists'                    => __( 'Cannot create an existing element choice.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_invalid_page_number'            => _x( 'The page number requested is larger than the number of pages available.', 'element choice endpoint', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_cannot_edit_items'              => __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit element choices.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_cannot_read_items'              => __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to view element choices.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_cannot_edit_item'               => __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit this element choice.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_cannot_read_item'               => __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to view this element choice.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_cannot_create_items'            => __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to create element choices.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_cannot_delete_item'             => __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to delete this element choice.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_cannot_publish_item'            => __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to publish this element choice.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_item_id_description'            => __( 'Unique identifier for the element choice.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_item_title_description'         => __( 'The element choice value.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_collection_include_description' => __( 'Limit result set to specific element choice IDs.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_collection_exclude_description' => __( 'Ensure result set excludes specific element choice IDs.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_collection_orderby_description' => __( 'Sort collection by element choice attribute.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_collection_order_description'   => __( 'Order element choice sort attribute ascending or descending.', 'torro-forms' ),
            'rest_collection_title_description'   => __( 'Limit result set to element choices with a specific value.', 'torro-forms' ),
