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# metalsmith-clean-css


This plugin allows you to minify your CSS files by leveraging

## Install

npm install metalsmith-clean-css clean-css

## Usage

### CLI


  "plugins": {
    "metalsmith-clean-css": {
      "files": "**/*.css"

### Node.js

const metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
const metalsmithCleanCSS = require('metalsmith-clean-css')

    files: 'src/**/*.css',
    cleanCSS: {
      rebase: true,

## API

### metalsmithCleanCSS(options)

#### options

Type: `Object`
Default: `{}`

#### options.cleanCSS

Type: `Object`
Default: `{}`

Allow you to directly manipulate the [clean-css
API](https://github.com/jakubpawlowicz/clean-css#constructor-options). The
configuration object will be passed as is.

#### options.files

Type: `string`
Default: `**/*.css`

This option defines which files are concerned by the minification. This
string is directly passed to
[minimatch](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch). Each file matching the
pattern will be minified in place using

#### options.sourceMap

Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`

Whether the source maps should be kept after the minification. You can force
to inline the source maps (without creating an extra `.map` file in the
build) by setting `options.sourceMapInlineSources` to `true`.

This plugin supports the forwarding of existing source maps, it will first
look for a `sourceMap` property on the file, then for `.map` file, and
finally fallback to inline source maps.

#### options.sourceMapInlineSources

Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`

Whether the source maps should be inlined in each CSS file. If set to `true`
the source maps will be inlined in each file, and no extra `.map` file will
be generated.