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# metalsmith-redirect


This plugins enables you to create HTTP redirections in your
[Metalsmith](https://metalsmith.io/) website. There are several ways to do

- in the plugin configuration (see
- in your source frontmatters via the `redirectFrom` and `redirectTo` keys
  (see [`options.frontmatter`](#optionsfrontmatter))

## Install

npm install metalsmith-redirect

## Usage

### CLI


  "plugins": {
    "metalsmith-redirect": {
      "redirections": {
        "/about": "/about-me",
        "/images": "/search?kind=image"

### Node.js

const metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
const metalsmithRedirect = require('metalsmith-redirect')

    redirections: {
      '/about': '/about-me',
      '/images': '/search?kind=image',

## API


- Due to restrictions in the client-side implementation, the **source**
  must either be an HTML file, or a folder (in which case `'/index.html'` will
  be appended)
- The **destination** can be any kind of path
- A relative path in the **source** will be resolved based on the site root `'/'`
- A relative path in the **destination** will be resolved based on the **source** directory
- It is best to place this plugin in the latest position, so that the paths
  it is dealing with have already been altered by the other plugins

### metalsmithRedirect(options)

#### options

Type: `Object`
Default: `{}`

#### options.redirections

Type: `Object`
Default: `{}`

Each key value pair from the object will be used to create a redirection,
where each key corresponds to the **source** url and its associated value to
the **destination** url.


In this piece of code we create two redirections:

1. from `/about` to `/about-me`
2. from `/images` to `/search?kind=image`

const metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
const metalsmithRedirect = require('metalsmith-redirect')

    redirections: {
      '/about': '/about-me',
      '/images': '/search?kind=image',


#### options.frontmatter

Type: `boolean | Object`
Default: `false`

By setting this options to `true`, this plugin will gather redirections from
frontmatters. This feature is convenient to keep the redirections close to
the code. You can also pass an object instead, see below for the nested options.

<details><summary>Example: redirect from another page</summary>

Let's consider you have a file `/photos/index.html`, if you want to create a
redirection _from_ `/images`, you would update its frontmatter in this


redirectFrom: /images


<details><summary>Example: redirect from several pages</summary>

It is also possible to create redirections from several pages by passing a
list to `redirectFrom`:


  - /images
  - /pictures


<details><summary>Example: redirect to another page</summary>

Let's consider you have a file `/about.md`, if you want to create a
redirection to `/about-me`, you would update its frontmatter in this fashion:


redirectTo: /about-me


#### options.frontmatter.redirectFrom

Type: `string`
Default: `"redirectFrom"`

The _redirectFrom_ path to search for in the frontmatters. It leverages
[`_.get`](https://lodash.com/docs#get), so you can perform queries like:
`config.redirectFrom` or `envs[0].redirectFrom`.


Let's say I like to keep things tidied up and I want to scope all my plugin
configuration under the `config` key, this is how it is possible to instruct
the plugin to do so:

const metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
const metalsmithRedirect = require('metalsmith-redirect')

    frontmatter: {
      redirectFrom: 'config.redirectFrom',

The plugin will then look for the `config.redirectFrom` key in any of the
frontmatters, like this one:

  redirectFrom: /about


#### options.frontmatter.redirectTo

Type: `string`
Default: `"redirectTo"`

The _redirectTo_ path to search for in the frontmatters. It leverages
[`_.get`](https://lodash.com/docs#get), so you can perform queries like:
`config.redirectTo` or `envs[0].redirectTo`.


Let's say I like to keep things tidied up and I want to scope all my plugin
configuration under the `config` key, this is how it is possible to instruct the plugin to do so:

const metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
const metalsmithRedirect = require('metalsmith-redirect')

    frontmatter: {
      redirectTo: 'config.redirectTo',

The plugin will then look for the `config.redirectTo` key in any of the
frontmatters, like this one:

  redirectTo: /about-me


#### options.preserveHash

Type: `boolean | Object`
Default: `false`

This option allows to preserve the hash while navigating from the source to the destination url.

For example if you redirect `/a` to `/b`, a visitor currently at
`/a#comments` will be redirected to `/b#comments`.

Note: this feature will optimistically try to leverage JavaScript to redirect
the user, as this is the only way to access the location hash. This will work
in most cases, but for some users with JavaScript disabled this means they
could remain stuck. When this happens it should fallback to the html meta
redirection (which cannot preserve the hashes due to its static nature).


const metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
const metalsmithRedirect = require('metalsmith-redirect')

    preserveHash: true,


#### options.preserveHash.timeout

Type: `number`
Default: `1`

The number of second(s) after which the fallback should redirect the user
when hash preservation is enabled.


const metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
const metalsmithRedirect = require('metalsmith-redirect')

    preserveHash: { timeout: 2 },


#### options.htmlExtensions

Type: `string[]`
Default: `[".html"]`

A list of all file extensions that should be considered HTML files. When files
do not end in one of these extensions, it will not be allowed to be used as a
redirection source.


const metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
const metalsmithRedirect = require('metalsmith-redirect')

    htmlExtensions: [".htm", ".html"],


## FAQ

### Can you give some example of the redirection algorithm?

Let's consider the following configuration:

  "plugins": {
    "metalsmith-redirect": {
      "redirections": {
        "foo": "hidden.html",
        "/foo/bar.html": "/baz",
        "/github": "https://github.com/segmentio"

The following redirections would be created:

| source               | destination                    |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------ |
| `/foo/index.html`    | `/foo/hidden.html`             |
| `/foo/bar.html`      | `/baz`                         |
| `/github/index.html` | `https://github.com/segmentio` |

### Is this plugin compatible with [metalsmith-broken-link-checker](https://github.com/davidxmoody/metalsmith-broken-link-checker)?

_metalsmith-broken-link-checker_ will try to find dead links in your build.
If you `.use()` it before you create the redirections, some dead links may be
detected as the redirections have not been created by _metalsmith-redirect_
yet. But if you `.use()` it after _metalsmith-redirect_, it will be able to
consider the redirections, thus avoiding false positives. You can have a look
at these [functional
to see how the order in which the plugins are registered matters.