export default {
// common
cancel: 'Cancel',
chooseImage: 'Choose image',
close: 'Close',
coverImage: 'cover image',
'delete': 'Delete',
error: 'Error',
errors: 'Errors',
photo: 'Photo',
save: 'Save',
select: 'Select',
selectCover: 'Select Cover',
sendEmailAgain: 'Send Email Again',
toogleNavigation: 'Toggle navigation',
visitSite: 'Visit Site',
// auth pages
auth: {
alreadyHaveAccount: "You already have an account?",
createAccount: "Create an account",
email: "Email",
enterEmail: "Your email",
enterPassword: "Your password",
enterUsername: "Your username",
login: "Login",
loginHere: "Log in here",
logout: 'Logout',
noAccountYet: "You have no account yet?",
password: "Password",
signup: "Signup",
signupCheckMail: "Please check your email and click <strong>Activate Account</strong> in the message we just sent to that email:",
signupCheckMailAgain: "Please check your email and click <strong>Activate Account</strong> in the new message we just sent to you.",
signupFailed: "There was an error with your account validation.",
signupFailedContactUs: "This is embarassing, we can't send you a new validation email. Please contact us to solve that issue:",
signupFailedRetry: "Please click on the button below to receive a new validation email.",
signupMailResent: "A new email has been sent.",
signupThanks: "Thanks For Signing Up!",
username: "Username",
usernameOrEmail: "Username or Email address"
// site setup
newSite: 'New site',
setup: {
createSite: 'Create site',
title: 'Create a new website',
url: 'Site URL',
urlAccessible: 'Your website will be accessible at that URL:',
urlInfos: 'Choose the URL of your website.'
// common edition
edition: {
leaveAction: "It looks like you're in the middle of writing something and you haven't saved all of your content.",
leaveSave: "Save before you go!",
leaveQuestion: "Are you sure you want to leave this page?",
leave: "Leave",
stay: "Stay"
// common page settings
PageSettings: 'Page settings',
pageSettings: {
cover: 'Page cover',
disabled: "Don't display that page",
saved: 'Page settings saved',
saveFailed: 'Failed to save page settings',
tagline: 'Page tagline',
title: 'Page title'
// activities
Activities: 'Activities',
activity: {
cover: 'Activity cover',
coverInfos: 'Set a cover image for your activity',
deleteQuestion: "Are you sure you want to delete this activity?",
deleted: 'Activity deleted',
deleteFailed: 'Failed to delete activity',
description: 'Activity description',
descriptionInfos: 'A description for your activity',
edit: 'Edit this activity',
name: 'Activity name',
nameInfos: 'A title for your activity',
'new': 'New activity',
none: 'You have no activity yet.',
pageCoverInfos: "The image to display on the activities page",
pageDisabledInfos: "If you check that option then the activites page won't be displayed",
pageSettings: "Activities page settings",
pageTaglineInfos: "The tagline to display on the activities page",
pageTitleInfos: "This title will be displayed instead of 'Activities'",
saved: 'Activity saved',
saveFailed: 'Failed to save activity',
summary: 'Activity summary',
summaryInfos: 'A summary of what your activity is about'
// contact
Contact: 'Contact',
contact: {
address: 'Address',
addressInfos: 'Your postal address',
email: 'Email',
emailInfos: 'A public email to contact you',
facebook: 'Facebook',
facebookInfos: 'Your facebook page',
googlePlusAccount: 'Google+ account',
googlePlusInfos: 'Your google+ account',
pageDisabledInfos: "If you check that option then the contact page won't be displayed",
pageCoverInfos: "The image to display on the contact page",
pageSettings: "Contact page settings",
pageTaglineInfos: "The tagline to display on the contact page",
pageTitleInfos: "This title will be displayed instead of 'Contact'",
twitter: 'Twitter',
twitterInfos: 'Your twitter account'
// events
Events: 'Events',
'event': {
deleteQuestion: "Are you sure you want to delete this event?",
deleted: 'Event deleted',
deleteFailed: 'Failed to delete event',
description: 'Event description',
edit: 'Edit this event',
end: 'End:',
'new': 'New event',
none: 'No event yet.',
pageCoverInfos: "The image to display on the events page",
pageDisabledInfos: "If you check that option then the events pages won't be displayed",
pageSettings: "Events page settings",
pageTaglineInfos: "The tagline to display on the events page",
pageTitleInfos: "This title will be displayed instead of 'Events'",
place: 'Event place',
saved: 'Event saved',
saveFailed: 'Failed to save event',
start: 'Start:',
title: 'Event title',
untitled: '(Untitled)'
// members
Members: 'Members',
member: {
deleteQuestion: "Are you sure you want to delete this member?",
deleted: 'Member deleted',
deleteFailed: 'Failed to delete member',
description: 'Member description',
descriptionInfos: 'Set a description for this member',
edit: 'Edit this member',
fullname: 'Fullname',
fullnameInfos: 'Fullname for this member',
'new': 'New member',
none: 'You have no members yet.',
pageCoverInfos: "The image to display on the members page",
pageDisabledInfos: "If you check that option then the members page won't be displayed",
pageSettings: "Members page settings",
pageTaglineInfos: "The tagline to display on the members page",
pageTitleInfos: "This title will be displayed instead of 'Members'",
photo: 'Member photo',
photoInfos: 'Set a photo for this member',
role: 'Member role',
roleInfos: 'The role of this member in your organization',
saved: 'Member saved',
saveFailed: 'Failed to save member'
// pages
Pages: 'Pages',
page: {
body: 'Page body',
deleteQuestion: "Are you sure you want to delete this page?",
deleted: 'Page deleted',
deleteFailed: 'Failed to delete page',
displayInNavBar: 'Display in navigation bar',
edit: 'Edit this page',
'new': 'New page',
none: 'No page yet.',
saved: 'Page saved',
saveFailed: 'Failed to save page',
tagline: 'Page tagline',
title: 'Page title',
untitled: '(Untitled)'
// posts
Posts: 'Posts',
post: {
body: 'Post body',
deleteQuestion: "Are you sure you want to delete this post?",
deleted: 'Post deleted',
deleteFailed: 'Failed to delete post',
draft: 'Draft',
edit: 'Edit this post',
'new': 'New post',
none: 'No post yet.',
pageCoverInfos: "The image to display on the posts page",
pageDisabledInfos: "If you check that option then the posts pages won't be displayed",
pageSettings: "Posts page settings",
pageTaglineInfos: "The tagline to display on the posts page",
pageTitleInfos: "This title will be displayed instead of 'Posts'",
publish: 'Publish',
publishedStatus: 'Published:',
published: 'Post published',
publishFailed: 'Failed to publish post',
saved: 'Post saved',
saveFailed: 'Failed to save post',
title: 'Post title',
unpublish: 'Unpublish',
unpublished: 'Post unpublished',
unpublishFailed: 'Failed to unpublish post',
untitled: '(Untitled)'
// settings
Settings: 'Settings',
// general settings
General: 'General',
site: {
customDomain: 'Custom domain',
customDomainInfos: 'Use a custom domain name for your website',
customDomainPlaceholder: '',
'delete': 'Delete this site',
deleteInfos: 'Once you delete a site, there is no going back. Please be certain.',
deleteQuestion: "Are you sure you want to delete your site?",
deleteWarning: "Attention ! All your site contents will be deleted, and there is no going back.",
displayNameInNavBar: 'Display name in navigation bar',
domain: 'URL',
favicon: 'Site Favicon',
faviconInfos: 'A 16x16 pixels icon that will be displayed in your website visitors browser',
googleAnalytics: 'Google Analytics ID',
googleAnalyticsInfos: 'Enter your Google Analytics ID to gather statistics about your website traffic',
lang: 'Site Language',
langInfos: 'Your site will be displayed with this language',
logo: 'Site Logo',
logoInfos: 'Display a logo for your site',
membership: 'Membership File',
membershipInfos: 'A PDF file your user needs to fill to become a member',
name: 'Site Name',
nameInfos: 'The name of your site',
tagline: 'Site Tagline',
taglineInfos: 'The tagline of your site',
theme: 'Site theme',
themeInfos: 'The theme to use for your site'
// homepage settings
Homepage: 'Homepage',
homepage: {
additionalDescription: 'Site Additional Description',
additionalDescriptionInfos: 'An additional description to display at bottom of homepage',
cover: 'Site Cover',
coverInfos: 'Cover image on your homepage',
description: 'Site Description',
descriptionInfos: 'Describe what your site is about',
joinText: 'Site Join Text',
joinTextInfos: 'If relevant, explain to visitors why then should become a member of your organisation'
// account settings
yourAccount: 'Your account',
account: {
firstName: 'First name',
firstNameInfos: 'Your first name',
lastName: 'Last name',
lastNameInfos: 'Your last name',
lang: 'Language',
langInfos: 'The language you want to use for this administration site',
// images settings
Images: 'Images',
image: {
added: 'Added:',
deleteQuestion: "Are you sure you want to delete this image?",
deleted: 'Image deleted',
deleteFailed: 'Failed to delete image',
gotoSettings: 'Go to Images Settings first and upload some images.',
none: 'You have no image yet.'
// files settings
file: {
added: 'Added:',
deleteQuestion: "Are you sure you want to delete this file?",
deleted: 'File deleted',
deleteFailed: 'Failed to delete file',
saved: 'File saved'