$ azk [options] [*command]
azk agent (start|status|stop) [--no-daemon --child --no-reload-vm --configure-file=<file>] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk config (list|set|reset) [<config-key>] [<config-value>] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk doctor [--logo] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk deploy (clear-cache|fast|full|restart|versions) [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk deploy shell [--command=<cmd>] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]... [-- <args>...]
azk deploy ssh [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]... [-- <args>...]
azk deploy rollback [<ref>] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk deploy [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk docker [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]... [-- <docker-args>...]
azk info [<system>] [--json --filter=<f>] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk init [<path>] [--filename --force] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk logs [<system> <instances>] [--no-timestamps --follow --lines=<n>] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk open [<system>] [--open-with=<app>] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk restart [<system>] [--reprovision --rebuild --no-remove --open --open-with=<app>] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk scale [<system>] [<to>] [--no-remove] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk shell [<system>] [--command=<cmd> --cwd=<dir> --image=<name> --shell=<bin> --rebuild --no-remove --silent --tty --no-tty] [-m <mounts> -e <data>]... [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]... [-- <shell-args>...]
azk start [<system>] [--reprovision --rebuild --no-remove --open --open-with=<app>] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk start [<git-repo>] [<dest-path>] [--git-ref=<git-ref>] [--reprovision --rebuild --no-remove --open --open-with=<app>] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk status [<system>] [--long --short --text] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk stop [<system>] [--no-remove] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk vm ssh [-qh --no-color -l <level> --tty --no-tty] [-v]... [-- <ssh-args>...]
azk vm (start|status|installed|stop|remove) [--force] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk [agent|config|vm] [--help] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk help [<command>] [-q --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk version [--full --logo] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
azk [--version] [-qh --no-color -l <level>] [-v]...
agent Controls azk agent.
config Controls azk configuration options.
deploy Deploy this project to a remote server.
docker Alias for calling docker in azk configuration scope.
doctor Shows an analysis of azk's health.
help Shows help about a specific command.
info Shows systems information for the current Azkfile.js.
init Initializes a project by adding Azkfile.js.
open Opens system URL in default or specified browser application.
logs Shows logs for the systems.
restart Stops all systems and starts them back again.
scale Scales (up or down) one or more systems.
shell Initializes a shell context instance or runs a specified command.
start Starts one or more systems. Accepts github format too.
status Shows system(s) status.
stop Stops one or more systems.
version Shows azk version.
vm Controls the Virtual Machine.
clear-cache Clears deployment cached configuration.
installed Checks if the virtual machine is installed.
fast Deploys without configuring the remote server (default for every run after the first deployment).
full Configures the remote server and deploy the app (default for the first deployment).
remove Removes the virtual machine.
restart Restarts local systems or the app on the remote server.
rollback Reverts the app to a specified reference (default is the previous version).
start Starts azk agent or virtual machine.
stop Stops azk agent or virtual machine.
status Shows azk agent or virtual machine status.
shell Starts a shell from inside the deploy system container.
ssh Connects to the VM or remote server (when used with deploy) via SSH protocol.
list Shows all configurations and its values
set Set a configuration value
reset Resets all azk configuration
versions Lists all versions of the app deployed on the remote server.
docker-args Options and arguments to be passed to Docker.
instances Number of instances.
path Path where manifest file can be found.
ref Version or git reference -- commit, branch etc.
ssh-args Options and arguments to be passed to VM over ssh.
shell-args Options and arguments to be passed to the system.
system System name where the action will take place.
git-repo Github URL to clone and start
dest-path Override destination path when cloning
to Number of available instances after scaling.
config-key Key name to be configured
config-value Value to be configured
--command=<cmd>, -c Runs the specified command.
--cwd=<dir>, -C Sets the current working directory.
--env=<data>, -e Additional environment variables - multiple supported (`-e HTTP_PORT=5000 -e PORT=5000`).
--filename Shows the manifest filename.
--filter=<props> Filter system properties [default: all].
--force, -F Force mode on.
--follow, -f Follows log output.
--git-ref=<git-ref> Git branch, tag or commit to clone
--help, -h Shows help usage.
--image=<name>, -i Defines the image in which the command will be executed.
--json Outputs in json format.
--log=<level>, -l Sets log level (default: error).
--logo Shows the azk logo before showing health information.
--full Shows full version information.
--long Show all columns.
--mount=<paths>, -m Additional mounting points - multiple supported (`-m ~/Home:/azk/user -m ~/data:/var/data`).
--mounts Only show mounts options.
--lines=<n>, -n Outputs the specified number of lines at the end of logs [default: all].
--no-daemon Runs `azk agent` in foreground.
--no-reload-vm Do not reload Virtual Machine settings.
--no-remove, -r Do not remove container instances after stopping them.
--no-timestamps Hides log timestamps.
--open, -o Opens system URL in default browser application.
--open-with=<app>, -a Opens system URL in specified browser application.
--no-color Remove colors from output
--quiet, -q Never prompt.
--rebuild, -B Forces rebuilding or pull image and reprovision system before starting an instance.
--reprovision, -R Forces provisioning actions before starting an instance.
--shell=<bin> Path to shell binary file.
--short Hides 'Provisioned' column.
--no-tty, -T Disables pseudo-tty allocation.
--tty, -t Forces pseudo-tty allocation.
--text Shows output in plain text mode.
--verbose, -v Sets the level of detail - multiple supported (-vv == --verbose 2) [default: 0].
--silent Prevents any log message about command execution. It's useful when using the `-c` option and the output is used as input to another command using the pipe `|` operator.
--version Shows azk version.
azk agent start --no-daemon
azk shell --image azukiapp/debian --shell /bin/bash
azk shell --image azukiapp/debian --shell /bin/bash -c 'echo test'
azk shell --image azukiapp/debian --shell /bin/bash -- echo test
azk shell --mount ~/Home:/azk/user --env HOME=/azk/user --env HTTP_PORT=5000
azk docker -- images
azk docker -- ps
azk status [system_name]
azk scale [system_name] 2
azk start [system_name] -R # starts a system and reprovision
azk start # clone and start (SSH)
azk start # clone and start (https)
azk start # clone master
azk start azukiapp/azkdemo # clone and start (short)
azk start azukiapp/azkdemo /tmp/azkdemoDest # clone and start (to /tmp/azkdemoDest folder)
azk start azukiapp/azkdemo --git-ref master # branch master (to ./azkdemo relative folder)
azk start azukiapp/azkdemo --git-ref 0.0.1 # tag 0.0.1 (to ./azkdemo relative folder)
azk start azukiapp/azkdemo --git-ref 880d01a # commit 880d01a (to ./azkdemo relative folder)
azk deploy # run `deploy fast`
azk deploy shell
azk deploy full
azk deploy fast
azk deploy versions
azk deploy rollback # rollback to previous version
azk deploy rollback v2 # rollback to version v2
azk deploy rollback feature/add # rollback to branch feature/add
azk deploy rollback 880d01a # rollback to commit 880d01a
azk deploy restart