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Test Coverage
package main

import (

var keepedAttrs = flag.String("keeped", "french,france,fr,europe,eur,eu,english,en,eng,uk,word,usa,us", "The attributes you want to keep, in comma separated format.")
var romDir = flag.String("rom_dir", ".", "The directory containing the roms file to process.")
var destDir = flag.String("dest_dir", "", "The destination directory where the roms will be moved in, \"{rom_dir}/moved\" if empty.")
var dryRun = flag.Bool("dry_run", true, "Print what will be moved.")
var keepIfOnlyOne = flag.Bool("keep_one", false, "Move the file if it's the only one of its kind.")

// ReadDir exported to be mocked
var ReadDir = ioutil.ReadDir

// LogFatal exported to be mocked
var LogFatal = log.Fatal

// Mkdir exported to be mocked
var Mkdir = os.Mkdir

// Rename exported to be mocked
var Rename = os.Rename

// Rom is a file which has specific attribute(s) (zone/lang/..)
type Rom struct {
    filename   string
    attributes []string // usa / fr / rev 1 / ...

func normalizeFilename(filename string) (string, string, error) {
    cleaned := strings.Replace(filename, "[", "(", -1)
    cleaned = strings.Replace(cleaned, "]", ")", -1)

    separatorPos := strings.Index(cleaned, "(")
    if separatorPos == -1 || strings.LastIndex(cleaned, ")") <= separatorPos+1 {
        return "", "", errors.New("filename must contains both \"(\" & \")\", none found in " + cleaned)

    basename := strings.TrimSpace(cleaned[0:separatorPos])

    return cleaned, basename, nil

func extractAttributes(filename string) []string {

    // anything that is a word/space/comma between parenthesis
    // it looks like there is no negative lookahead in go regex atm & even \(.*[^\)]\) doesn't match...
    re := regexp.MustCompile("\\((\\w+,)*\\w+\\)")
    matches := re.FindAllString(strings.ToLower(strings.Replace(filename, " ", "", -1)), -1)
    var attributes []string

    for _, group := range matches {
        values := strings.Split(group[1:len(group)-1], ",")
        attributes = append(attributes, values...)

    return attributes

func contains(str string, list []string) bool {
    for _, v := range list {
        if v == str {
            return true
    return false

func findMatchingRom(roms []Rom, attributes []string) *Rom {

    for _, attr := range attributes {

        // reverse walking, to have "USA" before "USA Rev1"
        for i := len(roms) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
            if contains(attr, roms[i].attributes) {
                return &roms[i]


    return nil

func main() {

    if *destDir == "" {
        *destDir = strings.TrimRight(*romDir, "/") + "/moved"

    fmt.Println("ROM DIR: " + *romDir + ", DEST DIR: " + *destDir)
    fmt.Println("KEEPED ATTRIBUTES: " + *keepedAttrs)

    dirFiles, err := ReadDir(*romDir)
    if err != nil {

    // prepare destination directory
    if *dryRun == false {

        if _, err := os.Stat(*destDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
            err := Mkdir(*destDir, 0750)
            if err != nil {


    var roms = make(map[string][]Rom)

    // we construct an hashmap indexed by the base rom name and we put each file info in it
    for _, file := range dirFiles {

        if file.IsDir() {

        filename := file.Name()
        cleanedFilename, baseFilename, err := normalizeFilename(filename)
        if err != nil {

        roms[baseFilename] = append(roms[baseFilename], Rom{filename, extractAttributes(cleanedFilename)})


    splittedKeepedAttrs := strings.Split(strings.Replace(*keepedAttrs, " ", "", -1), ",")

    // for each files (struct) for a rom, try to find a good one
    for game, romFiles := range roms {

        rom := findMatchingRom(romFiles[0:], splittedKeepedAttrs[0:])

        if *keepIfOnlyOne && len(romFiles) == 1 {
            rom = &romFiles[0]

        if rom != nil {

            fmt.Println("OK: " + game + " - found: " + rom.filename)

            if *dryRun == false {
                err := Rename(*romDir+"/"+rom.filename, *destDir+"/"+rom.filename)
                if err != nil {

        } else {
            fmt.Println("KO: " + game)

