

Test Coverage
# List the start up tasks. You can start them in parallel in multiple terminals. See https://www.gitpod.io/docs/config-start-tasks/
  - init: make bootstrap
    command: make watch
  - openMode: split-right
    command: |-
      clear && echo '
      Welcome to Gitpod!

      If you haven'\''t forked Babel yet and you want to prepare a PR, you can use
      the Ctrl+P (or ⌘P) shortcut, type `>Fork` and press ENTER: Gitpod\ will
      create the fork for you.

      <-- The other terminal is building Babel. It should automatically rebuild
          when you change a file, so you don'\''t need to worry about it.
          If it'\''s still building, please wait until it'\''s finished!

      If you want to run the tests, you can run `yarn jest` in this terminal,
      or filter by package name (for example, `yarn jest babel-parser`).

#' # <-- This is just because the gitpod theme has broken syntax highlighting

  # https://www.gitpod.io/docs/prebuilds/#configure-prebuilds
    master: true
    branches: true
    pullRequests: true
    pullRequestsFromForks: true
    addCheck: true
    addComment: false
    addBadge: true
    addLabel: false

    - dbaeumer.vscode-eslint@2.1.5:9Wg0Glx/TwD8ElFBg+FKcQ==
    - esbenp.prettier-vscode@5.0.0:qca7d0cHbKkrkb5rvNlpcg==
    - flowtype.flow-for-vscode@1.5.0:AwOT6wgHTF43loZQCAUMLA==