

Test Coverage
# Why is Babel a monorepo?

> The tool for managing the monorepo in Babel has been extracted out as [Lerna](

Juggling a multimodule project over multiple repos is like trying to teach a newborn baby how to
ride a bike.

Babel follows a monorepo approach, all officially maintained modules are in the same repo.

This is quite taboo but let's look at the pros and cons:


 * Single lint, build, test and release process.
 * Easy to coordinate changes across modules.
 * Single place to report issues.
 * Easier to setup a development environment.
 * Tests across modules are run together which finds bugs that touch multiple modules more easily.


 * Codebase looks more intimidating.
 * Repo is bigger in size.
 * [Can't `npm install` modules directly from GitHub](
 * ???

## This is dumb! Nobody in open source does this!

[React](, [Meteor](, and [Ember](, among others, do this.

## Previous discussion

- [Dan Luu](
- [Gregory](
- [Szorc](
- [Face]([book](
- [Benjamin Pollack](
- [Benjamin Eberlei](
- [Simon Stewart](
- [Digital Ocean](
- [Google](, [another](
- [Twitter](
- [thedufer](
- [Paul Hammant](
- [Exponent](