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# 💧 Regenmaschine: A Simple Python Library for RainMachine™

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`regenmaschine` (German for "rain machine") is a simple, clean, well-tested
Python library for interacting with
[RainMachineâ„¢ smart sprinkler controllers][regenmaschine]. It gives developers an easy
API to manage their controllers over their local LAN or remotely via the RainMachineâ„¢

- [Remote Access Announcement](#remote-access-announcement-2022-06-26)
- [Python Versions](#python-versions)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Loading Controllers Multiple Times](#loading-controllers-multiple-times)
- [Contributing](#contributing)

# Remote Access Announcement (2022-06-26)

On June 2, 2022, RainMachine announced a [Premium Services][rainmachine-premium]
addition; under this new model, remote access is _only_ available to subscribers of
these Premium Services.

I do not currently intend to subscribe to Premium Services; as such, the remote access
abilities of `regenmaschine` will remain as-is from here on out unless spurred on by
others. They may stop working at any time. PRs from subscribing users are always

# Python Versions

`regenmaschine` is currently supported on:

- Python 3.10
- Python 3.11
- Python 3.12

# Installation

pip install regenmaschine

# Usage

Creating a `regenmaschine` `Client` might be the easiest thing you do all day:

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from regenmaschine import Client

async def main() -> None:
    client = Client()

    # ...

By default, the library creates a new connection to the sprinkler controller with each
coroutine. If you are calling a large number of coroutines (or merely want to squeeze
out every second of runtime savings possible), an [`aiohttp`][aiohttp] `ClientSession` can
be used for connection pooling:

See the module docstrings throughout the library for full info on all parameters, return
types, etc.

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from regenmaschine import Client

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        client = Client(session=session)

## Loading Local (Accessible Over the LAN) Controllers

Once you have a client, you can load a local controller (i.e., one that is
accessible over the LAN) very easily:

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from regenmaschine import Client

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        client = Client(session=session)

        await client.load_local("", "my_password", port=8080, use_ssl=True)

        controllers = client.controllers
        # >>> {'ab:cd:ef:12:34:56': <LocalController>}

## Loading Remote (Accessible Over the RainMachine Cloud) Controllers

If you have 1, 2 or 100 other local controllers, you can load them in the same
way – `client.controllers` will keep your controllers all organized.

What if you have controllers around the world and can't access them all over
the same local network? No problem! `regenmaschine` allows you to load remote
controllers very easily, as well:

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from regenmaschine import Client

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        client = Client(session=session)

        await client.load_remote("", "my_password")

        controllers = client.controllers
        # >>> {'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx': <RemoteController>, ...}

Bonus tip: `client.load_remote` will load _all_ controllers owned by that email

## Using the Controller

Regardless of the type of controller you have loaded (local or remote), the
same properties and methods are available to each:

import asyncio
import datetime

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from regenmaschine import Client

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        client = Client(session=session)

        # Load a local controller:
        await client.load_local("", "my_password", port=8080, use_ssl=True)

        # Load all remote controllers associated with an account:
        await client.load_remote("", "my_password")

        # They all act the same! The only difference is that remote API calls
        # will pass through the RainMachineâ„¢ cloud:
        for mac_address, controller in client.controllers:
            # Print some client properties:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Host: {}")
            print(f"MAC Address: {controller.mac}")
            print(f"API Version: {controller.api_version}")
            print(f"Software Version: {controller.software_version}")
            print(f"Hardware Version: {controller.hardware_version}")

            # Get all diagnostic information:
            diagnostics = await controller.diagnostics.current()

            # Get all weather parsers:
            parsers = await controller.parsers.current()

            # Get all programs:
            programs = await controller.programs.all()

            # Include inactive programs:
            programs = await controller.programs.all(include_inactive=True)

            # Get a specific program:
            program_1 = await controller.programs.get(1)

            # Enable or disable a specific program:
            await controller.programs.enable(1)
            await controller.programs.disable(1)

            # Get the next run time for all programs:
            runs = await

            # Get all running programs:
            programs = await controller.programs.running()

            # Start and stop a program:
            await controller.programs.start(1)
            await controller.programs.stop(1)

            # Get basic details about all zones:
            zones = await controller.zones.all()

            # Get advanced details about all zones:
            zones = await controller.zones.all(details=True)

            # Include inactive zones:
            zones = await controller.zones.all(include_inactive=True)

            # Get basic details about a specific zone:
            zone_1 = await controller.zones.get(1)

            # Get advanced details about a specific zone:
            zone_1 = await controller.zones.get(1, details=True)

            # Enable or disable a specific zone:
            await controller.zones.enable(1)
            await controller.zones.disable(1)

            # Start a zone for 60 seconds:
            await controller.zones.start(1, 60)

            # ...and stop it:
            await controller.zones.stop(1)

            # Get all running zones:
            programs = await controller.zones.running()

            # Get the device name:
            name = await controller.provisioning.device_name

            # Get all provisioning settings:
            settings = await controller.provisioning.settings()

            # Get all networking info related to the device:
            wifi = await controller.provisioning.wifi()

            # Get various types of active watering restrictions:
            current = await controller.restrictions.current()
            universal = await controller.restrictions.universal()
            hourly = await controller.restrictions.hourly()
            raindelay = await controller.restrictions.raindelay()

            # Set universal restrictions – note that the payload is the same structure
            # as returned by controller.restrictions.universal():
            await controller.restrictions.set_universal(
                    "hotDaysExtraWatering": False,
                    "freezeProtectEnabled": True,

            # Get watering stats:
            today = await controller.stats.on_date(
            upcoming_days = await controller.stats.upcoming(details=True)

            # Get info on various watering activities not already covered:
            log = await controller.watering.log(, 2)
            queue = await controller.watering.queue()
            runs = await controller.watering.runs(

            # Pause all watering activities for 30 seconds:
            await controller.watering.pause_all(30)

            # Unpause all watering activities:
            await controller.watering.unpause_all()

            # Stop all watering activities:
            await controller.watering.stop_all()

            # See if a firmware update is available:
            update_data = await controller.machine.get_firmware_update_status()
            # ...and request the update:
            update_data = await controller.machine.update_firmware()

            # Reboot the controller:
            update_data = await controller.machine.reboot()

            # Return the current flow meter data:
            flowmeter = await controller.watering.flowmeter()

            # Add values to flowmeter counters from an external smart water meter
            # not wired directly to the controller.
            # Units can be "clicks", "gal", "m3" and "litre".
            await controller.watering.post_flowmeter({"value": 2000, "units": "clicks"})

Check out ``, the tests, and the source files themselves for method
signatures and more examples. For additional reference, the full RainMachineâ„¢ API
documentation is available [here][rainmachine-api].

# Loading Controllers Multiple Times

It is technically possible to load a controller multiple times. Let's pretend
for a moment that:

- We have a local controller named `Home` (available at ``).
- We have a remote controller named `Grandma's House`.
- Both controllers live under our email address: ``

If we load them thus:

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from regenmaschine import Client

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        client = Client(session=session)

        # Load "Home" locally:
        await client.load_local("", "my_password")

        # Load all of my controllers remotely:
        await client.load_remote("", "my_password")

...then we will have the following:

1. `Home` will be a `LocalController` and accessible over the LAN.
2. `Grandma's House` will be a `RemoteController` and accessible only over the
   RainMachineâ„¢ cloud.

Notice that `regenmaschine` is smart enough to not overwrite a controller that
already exists: even though `Home` exists as a remote controller owned by
``, it had already been loaded locally. By default,
`regenmaschine` will only load a controller if it hasn't been loaded before
(locally _or_ remotely). If you want to change this behavior, both `load_local`
and `load_remote` accept an optional `skip_existing` parameter:

import asyncio

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from regenmaschine import Client

async def main() -> None:
    async with ClientSession() as session:
        client = Client(session=session)

        # Load all of my controllers remotely:
        await client.load_remote("", "my_password")

        # Load "Home" locally, overwriting the existing remote controller:
        await client.load_local("", "my_password", skip_existing=False)

# Contributing

Thanks to all of [our contributors][contributors] so far!

1. [Check for open features/bugs][issues] or [initiate a discussion on one][new-issue].
2. [Fork the repository][fork].
3. (_optional, but highly recommended_) Create a virtual environment: `python3 -m venv .venv`
4. (_optional, but highly recommended_) Enter the virtual environment: `source ./.venv/bin/activate`
5. Install the dev environment: `script/setup`
6. Code your new feature or bug fix on a new branch.
7. Write tests that cover your new functionality.
8. Run tests and ensure 100% code coverage: `poetry run pytest --cov regenmaschine tests`
9. Update `` with any new documentation.
10. Submit a pull request!
