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Test Coverage
// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`lazy-ass JSON stringifies arrays 1`] = `
"array with 3 items.

exports[`lazy-ass JSON stringifies objects 1`] = `
  \\"foo\\": \\"foo\\"

exports[`lazy-ass JSON stringifies undefined value of a property 1`] = `
  \\"foo\\": \\"foo\\",
  \\"bad\\": null

exports[`lazy-ass JSON.stringify skip undefined property 1`] = `"{\\"foo\\":\\"foo\\"}"`;

exports[`lazy-ass JSON.stringify with custom replacer 1`] = `"{\\"foo\\":\\"foo\\",\\"bad\\":\\"null\\"}"`;

exports[`lazy-ass calls functions to form message 1`] = `"foo bar foo"`;

exports[`lazy-ass does adds spaces between arguments 1`] = `"foo bar 42"`;

exports[`lazy-ass does not add space if previous one has newline 1`] = `
bar 42"

exports[`lazy-ass handles exception if thrown from function 1`] = `"[function foo threw error!] bar [function foo threw error!]"`;

exports[`lazy-ass nested JSON.stringify with custom replacer 1`] = `"{\\"foo\\":\\"foo\\",\\"bar\\":{\\"baz\\":\\"value\\"}}"`;

exports[`lazy-ass takes error name and message 1`] = `"Error hi there"`;

exports[`lazy-ass throws nice message 1`] = `"text 42 more text"`;