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Test Coverage
// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`gives context to non-serializable objects can handle array with circular objects 1`] = `
"problem with foo array with 1 items.
[{ cannot stringify arg 0, it has type \\"object\\" with keys bar, foo }]

exports[`gives context to non-serializable objects handles several objects 1`] = `"{ cannot stringify arg 0, it has type \\"object\\" with keys bar, foo } { cannot stringify arg 1, it has type \\"object\\" with keys foo }"`;

exports[`gives context to non-serializable objects prints keys in non-serializable objects 1`] = `"{ cannot stringify arg 0, it has type \\"object\\" with keys bar, foo }"`;

exports[`serialize arguments serializes arguments object 1`] = `
"array with 1 items.

exports[`serializes circular objects can handle one circular object 1`] = `"foo has circular reference { cannot stringify arg 1, it has type \\"object\\" with keys bar, foo }"`;