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Test Coverage
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Balanced Dashboard.

If you are opening a new issue or submitting a pull request, **go for it!**
Don't be afraid that it's a dumb idea or a duplicate of another
issue or an unwanted change or whatever, especially if this is your first time
participating with us. We're glad to have you! :^)

##### Where We Hang Out

IRC and Github are the two main online hangouts for Balanced. We're in #balanced 
on Freenode for our chatroom (here's a [web interface]( 

### Code

For typo fixes and other small changes, you can use the GitHub web interface to
propose changes.

To contribute more substantial changes, the first step is to install the Balanced Dashboard
locally, which is documented in the
[README]( That file also
documents our testing setup. Changes with tests are better than changes

**Collaborators.** We love collaborators. Send us your size and mailing address to once you've contributed and we'll make sure to send you a sweet t-shirt.

**Pull Requests.** Please use pull requests to submit your work for code
review. Please keep your pull requests fairly small, and please rebase your
work onto the end of master before submitting it.

**License.** The Balanced Dashboard is [licensed under
BSD and MIT](