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import Ember from "ember";
import LoadPromise from "./mixins/load-promise";
import TypeMappings from "./type-mappings";
import Computed from "balanced-dashboard/utils/computed";
import Rev1Serializer from "balanced-dashboard/serializers/rev1";
import Utils from "balanced-dashboard/lib/utils";
import ModelArray from "./model-array";
import ValidationServerErrorHandler from "balanced-dashboard/utils/error-handlers/validation-server-error-handler";

var JSON_PROPERTY_KEY = '__json';
var URI_POSTFIX = '_uri';
var INTEGER_REGEX = /\b[0-9]+\b/;

    match: /insufficient-funds/gi,
    parse: function(error) {
        if (error.description) {
            error.description = error.description.replace(INTEGER_REGEX, function(m) {
                try {
                    m = parseInt(m, 10);
                    return Utils.formatCurrency(m);
                } catch (e) {}

                return m;

        return error;

var Model = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.Evented, Ember.Copyable, LoadPromise, {

    isLoaded: false,
    isSaving: false,
    isDeleted: false,
    isError: false,
    isNew: true,
    isValid: true,

    displayErrorDescription: function() {
        return (!this.get('isValid') || this.get('isError')) &&
            (!this.get('validationErrors') || !_.keys(this.get('validationErrors')).length);
    }.property('isValid', 'isError', 'validationErrors'),

    id: Computed.orProperties('', '_id'),

    // computes the ID from the URI - exists because at times Ember needs the
    // ID of our model before it has finished loading. This gets overridden
    // when the real model object gets loaded by the ID value from the JSON
    // attribute
    _id: function() {
        var uri = this.get('uri');

        if (uri) {
            return uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

    save: function(settings) {
        var Adapter = this.constructor.getAdapter();
        var self = this;
        settings = settings || {};
        var data = this.constructor.serializer.serialize(this);

        self.set('isSaving', true);

        var creatingNewModel = this.get('isNew');

        var resolveEvent = creatingNewModel ? 'didCreate' : 'didUpdate';
        var uri = creatingNewModel ? this._createUri() : this.get('uri');
        var adapterFunc = creatingNewModel ? Adapter.create : Adapter.update;

        var promise = this.resolveOn(resolveEvent);, this.constructor, uri, data, function(json) {
            var deserializedJson = self.constructor.serializer.extractSingle(json, self.constructor, (creatingNewModel ? null : self.get('href')));

                isNew: false,
                isSaving: false,
                isValid: true,
                isError: false

            Model.Events.trigger(resolveEvent, self);
        }, $.proxy(self._handleError, self), settings);

        return promise;

    ingestErrorResponse: function(response) {
        var errorHandler = new ValidationServerErrorHandler(this, response);

    validateAndSave: function(settings) {
        if (this.get("isValid")) {
            var Adapter = this.constructor.getAdapter();
            var self = this;
            settings = settings || {};
            var data = this.constructor.serializer.serialize(this);

            self.set('isSaving', true);

            var creatingNewModel = this.get('isNew');
            var uri = creatingNewModel ? this._createUri() : this.get('uri');
            var adapterFunc = creatingNewModel ? Adapter.create : Adapter.update;
            var deferred = Ember.RSVP.defer();
            var successHandler = function(json) {
                var deserializedJson = self.constructor.serializer.extractSingle(json, self.constructor, (creatingNewModel ? null : self.get('href')));
                    isNew: false,
                    isSaving: false,
                    isValid: true,
                    isError: false

  , this.constructor, uri, data, function(json) {
            }, function(response) {
            }, settings);
            return deferred.promise;
        else {
            return Ember.RSVP.reject(this);

    _createUri: function() {
        return this.get('uri');

    delete: function(settings) {
        var self = this;
        settings = settings || {};

            isDeleted: true,
            isSaving: true

            .delete(this.constructor, this.get('uri'), function(json) {
                self.set('isSaving', false);
                Model.Events.trigger('didDelete', self);
            }, $.proxy(self._handleError, self), settings);
        return this.resolveOn('didDelete');

    reload: function() {
        if (!this.get('isLoaded')) {
            return this;

        var self = this;
        this.set('isLoaded', false);

        var promise = this.resolveOn('didLoad');

            .get(this.constructor, this.get('uri'), function(json) {
                var deserializedJson = self.constructor.serializer.extractSingle(json, self.constructor, self.get('href'));
                self.set('isLoaded', true);
            }, $.proxy(self._handleError, self));

        return promise;

    copy: function() {
        var modelObject = this.constructor.create({
            uri: this.get('uri')

        return modelObject;

    updateFromModel: function(modelObj) {

    populateFromJsonResponse: function(json) {
        var decodingUri = this.get('isNew') ? null : this.get('uri');
        var modelJson = this.constructor.serializer.extractSingle(json, this.constructor, decodingUri);

        if (modelJson) {
        } else {
                isNew: false,
                isError: true


    _updateFromJson: function(json) {
        var self = this;
        if (!json) {

        var changes = {
            isNew: false
        changes[JSON_PROPERTY_KEY] = json;


        Ember.changeProperties(function() {
            for (var prop in json) {
                if (json.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                    var desc = Ember.meta(self.constructor.proto(), false).descs[prop];
                    // don't override computed properties with raw json
                    if (!(desc && desc instanceof Ember.ComputedProperty)) {
                        self.set(prop, json[prop]);

        this.set('isLoaded', true);

    _handleError: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        this.set('isSaving', false);

        if (jqXHR.status >= 400 && jqXHR.status < 500) {
            this.set('isValid', false);
            this.trigger('becameInvalid', jqXHR.responseJSON || jqXHR.responseText);
        } else {
                isError: true,
                errorStatusCode: jqXHR.status
            this.trigger('becameError', jqXHR.responseJSON || jqXHR.responseText);

        if (jqXHR.responseJSON) {
            var res = jqXHR.responseJSON;

            if (res.errors && res.errors.length > 0) {
                var error = res.errors[0];

                _.each(AJAX_ERROR_PARSERS, function(ERROR_PARSER) {
                    var doesMatch = false;
                    if (_.isFunction(ERROR_PARSER.match)) {
                        doesMatch = ERROR_PARSER.match(error);
                    } else if (_.isRegExp(ERROR_PARSER.match)) {
                        doesMatch = ERROR_PARSER.match.test(error.category_code);
                    } else if (_.isString(ERROR_PARSER.match) && ERROR_PARSER.match === error.category_code) {
                        doesMatch = true;
                    } else if (!ERROR_PARSER.match) {
                        doesMatch = true;

                    if (doesMatch) {
                        error = ERROR_PARSER.parse(error);

                    validationErrors: Utils.extractValidationErrorHash(res),
                    errorDescription: error.description,
                    requestId: error.request_id,
                    errorCategoryCode: error.category_code,
                    lastError: error
            } else {
                if (res.description) {
                    this.set('errorDescription', res.description);

                if (res.request_id) {
                    this.set('requestId', res.requestId);

    _extractTypeClassFromUrisMetadata: function(uriProperty) {
        var uriMetadataProperty = JSON_PROPERTY_KEY + '.' + URI_METADATA_PROPERTY;

        var metadataType = this.get(uriMetadataProperty + '.' + uriProperty + '._type');
        if (metadataType) {
            var mappedType = TypeMappings.classForType(metadataType);
            if (mappedType) {
                return mappedType;
            } else {
                Ember.Logger.warn('Couldn\'t map _type of %@ for URI: %@'.fmt(metadataType, this.get('uri')));

        return undefined;

    isEqual: function(a, b) {
        b = b || this;
        return Ember.get(a, 'id') === Ember.get(b, 'id');

    getAdapter: function() {
        return BalancedApp.__container__.lookup("adapter:main");

    serializer: Rev1Serializer.create(),

    find: function(uri, settings) {
        var modelClass = this;
        var modelObject = modelClass.create({
            uri: uri

            isLoaded: false,
            isNew: false

            .get(modelClass, uri, function(json) {
                modelObject.populateFromJsonResponse(json, uri);
            }, $.proxy(modelObject._handleError, modelObject));

        return modelObject;

    fetch: function(uri, settings) {
        var modelClass = this;
        var deferred = Ember.RSVP.defer();
            .get(modelClass, uri, function(json) {
                var object = modelClass.create({
                    uri: uri,
                    isLoaded: false,
                    isNew: false
                object.populateFromJsonResponse(json, uri);
            }, function(error) {
        return deferred.promise;

    findAll: function(settings) {
        var uri = this.create().get('uri');

        if (!uri) {
            throw new Error('Can\'t call findAll for class that doesn\'t have a default URI: %@'.fmt(this));

        return ModelArray.newArrayLoadedFromUri(uri, this);

    constructUri: function(id) {
        var uri = this.create().get('uri');
        if (id) {
            return Utils.combineUri(uri, id);
        return uri;

     * Used for adding a one-to-one association to a model.
     * Params:
     * - propertyName - The property whose value we'll get to determine the URI
     *  or embedded data to use for the association
     *  - defaultType - Used as a fallback in case the object doesn't have a
     * _type or the _uris doesn't have data for this association
     * Example:
     * Marketplace = UserMarketplace.extend({
     *      owner_customer: Model.belongsTo('owner_customer_json', 'customer')
     * });
    belongsTo: function(propertyName, defaultType) {
        defaultType = defaultType || 'model';

        var embeddedProperty = JSON_PROPERTY_KEY + '.' + propertyName;
        var uriProperty = propertyName + URI_POSTFIX;
        var fullUriProperty = JSON_PROPERTY_KEY + '.' + propertyName + URI_POSTFIX;

        return Ember.computed(function() {
            var typeClass = TypeMappings.typeClass(defaultType);

            var embeddedPropertyValue = this.get(embeddedProperty);
            var uriPropertyValue = this.get(fullUriProperty);

            if (embeddedPropertyValue) {
                if (!embeddedPropertyValue._type) {
                    embeddedPropertyValue = typeClass.serializer.extractSingle(embeddedPropertyValue, typeClass) || embeddedPropertyValue;

                var embeddedObj = typeClass._materializeLoadedObjectFromAPIResult(embeddedPropertyValue);
                return embeddedObj;
            } else if (uriPropertyValue) {
                var metadataTypeClass = this._extractTypeClassFromUrisMetadata(uriProperty);
                if (metadataTypeClass) {
                    typeClass = metadataTypeClass;
                    return typeClass.find(uriPropertyValue);
                } else {
                    // if we can't figure out what type it is from the
                    // metadata, fetch it and set the result as an embedded
                    // property in our JSON. That'll force an update of the
                    // association
                    var self = this;
                        .get(defaultType, uriPropertyValue, function(json) {
                            var modelJson = typeClass.serializer.extractSingle(json, typeClass, uriPropertyValue);
                            self.set(embeddedProperty, modelJson);

                    return embeddedPropertyValue;
            } else {
                return embeddedPropertyValue;
        }).property(embeddedProperty, fullUriProperty);

    belongsToWithUri: function(defaultType, uriPropertyName) {
        return Ember.computed(function() {
            var typeClass = this.get("container").lookupFactory("model:" + defaultType);
            var uriPropertyValue = this.get(uriPropertyName);
            if (uriPropertyValue) {
                return typeClass.find(uriPropertyValue);
            } else {
                return null;

     * Used for adding a one-to-many association to a model.
     * Params:
     * - propertyName - The property whose value we'll get to determine the URI
     *  or embedded data to use for the association
     *  - defaultType - Used to find/construct child objects. If the _type
     * field is present in the returned JSON, we'll map that to create objects
     * of the correct type. Since we use the type of object to pick which host
     * to use, it's important to set the defaultType, even if your returned
     * data uses the _type field.
     * Example:
     * Marketplace = UserMarketplace.extend({
     *      customers: Model.hasMany('customers_json', 'customer')
     * });
    hasMany: function(propertyName, defaultType) {
        defaultType = defaultType || 'model';

        var embeddedProperty = JSON_PROPERTY_KEY + '.' + propertyName;
        var uriProperty = propertyName + URI_POSTFIX;
        var fullUriProperty = JSON_PROPERTY_KEY + '.' + uriProperty;
        var uriMetadataProperty = JSON_PROPERTY_KEY + '.' + URI_METADATA_PROPERTY;

        return Ember.computed(function() {
            var typeClass = TypeMappings.typeClass(defaultType);
            var embeddedPropertyValue = this.get(embeddedProperty);
            // if the URI isn't defined in the JSON, check for a property on
            // the model. This way we can hardcode URIs if necessary to support
            // undocumented URIs
            var uriPropertyValue = this.get(fullUriProperty) || this.get(uriProperty);

            if (embeddedPropertyValue) {
                return ModelArray.newArrayCreatedFromJson(embeddedPropertyValue, defaultType);
            } else if (uriPropertyValue) {
                return ModelArray.newArrayLoadedFromUri(uriPropertyValue, defaultType);
            } else {
                return ModelArray.create({
                    content: Ember.A(),
                    typeClass: typeClass
        }).property(embeddedProperty, uriProperty, fullUriProperty, uriMetadataProperty + '.@each');

    _materializeLoadedObjectFromAPIResult: function(json) {
        var UserMarketplace = require("balanced-dashboard/models/user-marketplace")['default'];
        var UserInvite = require("balanced-dashboard/models/user-invite")['default'];

        var objClass = this;

        if (json._type) {
            var mappedTypeClass = TypeMappings.classForType(json._type);
            if (mappedTypeClass) {
                objClass = mappedTypeClass;
        } else {
            // HACK - once we fix the API response from the auth proxy, we should take out the if
            if (objClass !== UserMarketplace && objClass !== UserInvite) {
                Ember.Logger.warn('No _type field found on URI: ' + json.uri);

        var typedObj = objClass.create();
        typedObj.set('isNew', false);

        return typedObj;

    _isEmbedded: function(propertyName, settings) {
        settings = settings || {};

        var embedded = !(/_uri$/.test(propertyName));
        if (settings.hasOwnProperty('embedded')) {
            embedded = settings.embedded;

        return embedded;

Model.Events = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.Evented).create();

export default Model;